1 Name: Robolectric | 1 Name: Robolectric |
2 URL: http://robolectric.org | 2 URL: http://robolectric.org |
3 Version: 2.4 | 3 Version: 3.0 |
4 License: Apache 2.0 | 4 License: Apache 2.0 |
5 License File: NOT_SHIPPED | 5 License File: NOT_SHIPPED |
6 Security Critical: no | 6 Security Critical: no |
7 License Android Compatible: yes | 7 License Android Compatible: yes |
8 Description: Robolectric is a unit test framework for Android. To update the | 8 Description: Robolectric is a unit test framework for Android. |
9 robolectric jars, go to robolectric.org/download and follow link to | 9 Local Modifications: |
10 robolectric-X.X.X-jar-with-dependencies.jar. | 10 - Removed Robolectric's dependence on Maven jars. |
11 Local Modifications: None | 11 - Switched Robolectric's XML parsing logic from using the vtd-xml library to |
| 12 using the org.w3c.dom package. |
| 13 - Hardcoded version number in robolectric-version.properties. |
| 14 - Hardcoded ShadowProvider service config file. This file is normally generated |
| 15 at compile time but it is difficult to use the generated file with GN. |