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Unified Diff: cc/raster/

Issue 1910213005: cc: Refactor TileTaskWorkerPool. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: feedback Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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diff --git a/cc/raster/ b/cc/raster/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c12301f2320406e1deb3090aaf41da35748a7e8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cc/raster/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "cc/raster/one_copy_tile_task_worker_pool.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <limits>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "cc/base/math_util.h"
-#include "cc/raster/staging_buffer_pool.h"
-#include "cc/resources/platform_color.h"
-#include "cc/resources/resource_format.h"
-#include "cc/resources/resource_util.h"
-#include "cc/resources/scoped_resource.h"
-#include "gpu/GLES2/gl2extchromium.h"
-#include "gpu/command_buffer/client/gles2_interface.h"
-#include "gpu/command_buffer/client/gpu_memory_buffer_manager.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/buffer_format_util.h"
-namespace cc {
-namespace {
-class RasterBufferImpl : public RasterBuffer {
- public:
- RasterBufferImpl(OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool* worker_pool,
- ResourceProvider* resource_provider,
- ResourceFormat resource_format,
- const Resource* resource,
- uint64_t previous_content_id)
- : worker_pool_(worker_pool),
- resource_(resource),
- lock_(resource_provider, resource->id()),
- previous_content_id_(previous_content_id) {}
- ~RasterBufferImpl() override {}
- // Overridden from RasterBuffer:
- void Playback(
- const RasterSource* raster_source,
- const gfx::Rect& raster_full_rect,
- const gfx::Rect& raster_dirty_rect,
- uint64_t new_content_id,
- float scale,
- const RasterSource::PlaybackSettings& playback_settings) override {
- worker_pool_->PlaybackAndCopyOnWorkerThread(
- resource_, &lock_, raster_source, raster_full_rect, raster_dirty_rect,
- scale, playback_settings, previous_content_id_, new_content_id);
- }
- private:
- OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool* worker_pool_;
- const Resource* resource_;
- ResourceProvider::ScopedWriteLockGL lock_;
- uint64_t previous_content_id_;
-// 4MiB is the size of 4 512x512 tiles, which has proven to be a good
-// default batch size for copy operations.
-const int kMaxBytesPerCopyOperation = 1024 * 1024 * 4;
-} // namespace
-// static
-std::unique_ptr<TileTaskWorkerPool> OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::Create(
- base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner,
- TaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner,
- ContextProvider* context_provider,
- ResourceProvider* resource_provider,
- int max_copy_texture_chromium_size,
- bool use_partial_raster,
- int max_staging_buffer_usage_in_bytes,
- ResourceFormat preferred_tile_format) {
- return base::WrapUnique<TileTaskWorkerPool>(new OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool(
- task_runner, task_graph_runner, resource_provider,
- max_copy_texture_chromium_size, use_partial_raster,
- max_staging_buffer_usage_in_bytes, preferred_tile_format));
- base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner,
- TaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner,
- ResourceProvider* resource_provider,
- int max_copy_texture_chromium_size,
- bool use_partial_raster,
- int max_staging_buffer_usage_in_bytes,
- ResourceFormat preferred_tile_format)
- : task_graph_runner_(task_graph_runner),
- namespace_token_(task_graph_runner->GetNamespaceToken()),
- resource_provider_(resource_provider),
- max_bytes_per_copy_operation_(
- max_copy_texture_chromium_size
- ? std::min(kMaxBytesPerCopyOperation,
- max_copy_texture_chromium_size)
- : kMaxBytesPerCopyOperation),
- use_partial_raster_(use_partial_raster),
- bytes_scheduled_since_last_flush_(0),
- preferred_tile_format_(preferred_tile_format) {
- staging_pool_ = StagingBufferPool::Create(task_runner, resource_provider,
- use_partial_raster,
- max_staging_buffer_usage_in_bytes);
-OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::~OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool() {
-void OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::Shutdown() {
- TRACE_EVENT0("cc", "OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::Shutdown");
- TaskGraph empty;
- task_graph_runner_->ScheduleTasks(namespace_token_, &empty);
- task_graph_runner_->WaitForTasksToFinishRunning(namespace_token_);
- staging_pool_->Shutdown();
-void OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::ScheduleTasks(TaskGraph* graph) {
- TRACE_EVENT0("cc", "OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::ScheduleTasks");
- ScheduleTasksOnOriginThread(this, graph);
- // Barrier to sync any new resources to the worker context.
- resource_provider_->output_surface()
- ->context_provider()
- ->ContextGL()
- ->OrderingBarrierCHROMIUM();
- task_graph_runner_->ScheduleTasks(namespace_token_, graph);
-void OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::CheckForCompletedTasks() {
- TRACE_EVENT0("cc", "OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::CheckForCompletedTasks");
- task_graph_runner_->CollectCompletedTasks(namespace_token_,
- &completed_tasks_);
- for (Task::Vector::const_iterator it = completed_tasks_.begin();
- it != completed_tasks_.end(); ++it) {
- TileTask* task = static_cast<TileTask*>(it->get());
- task->WillComplete();
- task->CompleteOnOriginThread(this);
- task->DidComplete();
- }
- completed_tasks_.clear();
-ResourceFormat OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::GetResourceFormat(
- bool must_support_alpha) const {
- if (resource_provider_->IsResourceFormatSupported(preferred_tile_format_) &&
- (DoesResourceFormatSupportAlpha(preferred_tile_format_) ||
- !must_support_alpha)) {
- return preferred_tile_format_;
- }
- return resource_provider_->best_texture_format();
-bool OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::GetResourceRequiresSwizzle(
- bool must_support_alpha) const {
- return ResourceFormatRequiresSwizzle(GetResourceFormat(must_support_alpha));
-RasterBufferProvider* OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::AsRasterBufferProvider() {
- return this;
-std::unique_ptr<RasterBuffer> OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::AcquireBufferForRaster(
- const Resource* resource,
- uint64_t resource_content_id,
- uint64_t previous_content_id) {
- // TODO(danakj): If resource_content_id != 0, we only need to copy/upload
- // the dirty rect.
- return base::WrapUnique<RasterBuffer>(
- new RasterBufferImpl(this, resource_provider_, resource->format(),
- resource, previous_content_id));
-void OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::ReleaseBufferForRaster(
- std::unique_ptr<RasterBuffer> buffer) {
- // Nothing to do here. RasterBufferImpl destructor cleans up after itself.
-void OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::PlaybackAndCopyOnWorkerThread(
- const Resource* resource,
- ResourceProvider::ScopedWriteLockGL* resource_lock,
- const RasterSource* raster_source,
- const gfx::Rect& raster_full_rect,
- const gfx::Rect& raster_dirty_rect,
- float scale,
- const RasterSource::PlaybackSettings& playback_settings,
- uint64_t previous_content_id,
- uint64_t new_content_id) {
- std::unique_ptr<StagingBuffer> staging_buffer =
- staging_pool_->AcquireStagingBuffer(resource, previous_content_id);
- PlaybackToStagingBuffer(staging_buffer.get(), resource, raster_source,
- raster_full_rect, raster_dirty_rect, scale,
- playback_settings, previous_content_id,
- new_content_id);
- CopyOnWorkerThread(staging_buffer.get(), resource, resource_lock,
- raster_source, previous_content_id, new_content_id);
- staging_pool_->ReleaseStagingBuffer(std::move(staging_buffer));
-void OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::PlaybackToStagingBuffer(
- StagingBuffer* staging_buffer,
- const Resource* resource,
- const RasterSource* raster_source,
- const gfx::Rect& raster_full_rect,
- const gfx::Rect& raster_dirty_rect,
- float scale,
- const RasterSource::PlaybackSettings& playback_settings,
- uint64_t previous_content_id,
- uint64_t new_content_id) {
- // Allocate GpuMemoryBuffer if necessary. If using partial raster, we
- // must allocate a buffer with BufferUsage CPU_READ_WRITE_PERSISTENT.
- if (!staging_buffer->gpu_memory_buffer) {
- staging_buffer->gpu_memory_buffer =
- resource_provider_->gpu_memory_buffer_manager()
- ->AllocateGpuMemoryBuffer(
- staging_buffer->size, BufferFormat(resource->format()),
- use_partial_raster_
- : gfx::BufferUsage::GPU_READ_CPU_READ_WRITE,
- gpu::kNullSurfaceHandle);
- }
- gfx::Rect playback_rect = raster_full_rect;
- if (use_partial_raster_ && previous_content_id) {
- // Reduce playback rect to dirty region if the content id of the staging
- // buffer matches the prevous content id.
- if (previous_content_id == staging_buffer->content_id)
- playback_rect.Intersect(raster_dirty_rect);
- }
- if (staging_buffer->gpu_memory_buffer) {
- gfx::GpuMemoryBuffer* buffer = staging_buffer->gpu_memory_buffer.get();
- DCHECK_EQ(1u, gfx::NumberOfPlanesForBufferFormat(buffer->GetFormat()));
- bool rv = buffer->Map();
- DCHECK(rv);
- DCHECK(buffer->memory(0));
- // TileTaskWorkerPool::PlaybackToMemory only supports unsigned strides.
- DCHECK_GE(buffer->stride(0), 0);
- DCHECK(!playback_rect.IsEmpty())
- << "Why are we rastering a tile that's not dirty?";
- TileTaskWorkerPool::PlaybackToMemory(
- buffer->memory(0), resource->format(), staging_buffer->size,
- buffer->stride(0), raster_source, raster_full_rect, playback_rect,
- scale, playback_settings);
- buffer->Unmap();
- staging_buffer->content_id = new_content_id;
- }
-void OneCopyTileTaskWorkerPool::CopyOnWorkerThread(
- StagingBuffer* staging_buffer,
- const Resource* resource,
- ResourceProvider::ScopedWriteLockGL* resource_lock,
- const RasterSource* raster_source,
- uint64_t previous_content_id,
- uint64_t new_content_id) {
- ContextProvider* context_provider =
- resource_provider_->output_surface()->worker_context_provider();
- DCHECK(context_provider);
- {
- ContextProvider::ScopedContextLock scoped_context(context_provider);
- gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl = scoped_context.ContextGL();
- DCHECK(gl);
- unsigned image_target =
- resource_provider_->GetImageTextureTarget(resource->format());
- // Create and bind staging texture.
- if (!staging_buffer->texture_id) {
- gl->GenTextures(1, &staging_buffer->texture_id);
- gl->BindTexture(image_target, staging_buffer->texture_id);
- gl->TexParameteri(image_target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
- gl->TexParameteri(image_target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
- gl->TexParameteri(image_target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
- gl->TexParameteri(image_target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
- } else {
- gl->BindTexture(image_target, staging_buffer->texture_id);
- }
- // Create and bind image.
- if (!staging_buffer->image_id) {
- if (staging_buffer->gpu_memory_buffer) {
- staging_buffer->image_id = gl->CreateImageCHROMIUM(
- staging_buffer->gpu_memory_buffer->AsClientBuffer(),
- staging_buffer->size.width(), staging_buffer->size.height(),
- GLInternalFormat(resource->format()));
- gl->BindTexImage2DCHROMIUM(image_target, staging_buffer->image_id);
- }
- } else {
- gl->ReleaseTexImage2DCHROMIUM(image_target, staging_buffer->image_id);
- gl->BindTexImage2DCHROMIUM(image_target, staging_buffer->image_id);
- }
- // Unbind staging texture.
- gl->BindTexture(image_target, 0);
- if (resource_provider_->use_sync_query()) {
- if (!staging_buffer->query_id)
- gl->GenQueriesEXT(1, &staging_buffer->query_id);
-#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) && defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
- // TODO(reveman): This avoids a performance problem on ARM ChromeOS
- // devices.
- gl->BeginQueryEXT(GL_COMMANDS_ISSUED_CHROMIUM, staging_buffer->query_id);
- staging_buffer->query_id);
- }
- // Since compressed texture's cannot be pre-allocated we might have an
- // unallocated resource in which case we need to perform a full size copy.
- if (IsResourceFormatCompressed(resource->format())) {
- gl->CompressedCopyTextureCHROMIUM(staging_buffer->texture_id,
- resource_lock->texture_id());
- } else {
- int bytes_per_row = ResourceUtil::UncheckedWidthInBytes<int>(
- resource->size().width(), resource->format());
- int chunk_size_in_rows =
- std::max(1, max_bytes_per_copy_operation_ / bytes_per_row);
- // Align chunk size to 4. Required to support compressed texture formats.
- chunk_size_in_rows = MathUtil::UncheckedRoundUp(chunk_size_in_rows, 4);
- int y = 0;
- int height = resource->size().height();
- while (y < height) {
- // Copy at most |chunk_size_in_rows|.
- int rows_to_copy = std::min(chunk_size_in_rows, height - y);
- DCHECK_GT(rows_to_copy, 0);
- gl->CopySubTextureCHROMIUM(
- staging_buffer->texture_id, resource_lock->texture_id(), 0, y, 0, y,
- resource->size().width(), rows_to_copy, false, false, false);
- y += rows_to_copy;
- // Increment |bytes_scheduled_since_last_flush_| by the amount of memory
- // used for this copy operation.
- bytes_scheduled_since_last_flush_ += rows_to_copy * bytes_per_row;
- if (bytes_scheduled_since_last_flush_ >=
- max_bytes_per_copy_operation_) {
- gl->ShallowFlushCHROMIUM();
- bytes_scheduled_since_last_flush_ = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (resource_provider_->use_sync_query()) {
-#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) && defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
- }
- const uint64_t fence_sync = gl->InsertFenceSyncCHROMIUM();
- // Barrier to sync worker context output to cc context.
- gl->OrderingBarrierCHROMIUM();
- // Generate sync token after the barrier for cross context synchronization.
- gpu::SyncToken sync_token;
- gl->GenUnverifiedSyncTokenCHROMIUM(fence_sync, sync_token.GetData());
- resource_lock->UpdateResourceSyncToken(sync_token);
- }
-} // namespace cc
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