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Unified Diff: LayoutTests/fast/regions/hover-in-region-parent-skip-inlines-anonymous.html

Issue 19660002: Revert "[CSS Regions] Mouse over an element does not trigger :hover state for parent when the eleme… (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 5 months ago
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Index: LayoutTests/fast/regions/hover-in-region-parent-skip-inlines-anonymous.html
diff --git a/LayoutTests/fast/regions/hover-in-region-parent-skip-inlines-anonymous.html b/LayoutTests/fast/regions/hover-in-region-parent-skip-inlines-anonymous.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e964c289c07d42174782a8e5bafe8ecceb00247..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LayoutTests/fast/regions/hover-in-region-parent-skip-inlines-anonymous.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <head>
- <style>
- /* Make sure the console and the description don't interfere with the rest of the layout. */
- #description {
- position: absolute;
- top: 0px;
- }
- #console {
- position: absolute;
- top: 100px;
- }
- #grandparent, #parent2 {
- width: 200px;
- height: 200px;
- background-color: lightblue;
- border: 2px solid blue;
- }
- #parent2 {
- background-color: yellow;
- }
- #parent {
- width: 150px; height: 150px;
- -webkit-flow-into: flow;
- background-color: orange;
- }
- #child {
- width: 100px;
- height: 100px;
- background-color: red;
- border: 2px solid blue;
- }
- #region {
- width: 200px;
- height: 200px;
- -webkit-flow-from: flow;
- border: 2px solid lime;
- position: relative;
- left: 250px;
- top: -300px;
- }
- #spanBefore, #spanAfter, #spanAway {
- -webkit-flow-into: flow;
- background-color: salmon;
- }
- #child:hover {
- background-color: green;
- }
- #grandparent:hover, #parent2:hover {
- background-color: green;
- }
- #spanBefore:hover, #spanAfter:hover, #spanAway:hover {
- background-color: yellow;
- }
- </style>
- <script src="../js/resources/js-test-pre.js"></script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <ol class="visualElement">
- <li>Move the mouse over the orange square
- <ul>
- <li>The lightblue square should turn green</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Move the mouse over the red square
- <ul>
- <li>The red and lightblue squares should turn green</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Move the mouse over the "Before" or "After" texts
- <ul>
- <li>The text's background should turn yellow and the lightblue square should turn green</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Move the mouse over the "Away" text
- <ul>
- <li>The text's background should turn yellow and the yellow square should turn green</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ol>
- <div class="visualElement" id="grandparent">
- <span id="spanBefore">Before</span>
- <div class="visualElement" id="parent">
- <div class="visualElement" id="child"></div>
- </div>
- <span id="spanAfter">After</span>
- </div>
- <div class="visualElement" id="parent2">
- <span id="spanAway">Away</span>
- </div>
- <div class="visualElement" id="region"></div>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- description("Test hover on child when flowed into region.")
- if (window.eventSender) {
- var child = document.querySelector("#child");
- var parent = document.querySelector("#parent");
- var parent2 = document.querySelector("#parent2");
- var grandparent = document.querySelector("#grandparent");
- var textBefore = document.querySelector("#spanBefore");
- var textAfter = document.querySelector("#spanAfter");
- var textAway = document.querySelector("#spanAway");
- // move mouse on the parent object
- {
- eventSender.mouseMoveTo(parent.offsetLeft + 145, parent.offsetTop + 50);
- eventSender.mouseDown(0);
- eventSender.leapForward(500);
- eventSender.mouseUp(0);
- var childColor = window.getComputedStyle(child).getPropertyValue("background-color");
- var grandparentColor = window.getComputedStyle(grandparent).getPropertyValue("background-color");
- if (childColor == "rgb(255, 0, 0)")
- testPassed("Child hover event processed OK.");
- else
- testFailed("Child hover event FAILED to process, " + childColor);
- if (grandparentColor == "rgb(0, 128, 0)")
- testPassed("Grandparent hover event processed OK.");
- else
- testFailed("Grandparent hover event FAILED to process.");
- }
- // move mouse on the child object
- {
- eventSender.mouseMoveTo(child.offsetLeft + 10, child.offsetTop + 50);
- eventSender.mouseDown(0);
- eventSender.leapForward(500);
- eventSender.mouseUp(0);
- var childColor = window.getComputedStyle(child).getPropertyValue("background-color");
- var grandparentColor = window.getComputedStyle(grandparent).getPropertyValue("background-color");
- if (childColor == "rgb(0, 128, 0)")
- testPassed("Child hover event processed OK.");
- else
- testFailed("Child hover event FAILED to process.");
- if (grandparentColor == "rgb(0, 128, 0)")
- testPassed("Grandparent hover event processed OK.");
- else
- testFailed("Grandparent hover event FAILED to process.");
- }
- // move mouse on the "Before" text
- {
- eventSender.mouseMoveTo(spanBefore.offsetLeft + 5, spanBefore.offsetTop + 5);
- eventSender.mouseDown(0);
- eventSender.leapForward(500);
- eventSender.mouseUp(0);
- var grandparentColor = window.getComputedStyle(grandparent).getPropertyValue("background-color");
- var textColor = window.getComputedStyle(spanBefore).getPropertyValue("background-color");
- if (textColor == "rgb(255, 255, 0)")
- testPassed("Span hover event processed OK.");
- else
- testFailed("Span hover event FAILED to process.");
- if (grandparentColor == "rgb(0, 128, 0)")
- testPassed("Grandparent hover event processed OK.");
- else
- testFailed("Grandparent hover event FAILED to process.");
- }
- // move mouse on the "After" text
- {
- eventSender.mouseMoveTo(spanAfter.offsetLeft + 5, spanAfter.offsetTop + 5);
- eventSender.mouseDown(0);
- eventSender.leapForward(500);
- eventSender.mouseUp(0);
- var grandparentColor = window.getComputedStyle(grandparent).getPropertyValue("background-color");
- var textColor = window.getComputedStyle(spanAfter).getPropertyValue("background-color");
- if (textColor == "rgb(255, 255, 0)")
- testPassed("Span hover event processed OK.");
- else
- testFailed("Span hover event FAILED to process.");
- if (grandparentColor == "rgb(0, 128, 0)")
- testPassed("Grandparent hover event processed OK.");
- else
- testFailed("Grandparent hover event FAILED to process.");
- }
- // move mouse on the "Away" text
- {
- eventSender.mouseMoveTo(spanAway.offsetLeft + 5, spanAway.offsetTop + 5);
- eventSender.mouseDown(0);
- eventSender.leapForward(500);
- eventSender.mouseUp(0);
- var parent2Color = window.getComputedStyle(parent2).getPropertyValue("background-color");
- var textColor = window.getComputedStyle(spanAway).getPropertyValue("background-color");
- if (textColor == "rgb(255, 255, 0)")
- testPassed("Span hover event processed OK.");
- else
- testFailed("Span hover event FAILED to process.");
- if (parent2Color == "rgb(0, 128, 0)")
- testPassed("Parent2 hover event processed OK.");
- else
- testFailed("Parent2 hover event FAILED to process.");
- }
- }
- if (window.testRunner) {
- var elementsToHide = document.querySelectorAll(".visualElement");
- for (var i=0; i<elementsToHide.length; i++)
- elementsToHide[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- else {
- var elementsToHide = document.querySelectorAll("#console, #description");
- for (var i=0; i<elementsToHide.length; i++)
- elementsToHide[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- </script>
- <script src="../js/resources/js-test-post.js"></script>
- </body>

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