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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/quirks-mode/unitless-length.html

Issue 1974833002: Import quirks-mode tests (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Add separate Release and Debug entries Created 4 years, 7 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/quirks-mode/unitless-length.html
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/quirks-mode/unitless-length.html b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/quirks-mode/unitless-length.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4102f36dcee81c57900cc190f59b16927b9c4a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/quirks-mode/unitless-length.html
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <title>The unitless length quirk</title>
+ <script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+ <style> iframe { width:20px; height:20px; } </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id=log></div>
+ <iframe id=quirks></iframe>
+ <iframe id=almost></iframe>
+ <iframe id=standards></iframe>
+ <script>
+ setup({explicit_done:true});
+ onload = function() {
+ var html = "<style id=style></style><div id=test></div><div id=ref></div>";
+ var a_doctype = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">';
+ var s_doctype = '<!DOCTYPE HTML>';
+ var q = document.getElementById('quirks').contentWindow;
+ var a = document.getElementById('almost').contentWindow;
+ var s = document.getElementById('standards').contentWindow;
+ q.document.write(html);
+ q.document.close();
+ a.document.write(a_doctype + html);
+ a.document.close();
+ s.document.write(s_doctype + html);
+ s.document.close();
+ [q, a, s].forEach(function(win) {
+ ['style', 'test', 'ref'].forEach(function(id) {
+ win[id] = win.document.getElementById(id);
+ });
+ });
+ var tests = [
+ {input:"1", q:"1px"},
+ {input:"+1", q:"1px"},
+ {input:"-1", q:"-1px"},
+ {input:"1.5", q:"1.5px"},
+ {input:"+1.5", q:"1.5px"},
+ {input:"-1.5", q:"-1.5px"},
+ {input:"\\31 "},
+ {input:"+\\31 "},
+ {input:"-\\31 "},
+ {input:"\\31 .5"},
+ {input:"+\\31 .5"},
+ {input:"-\\31 .5"},
+ {input:"1\\31 "},
+ {input:"+1\\31 "},
+ {input:"-1\\31 "},
+ {input:"1\\31 .5"},
+ {input:"+1\\31 .5"},
+ {input:"-1\\31 .5"},
+ {input:"a"},
+ {input:"A"},
+ {input:"1a"},
+ {input:"+1a"},
+ {input:"-1a"},
+ {input:"+1A"},
+ {input:"-1A"},
+ {input:"+a"},
+ {input:"-a"},
+ {input:"+A"},
+ {input:"-A"},
+ {input:"@a"},
+ {input:"@1"},
+ {input:"@1a"},
+ {input:'"a"'},
+ {input:'"1"'},
+ {input:'"1a"'},
+ {input:"url(1)"},
+ {input:"url('1')"},
+ {input:"#1"},
+ {input:"#01"},
+ {input:"#001"},
+ {input:"#0001"},
+ {input:"#00001"},
+ {input:"#000001"},
+ {input:"+/**/1"},
+ {input:"-/**/1"},
+ {input:"calc(1)"},
+ {input:"calc(2 * 2px)", q:"4px", s:"4px"},
+ {input:"1px 2", q:"1px 2px", shorthand:true},
+ {input:"1 2px", q:"1px 2px", shorthand:true},
+ {input:"1px calc(2)", shorthand:true},
+ {input:"calc(1) 2px", shorthand:true},
+ {input:"1 +2", q:"1px 2px", shorthand:true},
+ {input:"1 -2", q:"1px -2px", shorthand:true},
+ ];
+ var props = [
+ {prop:'background-position', check:'background-position', check_also:[]},
+ {prop:'border-spacing', check:'border-spacing', check_also:[]},
+ {prop:'border-top-width', check:'border-top-width'},
+ {prop:'border-right-width', check:'border-right-width'},
+ {prop:'border-bottom-width', check:'border-bottom-width'},
+ {prop:'border-left-width', check:'border-left-width'},
+ {prop:'border-width', check:'border-top-width', check_also:['border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', 'border-left-width']},
+ {prop:'bottom', check:'bottom'},
+ {prop:'clip', check:'clip'},
+ {prop:'font-size', check:'font-size'},
+ {prop:'height', check:'height'},
+ {prop:'left', check:'left'},
+ {prop:'letter-spacing', check:'letter-spacing'},
+ {prop:'margin-right', check:'margin-right'},
+ {prop:'margin-left', check:'margin-left'},
+ {prop:'margin-top', check:'margin-top'},
+ {prop:'margin-bottom', check:'margin-bottom'},
+ {prop:'margin', check:'margin-top', check_also:['margin-right', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-left']},
+ {prop:'max-height', check:'max-height'},
+ {prop:'max-width', check:'max-width'},
+ {prop:'min-height', check:'min-height'},
+ {prop:'min-width', check:'min-width'},
+ {prop:'padding-top', check:'padding-top'},
+ {prop:'padding-right', check:'padding-right'},
+ {prop:'padding-bottom', check:'padding-bottom'},
+ {prop:'padding-left', check:'padding-left'},
+ {prop:'padding', check:'padding-top', check_also:['padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left']},
+ {prop:'right', check:'right'},
+ {prop:'text-indent', check:'text-indent'},
+ {prop:'top', check:'top'},
+ {prop:'vertical-align', check:'vertical-align'},
+ {prop:'width', check:'width'},
+ {prop:'word-spacing', check:'word-spacing'},
+ ];
+ var style_template = '#test{border-style:solid;position:relative;{prop}:{test};}' +
+ '#ref{border-style:solid;position:relative;{prop}:{ref};}';
+ tests.forEach(function(t) {
+ var test_q = async_test(t.input + ' (quirks)');
+ var test_a = async_test(t.input + ' (almost standards)');
+ var test_s = async_test(t.input + ' (standards)');
+ for (var i in props) {
+ if (t.shorthand && !(props[i].check_also)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ test_q.step(function() {
+ = style_template.replace('{test}', t.input)
+ .replace('{ref}', t.q).replace(/\{prop\}/g, props[i].prop)
+ .replace(/clip:[^;]+/g, function(match) {
+ return 'clip:rect(auto, auto, auto, ' + match.substr(5) + ')';
+ });
+ assert_equals(q.getComputedStyle(q.test).getPropertyValue(props[i].check),
+ q.getComputedStyle(q.ref).getPropertyValue(props[i].check),
+ props[i].prop);
+ if (t.shorthand && props[i].check_also) {
+ for (var j in props[i].check_also) {
+ assert_equals(q.getComputedStyle(q.test).getPropertyValue(props[i].check_also[j]),
+ q.getComputedStyle(q.ref).getPropertyValue(props[i].check_also[j]),
+ props[i].prop + ', checking ' + props[i].check_also[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ test_a.step(function() {
+ = style_template.replace('{test}', t.input)
+ .replace('{ref}', t.s).replace(/\{prop\}/g, props[i].prop)
+ .replace(/clip:[^;]+/g, function(match) {
+ return 'clip:rect(auto, auto, auto, ' + match.substr(5) + ')';
+ });
+ assert_equals(a.getComputedStyle(a.test).getPropertyValue(props[i].check),
+ a.getComputedStyle(a.ref).getPropertyValue(props[i].check),
+ props[i].prop + ' in almost standards mode');
+ if (t.shorthand && props[i].check_also) {
+ for (var j in props[i].check_also) {
+ assert_equals(a.getComputedStyle(a.test).getPropertyValue(props[i].check_also[j]),
+ a.getComputedStyle(a.ref).getPropertyValue(props[i].check_also[j]),
+ props[i].prop + ', checking ' + props[i].check_also[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ test_s.step(function() {
+ = style_template.replace('{test}', t.input)
+ .replace('{ref}', t.s).replace(/\{prop\}/g, props[i].prop)
+ .replace(/clip:[^;]+/g, function(match) {
+ return 'clip:rect(auto, auto, auto, ' + match.substr(5) + ')';
+ });
+ assert_equals(s.getComputedStyle(s.test).getPropertyValue(props[i].check),
+ s.getComputedStyle(s.ref).getPropertyValue(props[i].check),
+ props[i].prop + ' in standards mode');
+ if (t.shorthand && props[i].check_also) {
+ for (var j in props[i].check_also) {
+ assert_equals(s.getComputedStyle(s.test).getPropertyValue(props[i].check_also[j]),
+ s.getComputedStyle(s.ref).getPropertyValue(props[i].check_also[j]),
+ props[i].prop + ', checking ' + props[i].check_also[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ test_q.done();
+ test_a.done();
+ test_s.done();
+ });
+ var other_tests = [
+ {input:'background:1 1', prop:'background-position'},
+ {input:'border-top:red solid 1', prop:'border-top-width'},
+ {input:'border-right:red solid 1', prop:'border-right-width'},
+ {input:'border-bottom:red solid 1', prop:'border-bottom-width'},
+ {input:'border-left:red solid 1', prop:'border-left-width'},
+ {input:'border:red solid 1', prop:'border-top-width'},
+ {input:'font:normal normal normal 40 sans-serif', prop:'font-size'},
+ {input:'outline:red solid 1', prop:'outline-width'},
+ {input:'outline-width:1', prop:'outline-width'},
+ ];
+ var other_template = "#test{position:relative;outline-style:solid;{test}}" +
+ "#ref{outline-style:solid}";
+ other_tests.forEach(function(t) {
+ test(function() {
+ = other_template.replace('{test}', t.input);
+ assert_equals(q.getComputedStyle(q.test).getPropertyValue(t.prop),
+ q.getComputedStyle(q.ref).getPropertyValue(t.prop),
+ 'quirk was supported');
+ }, 'Excluded property '+t.input);
+ });
+ done();
+ }
+ </script>
+ </body>
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