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Unified Diff: Source/core/css/MediaValues.cpp

Issue 201813002: Enable Media query evaluation in the preload scanner (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Fix Debug crash. Values based MediaValues::create Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: Source/core/css/MediaValues.cpp
diff --git a/Source/core/css/MediaValues.cpp b/Source/core/css/MediaValues.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..533562476a437a2e3061d531d862e209ba970495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/core/css/MediaValues.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "core/css/MediaValues.h"
+#include "core/dom/Document.h"
+#include "core/dom/Element.h"
+#include "core/frame/FrameHost.h"
+#include "core/frame/FrameView.h"
+#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
+#include "core/frame/Settings.h"
+#include "core/html/imports/HTMLImport.h"
+#include "core/page/Page.h"
+#include "core/rendering/RenderObject.h"
+#include "core/rendering/RenderView.h"
+#include "core/rendering/compositing/RenderLayerCompositor.h"
+#include "core/rendering/style/RenderStyle.h"
+#include "platform/PlatformScreen.h"
+namespace WebCore {
+static int calculateViewportWidth(LocalFrame* frame, RenderStyle* style)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->view() && style);
+ int viewportWidth = frame->view()->layoutSize(IncludeScrollbars).width();
+ return adjustForAbsoluteZoom(viewportWidth, style);
+static int calculateViewportHeight(LocalFrame* frame, RenderStyle* style)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->view() && style);
+ int viewportHeight = frame->view()->layoutSize(IncludeScrollbars).height();
+ return adjustForAbsoluteZoom(viewportHeight, style);
+static int calculateDeviceWidth(LocalFrame* frame)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->view() && frame->settings() && frame->host());
+ int deviceWidth = static_cast<int>(screenRect(frame->view()).width());
+ if (frame->settings()->reportScreenSizeInPhysicalPixelsQuirk())
+ deviceWidth = lroundf(deviceWidth * frame->host()->deviceScaleFactor());
+ return deviceWidth;
+static int calculateDeviceHeight(LocalFrame* frame)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->view() && frame->settings() && frame->host());
+ int deviceHeight = static_cast<int>(screenRect(frame->view()).height());
+ if (frame->settings()->reportScreenSizeInPhysicalPixelsQuirk())
+ deviceHeight = lroundf(deviceHeight * frame->host()->deviceScaleFactor());
+ return deviceHeight;
+static bool calculateStrictMode(LocalFrame* frame)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->document());
+ return !frame->document()->inQuirksMode();
+static float calculateDevicePixelRatio(LocalFrame* frame)
+ return frame->devicePixelRatio();
+static int calculateColorBitsPerComponent(LocalFrame* frame)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->page() && frame->page()->mainFrame());
+ if (screenIsMonochrome(frame->page()->mainFrame()->view()))
+ return 0;
+ return screenDepthPerComponent(frame->view());
+static int calculateMonochromeBitsPerComponent(LocalFrame* frame)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->page() && frame->page()->mainFrame());
+ if (screenIsMonochrome(frame->page()->mainFrame()->view()))
+ return screenDepthPerComponent(frame->view());
+ return 0;
+static int calculateDefaultFontSize(RenderStyle* style)
+ return style->fontDescription().specifiedSize();
+static bool calculateScanMediaType(LocalFrame* frame)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->view());
+ // Scan only applies to 'tv' media.
+ return equalIgnoringCase(frame->view()->mediaType(), "tv");
+static bool calculateScreenMediaType(LocalFrame* frame)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->view());
+ return equalIgnoringCase(frame->view()->mediaType(), "screen");
+static bool calculatePrintMediaType(LocalFrame* frame)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->view());
+ return equalIgnoringCase(frame->view()->mediaType(), "print");
+static bool calculateThreeDEnabled(LocalFrame* frame)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->contentRenderer() && frame->contentRenderer()->compositor());
+ bool threeDEnabled = false;
+ if (RenderView* view = frame->contentRenderer())
+ threeDEnabled = view->compositor()->canRender3DTransforms();
+ return threeDEnabled;
+static MediaValues::PointerDeviceType calculateLeastCapablePrimaryPointerDeviceType(LocalFrame* frame)
+ ASSERT(frame && frame->settings());
+ if (frame->settings()->deviceSupportsTouch())
+ return MediaValues::TouchPointer;
+ // FIXME: We should also try to determine if we know we have a mouse.
+ // When we do this, we'll also need to differentiate between known not to
+ // have mouse or touch screen (NoPointer) and unknown (UnknownPointer).
+ // We could also take into account other preferences like accessibility
+ // settings to decide which of the available pointers should be considered
+ // "primary".
+ return MediaValues::UnknownPointer;
+PassRefPtr<MediaValues> MediaValues::create(MediaValuesMode mode,
+ int viewportWidth,
+ int viewportHeight,
+ int deviceWidth,
+ int deviceHeight,
+ float devicePixelRatio,
+ int colorBitsPerComponent,
+ int monochromeBitsPerComponent,
+ PointerDeviceType pointer,
+ int defaultFontSize,
+ bool threeDEnabled,
+ bool scanMediaType,
+ bool screenMediaType,
+ bool printMediaType,
+ bool strictMode)
+ ASSERT(mode == CachingMode);
+ RefPtr<MediaValues> mediaValues = adoptRef(new MediaValues(0, nullptr, mode));
+ mediaValues->m_viewportWidth = viewportWidth;
+ mediaValues->m_viewportHeight = viewportHeight;
+ mediaValues->m_deviceWidth = deviceWidth;
+ mediaValues->m_deviceHeight = deviceHeight;
+ mediaValues->m_devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio;
+ mediaValues->m_colorBitsPerComponent = colorBitsPerComponent;
+ mediaValues->m_monochromeBitsPerComponent = monochromeBitsPerComponent;
+ mediaValues->m_pointer = pointer;
+ mediaValues->m_defaultFontSize = defaultFontSize;
+ mediaValues->m_threeDEnabled = threeDEnabled;
+ mediaValues->m_scanMediaType = scanMediaType;
+ mediaValues->m_screenMediaType = screenMediaType;
+ mediaValues->m_printMediaType = printMediaType;
+ mediaValues->m_strictMode = strictMode;
+ return mediaValues;
+PassRefPtr<MediaValues> MediaValues::create(LocalFrame* frame, RenderStyle* style, MediaValuesMode mode)
+ ASSERT(frame && style);
+ RefPtr<MediaValues> mediaValues;
+ mediaValues = adoptRef(new MediaValues(frame, style, mode));
+ if (mode == CachingMode) {
+ mediaValues->m_viewportWidth = calculateViewportWidth(frame, style);
+ mediaValues->m_viewportHeight = calculateViewportHeight(frame, style),
+ mediaValues->m_deviceWidth = calculateDeviceWidth(frame),
+ mediaValues->m_deviceHeight = calculateDeviceHeight(frame),
+ mediaValues->m_devicePixelRatio = calculateDevicePixelRatio(frame),
+ mediaValues->m_colorBitsPerComponent = calculateColorBitsPerComponent(frame),
+ mediaValues->m_monochromeBitsPerComponent = calculateMonochromeBitsPerComponent(frame),
+ mediaValues->m_pointer = calculateLeastCapablePrimaryPointerDeviceType(frame),
+ mediaValues->m_defaultFontSize = calculateDefaultFontSize(style),
+ mediaValues->m_threeDEnabled = calculateThreeDEnabled(frame),
+ mediaValues->m_scanMediaType = calculateScanMediaType(frame),
+ mediaValues->m_screenMediaType = calculateScreenMediaType(frame),
+ mediaValues->m_printMediaType = calculatePrintMediaType(frame),
+ mediaValues->m_strictMode = calculateStrictMode(frame);
+ mediaValues->m_style.clear();
+ mediaValues->m_frame = 0;
+ }
+ return mediaValues;
+PassRefPtr<MediaValues> MediaValues::create(Document* document, MediaValuesMode mode)
+ ASSERT(document);
+ Document* executingDocument = document->import() ? document->import()->master() : document;
+ ASSERT(executingDocument->frame());
+ ASSERT(executingDocument->renderer());
+ ASSERT(executingDocument->renderer()->style());
+ LocalFrame* frame = executingDocument->frame();
+ RenderStyle* style = executingDocument->renderer()->style();
+ return MediaValues::create(frame, style, mode);
+PassRefPtr<MediaValues> MediaValues::copy() const
+ ASSERT(m_mode == CachingMode && !m_style.get() && !m_frame);
+ RefPtr<MediaValues> mediaValues = adoptRef(new MediaValues(0, nullptr, m_mode));
+ mediaValues->m_viewportWidth = m_viewportWidth;
+ mediaValues->m_viewportHeight = m_viewportHeight;
+ mediaValues->m_deviceWidth = m_deviceWidth;
+ mediaValues->m_deviceHeight = m_deviceHeight;
+ mediaValues->m_devicePixelRatio = m_devicePixelRatio;
+ mediaValues->m_colorBitsPerComponent = m_colorBitsPerComponent;
+ mediaValues->m_monochromeBitsPerComponent = m_monochromeBitsPerComponent;
+ mediaValues->m_pointer = m_pointer;
+ mediaValues->m_defaultFontSize = m_defaultFontSize;
+ mediaValues->m_threeDEnabled = m_threeDEnabled;
+ mediaValues->m_scanMediaType = m_scanMediaType;
+ mediaValues->m_screenMediaType = m_screenMediaType;
+ mediaValues->m_printMediaType = m_printMediaType;
+ mediaValues->m_strictMode = m_strictMode;
+ return mediaValues;
+bool MediaValues::isSafeToSendToAnotherThread() const
+ return (!m_frame && !m_style && m_mode == CachingMode && hasOneRef());
+int MediaValues::viewportWidth() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateViewportWidth(m_frame, m_style.get());
+ return m_viewportWidth;
+int MediaValues::viewportHeight() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateViewportHeight(m_frame, m_style.get());
+ return m_viewportHeight;
+int MediaValues::deviceWidth() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateDeviceWidth(m_frame);
+ return m_deviceWidth;
+int MediaValues::deviceHeight() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateDeviceHeight(m_frame);
+ return m_deviceHeight;
+float MediaValues::devicePixelRatio() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateDevicePixelRatio(m_frame);
+ return m_devicePixelRatio;
+int MediaValues::colorBitsPerComponent() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateColorBitsPerComponent(m_frame);
+ return m_colorBitsPerComponent;
+int MediaValues::monochromeBitsPerComponent() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateMonochromeBitsPerComponent(m_frame);
+ return m_monochromeBitsPerComponent;
+MediaValues::PointerDeviceType MediaValues::pointer() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateLeastCapablePrimaryPointerDeviceType(m_frame);
+ return m_pointer;
+int MediaValues::defaultFontSize() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateDefaultFontSize(m_style.get());
+ return m_defaultFontSize;
+bool MediaValues::threeDEnabled() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateThreeDEnabled(m_frame);
+ return m_threeDEnabled;
+bool MediaValues::scanMediaType() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateScanMediaType(m_frame);
+ return m_scanMediaType;
+bool MediaValues::screenMediaType() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateScreenMediaType(m_frame);
+ return m_screenMediaType;
+bool MediaValues::printMediaType() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculatePrintMediaType(m_frame);
+ return m_printMediaType;
+bool MediaValues::strictMode() const
+ if (m_mode == DynamicMode)
+ return calculateStrictMode(m_frame);
+ return m_strictMode;
+Document* MediaValues::document() const
+ if (!m_frame)
+ return 0;
+ return m_frame->document();
+} // namespace
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