1 # ====== Oilpan-only failures from here ====== | 1 # ====== Oilpan-only failures from here ====== |
2 # Most of these actually cause the tests to report success, rather than | 2 # Most of these actually cause the tests to report success, rather than |
3 # failure. Expected outputs will be adjusted for the better once Oilpan | 3 # failure. Expected outputs will be adjusted for the better once Oilpan |
4 # has been well and truly enabled always. | 4 # has been well and truly enabled always. |
5 | 5 |
6 # With Oilpan, the parent pointer in the CSSRule hierarchy is | 6 # With Oilpan, the parent pointer in the CSSRule hierarchy is |
7 # strong. This is the intended behavior. | 7 # strong. This is the intended behavior. |
8 crbug.com/345630 fast/dom/StyleSheet/gc-parent-rule.html [ Failure ] | 8 crbug.com/345630 fast/dom/StyleSheet/gc-parent-rule.html [ Failure ] |
9 crbug.com/345630 fast/dom/StyleSheet/gc-parent-stylesheet.html [ Failure ] | 9 crbug.com/345630 fast/dom/StyleSheet/gc-parent-stylesheet.html [ Failure ] |
10 crbug.com/345655 fast/dom/StyleSheet/detached-parent-rule-without-wrapper.html [
Failure ] | 10 crbug.com/345655 fast/dom/StyleSheet/detached-parent-rule-without-wrapper.html [
Failure ] |
(...skipping 551 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
562 crbug.com/517840 imported/web-platform-tests/webrtc/rtcpeerconnection/rtcpeercon
nection-idl.html [ Failure Timeout ] | 562 crbug.com/517840 imported/web-platform-tests/webrtc/rtcpeerconnection/rtcpeercon
nection-idl.html [ Failure Timeout ] |
563 | 563 |
564 | 564 |
565 crbug.com/552494 scrollbars/overflow-scrollbar-combinations.html [ Pass Failure
] | 565 crbug.com/552494 scrollbars/overflow-scrollbar-combinations.html [ Pass Failure
] |
566 crbug.com/552494 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/scrollbars/overflow-scro
llbar-combinations.html [ Pass Failure ] | 566 crbug.com/552494 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/scrollbars/overflow-scro
llbar-combinations.html [ Pass Failure ] |
567 crbug.com/552494 virtual/rootlayerscrolls/scrollbars/overflow-scrollbar-combinat
ions.html [ Pass Failure ] | 567 crbug.com/552494 virtual/rootlayerscrolls/scrollbars/overflow-scrollbar-combinat
ions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
568 | 568 |
569 crbug.com/380217 [ Linux Win ] fast/shapes/shape-outside-floats/shape-outside-fl
oats-inset-rounded-large-radius.html [ Skip ] | 569 crbug.com/380217 [ Linux Win ] fast/shapes/shape-outside-floats/shape-outside-fl
oats-inset-rounded-large-radius.html [ Skip ] |
570 crbug.com/380217 [ Win ] fast/shapes/shape-outside-floats/shape-outside-floats-i
nset-rounded-bottom-left.html [ Skip ] | 570 crbug.com/380217 [ Win ] fast/shapes/shape-outside-floats/shape-outside-floats-i
nset-rounded-bottom-left.html [ Skip ] |
571 | 571 |
572 crbug.com/601011 css2.1/20110323/background-intrinsic-004.htm [ NeedsManualRebas
eline ] | |
573 crbug.com/601011 svg/as-background-image/background-image-preserveaspectRatio-su
pport.html [ NeedsManualRebaseline ] | |
574 | |
575 crbug.com/405389 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/supported-shapes
/polygon/shape-outside-polygon-017.html [ Failure ] | 572 crbug.com/405389 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/supported-shapes
/polygon/shape-outside-polygon-017.html [ Failure ] |
576 crbug.com/424365 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/shape-image/shap
e-image-010.html [ Failure ] | 573 crbug.com/424365 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/shape-image/shap
e-image-010.html [ Failure ] |
577 crbug.com/424365 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/shape-image/shap
e-image-024.html [ Failure ] | 574 crbug.com/424365 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/shape-image/shap
e-image-024.html [ Failure ] |
578 crbug.com/441840 [ Linux Win ] imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/va
lues/shape-margin-001.html [ Failure ] | 575 crbug.com/441840 [ Linux Win ] imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/va
lues/shape-margin-001.html [ Failure ] |
579 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-circle-004.html [ Failure ] | 576 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-circle-004.html [ Failure ] |
580 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-circle-005.html [ Failure ] | 577 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-circle-005.html [ Failure ] |
581 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-ellipse-004.html [ Failure ] | 578 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-ellipse-004.html [ Failure ] |
582 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-ellipse-005.html [ Failure ] | 579 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-ellipse-005.html [ Failure ] |
583 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-inset-003.html [ Failure ] | 580 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-inset-003.html [ Failure ] |
584 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-polygon-004.html [ Failure ] | 581 crbug.com/441840 imported/csswg-test/css-shapes-1/shape-outside/values/shape-out
side-polygon-004.html [ Failure ] |
(...skipping 739 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
1324 crbug.com/603703 [ Linux ] imported/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-
timeline/document-timeline.html [ Failure Pass ] | 1321 crbug.com/603703 [ Linux ] imported/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-
timeline/document-timeline.html [ Failure Pass ] |
1325 | 1322 |
1326 crbug.com/600248 imported/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-effect-tim
ing/endDelay.html [ Failure ] | 1323 crbug.com/600248 imported/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-effect-tim
ing/endDelay.html [ Failure ] |
1327 crbug.com/600248 imported/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation/constructo
r.html [ Failure Timeout ] | 1324 crbug.com/600248 imported/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation/constructo
r.html [ Failure Timeout ] |
1328 | 1325 |
1329 crbug.com/604642 [ Mac ] fast/text/midword-break-after-breakable-char.html [ Fa
ilure ] | 1326 crbug.com/604642 [ Mac ] fast/text/midword-break-after-breakable-char.html [ Fa
ilure ] |
1330 | 1327 |
1331 crbug.com/605047 [ Mac10.11 Retina ] fast/text/emphasis.html [ Failure ] | 1328 crbug.com/605047 [ Mac10.11 Retina ] fast/text/emphasis.html [ Failure ] |
1332 | 1329 |
1333 crbug.com/605059 [ Retina ] fast/text/international/rtl-negative-letter-spacing.
html [ Failure ] | 1330 crbug.com/605059 [ Retina ] fast/text/international/rtl-negative-letter-spacing.
html [ Failure ] |