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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/svg/LayoutSVGInlineText.cpp

Issue 1879453003: Move SVGTextMetricsCalculator to LayoutSVGInlineText.cpp (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/svg/LayoutSVGInlineText.cpp
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/svg/LayoutSVGInlineText.cpp b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/svg/LayoutSVGInlineText.cpp
index 2de7c1730e6b718d67cd8c3ed648fc7742a499b5..3154e73ea24311e011b1b2f6700a7d9c2506d582 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/svg/LayoutSVGInlineText.cpp
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/svg/LayoutSVGInlineText.cpp
@@ -30,8 +30,13 @@
#include "core/editing/VisiblePosition.h"
#include "core/layout/svg/LayoutSVGText.h"
#include "core/layout/svg/SVGLayoutSupport.h"
-#include "core/layout/svg/SVGTextMetricsBuilder.h"
#include "core/layout/svg/line/SVGInlineTextBox.h"
+#include "platform/fonts/CharacterRange.h"
+#include "platform/text/BidiCharacterRun.h"
+#include "platform/text/BidiResolver.h"
+#include "platform/text/TextDirection.h"
+#include "platform/text/TextRun.h"
+#include "platform/text/TextRunIterator.h"
namespace blink {
@@ -200,14 +205,236 @@ PositionWithAffinity LayoutSVGInlineText::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& po
return createPositionWithAffinity(offset + closestDistanceBox->start(), offset > 0 ? VP_UPSTREAM_IF_POSSIBLE : TextAffinity::Downstream);
-void LayoutSVGInlineText::updateScaledFont()
+namespace {
+inline bool characterStartsSurrogatePair(const TextRun& run, unsigned index)
- computeNewScaledFontForStyle(this, m_scalingFactor, m_scaledFont);
+ if (!U16_IS_LEAD(run[index]))
+ return false;
+ if (index + 1 >= static_cast<unsigned>(run.charactersLength()))
+ return false;
+ return U16_IS_TRAIL(run[index + 1]);
+class SVGTextMetricsCalculator {
+ SVGTextMetricsCalculator(LayoutSVGInlineText&);
+ ~SVGTextMetricsCalculator();
+ bool advancePosition();
+ unsigned currentPosition() const { return m_currentPosition; }
+ SVGTextMetrics currentCharacterMetrics();
+ // TODO(pdr): Character-based iteration is ambiguous and error-prone. It
+ // should be unified under a single concept. See:
+ bool currentCharacterStartsSurrogatePair() const
+ {
+ return characterStartsSurrogatePair(m_run, m_currentPosition);
+ }
+ bool currentCharacterIsWhiteSpace() const
+ {
+ return m_run[m_currentPosition] == ' ';
+ }
+ unsigned characterCount() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<unsigned>(m_run.charactersLength());
+ }
+ void setupBidiRuns();
+ static TextRun constructTextRun(LayoutSVGInlineText&, unsigned position, unsigned length, TextDirection);
+ // Ensure |m_subrunRanges| is updated for the current bidi run, or the
+ // complete m_run if no bidi runs are present. Returns the current position
+ // in the subrun which can be used to index into |m_subrunRanges|.
+ unsigned updateSubrunRangesForCurrentPosition();
+ // Current character position in m_text.
+ unsigned m_currentPosition;
+ LayoutSVGInlineText& m_text;
+ float m_fontScalingFactor;
+ float m_cachedFontHeight;
+ TextRun m_run;
+ BidiCharacterRun* m_bidiRun;
+ BidiResolver<TextRunIterator, BidiCharacterRun> m_bidiResolver;
+ // Ranges for the current bidi run if present, or the entire run otherwise.
+ Vector<CharacterRange> m_subrunRanges;
+TextRun SVGTextMetricsCalculator::constructTextRun(LayoutSVGInlineText& text, unsigned position, unsigned length, TextDirection textDirection)
+ const ComputedStyle& style = text.styleRef();
+ TextRun run(static_cast<const LChar*>(nullptr) // characters, will be set below if non-zero.
+ , 0 // length, will be set below if non-zero.
+ , 0 // xPos, only relevant with allowTabs=true
+ , 0 // padding, only relevant for justified text, not relevant for SVG
+ , TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion
+ , textDirection
+ , isOverride(style.unicodeBidi()) /* directionalOverride */);
+ if (length) {
+ if (text.is8Bit())
+ run.setText(text.characters8() + position, length);
+ else
+ run.setText(text.characters16() + position, length);
+ }
+ // We handle letter & word spacing ourselves.
+ run.disableSpacing();
+ // Propagate the maximum length of the characters buffer to the TextRun, even when we're only processing a substring.
+ run.setCharactersLength(text.textLength() - position);
+ ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= run.length());
+ return run;
+SVGTextMetricsCalculator::SVGTextMetricsCalculator(LayoutSVGInlineText& text)
+ : m_currentPosition(0)
+ , m_text(text)
+ , m_fontScalingFactor(m_text.scalingFactor())
+ , m_cachedFontHeight(m_text.scaledFont().getFontMetrics().floatHeight() / m_fontScalingFactor)
+ , m_run(constructTextRun(m_text, 0, m_text.textLength(), m_text.styleRef().direction()))
+ , m_bidiRun(nullptr)
+ setupBidiRuns();
+ m_bidiResolver.runs().deleteRuns();
+void SVGTextMetricsCalculator::setupBidiRuns()
+ BidiRunList<BidiCharacterRun>& bidiRuns = m_bidiResolver.runs();
+ bool bidiOverride = isOverride(m_text.styleRef().unicodeBidi());
+ BidiStatus status(LTR, bidiOverride);
+ if (m_run.is8Bit() || bidiOverride) {
+ WTF::Unicode::CharDirection direction = WTF::Unicode::LeftToRight;
+ // If BiDi override is in effect, use the specified direction.
+ if (bidiOverride && !m_text.styleRef().isLeftToRightDirection())
+ direction = WTF::Unicode::RightToLeft;
+ bidiRuns.addRun(new BidiCharacterRun(0, m_run.charactersLength(), status.context.get(), direction));
+ } else {
+ status.last = status.lastStrong = WTF::Unicode::OtherNeutral;
+ m_bidiResolver.setStatus(status);
+ m_bidiResolver.setPositionIgnoringNestedIsolates(TextRunIterator(&m_run, 0));
+ const bool hardLineBreak = false;
+ const bool reorderRuns = false;
+ m_bidiResolver.createBidiRunsForLine(TextRunIterator(&m_run, m_run.length()), NoVisualOverride, hardLineBreak, reorderRuns);
+ }
+ m_bidiRun = bidiRuns.firstRun();
+bool SVGTextMetricsCalculator::advancePosition()
+ m_currentPosition += currentCharacterStartsSurrogatePair() ? 2 : 1;
+ return m_currentPosition < characterCount();
+// TODO(pdr): We only have per-glyph data so we need to synthesize per-grapheme
+// data. E.g., if 'fi' is shaped into a single glyph, we do not know the 'i'
+// position. The code below synthesizes an average glyph width when characters
+// share a single position. This will incorrectly split combining diacritics.
+// See:
+static void synthesizeGraphemeWidths(const TextRun& run, Vector<CharacterRange>& ranges)
+ unsigned distributeCount = 0;
+ for (int rangeIndex = static_cast<int>(ranges.size()) - 1; rangeIndex >= 0; --rangeIndex) {
+ CharacterRange& currentRange = ranges[rangeIndex];
+ if (currentRange.width() == 0) {
+ distributeCount++;
+ } else if (distributeCount != 0) {
+ // Only count surrogate pairs as a single character.
+ bool surrogatePair = characterStartsSurrogatePair(run, rangeIndex);
+ if (!surrogatePair)
+ distributeCount++;
+ float newWidth = currentRange.width() / distributeCount;
+ currentRange.end = currentRange.start + newWidth;
+ float lastEndPosition = currentRange.end;
+ for (unsigned distribute = 1; distribute < distributeCount; distribute++) {
+ // This surrogate pair check will skip processing of the second
+ // character forming the surrogate pair.
+ unsigned distributeIndex = rangeIndex + distribute + (surrogatePair ? 1 : 0);
+ ranges[distributeIndex].start = lastEndPosition;
+ ranges[distributeIndex].end = lastEndPosition + newWidth;
+ lastEndPosition = ranges[distributeIndex].end;
+ }
+ distributeCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+unsigned SVGTextMetricsCalculator::updateSubrunRangesForCurrentPosition()
+ ASSERT(m_bidiRun);
+ if (m_currentPosition >= static_cast<unsigned>(m_bidiRun->stop())) {
+ m_bidiRun = m_bidiRun->next();
+ // Ensure new subrange ranges are computed below.
+ m_subrunRanges.clear();
+ }
+ ASSERT(m_bidiRun);
+ ASSERT(static_cast<int>(m_currentPosition) < m_bidiRun->stop());
+ unsigned positionInRun = m_currentPosition - m_bidiRun->start();
+ if (positionInRun >= m_subrunRanges.size()) {
+ TextRun subRun = constructTextRun(m_text, m_bidiRun->start(),
+ m_bidiRun->stop() - m_bidiRun->start(), m_bidiRun->direction());
+ m_subrunRanges = m_text.scaledFont().individualCharacterRanges(subRun);
+ synthesizeGraphemeWidths(subRun, m_subrunRanges);
+ }
+ ASSERT(m_subrunRanges.size() && positionInRun < m_subrunRanges.size());
+ return positionInRun;
+SVGTextMetrics SVGTextMetricsCalculator::currentCharacterMetrics()
+ unsigned currentSubrunPosition = updateSubrunRangesForCurrentPosition();
+ unsigned length = currentCharacterStartsSurrogatePair() ? 2 : 1;
+ float width = m_subrunRanges[currentSubrunPosition].width();
+ return SVGTextMetrics(length, width / m_fontScalingFactor, m_cachedFontHeight);
+} // namespace
void LayoutSVGInlineText::updateMetricsList(bool& lastCharacterWasWhiteSpace)
- SVGTextMetricsBuilder::updateTextMetrics(*this, lastCharacterWasWhiteSpace);
+ m_metrics.clear();
+ if (!textLength())
+ return;
+ // TODO(pdr): This loop is too tightly coupled to SVGTextMetricsCalculator.
+ // We should refactor SVGTextMetricsCalculator to be a simple bidi run
+ // iterator and move all subrun logic to a single function.
+ SVGTextMetricsCalculator calculator(*this);
+ bool preserveWhiteSpace = styleRef().whiteSpace() == PRE;
+ do {
+ bool currentCharacterIsWhiteSpace = calculator.currentCharacterIsWhiteSpace();
+ if (!preserveWhiteSpace && lastCharacterWasWhiteSpace && currentCharacterIsWhiteSpace) {
+ m_metrics.append(SVGTextMetrics(SVGTextMetrics::SkippedSpaceMetrics));
+ ASSERT(calculator.currentCharacterMetrics().length() == 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ m_metrics.append(calculator.currentCharacterMetrics());
+ lastCharacterWasWhiteSpace = currentCharacterIsWhiteSpace;
+ } while (calculator.advancePosition());
+void LayoutSVGInlineText::updateScaledFont()
+ computeNewScaledFontForStyle(this, m_scalingFactor, m_scaledFont);
void LayoutSVGInlineText::computeNewScaledFontForStyle(LayoutObject* layoutObject, float& scalingFactor, Font& scaledFont)

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