(Empty) | |
| 1 Test to make sure text-decoration property is backwards compatible with CSS 2.1
and CSS 3 shorthand. |
| 2 |
| 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 Initial values: |
| 7 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration') is null |
| 8 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration').toString() is '[object
CSSValueList]' |
| 9 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration').cssText is 'none solid
rgb(0, 0, 0)' |
| 10 |
| 11 CSS2.1 backwards compatibility ("text-decoration: underline overline line-throug
h blink;"): |
| 12 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-line').toString() is '[object
CSSValueList]' |
| 13 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-line').cssText is 'underline o
verline line-through blink' |
| 14 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-style').toString() is '[object
CSSValue]' |
| 15 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-style').cssText is 'initial' |
| 16 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-color').toString() is '[object
CSSValue]' |
| 17 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-color').cssText is 'initial' |
| 18 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration').toString() is '[object
CSSValueList]' |
| 19 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration').cssText is 'underline
overline line-through solid rgb(0, 0, 0)' |
| 20 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-line').toString() is '[o
bject CSSValueList]' |
| 21 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-line').cssText is 'under
line overline line-through' |
| 22 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-style').toString() is '[
object CSSPrimitiveValue]' |
| 23 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-style').cssText is 'soli
d' |
| 24 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-color').toString() is '[
object CSSPrimitiveValue]' |
| 25 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-color').cssText is 'rgb(
0, 0, 0)' |
| 26 PASS checkComputedStyleValue() is true |
| 27 |
| 28 CSS3 Shorthand ("text-decoration: underline overline line-through blink dashed r
ed;"): |
| 29 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration') is null |
| 30 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-line').cssText is 'underline o
verline line-through blink' |
| 31 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-style').cssText is 'dashed' |
| 32 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-color').cssText is 'red' |
| 33 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration').toString() is '[object
CSSValueList]' |
| 34 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration').cssText is 'underline
overline line-through dashed rgb(255, 0, 0)' |
| 35 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-line').toString() is '[o
bject CSSValueList]' |
| 36 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-line').cssText is 'under
line overline line-through' |
| 37 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-style').cssText is 'dash
ed' |
| 38 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-color').cssText is 'rgb(
255, 0, 0)' |
| 39 PASS checkComputedStyleValue() is true |
| 40 |
| 41 Omitting text decoration color and/or style fallbacks to their initial values ("
text-decoration: underline;"): |
| 42 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration') is null |
| 43 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-line').cssText is 'underline' |
| 44 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-style').cssText is 'initial' |
| 45 PASS e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-color').cssText is 'initial' |
| 46 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration').toString() is '[object
CSSValueList]' |
| 47 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration').cssText is 'underline
solid rgb(0, 0, 0)' |
| 48 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-line').cssText is 'under
line' |
| 49 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-style').cssText is 'soli
d' |
| 50 PASS computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('text-decoration-color').cssText is 'rgb(
0, 0, 0)' |
| 51 PASS checkComputedStyleValue() is true |
| 52 |
| 53 PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| 54 |
| 56 |