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Unified Diff: net/docs/

Issue 1875583002: Revert of Include class relationship diagrams in network stack documentation. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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Index: net/docs/
diff --git a/net/docs/ b/net/docs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 220393498af51fe554dafcaa530455ea6d56a3fb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/net/docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-digraph URLRequestRoot {
- subgraph cluster_legend {
- label="Legend";
- ## The following legend is an attempt to match UML notation,
- ## except for template_class and Factory->object, which are
- ## invented for this diagram.
- BaseClass;
- SubClass [label="Derived Class"];
- Whole;
- Part;
- A;
- B;
- Interface [label="Interface / ABC", style=dashed];
- template_class [shape=diamond]; # Link will name parameter(s)
- SubClass -> BaseClass [arrowhead="empty"];
- SubClass -> Interface [arrowhead="empty", style=dashed];
- Part -> Whole [arrowhead="diamond", label="ownership"];
- Part -> Whole [arrowhead="odiamond", label="pointer"];
- A -> B [arrowhead="none", headlabel="?..?", taillabel="?..?",
- label="association"];
- // Often a "subgraph { rank=same; .. }" is used to wrap the
- // below to make the generative relationship distinctive
- // from the other class relationships.
- Factory -> object [arrowhead=veevee];
- };
- ## URLRequest, URLRequestJob, and subclasses
- URLRequestContext;
- URLRequest;
- URLRequestJob [style=dashed];
- URLRequestJob_Others [label="...other job types..."];
- URLRequestHttpJob;
- Filter;
- {URLRequestHttpJob, URLRequestJob_Others} -> URLRequestJob
- [arrowhead="empty"];
- URLRequestJob -> URLRequest [arrowhead="diamond"];
- Filter -> URLRequestJob [arrowhead="diamond"];
- Filter -> Filter [arrowhead="diamond", taillabel="0..1"];
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- URLRequestContext -> URLRequest [arrowhead=veevee];
- }
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- URLRequestHttpJob -> Filter [arrowhead=veevee];
- }
- ## HttpTransaction, subclasses, and generative classes.
- HttpTransactionFactory;
- HttpCache;
- HttpNetworkLayer;
- HttpTransaction [style=dashed];
- HttpCache_Transaction [label="HttpCache::Transaction"];
- HttpNetworkTransaction;
- { HttpNetworkTransaction, HttpCache_Transaction } -> HttpTransaction
- [style=dashed, arrowhead="empty"];
- { HttpNetworkLayer, HttpCache } -> HttpTransactionFactory
- [arrowhead=empty, style=dashed];
- HttpTransaction -> HttpCache_Transaction [arrowhead=diamond];
- HttpTransaction -> URLRequestHttpJob [arrowhead="diamond"]
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- HttpCache -> HttpCache_Transaction [arrowhead=veevee];
- }
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- HttpTransactionFactory -> HttpTransaction [arrowhead=veevee];
- }
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- HttpNetworkLayer -> HttpNetworkTransaction [arrowhead=veevee];
- }
- ## HttpStreamFactory and related.
- HttpStreamFactoryImpl;
- HttpStreamRequest [style=dashed];
- HttpStream [style=dashed];
- HttpStreamFactoryImpl_Request [label="HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Request"];
- HttpStreamFactoryImpl_Job [label="HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job"];
- HttpStreamRequest_Delegate
- [label="HttpStreamRequest::Delegate",style=dashed];
- HttpBasicStream;
- QuicHttpStream;
- SpdyHttpStream;
- HttpBasicState;
- HttpNetworkTransaction -> HttpStreamRequest_Delegate
- [style=dashed, arrowhead="empty"];
- HttpStreamFactoryImpl_Request -> HttpStreamRequest
- [style=dashed, arrowhead="empty"];
- { HttpBasicStream, QuicHttpStream, SpdyHttpStream } -> HttpStream
- [style=dashed, arrowhead="empty"];
- HttpStreamRequest -> HttpNetworkTransaction [arrowhead="diamond"];
- HttpStream -> HttpNetworkTransaction [arrowhead="diamond"];
- HttpBasicState -> HttpBasicStream [arrowhead=diamond];
- HttpStreamFactoryImpl_Job -> HttpStreamFactoryImpl_Request
- [arrowhead="diamond",taillabel="1..*"];
- HttpStreamRequest_Delegate -> HttpStreamFactoryImpl_Request
- [arrowhead=odiamond];
- HttpStreamFactoryImpl_Job -> HttpStreamFactoryImpl_Job
- [arrowhead=odiamond, label="blocking_job_\nwaiting_job_"];
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- HttpStreamFactoryImpl -> HttpStreamRequest [arrowhead=veevee];
- }
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- HttpStreamRequest -> HttpStream [arrowhead=veevee];
- }
- ## ClientSocketHandle and socket pools.
- ClientSocketPool [style=dashed];
- TransportClientSocketPool;
- SSLClientSocketPool;
- ClientSocketPool_Others [label="...others..."];
- ClientSocketPoolBase [label="ClientSocketPoolBase", shape=diamond];
- ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper;
- ConnectJobFactory;
- ConnectJob [style=dashed];
- TransportConnectJob;
- SSLConnectJob;
- ConnectJob_Others [label="...other connect job types..."];
- ConnectJob_Delegate [label="ConnectJob::Delegate",style=dashed];
- StreamSocket [style=dashed];
- TCPClientSocket;
- StreamSocket_Others [label="...other socket types..."];
- TransportConnectJobHelper;
- SingleRequestHostResolver;
- { SSLClientSocketPool, TransportClientSocketPool,
- ClientSocketPool_Others} -> ClientSocketPool
- [style=dashed, arrowhead=empty];
- ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper -> ConnectJob_Delegate
- [arrowhead=empty, style=dashed];
- StreamSocket -> Socket [arrowhead=empty, style=dashed];
- { TCPClientSocket, StreamSocket_Others } -> StreamSocket
- [arrowhead=empty, style=dashed];
- {SSLConnectJob, TransportConnectJob, ConnectJob_Others} -> ConnectJob
- [style=dashed, arrowhead=empty];
- ClientSocketHandle -> HttpStreamFactoryImpl_Job [arrowhead="diamond"];
- ClientSocketHandle -> HttpBasicState [arrowhead="diamond"];
- ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper -> ClientSocketPoolBase [arrowhead=diamond];
- ClientSocketPoolBase -> TransportClientSocketPool
- [arrowhead=diamond, label=TransportSocketParams];
- ClientSocketPoolBase -> SSLClientSocketPool
- [arrowhead=diamond, label=SSLSocketParams];
- StreamSocket -> ClientSocketHandle [arrowhead=diamond];
- ConnectJobFactory -> ClientSocketPoolBase [arrowhead=diamond];
- StreamSocket -> ConnectJob [arrowhead=diamond];
- SingleRequestHostResolver -> TransportConnectJobHelper
- [arrowhead=diamond];
- TransportConnectJobHelper -> TransportConnectJob [arrowhead=diamond];
- ClientSocketPool -> ClientSocketHandle [arrowhead=odiamond];
- ConnectJob_Delegate -> ConnectJob [arrowhead=odiamond];
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- ConnectJobFactory -> ConnectJob [arrowhead=veevee];
- }
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- HttpStreamFactoryImpl_Job -> ClientSocketHandle [arrowhead=veevee];
- }
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- TransportConnectJob -> StreamSocket [arrowhead=veevee];
- }
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