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Unified Diff: lib/runtime/dart/_interceptors.js

Issue 1879373004: Implement modular compilation (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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Index: lib/runtime/dart/_interceptors.js
diff --git a/lib/runtime/dart/_interceptors.js b/lib/runtime/dart/_interceptors.js
deleted file mode 100644
index edbfdf9862473de2ec1ebd65e0ca163b3c918f73..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lib/runtime/dart/_interceptors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1433 +0,0 @@
-dart_library.library('dart/_interceptors', null, /* Imports */[
- 'dart/_runtime',
- 'dart/core',
- 'dart/_internal',
- 'dart/collection',
- 'dart/math'
-], /* Lazy imports */[
- 'dart/_js_helper'
-], function(exports, dart, core, _internal, collection, math, _js_helper) {
- 'use strict';
- let dartx = dart.dartx;
- const JSArray$ = dart.generic(function(E) {
- dart.defineExtensionNames([
- 'checkGrowable',
- 'add',
- 'removeAt',
- 'insert',
- 'insertAll',
- 'setAll',
- 'removeLast',
- 'remove',
- 'removeWhere',
- 'retainWhere',
- 'where',
- 'expand',
- 'addAll',
- 'clear',
- 'forEach',
- 'map',
- 'join',
- 'take',
- 'takeWhile',
- 'skip',
- 'skipWhile',
- 'reduce',
- 'fold',
- 'firstWhere',
- 'lastWhere',
- 'singleWhere',
- 'elementAt',
- 'sublist',
- 'getRange',
- 'first',
- 'last',
- 'single',
- 'removeRange',
- 'setRange',
- 'fillRange',
- 'replaceRange',
- 'any',
- 'every',
- 'reversed',
- 'sort',
- 'shuffle',
- 'indexOf',
- 'lastIndexOf',
- 'contains',
- 'isEmpty',
- 'isNotEmpty',
- 'toString',
- 'toList',
- 'toSet',
- 'iterator',
- 'hashCode',
- 'length',
- 'length',
- 'get',
- 'set',
- 'asMap'
- ]);
- class JSArray extends core.Object {
- JSArray() {
- }
- static typed(allocation) {
- return dart.list(allocation, E);
- }
- static markFixed(allocation) {
- return JSArray$(E).typed(JSArray$().markFixedList(, core.List)));
- }
- static markGrowable(allocation) {
- return JSArray$(E).typed(allocation);
- }
- static markFixedList(list) {
- list.fixed$length = Array;
- return list;
- }
- [dartx.checkGrowable](reason) {
- if (this.fixed$length) {
- dart.throw(new core.UnsupportedError(, core.String)));
- }
- }
- [dartx.add](value) {
-, E);
- this[dartx.checkGrowable]('add');
- this.push(value);
- }
- [dartx.removeAt](index) {
- if (!(typeof index == 'number')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(index));
- if (dart.notNull(index) < 0 || dart.notNull(index) >= dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(index));
- }
- this[dartx.checkGrowable]('removeAt');
- return this.splice(index, 1)[0];
- }
- [dartx.insert](index, value) {
-, E);
- if (!(typeof index == 'number')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(index));
- if (dart.notNull(index) < 0 || dart.notNull(index) > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(index));
- }
- this[dartx.checkGrowable]('insert');
- this.splice(index, 0, value);
- }
- [dartx.insertAll](index, iterable) {
-, core.Iterable$(E));
- this[dartx.checkGrowable]('insertAll');
- _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.insertAllList(this, index, iterable);
- }
- [dartx.setAll](index, iterable) {
-, core.Iterable$(E));
- _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.setAllList(this, index, iterable);
- }
- [dartx.removeLast]() {
- this[dartx.checkGrowable]('removeLast');
- if (this[dartx.length] == 0) dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(-1));
- return, E);
- }
- [dartx.remove](element) {
- this[dartx.checkGrowable]('remove');
- for (let i = 0; i < dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]); i++) {
- if (dart.equals(this[dartx.get](i), element)) {
- this.splice(i, 1);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- [dartx.removeWhere](test) {
-, dart.functionType(core.bool, [E]));
- _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.removeWhereList(this, test);
- }
- [dartx.retainWhere](test) {
-, dart.functionType(core.bool, [E]));
- _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.removeWhereList(this, dart.fn(element => {
-, E);
- return !dart.notNull(test(element));
- }, core.bool, [E]));
- }
- [dartx.where](f) {
-, dart.functionType(core.bool, [E]));
- return new (_internal.IterableMixinWorkaround$(E))().where(this, f);
- }
- [dartx.expand](f) {
-, dart.functionType(core.Iterable, [E]));
- return _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.expand(this, f);
- }
- [dartx.addAll](collection) {
-, core.Iterable$(E));
- for (let e of collection) {
- this[dartx.add](e);
- }
- }
- [dartx.clear]() {
- this[dartx.length] = 0;
- }
- [dartx.forEach](f) {
-, dart.functionType(dart.void, [E]));
- let length = this[dartx.length];
- for (let i = 0; i < dart.notNull(length); i++) {
- f([i], E));
- if (length != this[dartx.length]) {
- dart.throw(new core.ConcurrentModificationError(this));
- }
- }
- }
- [](f) {
-, dart.functionType(dart.dynamic, [E]));
- return _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.mapList(this, f);
- }
- [dartx.join](separator) {
- if (separator === void 0) separator = "";
- let list =[dartx.length]);
- for (let i = 0; i < dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]); i++) {
- list[dartx.set](i, `${this[dartx.get](i)}`);
- }
- return list.join(separator);
- }
- [dartx.take](n) {
- return new (_internal.IterableMixinWorkaround$(E))().takeList(this, n);
- }
- [dartx.takeWhile](test) {
-, dart.functionType(core.bool, [E]));
- return new (_internal.IterableMixinWorkaround$(E))().takeWhile(this, test);
- }
- [dartx.skip](n) {
- return new (_internal.IterableMixinWorkaround$(E))().skipList(this, n);
- }
- [dartx.skipWhile](test) {
-, dart.functionType(core.bool, [E]));
- return new (_internal.IterableMixinWorkaround$(E))().skipWhile(this, test);
- }
- [dartx.reduce](combine) {
-, dart.functionType(E, [E, E]));
- return _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.reduce(this, combine);
- }
- [dartx.fold](initialValue, combine) {
-, dart.functionType(dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic, E]));
- return _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.fold(this, initialValue, combine);
- }
- [dartx.firstWhere](test, opts) {
-, dart.functionType(core.bool, [E]));
- let orElse = opts && 'orElse' in opts ? opts.orElse : null;
-, dart.functionType(E, []));
- return _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.firstWhere(this, test, orElse);
- }
- [dartx.lastWhere](test, opts) {
-, dart.functionType(core.bool, [E]));
- let orElse = opts && 'orElse' in opts ? opts.orElse : null;
-, dart.functionType(E, []));
- return _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.lastWhereList(this, test, orElse);
- }
- [dartx.singleWhere](test) {
-, dart.functionType(core.bool, [E]));
- return _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.singleWhere(this, test);
- }
- [dartx.elementAt](index) {
- return this[dartx.get](index);
- }
- [dartx.sublist](start, end) {
- if (end === void 0) end = null;
- _js_helper.checkNull(start);
- if (!(typeof start == 'number')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(start));
- if (dart.notNull(start) < 0 || dart.notNull(start) > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.range(start, 0, this[dartx.length]));
- }
- if (end == null) {
- end = this[dartx.length];
- } else {
- if (!(typeof end == 'number')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(end));
- if (dart.notNull(end) < dart.notNull(start) || dart.notNull(end) > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.range(end, start, this[dartx.length]));
- }
- }
- if (start == end) return dart.list([], E);
- return JSArray$(E).typed(this.slice(start, end));
- }
- [dartx.getRange](start, end) {
- return new (_internal.IterableMixinWorkaround$(E))().getRangeList(this, start, end);
- }
- get [dartx.first]() {
- if (dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]) > 0) return this[dartx.get](0);
- dart.throw(new core.StateError("No elements"));
- }
- get [dartx.last]() {
- if (dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]) > 0) return this[dartx.get](dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]) - 1);
- dart.throw(new core.StateError("No elements"));
- }
- get [dartx.single]() {
- if (this[dartx.length] == 1) return this[dartx.get](0);
- if (this[dartx.length] == 0) dart.throw(new core.StateError("No elements"));
- dart.throw(new core.StateError("More than one element"));
- }
- [dartx.removeRange](start, end) {
- this[dartx.checkGrowable]('removeRange');
- let receiverLength = this[dartx.length];
- if (dart.notNull(start) < 0 || dart.notNull(start) > dart.notNull(receiverLength)) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.range(start, 0, receiverLength));
- }
- if (dart.notNull(end) < dart.notNull(start) || dart.notNull(end) > dart.notNull(receiverLength)) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.range(end, start, receiverLength));
- }
- _internal.Lists.copy(this, end, this, start, dart.notNull(receiverLength) - dart.notNull(end));
- this[dartx.length] = dart.notNull(receiverLength) - (dart.notNull(end) - dart.notNull(start));
- }
- [dartx.setRange](start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
-, core.Iterable$(E));
- if (skipCount === void 0) skipCount = 0;
- _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.setRangeList(this, start, end, iterable, skipCount);
- }
- [dartx.fillRange](start, end, fillValue) {
- if (fillValue === void 0) fillValue = null;
-, E);
- _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.fillRangeList(this, start, end, fillValue);
- }
- [dartx.replaceRange](start, end, iterable) {
-, core.Iterable$(E));
- _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.replaceRangeList(this, start, end, iterable);
- }
- [dartx.any](f) {
-, dart.functionType(core.bool, [E]));
- return _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.any(this, f);
- }
- [dartx.every](f) {
-, dart.functionType(core.bool, [E]));
- return _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.every(this, f);
- }
- get [dartx.reversed]() {
- return new (_internal.IterableMixinWorkaround$(E))().reversedList(this);
- }
- [dartx.sort](compare) {
- if (compare === void 0) compare = null;
-, dart.functionType(, [E, E]));
- _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.sortList(this, compare);
- }
- [dartx.shuffle](random) {
- if (random === void 0) random = null;
- _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.shuffleList(this, random);
- }
- [dartx.indexOf](element, start) {
- if (start === void 0) start = 0;
- return _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.indexOfList(this, element, start);
- }
- [dartx.lastIndexOf](element, start) {
- if (start === void 0) start = null;
- return _internal.IterableMixinWorkaround.lastIndexOfList(this, element, start);
- }
- [dartx.contains](other) {
- for (let i = 0; i < dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]); i++) {
- if (dart.equals(this[dartx.get](i), other)) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- get [dartx.isEmpty]() {
- return this[dartx.length] == 0;
- }
- get [dartx.isNotEmpty]() {
- return !dart.notNull(this[dartx.isEmpty]);
- }
- toString() {
- return collection.ListBase.listToString(this);
- }
- [dartx.toList](opts) {
- let growable = opts && 'growable' in opts ? opts.growable : true;
- let list = this.slice();
- if (!dart.notNull(growable)) JSArray$().markFixedList(, core.List));
- return JSArray$(E).typed(list);
- }
- [dartx.toSet]() {
- return core.Set$(E).from(this);
- }
- get [dartx.iterator]() {
- return new (_internal.ListIterator$(E))(this);
- }
- get hashCode() {
- return _js_helper.Primitives.objectHashCode(this);
- }
- get [dartx.length]() {
- return this.length;
- }
- set [dartx.length](newLength) {
- if (!(typeof newLength == 'number')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(newLength));
- if (dart.notNull(newLength) < 0) dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(newLength));
- this[dartx.checkGrowable]('set length');
- this.length = newLength;
- }
- [dartx.get](index) {
- if (!(typeof index == 'number')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(index));
- if (dart.notNull(index) >= dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]) || dart.notNull(index) < 0) dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(index));
- return[index], E);
- }
- [dartx.set](index, value) {
-, E);
- if (!(typeof index == 'number')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(index));
- if (dart.notNull(index) >= dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]) || dart.notNull(index) < 0) dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(index));
- this[index] = value;
- return value;
- }
- [dartx.asMap]() {
- return new (_internal.IterableMixinWorkaround$(E))().asMapList(this);
- }
- }
- dart.setBaseClass(JSArray,;
- JSArray[dart.implements] = () => [core.List$(E), JSIndexable];
- dart.setSignature(JSArray, {
- constructors: () => ({
- JSArray: [JSArray$(E), []],
- typed: [JSArray$(E), [dart.dynamic]],
- markFixed: [JSArray$(E), [dart.dynamic]],
- markGrowable: [JSArray$(E), [dart.dynamic]]
- }),
- methods: () => ({
- [dartx.checkGrowable]: [dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic]],
- [dartx.add]: [dart.void, [E]],
- [dartx.removeAt]: [E, []],
- [dartx.insert]: [dart.void, [, E]],
- [dartx.insertAll]: [dart.void, [, core.Iterable$(E)]],
- [dartx.setAll]: [dart.void, [, core.Iterable$(E)]],
- [dartx.removeLast]: [E, []],
- [dartx.remove]: [core.bool, [core.Object]],
- [dartx.removeWhere]: [dart.void, [dart.functionType(core.bool, [E])]],
- [dartx.retainWhere]: [dart.void, [dart.functionType(core.bool, [E])]],
- [dartx.where]: [core.Iterable$(E), [dart.functionType(core.bool, [E])]],
- [dartx.expand]: [core.Iterable, [dart.functionType(core.Iterable, [E])]],
- [dartx.addAll]: [dart.void, [core.Iterable$(E)]],
- [dartx.clear]: [dart.void, []],
- [dartx.forEach]: [dart.void, [dart.functionType(dart.void, [E])]],
- []: [core.Iterable, [dart.functionType(dart.dynamic, [E])]],
- [dartx.join]: [core.String, [], [core.String]],
- [dartx.take]: [core.Iterable$(E), []],
- [dartx.takeWhile]: [core.Iterable$(E), [dart.functionType(core.bool, [E])]],
- [dartx.skip]: [core.Iterable$(E), []],
- [dartx.skipWhile]: [core.Iterable$(E), [dart.functionType(core.bool, [E])]],
- [dartx.reduce]: [E, [dart.functionType(E, [E, E])]],
- [dartx.fold]: [dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic, dart.functionType(dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic, E])]],
- [dartx.firstWhere]: [E, [dart.functionType(core.bool, [E])], {orElse: dart.functionType(E, [])}],
- [dartx.lastWhere]: [E, [dart.functionType(core.bool, [E])], {orElse: dart.functionType(E, [])}],
- [dartx.singleWhere]: [E, [dart.functionType(core.bool, [E])]],
- [dartx.elementAt]: [E, []],
- [dartx.sublist]: [core.List$(E), [], []],
- [dartx.getRange]: [core.Iterable$(E), [,]],
- [dartx.removeRange]: [dart.void, [,]],
- [dartx.setRange]: [dart.void, [,, core.Iterable$(E)], []],
- [dartx.fillRange]: [dart.void, [,], [E]],
- [dartx.replaceRange]: [dart.void, [,, core.Iterable$(E)]],
- [dartx.any]: [core.bool, [dart.functionType(core.bool, [E])]],
- [dartx.every]: [core.bool, [dart.functionType(core.bool, [E])]],
- [dartx.sort]: [dart.void, [], [dart.functionType(, [E, E])]],
- [dartx.shuffle]: [dart.void, [], [math.Random]],
- [dartx.indexOf]: [, [core.Object], []],
- [dartx.lastIndexOf]: [, [core.Object], []],
- [dartx.contains]: [core.bool, [core.Object]],
- [dartx.toList]: [core.List$(E), [], {growable: core.bool}],
- [dartx.toSet]: [core.Set$(E), []],
- [dartx.get]: [E, []],
- [dartx.set]: [dart.void, [, E]],
- [dartx.asMap]: [core.Map$(, E), []]
- }),
- statics: () => ({markFixedList: [core.List, [core.List]]}),
- names: ['markFixedList']
- });
- JSArray[dart.metadata] = () => [dart.const(new _js_helper.JsPeerInterface({name: 'Array'}))];
- return JSArray;
- });
- let JSArray = JSArray$();
- dart.registerExtension(, JSArray);
- const JSMutableArray$ = dart.generic(function(E) {
- class JSMutableArray extends JSArray$(E) {
- JSMutableArray() {
- super.JSArray();
- }
- }
- JSMutableArray[dart.implements] = () => [JSMutableIndexable];
- return JSMutableArray;
- });
- let JSMutableArray = JSMutableArray$();
- const JSFixedArray$ = dart.generic(function(E) {
- class JSFixedArray extends JSMutableArray$(E) {}
- return JSFixedArray;
- });
- let JSFixedArray = JSFixedArray$();
- const JSExtendableArray$ = dart.generic(function(E) {
- class JSExtendableArray extends JSMutableArray$(E) {}
- return JSExtendableArray;
- });
- let JSExtendableArray = JSExtendableArray$();
- const _isInt32 = Symbol('_isInt32');
- const _tdivSlow = Symbol('_tdivSlow');
- const _shlPositive = Symbol('_shlPositive');
- const _shrOtherPositive = Symbol('_shrOtherPositive');
- const _shrBothPositive = Symbol('_shrBothPositive');
- class Interceptor extends core.Object {
- Interceptor() {
- }
- }
- dart.setSignature(Interceptor, {
- constructors: () => ({Interceptor: [Interceptor, []]})
- });
- dart.defineExtensionNames([
- 'compareTo',
- 'isNegative',
- 'isNaN',
- 'isInfinite',
- 'isFinite',
- 'remainder',
- 'abs',
- 'sign',
- 'toInt',
- 'truncate',
- 'ceil',
- 'floor',
- 'round',
- 'ceilToDouble',
- 'floorToDouble',
- 'roundToDouble',
- 'truncateToDouble',
- 'clamp',
- 'toDouble',
- 'toStringAsFixed',
- 'toStringAsExponential',
- 'toStringAsPrecision',
- 'toRadixString',
- 'toString',
- 'hashCode',
- 'unary-',
- '+',
- '-',
- '/',
- '*',
- '%',
- '~/',
- '<<',
- '>>',
- '&',
- '|',
- '^',
- '<',
- '>',
- '<=',
- '>=',
- 'isEven',
- 'isOdd',
- 'toUnsigned',
- 'toSigned',
- 'bitLength',
- '~'
- ]);
- class JSNumber extends Interceptor {
- JSNumber() {
- super.Interceptor();
- }
- [dartx.compareTo](b) {
- if (this < dart.notNull(b)) {
- return -1;
- } else if (this > dart.notNull(b)) {
- return 1;
- } else if (this == b) {
- if (this == 0) {
- let bIsNegative = b[dartx.isNegative];
- if (this[dartx.isNegative] == bIsNegative) return 0;
- if (dart.notNull(this[dartx.isNegative])) return -1;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- } else if (dart.notNull(this[dartx.isNaN])) {
- if (dart.notNull(b[dartx.isNaN])) {
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- get [dartx.isNegative]() {
- return this == 0 ? 1 / this < 0 : this < 0;
- }
- get [dartx.isNaN]() {
- return isNaN(this);
- }
- get [dartx.isInfinite]() {
- return this == Infinity || this == -Infinity;
- }
- get [dartx.isFinite]() {
- return isFinite(this);
- }
- [dartx.remainder](b) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(b);
- return this % b;
- }
- [dartx.abs]() {
- return Math.abs(this);
- }
- get [dartx.sign]() {
- return this > 0 ? 1 : this < 0 ? -1 : this;
- }
- [dartx.toInt]() {
- if (this >= dart.notNull(JSNumber._MIN_INT32) && this <= dart.notNull(JSNumber._MAX_INT32)) {
- return this | 0;
- }
- if (isFinite(this)) {
- return this[dartx.truncateToDouble]() + 0;
- }
- dart.throw(new core.UnsupportedError('' + this));
- }
- [dartx.truncate]() {
- return this[dartx.toInt]();
- }
- [dartx.ceil]() {
- return this[dartx.ceilToDouble]()[dartx.toInt]();
- }
- [dartx.floor]() {
- return this[dartx.floorToDouble]()[dartx.toInt]();
- }
- [dartx.round]() {
- return this[dartx.roundToDouble]()[dartx.toInt]();
- }
- [dartx.ceilToDouble]() {
- return Math.ceil(this);
- }
- [dartx.floorToDouble]() {
- return Math.floor(this);
- }
- [dartx.roundToDouble]() {
- if (this < 0) {
- return -Math.round(-this);
- } else {
- return Math.round(this);
- }
- }
- [dartx.truncateToDouble]() {
- return this < 0 ? this[dartx.ceilToDouble]() : this[dartx.floorToDouble]();
- }
- [dartx.clamp](lowerLimit, upperLimit) {
- if (dart.notNull(lowerLimit[dartx.compareTo](upperLimit)) > 0) {
- dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(lowerLimit));
- }
- if (dart.notNull(this[dartx.compareTo](lowerLimit)) < 0) return lowerLimit;
- if (dart.notNull(this[dartx.compareTo](upperLimit)) > 0) return upperLimit;
- return this;
- }
- [dartx.toDouble]() {
- return this;
- }
- [dartx.toStringAsFixed](fractionDigits) {
- _js_helper.checkInt(fractionDigits);
- if (dart.notNull(fractionDigits) < 0 || dart.notNull(fractionDigits) > 20) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError(fractionDigits));
- }
- let result = this.toFixed(fractionDigits);
- if (this == 0 && dart.notNull(this[dartx.isNegative])) return `-${result}`;
- return result;
- }
- [dartx.toStringAsExponential](fractionDigits) {
- if (fractionDigits === void 0) fractionDigits = null;
- let result = null;
- if (fractionDigits != null) {
- _js_helper.checkInt(fractionDigits);
- if (dart.notNull(fractionDigits) < 0 || dart.notNull(fractionDigits) > 20) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError(fractionDigits));
- }
- result = this.toExponential(fractionDigits);
- } else {
- result = this.toExponential();
- }
- if (this == 0 && dart.notNull(this[dartx.isNegative])) return `-${result}`;
- return result;
- }
- [dartx.toStringAsPrecision](precision) {
- _js_helper.checkInt(precision);
- if (dart.notNull(precision) < 1 || dart.notNull(precision) > 21) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError(precision));
- }
- let result = this.toPrecision(precision);
- if (this == 0 && dart.notNull(this[dartx.isNegative])) return `-${result}`;
- return result;
- }
- [dartx.toRadixString](radix) {
- _js_helper.checkInt(radix);
- if (dart.notNull(radix) < 2 || dart.notNull(radix) > 36) dart.throw(new core.RangeError(radix));
- let result = this.toString(radix);
- let rightParenCode = 41;
- if (result[dartx.codeUnitAt](dart.notNull(result[dartx.length]) - 1) != rightParenCode) {
- return result;
- }
- return JSNumber._handleIEtoString(result);
- }
- static _handleIEtoString(result) {
- let match = /^([\da-z]+)(?:\.([\da-z]+))?\(e\+(\d+)\)$/.exec(result);
- if (match == null) {
- dart.throw(new core.UnsupportedError(`Unexpected toString result: ${result}`));
- }
- result = dart.dindex(match, 1);
- let exponent = +dart.dindex(match, 3);
- if (dart.dindex(match, 2) != null) {
- result = result + dart.dindex(match, 2);
- exponent = exponent - dart.dindex(match, 2).length;
- }
- return dart.notNull(result) + "0"[dartx['*']](exponent);
- }
- toString() {
- if (this == 0 && 1 / this < 0) {
- return '-0.0';
- } else {
- return "" + this;
- }
- }
- get hashCode() {
- return this & 0x1FFFFFFF;
- }
- [dartx['unary-']]() {
- return -this;
- }
- [dartx['+']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return this + other;
- }
- [dartx['-']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return this - other;
- }
- [dartx['/']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return this / other;
- }
- [dartx['*']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return this * other;
- }
- [dartx['%']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- let result = this % other;
- if (result == 0) return 0;
- if (result > 0) return result;
- if (other < 0) {
- return result - other;
- } else {
- return result + other;
- }
- }
- [_isInt32](value) {
- return (value | 0) === value;
- }
- [dartx['~/']](other) {
- if (dart.notNull(this[_isInt32](this)) && dart.notNull(this[_isInt32](other)) && 0 != other && -1 != other) {
- return this / other | 0;
- } else {
- return this[_tdivSlow](other);
- }
- }
- [_tdivSlow](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return (this / other)[dartx.toInt]();
- }
- [dartx['<<']](other) {
- if (dart.notNull(other) < 0) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(other));
- return this[_shlPositive](other);
- }
- [_shlPositive](other) {
- return other > 31 ? 0 : this << other >>> 0;
- }
- [dartx['>>']](other) {
- if (dart.notNull(other) < 0) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(other));
- return this[_shrOtherPositive](other);
- }
- [_shrOtherPositive](other) {
- return this > 0 ? this[_shrBothPositive](other) : this >> (dart.notNull(other) > 31 ? 31 : other) >>> 0;
- }
- [_shrBothPositive](other) {
- return other > 31 ? 0 : this >>> other;
- }
- [dartx['&']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return (this & other) >>> 0;
- }
- [dartx['|']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return (this | other) >>> 0;
- }
- [dartx['^']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return (this ^ other) >>> 0;
- }
- [dartx['<']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return this < other;
- }
- [dartx['>']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return this > other;
- }
- [dartx['<=']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return this <= other;
- }
- [dartx['>=']](other) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- return this >= other;
- }
- get [dartx.isEven]() {
- return (this & 1) == 0;
- }
- get [dartx.isOdd]() {
- return (this & 1) == 1;
- }
- [dartx.toUnsigned](width) {
- return this & (1 << dart.notNull(width)) - 1;
- }
- [dartx.toSigned](width) {
- let signMask = 1 << dart.notNull(width) - 1;
- return (this & signMask - 1) - (this & signMask);
- }
- get [dartx.bitLength]() {
- let nonneg = this < 0 ? -this - 1 : this;
- if (nonneg >= 4294967296) {
- nonneg = (nonneg / 4294967296)[dartx.truncate]();
- return dart.notNull(JSNumber._bitCount(JSNumber._spread(nonneg))) + 32;
- }
- return JSNumber._bitCount(JSNumber._spread(nonneg));
- }
- static _bitCount(i) {
- i = dart.notNull(JSNumber._shru(i, 0)) - (dart.notNull(JSNumber._shru(i, 1)) & 1431655765);
- i = (dart.notNull(i) & 858993459) + (dart.notNull(JSNumber._shru(i, 2)) & 858993459);
- i = 252645135 & dart.notNull(i) + dart.notNull(JSNumber._shru(i, 4));
- i = dart.notNull(i) + dart.notNull(JSNumber._shru(i, 8));
- i = dart.notNull(i) + dart.notNull(JSNumber._shru(i, 16));
- return dart.notNull(i) & 63;
- }
- static _shru(value, shift) {
- return value >>> shift;
- }
- static _shrs(value, shift) {
- return value >> shift;
- }
- static _ors(a, b) {
- return a | b;
- }
- static _spread(i) {
- i = JSNumber._ors(i, JSNumber._shrs(i, 1));
- i = JSNumber._ors(i, JSNumber._shrs(i, 2));
- i = JSNumber._ors(i, JSNumber._shrs(i, 4));
- i = JSNumber._ors(i, JSNumber._shrs(i, 8));
- i = JSNumber._shru(JSNumber._ors(i, JSNumber._shrs(i, 16)), 0);
- return i;
- }
- [dartx['~']]() {
- return ~this >>> 0;
- }
- }
- JSNumber[dart.implements] = () => [, core.double];
- dart.setSignature(JSNumber, {
- constructors: () => ({JSNumber: [JSNumber, []]}),
- methods: () => ({
- [dartx.compareTo]: [, [core.num]],
- [dartx.remainder]: [JSNumber, [core.num]],
- [dartx.abs]: [JSNumber, []],
- [dartx.toInt]: [, []],
- [dartx.truncate]: [, []],
- [dartx.ceil]: [, []],
- [dartx.floor]: [, []],
- [dartx.round]: [, []],
- [dartx.ceilToDouble]: [core.double, []],
- [dartx.floorToDouble]: [core.double, []],
- [dartx.roundToDouble]: [core.double, []],
- [dartx.truncateToDouble]: [core.double, []],
- [dartx.clamp]: [core.num, [core.num, core.num]],
- [dartx.toDouble]: [core.double, []],
- [dartx.toStringAsFixed]: [core.String, []],
- [dartx.toStringAsExponential]: [core.String, [], []],
- [dartx.toStringAsPrecision]: [core.String, []],
- [dartx.toRadixString]: [core.String, []],
- [dartx['unary-']]: [JSNumber, []],
- [dartx['+']]: [JSNumber, [core.num]],
- [dartx['-']]: [JSNumber, [core.num]],
- [dartx['/']]: [core.double, [core.num]],
- [dartx['*']]: [JSNumber, [core.num]],
- [dartx['%']]: [JSNumber, [core.num]],
- [_isInt32]: [core.bool, [dart.dynamic]],
- [dartx['~/']]: [, [core.num]],
- [_tdivSlow]: [, [core.num]],
- [dartx['<<']]: [, [core.num]],
- [_shlPositive]: [, [core.num]],
- [dartx['>>']]: [, [core.num]],
- [_shrOtherPositive]: [, [core.num]],
- [_shrBothPositive]: [, [core.num]],
- [dartx['&']]: [, [core.num]],
- [dartx['|']]: [, [core.num]],
- [dartx['^']]: [, [core.num]],
- [dartx['<']]: [core.bool, [core.num]],
- [dartx['>']]: [core.bool, [core.num]],
- [dartx['<=']]: [core.bool, [core.num]],
- [dartx['>=']]: [core.bool, [core.num]],
- [dartx.toUnsigned]: [, []],
- [dartx.toSigned]: [, []],
- [dartx['~']]: [, []]
- }),
- statics: () => ({
- _handleIEtoString: [core.String, [core.String]],
- _bitCount: [, []],
- _shru: [, [,]],
- _shrs: [, [,]],
- _ors: [, [,]],
- _spread: [, []]
- }),
- names: ['_handleIEtoString', '_bitCount', '_shru', '_shrs', '_ors', '_spread']
- });
- JSNumber[dart.metadata] = () => [dart.const(new _js_helper.JsPeerInterface({name: 'Number'}))];
- JSNumber._MIN_INT32 = -2147483648;
- JSNumber._MAX_INT32 = 2147483647;
- dart.registerExtension(, JSNumber);
- const _defaultSplit = Symbol('_defaultSplit');
- dart.defineExtensionNames([
- 'codeUnitAt',
- 'allMatches',
- 'matchAsPrefix',
- '+',
- 'endsWith',
- 'replaceAll',
- 'replaceAllMapped',
- 'splitMapJoin',
- 'replaceFirst',
- 'split',
- 'startsWith',
- 'substring',
- 'toLowerCase',
- 'toUpperCase',
- 'trim',
- 'trimLeft',
- 'trimRight',
- '*',
- 'padLeft',
- 'padRight',
- 'codeUnits',
- 'runes',
- 'indexOf',
- 'lastIndexOf',
- 'contains',
- 'isEmpty',
- 'isNotEmpty',
- 'compareTo',
- 'toString',
- 'hashCode',
- 'runtimeType',
- 'length',
- 'get'
- ]);
- class JSString extends Interceptor {
- JSString() {
- super.Interceptor();
- }
- [dartx.codeUnitAt](index) {
- if (!(typeof index == 'number')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(index));
- if (dart.notNull(index) < 0) dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(index));
- if (dart.notNull(index) >= dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(index));
- return this.charCodeAt(index);
- }
- [dartx.allMatches](string, start) {
- if (start === void 0) start = 0;
- _js_helper.checkString(string);
- _js_helper.checkInt(start);
- if (0 > dart.notNull(start) || dart.notNull(start) > dart.notNull(string[dartx.length])) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.range(start, 0, string[dartx.length]));
- }
- return _js_helper.allMatchesInStringUnchecked(this, string, start);
- }
- [dartx.matchAsPrefix](string, start) {
- if (start === void 0) start = 0;
- if (dart.notNull(start) < 0 || dart.notNull(start) > dart.notNull(string[dartx.length])) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.range(start, 0, string[dartx.length]));
- }
- if (dart.notNull(start) + dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]) > dart.notNull(string[dartx.length])) return null;
- for (let i = 0; i < dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]); i++) {
- if (string[dartx.codeUnitAt](dart.notNull(start) + i) != this[dartx.codeUnitAt](i)) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- return new _js_helper.StringMatch(start, string, this);
- }
- [dartx['+']](other) {
- if (!(typeof other == 'string')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(other));
- return this + other;
- }
- [dartx.endsWith](other) {
- _js_helper.checkString(other);
- let otherLength = other[dartx.length];
- if (dart.notNull(otherLength) > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) return false;
- return other == this[dartx.substring](dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]) - dart.notNull(otherLength));
- }
- [dartx.replaceAll](from, to) {
- _js_helper.checkString(to);
- return, from, to), core.String);
- }
- [dartx.replaceAllMapped](from, convert) {
- return this[dartx.splitMapJoin](from, {onMatch: convert});
- }
- [dartx.splitMapJoin](from, opts) {
- let onMatch = opts && 'onMatch' in opts ? opts.onMatch : null;
- let onNonMatch = opts && 'onNonMatch' in opts ? opts.onNonMatch : null;
- return, from, onMatch, onNonMatch), core.String);
- }
- [dartx.replaceFirst](from, to, startIndex) {
- if (startIndex === void 0) startIndex = 0;
- _js_helper.checkString(to);
- _js_helper.checkInt(startIndex);
- if (dart.notNull(startIndex) < 0 || dart.notNull(startIndex) > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.range(startIndex, 0, this[dartx.length]));
- }
- return, from, to, startIndex), core.String);
- }
- [dartx.split](pattern) {
- _js_helper.checkNull(pattern);
- if (typeof pattern == 'string') {
- return, core.List$(core.String));
- } else if (, _js_helper.JSSyntaxRegExp) && _js_helper.regExpCaptureCount(pattern) == 0) {
- let re = _js_helper.regExpGetNative(pattern);
- return, core.List$(core.String));
- } else {
- return this[_defaultSplit](pattern);
- }
- }
- [_defaultSplit](pattern) {
- let result = dart.list([], core.String);
- let start = 0;
- let length = 1;
- for (let match of pattern[dartx.allMatches](this)) {
- let matchStart = match.start;
- let matchEnd = match.end;
- length = dart.notNull(matchEnd) - dart.notNull(matchStart);
- if (length == 0 && start == matchStart) {
- continue;
- }
- let end = matchStart;
- result[dartx.add](this[dartx.substring](start, end));
- start = matchEnd;
- }
- if (dart.notNull(start) < dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]) || length > 0) {
- result[dartx.add](this[dartx.substring](start));
- }
- return result;
- }
- [dartx.startsWith](pattern, index) {
- if (index === void 0) index = 0;
- _js_helper.checkInt(index);
- if (dart.notNull(index) < 0 || dart.notNull(index) > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.range(index, 0, this[dartx.length]));
- }
- if (typeof pattern == 'string') {
- let other = pattern;
- let otherLength = other[dartx.length];
- let endIndex = dart.notNull(index) + dart.notNull(otherLength);
- if (endIndex > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) return false;
- return other == this.substring(index, endIndex);
- }
- return pattern[dartx.matchAsPrefix](this, index) != null;
- }
- [dartx.substring](startIndex, endIndex) {
- if (endIndex === void 0) endIndex = null;
- _js_helper.checkInt(startIndex);
- if (endIndex == null) endIndex = this[dartx.length];
- _js_helper.checkInt(endIndex);
- if (dart.notNull(startIndex) < 0) dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(startIndex));
- if (dart.notNull(startIndex) > dart.notNull(endIndex)) dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(startIndex));
- if (dart.notNull(endIndex) > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(endIndex));
- return this.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
- }
- [dartx.toLowerCase]() {
- return this.toLowerCase();
- }
- [dartx.toUpperCase]() {
- return this.toUpperCase();
- }
- static _isWhitespace(codeUnit) {
- if (dart.notNull(codeUnit) < 256) {
- switch (codeUnit) {
- case 9:
- case 10:
- case 11:
- case 12:
- case 13:
- case 32:
- case 133:
- case 160:
- {
- return true;
- }
- default:
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- switch (codeUnit) {
- case 5760:
- case 6158:
- case 8192:
- case 8193:
- case 8194:
- case 8195:
- case 8196:
- case 8197:
- case 8198:
- case 8199:
- case 8200:
- case 8201:
- case 8202:
- case 8232:
- case 8233:
- case 8239:
- case 8287:
- case 12288:
- case 65279:
- {
- return true;
- }
- default:
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- static _skipLeadingWhitespace(string, index) {
- let SPACE = 32;
- while (dart.notNull(index) < dart.notNull(string[dartx.length])) {
- let codeUnit = string[dartx.codeUnitAt](index);
- if (codeUnit != SPACE && codeUnit != CARRIAGE_RETURN && !dart.notNull(JSString._isWhitespace(codeUnit))) {
- break;
- }
- index = dart.notNull(index) + 1;
- }
- return index;
- }
- static _skipTrailingWhitespace(string, index) {
- let SPACE = 32;
- while (dart.notNull(index) > 0) {
- let codeUnit = string[dartx.codeUnitAt](dart.notNull(index) - 1);
- if (codeUnit != SPACE && codeUnit != CARRIAGE_RETURN && !dart.notNull(JSString._isWhitespace(codeUnit))) {
- break;
- }
- index = dart.notNull(index) - 1;
- }
- return index;
- }
- [dartx.trim]() {
- let NEL = 133;
- let result = this.trim();
- if (result[dartx.length] == 0) return result;
- let firstCode = result[dartx.codeUnitAt](0);
- let startIndex = 0;
- if (firstCode == NEL) {
- startIndex = JSString._skipLeadingWhitespace(result, 1);
- if (startIndex == result[dartx.length]) return "";
- }
- let endIndex = result[dartx.length];
- let lastCode = result[dartx.codeUnitAt](dart.notNull(endIndex) - 1);
- if (lastCode == NEL) {
- endIndex = JSString._skipTrailingWhitespace(result, dart.notNull(endIndex) - 1);
- }
- if (startIndex == 0 && endIndex == result[dartx.length]) return result;
- return result.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
- }
- [dartx.trimLeft]() {
- let NEL = 133;
- let result = null;
- let startIndex = 0;
- if (typeof this.trimLeft != "undefined") {
- result = this.trimLeft();
- if (result[dartx.length] == 0) return result;
- let firstCode = result[dartx.codeUnitAt](0);
- if (firstCode == NEL) {
- startIndex = JSString._skipLeadingWhitespace(result, 1);
- }
- } else {
- result = this;
- startIndex = JSString._skipLeadingWhitespace(this, 0);
- }
- if (startIndex == 0) return result;
- if (startIndex == result[dartx.length]) return "";
- return result.substring(startIndex);
- }
- [dartx.trimRight]() {
- let NEL = 133;
- let result = null;
- let endIndex = null;
- if (typeof this.trimRight != "undefined") {
- result = this.trimRight();
- endIndex = result[dartx.length];
- if (endIndex == 0) return result;
- let lastCode = result[dartx.codeUnitAt](dart.notNull(endIndex) - 1);
- if (lastCode == NEL) {
- endIndex = JSString._skipTrailingWhitespace(result, dart.notNull(endIndex) - 1);
- }
- } else {
- result = this;
- endIndex = JSString._skipTrailingWhitespace(this, this[dartx.length]);
- }
- if (endIndex == result[dartx.length]) return result;
- if (endIndex == 0) return "";
- return result.substring(0, endIndex);
- }
- [dartx['*']](times) {
- if (0 >= dart.notNull(times)) return '';
- if (times == 1 || this[dartx.length] == 0) return this;
- if (times != times >>> 0) {
- dart.throw(dart.const(new core.OutOfMemoryError()));
- }
- let result = '';
- let s = this;
- while (true) {
- if ((dart.notNull(times) & 1) == 1) result = s + result;
- times = times >>> 1;
- if (times == 0) break;
- s = s + s;
- }
- return result;
- }
- [dartx.padLeft](width, padding) {
- if (padding === void 0) padding = ' ';
- let delta = dart.notNull(width) - dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]);
- if (delta <= 0) return this;
- return padding[dartx['*']](delta) + this;
- }
- [dartx.padRight](width, padding) {
- if (padding === void 0) padding = ' ';
- let delta = dart.notNull(width) - dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]);
- if (delta <= 0) return this;
- return this[dartx['+']](padding[dartx['*']](delta));
- }
- get [dartx.codeUnits]() {
- return new _CodeUnits(this);
- }
- get [dartx.runes]() {
- return new core.Runes(this);
- }
- [dartx.indexOf](pattern, start) {
- if (start === void 0) start = 0;
- _js_helper.checkNull(pattern);
- if (!(typeof start == 'number')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(start));
- if (dart.notNull(start) < 0 || dart.notNull(start) > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.range(start, 0, this[dartx.length]));
- }
- if (typeof pattern == 'string') {
- return this.indexOf(pattern, start);
- }
- if (, _js_helper.JSSyntaxRegExp)) {
- let re = pattern;
- let match = _js_helper.firstMatchAfter(re, this, start);
- return match == null ? -1 : match.start;
- }
- for (let i = start; dart.notNull(i) <= dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]); i = dart.notNull(i) + 1) {
- if (pattern[dartx.matchAsPrefix](this, i) != null) return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- [dartx.lastIndexOf](pattern, start) {
- if (start === void 0) start = null;
- _js_helper.checkNull(pattern);
- if (start == null) {
- start = this[dartx.length];
- } else if (!(typeof start == 'number')) {
- dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(start));
- } else if (dart.notNull(start) < 0 || dart.notNull(start) > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.range(start, 0, this[dartx.length]));
- }
- if (typeof pattern == 'string') {
- let other = pattern;
- if (dart.notNull(start) + dart.notNull(other[dartx.length]) > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) {
- start = dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]) - dart.notNull(other[dartx.length]);
- }
- return, other, start),;
- }
- for (let i = start; dart.notNull(i) >= 0; i = dart.notNull(i) - 1) {
- if (pattern[dartx.matchAsPrefix](this, i) != null) return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- [dartx.contains](other, startIndex) {
- if (startIndex === void 0) startIndex = 0;
- _js_helper.checkNull(other);
- if (dart.notNull(startIndex) < 0 || dart.notNull(startIndex) > dart.notNull(this[dartx.length])) {
- dart.throw(new core.RangeError.range(startIndex, 0, this[dartx.length]));
- }
- return, other, startIndex), core.bool);
- }
- get [dartx.isEmpty]() {
- return this[dartx.length] == 0;
- }
- get [dartx.isNotEmpty]() {
- return !dart.notNull(this[dartx.isEmpty]);
- }
- [dartx.compareTo](other) {
- if (!(typeof other == 'string')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(other));
- return dart.equals(this, other) ? 0 : this < other ? -1 : 1;
- }
- toString() {
- return this;
- }
- get hashCode() {
- let hash = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]); i++) {
- hash = 536870911 & hash + this.charCodeAt(i);
- hash = 536870911 & hash + ((524287 & hash) << 10);
- hash = hash ^ hash >> 6;
- }
- hash = 536870911 & hash + ((67108863 & hash) << 3);
- hash = hash ^ hash >> 11;
- return 536870911 & hash + ((16383 & hash) << 15);
- }
- get runtimeType() {
- return core.String;
- }
- get [dartx.length]() {
- return this.length;
- }
- [dartx.get](index) {
- if (!(typeof index == 'number')) dart.throw(new core.ArgumentError(index));
- if (dart.notNull(index) >= dart.notNull(this[dartx.length]) || dart.notNull(index) < 0) dart.throw(new core.RangeError.value(index));
- return this[index];
- }
- }
- JSString[dart.implements] = () => [core.String, JSIndexable];
- dart.setSignature(JSString, {
- constructors: () => ({JSString: [JSString, []]}),
- methods: () => ({
- [dartx.codeUnitAt]: [, []],
- [dartx.allMatches]: [core.Iterable$(core.Match), [core.String], []],
- [dartx.matchAsPrefix]: [core.Match, [core.String], []],
- [dartx['+']]: [core.String, [core.String]],
- [dartx.endsWith]: [core.bool, [core.String]],
- [dartx.replaceAll]: [core.String, [core.Pattern, core.String]],
- [dartx.replaceAllMapped]: [core.String, [core.Pattern, dart.functionType(core.String, [core.Match])]],
- [dartx.splitMapJoin]: [core.String, [core.Pattern], {onMatch: dart.functionType(core.String, [core.Match]), onNonMatch: dart.functionType(core.String, [core.String])}],
- [dartx.replaceFirst]: [core.String, [core.Pattern, core.String], []],
- [dartx.split]: [core.List$(core.String), [core.Pattern]],
- [_defaultSplit]: [core.List$(core.String), [core.Pattern]],
- [dartx.startsWith]: [core.bool, [core.Pattern], []],
- [dartx.substring]: [core.String, [], []],
- [dartx.toLowerCase]: [core.String, []],
- [dartx.toUpperCase]: [core.String, []],
- [dartx.trim]: [core.String, []],
- [dartx.trimLeft]: [core.String, []],
- [dartx.trimRight]: [core.String, []],
- [dartx['*']]: [core.String, []],
- [dartx.padLeft]: [core.String, [], [core.String]],
- [dartx.padRight]: [core.String, [], [core.String]],
- [dartx.indexOf]: [, [core.Pattern], []],
- [dartx.lastIndexOf]: [, [core.Pattern], []],
- [dartx.contains]: [core.bool, [core.Pattern], []],
- [dartx.compareTo]: [, [core.String]],
- [dartx.get]: [core.String, []]
- }),
- statics: () => ({
- _isWhitespace: [core.bool, []],
- _skipLeadingWhitespace: [, [core.String,]],
- _skipTrailingWhitespace: [, [core.String,]]
- }),
- names: ['_isWhitespace', '_skipLeadingWhitespace', '_skipTrailingWhitespace']
- });
- JSString[dart.metadata] = () => [dart.const(new _js_helper.JsPeerInterface({name: 'String'}))];
- dart.registerExtension(, JSString);
- const _string = Symbol('_string');
- class _CodeUnits extends _internal.UnmodifiableListBase$( {
- _CodeUnits(string) {
- this[_string] = string;
- }
- get length() {
- return this[_string][dartx.length];
- }
- get(i) {
- return this[_string][dartx.codeUnitAt](i);
- }
- }
- dart.setSignature(_CodeUnits, {
- constructors: () => ({_CodeUnits: [_CodeUnits, [core.String]]}),
- methods: () => ({get: [, []]})
- });
- dart.defineExtensionMembers(_CodeUnits, ['get', 'length']);
- function getInterceptor(obj) {
- return obj;
- }
- dart.fn(getInterceptor);
- dart.defineExtensionNames([
- 'toString',
- 'hashCode',
- 'runtimeType'
- ]);
- class JSBool extends Interceptor {
- JSBool() {
- super.Interceptor();
- }
- toString() {
- return String(this);
- }
- get hashCode() {
- return this ? 2 * 3 * 23 * 3761 : 269 * 811;
- }
- get runtimeType() {
- return core.bool;
- }
- }
- JSBool[dart.implements] = () => [core.bool];
- dart.setSignature(JSBool, {
- constructors: () => ({JSBool: [JSBool, []]})
- });
- JSBool[dart.metadata] = () => [dart.const(new _js_helper.JsPeerInterface({name: 'Boolean'}))];
- dart.registerExtension(, JSBool);
- class JSIndexable extends core.Object {}
- class JSMutableIndexable extends JSIndexable {}
- class JSObject extends core.Object {}
- class JavaScriptObject extends Interceptor {
- JavaScriptObject() {
- super.Interceptor();
- }
- get hashCode() {
- return 0;
- }
- get runtimeType() {
- return JSObject;
- }
- }
- JavaScriptObject[dart.implements] = () => [JSObject];
- dart.setSignature(JavaScriptObject, {
- constructors: () => ({JavaScriptObject: [JavaScriptObject, []]})
- });
- class PlainJavaScriptObject extends JavaScriptObject {
- PlainJavaScriptObject() {
- super.JavaScriptObject();
- }
- }
- dart.setSignature(PlainJavaScriptObject, {
- constructors: () => ({PlainJavaScriptObject: [PlainJavaScriptObject, []]})
- });
- class UnknownJavaScriptObject extends JavaScriptObject {
- UnknownJavaScriptObject() {
- super.JavaScriptObject();
- }
- toString() {
- return String(this);
- }
- }
- dart.setSignature(UnknownJavaScriptObject, {
- constructors: () => ({UnknownJavaScriptObject: [UnknownJavaScriptObject, []]})
- });
- // Exports:
- exports.JSArray$ = JSArray$;
- exports.JSArray = JSArray;
- exports.JSMutableArray$ = JSMutableArray$;
- exports.JSMutableArray = JSMutableArray;
- exports.JSFixedArray$ = JSFixedArray$;
- exports.JSFixedArray = JSFixedArray;
- exports.JSExtendableArray$ = JSExtendableArray$;
- exports.JSExtendableArray = JSExtendableArray;
- exports.Interceptor = Interceptor;
- exports.JSNumber = JSNumber;
- exports.JSString = JSString;
- exports.getInterceptor = getInterceptor;
- exports.JSBool = JSBool;
- exports.JSIndexable = JSIndexable;
- exports.JSMutableIndexable = JSMutableIndexable;
- exports.JSObject = JSObject;
- exports.JavaScriptObject = JavaScriptObject;
- exports.PlainJavaScriptObject = PlainJavaScriptObject;
- exports.UnknownJavaScriptObject = UnknownJavaScriptObject;
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