Index: docs/src/git-freeze.txt |
diff --git a/docs/src/git-freeze.txt b/docs/src/git-freeze.txt |
new file mode 100644 |
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4aaa7e18259669af97190c19932858071b121ae9 |
--- /dev/null |
+++ b/docs/src/git-freeze.txt |
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
+git-freeze(1) |
+============= |
+ |
+---- |
+git-freeze - |
+include::_git-freeze_desc.helper.txt[] |
+ |
+-------- |
+[verse] |
+'git freeze' |
+ |
+----------- |
+ |
+`git freeze` works a lot like `git stash`, in that it stores the current changes |
+in your working copy and index 'somewhere'. Unlike `git stash`, `git freeze` |
+stores those changes on your current branch. This effectively allows you to |
+'pause' development of a branch, work on something else, and then come back to |
+exactly the same working state later (by running `git thaw`). |
+ |
+`git freeze` will make up to 2 commits on your branch. A commit with the message |
+`FREEZE.indexed` will contain all changes which you’ve added to your index (like |
+with 'git add', 'git mv', 'git rm', etc.). A commit with the message |
+`FREEZE.unindexed` will contain all changes which were not in your index at the |
+time you ran git freeze (freshly modified files, new files, etc.). |
+ |
+------- |
+ |
+[subs="specialcharacters,quotes,attributes"] |
+---- |
+[white]**$ git status --short** |
+[green]##A## added_file |
+[green]##A##{zwsp}[red]##M## added_file_with_unstaged_changes |
+[green]##D## deleted_file |
+ [red]##M## modified_file |
+ [red]##D## unstaged_deleted_file |
+[red]##??## unadded_file |
+[white]**$ git freeze** |
+[white]**$ git status --short** |
+[white]**$ git log -n 2 --stat** |
+[yellow]##commit 182eccae8e385acba21c9ff2713e98ff4b7e17cd## |
+Author: Robert Iannucci <> |
+Date: Thu Mar 13 17:42:37 2014 -0700 |
+ |
+ FREEZE.unindexed |
+ |
+ added_file_with_unstaged_changes | 3 [green]##\+\+##{zwsp}[red]##-## |
+ modified_file | 4 [green]##\+\+\+##{zwsp}[red]##-## |
+ unadded_file | 3 [green]##\+\+\+## |
+ unstaged_deleted_file | 1 [red]##-## |
+ 4 files changed, 8 insertions(\+), 3 deletions(-) |
+ |
+[yellow]##commit ce07bdc49a61f54e6142b4bba5cc517cf6802bd4## |
+Author: Robert Iannucci <> |
+Date: Thu Mar 13 17:42:37 2014 -0700 |
+ |
+ FREEZE.indexed |
+ |
+ added_file | 3 [green]##\+\+\+## |
+ added_file_with_unstaged_changes | 1 [green]##\+## |
+ deleted_file | 1 [red]##-## |
+ 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) |
+[white]**$ git thaw** |
+[white]**$ git status --short** |
+[green]##A## added_file |
+[green]##A##{zwsp}[red]##M## added_file_with_unstaged_changes |
+[green]##D## deleted_file |
+ [red]##M## modified_file |
+ [red]##D## unstaged_deleted_file |
+[red]##??## unadded_file |
+---- |
+ |
+-------- |
+linkgit:git-thaw[1] |
+ |
+include::_footer.txt[] |
+ |
+// vim: ft=asciidoc noexpandtab: |