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Unified Diff: components/display_compositor/

Issue 1904773004: Revert of Introduce components/display_compositor (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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Index: components/display_compositor/
diff --git a/components/display_compositor/ b/components/display_compositor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bda2bf312267302d1c7b7db1433a6d28c106328..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/components/display_compositor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/display_compositor/buffer_queue.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <set>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
-#include "cc/test/test_context_provider.h"
-#include "cc/test/test_gpu_memory_buffer_manager.h"
-#include "cc/test/test_web_graphics_context_3d.h"
-#include "components/display_compositor/gl_helper.h"
-#include "gpu/GLES2/gl2extchromium.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2ext.h"
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Expectation;
-using ::testing::Ne;
-using ::testing::Return;
-namespace display_compositor {
-class StubGpuMemoryBufferImpl : public gfx::GpuMemoryBuffer {
- public:
- StubGpuMemoryBufferImpl() {}
- // Overridden from gfx::GpuMemoryBuffer:
- bool Map() override { return false; }
- void* memory(size_t plane) override { return nullptr; }
- void Unmap() override {}
- gfx::Size GetSize() const override { return gfx::Size(); }
- gfx::BufferFormat GetFormat() const override {
- return gfx::BufferFormat::BGRX_8888;
- }
- int stride(size_t plane) const override { return 0; }
- gfx::GpuMemoryBufferId GetId() const override {
- return gfx::GpuMemoryBufferId(0);
- }
- gfx::GpuMemoryBufferHandle GetHandle() const override {
- return gfx::GpuMemoryBufferHandle();
- }
- ClientBuffer AsClientBuffer() override {
- return reinterpret_cast<ClientBuffer>(this);
- }
-class StubGpuMemoryBufferManager : public cc::TestGpuMemoryBufferManager {
- public:
- StubGpuMemoryBufferManager() : allocate_succeeds_(true) {}
- void set_allocate_succeeds(bool value) { allocate_succeeds_ = value; }
- std::unique_ptr<gfx::GpuMemoryBuffer> AllocateGpuMemoryBuffer(
- const gfx::Size& size,
- gfx::BufferFormat format,
- gfx::BufferUsage usage,
- int32_t surface_id) override {
- if (!surface_id) {
- return TestGpuMemoryBufferManager::AllocateGpuMemoryBuffer(
- size, format, usage, surface_id);
- }
- if (allocate_succeeds_)
- return base::WrapUnique<gfx::GpuMemoryBuffer>(
- new StubGpuMemoryBufferImpl);
- return nullptr;
- }
- private:
- bool allocate_succeeds_;
-class MockBufferQueue : public BufferQueue {
- public:
- MockBufferQueue(scoped_refptr<cc::ContextProvider> context_provider,
- gpu::GpuMemoryBufferManager* gpu_memory_buffer_manager,
- unsigned int target,
- unsigned int internalformat)
- : BufferQueue(context_provider,
- target,
- internalformat,
- nullptr,
- gpu_memory_buffer_manager,
- 1) {}
- MOCK_METHOD4(CopyBufferDamage,
- void(int, int, const gfx::Rect&, const gfx::Rect&));
-class BufferQueueTest : public ::testing::Test {
- public:
- BufferQueueTest() : doublebuffering_(true), first_frame_(true) {}
- void SetUp() override {
- InitWithContext(cc::TestWebGraphicsContext3D::Create());
- }
- void InitWithContext(std::unique_ptr<cc::TestWebGraphicsContext3D> context) {
- scoped_refptr<cc::TestContextProvider> context_provider =
- cc::TestContextProvider::Create(std::move(context));
- context_provider->BindToCurrentThread();
- gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.reset(new StubGpuMemoryBufferManager);
- mock_output_surface_ =
- new MockBufferQueue(context_provider, gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(),
- output_surface_.reset(mock_output_surface_);
- output_surface_->Initialize();
- }
- unsigned current_surface() {
- return output_surface_->current_surface_
- ? output_surface_->current_surface_->image
- : 0;
- }
- const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BufferQueue::AllocatedSurface>>&
- available_surfaces() {
- return output_surface_->available_surfaces_;
- }
- std::deque<std::unique_ptr<BufferQueue::AllocatedSurface>>&
- in_flight_surfaces() {
- return output_surface_->in_flight_surfaces_;
- }
- const BufferQueue::AllocatedSurface* displayed_frame() {
- return output_surface_->displayed_surface_.get();
- }
- const BufferQueue::AllocatedSurface* current_frame() {
- return output_surface_->current_surface_.get();
- }
- const BufferQueue::AllocatedSurface* next_frame() {
- return output_surface_->available_surfaces_.back().get();
- }
- const gfx::Size size() { return output_surface_->size_; }
- int CountBuffers() {
- int n = available_surfaces().size() + in_flight_surfaces().size() +
- (displayed_frame() ? 1 : 0);
- if (current_surface())
- n++;
- return n;
- }
- // Check that each buffer is unique if present.
- void CheckUnique() {
- std::set<unsigned> buffers;
- EXPECT_TRUE(InsertUnique(&buffers, current_surface()));
- if (displayed_frame())
- EXPECT_TRUE(InsertUnique(&buffers, displayed_frame()->image));
- for (auto& surface : available_surfaces())
- EXPECT_TRUE(InsertUnique(&buffers, surface->image));
- for (auto& surface : in_flight_surfaces()) {
- if (surface)
- EXPECT_TRUE(InsertUnique(&buffers, surface->image));
- }
- }
- void SwapBuffers() {
- output_surface_->SwapBuffers(gfx::Rect(output_surface_->size_));
- }
- void SendDamagedFrame(const gfx::Rect& damage) {
- // We don't care about the GL-level implementation here, just how it uses
- // damage rects.
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- output_surface_->SwapBuffers(damage);
- if (doublebuffering_ || !first_frame_)
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- first_frame_ = false;
- }
- void SendFullFrame() { SendDamagedFrame(gfx::Rect(output_surface_->size_)); }
- protected:
- bool InsertUnique(std::set<unsigned>* set, unsigned value) {
- if (!value)
- return true;
- if (set->find(value) != set->end())
- return false;
- set->insert(value);
- return true;
- }
- std::unique_ptr<StubGpuMemoryBufferManager> gpu_memory_buffer_manager_;
- std::unique_ptr<BufferQueue> output_surface_;
- MockBufferQueue* mock_output_surface_;
- bool doublebuffering_;
- bool first_frame_;
-namespace {
-const gfx::Size screen_size = gfx::Size(30, 30);
-const gfx::Rect screen_rect = gfx::Rect(screen_size);
-const gfx::Rect small_damage = gfx::Rect(gfx::Size(10, 10));
-const gfx::Rect large_damage = gfx::Rect(gfx::Size(20, 20));
-const gfx::Rect overlapping_damage = gfx::Rect(gfx::Size(5, 20));
-GLuint CreateImageDefault() {
- static GLuint id = 0;
- return ++id;
-class MockedContext : public cc::TestWebGraphicsContext3D {
- public:
- MockedContext() {
- ON_CALL(*this, createImageCHROMIUM(_, _, _, _))
- .WillByDefault(testing::InvokeWithoutArgs(&CreateImageDefault));
- }
- MOCK_METHOD2(bindFramebuffer, void(GLenum, GLuint));
- MOCK_METHOD2(bindTexture, void(GLenum, GLuint));
- MOCK_METHOD2(bindTexImage2DCHROMIUM, void(GLenum, GLint));
- GLuint(ClientBuffer, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum));
- MOCK_METHOD1(destroyImageCHROMIUM, void(GLuint));
- MOCK_METHOD5(framebufferTexture2D,
- void(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint));
-class BufferQueueMockedContextTest : public BufferQueueTest {
- public:
- void SetUp() override {
- context_ = new MockedContext();
- InitWithContext(std::unique_ptr<cc::TestWebGraphicsContext3D>(context_));
- }
- protected:
- MockedContext* context_;
-std::unique_ptr<BufferQueue> CreateOutputSurfaceWithMock(
- unsigned int target,
- MockedContext** context,
- gpu::GpuMemoryBufferManager* gpu_memory_buffer_manager) {
- *context = new MockedContext();
- scoped_refptr<cc::TestContextProvider> context_provider =
- cc::TestContextProvider::Create(
- std::unique_ptr<cc::TestWebGraphicsContext3D>(*context));
- context_provider->BindToCurrentThread();
- std::unique_ptr<BufferQueue> buffer_queue(
- new BufferQueue(context_provider, target, GL_RGBA, nullptr,
- gpu_memory_buffer_manager, 1));
- buffer_queue->Initialize();
- return buffer_queue;
-TEST(BufferQueueStandaloneTest, FboInitialization) {
- MockedContext* context;
- std::unique_ptr<StubGpuMemoryBufferManager> gpu_memory_buffer_manager(
- new StubGpuMemoryBufferManager);
- std::unique_ptr<BufferQueue> output_surface = CreateOutputSurfaceWithMock(
- GL_TEXTURE_2D, &context, gpu_memory_buffer_manager.get());
- EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, Ne(0U)));
- ON_CALL(*context, framebufferTexture2D(_, _, _, _, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return());
- output_surface->Reshape(gfx::Size(10, 20), 1.0f);
-TEST(BufferQueueStandaloneTest, FboBinding) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
- GLenum target = targets[i];
- MockedContext* context;
- std::unique_ptr<StubGpuMemoryBufferManager> gpu_memory_buffer_manager(
- new StubGpuMemoryBufferManager);
- std::unique_ptr<BufferQueue> output_surface = CreateOutputSurfaceWithMock(
- target, &context, gpu_memory_buffer_manager.get());
- EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(target, Ne(0U)));
- EXPECT_CALL(*context, destroyImageCHROMIUM(1));
- Expectation image =
- EXPECT_CALL(*context, createImageCHROMIUM(_, 0, 0, GL_RGBA))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- Expectation fb =
- EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, Ne(0U)));
- Expectation tex = EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(target, Ne(0U)));
- Expectation bind_tex =
- EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexImage2DCHROMIUM(target, 1))
- .After(tex, image);
- EXPECT_CALL(*context,
- target, Ne(0U), _))
- .After(fb, bind_tex);
- output_surface->BindFramebuffer();
- }
-TEST(BufferQueueStandaloneTest, CheckBoundFramebuffer) {
- std::unique_ptr<StubGpuMemoryBufferManager> gpu_memory_buffer_manager;
- std::unique_ptr<BufferQueue> output_surface;
- scoped_refptr<cc::TestContextProvider> context_provider =
- cc::TestContextProvider::Create(cc::TestWebGraphicsContext3D::Create());
- context_provider->BindToCurrentThread();
- gpu_memory_buffer_manager.reset(new StubGpuMemoryBufferManager);
- std::unique_ptr<GLHelper> gl_helper;
- gl_helper.reset(new GLHelper(context_provider->ContextGL(),
- context_provider->ContextSupport()));
- output_surface.reset(new BufferQueue(context_provider, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RGBA,
- gl_helper.get(),
- gpu_memory_buffer_manager.get(), 1));
- output_surface->Initialize();
- output_surface->Reshape(screen_size, 1.0f);
- // Trigger a sub-buffer copy to exercise all paths.
- output_surface->BindFramebuffer();
- output_surface->SwapBuffers(screen_rect);
- output_surface->PageFlipComplete();
- output_surface->BindFramebuffer();
- output_surface->SwapBuffers(small_damage);
- int current_fbo = 0;
- context_provider->ContextGL()->GetIntegerv(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING,
- &current_fbo);
- EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(output_surface->fbo()), current_fbo);
-TEST_F(BufferQueueTest, PartialSwapReuse) {
- output_surface_->Reshape(screen_size, 1.0f);
- ASSERT_TRUE(doublebuffering_);
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_output_surface_,
- CopyBufferDamage(_, _, small_damage, screen_rect))
- .Times(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_output_surface_,
- CopyBufferDamage(_, _, small_damage, small_damage))
- .Times(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_output_surface_,
- CopyBufferDamage(_, _, large_damage, small_damage))
- .Times(1);
- SendFullFrame();
- SendDamagedFrame(small_damage);
- SendDamagedFrame(small_damage);
- SendDamagedFrame(large_damage);
- // Verify that the damage has propagated.
- EXPECT_EQ(next_frame()->damage, large_damage);
-TEST_F(BufferQueueTest, PartialSwapFullFrame) {
- output_surface_->Reshape(screen_size, 1.0f);
- ASSERT_TRUE(doublebuffering_);
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_output_surface_,
- CopyBufferDamage(_, _, small_damage, screen_rect))
- .Times(1);
- SendFullFrame();
- SendDamagedFrame(small_damage);
- SendFullFrame();
- SendFullFrame();
- EXPECT_EQ(next_frame()->damage, screen_rect);
-TEST_F(BufferQueueTest, PartialSwapOverlapping) {
- output_surface_->Reshape(screen_size, 1.0f);
- ASSERT_TRUE(doublebuffering_);
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_output_surface_,
- CopyBufferDamage(_, _, small_damage, screen_rect))
- .Times(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_output_surface_,
- CopyBufferDamage(_, _, overlapping_damage, small_damage))
- .Times(1);
- SendFullFrame();
- SendDamagedFrame(small_damage);
- SendDamagedFrame(overlapping_damage);
- EXPECT_EQ(next_frame()->damage, overlapping_damage);
-TEST_F(BufferQueueTest, MultipleBindCalls) {
- // Check that multiple bind calls do not create or change surfaces.
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountBuffers());
- unsigned int fb = current_surface();
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountBuffers());
- EXPECT_EQ(fb, current_surface());
-TEST_F(BufferQueueTest, CheckDoubleBuffering) {
- // Check buffer flow through double buffering path.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, CountBuffers());
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountBuffers());
- EXPECT_NE(0U, current_surface());
- EXPECT_FALSE(displayed_frame());
- SwapBuffers();
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(displayed_frame()->texture);
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- EXPECT_EQ(2, CountBuffers());
- CheckUnique();
- EXPECT_NE(0U, current_surface());
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(displayed_frame()->texture);
- SwapBuffers();
- CheckUnique();
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(displayed_frame()->texture);
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- CheckUnique();
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, available_surfaces().size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(displayed_frame()->texture);
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- EXPECT_EQ(2, CountBuffers());
- CheckUnique();
- EXPECT_TRUE(available_surfaces().empty());
-TEST_F(BufferQueueTest, CheckTripleBuffering) {
- // Check buffer flow through triple buffering path.
- // This bit is the same sequence tested in the doublebuffering case.
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- EXPECT_FALSE(displayed_frame());
- SwapBuffers();
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- SwapBuffers();
- EXPECT_EQ(2, CountBuffers());
- CheckUnique();
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(displayed_frame()->texture);
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- EXPECT_EQ(3, CountBuffers());
- CheckUnique();
- EXPECT_NE(0U, current_surface());
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(displayed_frame()->texture);
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- EXPECT_EQ(3, CountBuffers());
- CheckUnique();
- EXPECT_NE(0U, current_surface());
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(displayed_frame()->texture);
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, available_surfaces().size());
-TEST_F(BufferQueueTest, CheckCorrectBufferOrdering) {
- const size_t kSwapCount = 3;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kSwapCount; ++i) {
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- SwapBuffers();
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(kSwapCount, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kSwapCount; ++i) {
- unsigned int next_texture_id = in_flight_surfaces().front()->texture;
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- EXPECT_EQ(displayed_frame()->texture, next_texture_id);
- }
-TEST_F(BufferQueueTest, ReshapeWithInFlightSurfaces) {
- const size_t kSwapCount = 3;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kSwapCount; ++i) {
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- SwapBuffers();
- }
- output_surface_->Reshape(gfx::Size(10, 20), 1.0f);
- EXPECT_EQ(3u, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kSwapCount; ++i) {
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- EXPECT_FALSE(displayed_frame());
- }
- // The dummy surfacess left should be discarded.
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, available_surfaces().size());
-TEST_F(BufferQueueTest, SwapAfterReshape) {
- const size_t kSwapCount = 3;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kSwapCount; ++i) {
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- SwapBuffers();
- }
- output_surface_->Reshape(gfx::Size(10, 20), 1.0f);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kSwapCount; ++i) {
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- SwapBuffers();
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(2 * kSwapCount, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kSwapCount; ++i) {
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- EXPECT_FALSE(displayed_frame());
- }
- CheckUnique();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kSwapCount; ++i) {
- unsigned int next_texture_id = in_flight_surfaces().front()->texture;
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- EXPECT_EQ(displayed_frame()->texture, next_texture_id);
- EXPECT_TRUE(displayed_frame());
- }
-TEST_F(BufferQueueMockedContextTest, RecreateBuffers) {
- // This setup is to easily get one frame in each of:
- // - currently bound for drawing.
- // - in flight to GPU.
- // - currently displayed.
- // - free frame.
- // This tests buffers in all states.
- // Bind/swap pushes frames into the in flight list, then the PageFlipComplete
- // calls pull one frame into displayed and another into the free list.
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- SwapBuffers();
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- SwapBuffers();
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- SwapBuffers();
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- // We should have one buffer in each possible state right now, including one
- // being drawn to.
- ASSERT_EQ(1U, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- ASSERT_EQ(1U, available_surfaces().size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(displayed_frame());
- EXPECT_TRUE(current_frame());
- auto* current = current_frame();
- auto* displayed = displayed_frame();
- auto* in_flight = in_flight_surfaces().front().get();
- auto* available = available_surfaces().front().get();
- // Expect all 4 images to be destroyed, 3 of the existing textures to be
- // copied from and 3 new images to be created.
- EXPECT_CALL(*context_, createImageCHROMIUM(_, 0, 0, GL_RGBA)).Times(3);
- Expectation copy1 = EXPECT_CALL(*mock_output_surface_,
- CopyBufferDamage(_, displayed->texture, _, _))
- .Times(1);
- Expectation copy2 = EXPECT_CALL(*mock_output_surface_,
- CopyBufferDamage(_, current->texture, _, _))
- .Times(1);
- Expectation copy3 = EXPECT_CALL(*mock_output_surface_,
- CopyBufferDamage(_, in_flight->texture, _, _))
- .Times(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(*context_, destroyImageCHROMIUM(displayed->image))
- .Times(1)
- .After(copy1);
- EXPECT_CALL(*context_, destroyImageCHROMIUM(current->image))
- .Times(1)
- .After(copy2);
- EXPECT_CALL(*context_, destroyImageCHROMIUM(in_flight->image))
- .Times(1)
- .After(copy3);
- EXPECT_CALL(*context_, destroyImageCHROMIUM(available->image)).Times(1);
- // After copying, we expect the framebuffer binding to be updated.
- EXPECT_CALL(*context_, bindFramebuffer(_, _))
- .After(copy1)
- .After(copy2)
- .After(copy3);
- EXPECT_CALL(*context_, framebufferTexture2D(_, _, _, _, _))
- .After(copy1)
- .After(copy2)
- .After(copy3);
- output_surface_->RecreateBuffers();
- testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context_);
- testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_output_surface_);
- // All free buffers should be destroyed, the remaining buffers should all
- // be replaced but still valid.
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, available_surfaces().size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(displayed_frame());
- EXPECT_TRUE(current_frame());
-TEST_F(BufferQueueTest, AllocateFails) {
- output_surface_->Reshape(screen_size, 1.0f);
- // Succeed in the two swaps.
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- EXPECT_TRUE(current_frame());
- output_surface_->SwapBuffers(screen_rect);
- // Fail the next surface allocation.
- gpu_memory_buffer_manager_->set_allocate_succeeds(false);
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- EXPECT_FALSE(current_frame());
- output_surface_->SwapBuffers(screen_rect);
- EXPECT_FALSE(current_frame());
- // Try another swap. It should copy the buffer damage from the back
- // surface.
- gpu_memory_buffer_manager_->set_allocate_succeeds(true);
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- unsigned int source_texture = in_flight_surfaces().front()->texture;
- unsigned int target_texture = current_frame()->texture;
- testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_output_surface_);
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_output_surface_,
- CopyBufferDamage(target_texture, source_texture, small_damage, _))
- .Times(1);
- output_surface_->SwapBuffers(small_damage);
- testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_output_surface_);
- // Destroy the just-created buffer, and try another swap. The copy should
- // come from the displayed surface (because both in-flight surfaces are
- // gone now).
- output_surface_->PageFlipComplete();
- in_flight_surfaces().back().reset();
- EXPECT_EQ(2u, in_flight_surfaces().size());
- for (auto& surface : in_flight_surfaces())
- EXPECT_FALSE(surface);
- output_surface_->BindFramebuffer();
- source_texture = displayed_frame()->texture;
- EXPECT_TRUE(current_frame());
- EXPECT_TRUE(displayed_frame());
- target_texture = current_frame()->texture;
- testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_output_surface_);
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_output_surface_,
- CopyBufferDamage(target_texture, source_texture, small_damage, _))
- .Times(1);
- output_surface_->SwapBuffers(small_damage);
- testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_output_surface_);
-} // namespace
-} // namespace display_compositor
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