1 Verify that VTTCue exceptions are properly messaged to developers. | 1 Verify that VTTCue exceptions are properly messaged to developers. |
2 | 2 |
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". | 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 PASS cue.vertical = 'Invalid!'; threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to set the '
vertical' property on 'VTTCue': The value provided ('Invalid!') is invalid. Only
'rl', 'lr', and the empty string are accepted.. | 6 PASS cue.vertical = 'Invalid!'; threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to set the '
vertical' property on 'VTTCue': The value provided ('Invalid!') is invalid. Only
'rl', 'lr', and the empty string are accepted.. |
7 PASS cue.line = -1; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'line' pro
perty on 'VTTCue': The snap-to-lines flag is not set, and the value provided (-1
) is not between 0 and 100.. | 7 PASS cue.line = -1; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'line' pro
perty on 'VTTCue': The snap-to-lines flag is not set, and the value provided (-1
) is not between 0 and 100.. |
8 PASS cue.line = 101; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'line' pr
operty on 'VTTCue': The snap-to-lines flag is not set, and the value provided (1
01) is not between 0 and 100.. | 8 PASS cue.line = 101; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'line' pr
operty on 'VTTCue': The snap-to-lines flag is not set, and the value provided (1
01) is not between 0 and 100.. |
9 PASS cue.position = -1; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'posit
ion' property on 'VTTCue': The value provided (-1) is not between 0 and 100.. | 9 PASS cue.position = -1; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'posit
ion' property on 'VTTCue': The value provided (-1) is outside the range [0, 100]
.. |
10 PASS cue.position = 101; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'posi
tion' property on 'VTTCue': The value provided (101) is not between 0 and 100.. | 10 PASS cue.position = 101; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'posi
tion' property on 'VTTCue': The value provided (101) is outside the range [0, 10
0].. |
11 PASS cue.size = -1; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'size' pro
perty on 'VTTCue': The value provided (-1) is not between 0 and 100.. | 11 PASS cue.size = -1; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'size' pro
perty on 'VTTCue': The value provided (-1) is outside the range [0, 100].. |
12 PASS cue.size = 101; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'size' pr
operty on 'VTTCue': The value provided (101) is not between 0 and 100.. | 12 PASS cue.size = 101; threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'size' pr
operty on 'VTTCue': The value provided (101) is outside the range [0, 100].. |
13 PASS cue.align = 'Invalid!'; threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to set the 'ali
gn' property on 'VTTCue': The value provided ('Invalid!') is invalid. Only 'star
t', 'middle', 'end', 'left', and 'right' are accepted.. | 13 PASS cue.align = 'Invalid!'; threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to set the 'ali
gn' property on 'VTTCue': The value provided ('Invalid!') is invalid. Only 'star
t', 'middle', 'end', 'left', and 'right' are accepted.. |
14 PASS successfullyParsed is true | 14 PASS successfullyParsed is true |
15 | 15 |
17 | 17 |