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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/search/

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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Index: appengine/monorail/search/
diff --git a/appengine/monorail/search/ b/appengine/monorail/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b40e5c87e8c32f050d8171b191b47bbfd7ee0214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine/monorail/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Convert a user's issue sorting directives into SQL clauses.
+Some sort directives translate into simple ORDER BY column specifications.
+Other sort directives require that a LEFT JOIN be done to bring in
+relevant information that is then used in the ORDER BY.
+Sorting based on strings can slow down the DB because long sort-keys
+must be loaded into RAM, which means that fewer sort-keys fit into the
+DB's sorting buffers at a time. Also, Monorail defines the sorting
+order of well-known labels and statuses based on the order in which
+they are defined in the project's config. So, we determine the sort order of
+labels and status values before executing the query and then use the MySQL
+FIELD() function to sort their IDs in the desired order, without sorting
+For more info, see the "Sorting in Monorail" and "What makes Monorail Fast?"
+design docs.
+import logging
+from framework import sql
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+ 'id', 'stars', 'attachments', 'opened', 'closed', 'modified']
+ 'id': 'local_id',
+ 'stars': 'star_count',
+ 'attachments': 'attachment_count',
+ }
+def BuildSortClauses(
+ sort_directives, harmonized_labels, harmonized_statuses,
+ harmonized_fields):
+ """Return LEFT JOIN and ORDER BY clauses needed to sort the results."""
+ if not sort_directives:
+ return [], []
+ all_left_joins = []
+ all_order_by = []
+ for i, sd in enumerate(sort_directives):
+ left_join_parts, order_by_parts = _OneSortDirective(
+ i, sd, harmonized_labels, harmonized_statuses, harmonized_fields)
+ all_left_joins.extend(left_join_parts)
+ all_order_by.extend(order_by_parts)
+ return all_left_joins, all_order_by
+def _ProcessProjectSD(fmt):
+ """Convert a 'project' sort directive into SQL."""
+ left_joins = []
+ order_by = [(fmt('Issue.project_id {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _ProcessReporterSD(fmt):
+ """Convert a 'reporter' sort directive into SQL."""
+ left_joins = [
+ (fmt('User AS {alias} ON Issue.reporter_id = {alias}.user_id'), [])]
+ order_by = [
+ (fmt('ISNULL({alias}.email) {sort_dir}'), []),
+ (fmt('{alias}.email {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _ProcessOwnerSD(fmt):
+ """Convert a 'owner' sort directive into SQL."""
+ left_joins = [
+ (fmt('User AS {alias} ON (Issue.owner_id = {alias}.user_id OR '
+ 'Issue.derived_owner_id = {alias}.user_id)'), [])]
+ order_by = [
+ (fmt('ISNULL({alias}.email) {sort_dir}'), []),
+ (fmt('{alias}.email {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _ProcessCcSD(fmt):
+ """Convert a 'cc' sort directive into SQL."""
+ # Note: derived cc's are included automatically.
+ # Note: This sorts on the best Cc, not all Cc addresses.
+ # Being more exact might require GROUP BY and GROUP_CONCAT().
+ left_joins = [
+ (fmt('Issue2Cc AS {alias} ON = {alias}.issue_id '
+ 'LEFT JOIN User AS {alias}_user '
+ 'ON {alias}.cc_id = {alias}_user.user_id'), [])]
+ order_by = [
+ (fmt('ISNULL({alias} {sort_dir}'), []),
+ (fmt('{alias} {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _ProcessComponentSD(fmt):
+ """Convert a 'component' sort directive into SQL."""
+ # Note: derived components are included automatically.
+ # Note: This sorts on the best component, not all of them.
+ # Being more exact might require GROUP BY and GROUP_CONCAT().
+ left_joins = [
+ (fmt('Issue2Component AS {alias} ON = {alias}.issue_id '
+ 'LEFT JOIN ComponentDef AS {alias}_component '
+ 'ON {alias}.component_id = {alias}'), [])]
+ order_by = [
+ (fmt('ISNULL({alias}_component.path) {sort_dir}'), []),
+ (fmt('{alias}_component.path {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _ProcessSummarySD(fmt):
+ """Convert a 'summary' sort directive into SQL."""
+ left_joins = [
+ (fmt('IssueSummary AS {alias} ON = {alias}.issue_id'), [])]
+ order_by = [(fmt('{alias}.summary {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _ProcessStatusSD(fmt, harmonized_statuses):
+ """Convert a 'status' sort directive into SQL."""
+ left_joins = []
+ # Note: status_def_rows are already ordered by REVERSED rank.
+ wk_status_ids = [
+ stat_id for stat_id, rank, _ in harmonized_statuses
+ if rank is not None]
+ odd_status_ids = [
+ stat_id for stat_id, rank, _ in harmonized_statuses
+ if rank is None]
+ wk_status_ph = sql.PlaceHolders(wk_status_ids)
+ # Even though oddball statuses sort lexographically, use FIELD to determine
+ # the order so that the database sorts ints rather than strings for speed.
+ odd_status_ph = sql.PlaceHolders(odd_status_ids)
+ order_by = [] # appended to below: both well-known and oddball can apply
+ sort_col = ('IF(ISNULL(Issue.status_id), Issue.derived_status_id, '
+ 'Issue.status_id)')
+ # Reverse sort by using rev_sort_dir because we want NULLs at the end.
+ if wk_status_ids:
+ order_by.append(
+ (fmt('FIELD({sort_col}, {wk_status_ph}) {rev_sort_dir}',
+ sort_col=sort_col, wk_status_ph=wk_status_ph),
+ wk_status_ids))
+ if odd_status_ids:
+ order_by.append(
+ (fmt('FIELD({sort_col}, {odd_status_ph}) {rev_sort_dir}',
+ sort_col=sort_col, odd_status_ph=odd_status_ph),
+ odd_status_ids))
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _ProcessBlockedSD(fmt):
+ """Convert a 'blocked' sort directive into SQL."""
+ left_joins = [
+ (fmt('IssueRelation AS {alias} ON = {alias}.issue_id '
+ 'AND {alias}.kind = %s'),
+ ['blockedon'])]
+ order_by = [(fmt('ISNULL({alias}.dst_issue_id) {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _ProcessBlockedOnSD(fmt):
+ """Convert a 'blockedon' sort directive into SQL."""
+ left_joins = [
+ (fmt('IssueRelation AS {alias} ON = {alias}.issue_id '
+ 'AND {alias}.kind = %s'),
+ ['blockedon'])]
+ order_by = [(fmt('ISNULL({alias}.dst_issue_id) {sort_dir}'), []),
+ (fmt('{alias}.dst_issue_id {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _ProcessBlockingSD(fmt):
+ """Convert a 'blocking' sort directive into SQL."""
+ left_joins = [
+ (fmt('IssueRelation AS {alias} ON = {alias}.dst_issue_id '
+ 'AND {alias}.kind = %s'),
+ ['blockedon'])]
+ order_by = [(fmt('ISNULL({alias}.issue_id) {sort_dir}'), []),
+ (fmt('{alias}.issue_id {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _ProcessCustomAndLabelSD(
+ sd, harmonized_labels, harmonized_fields, alias, sort_dir, fmt):
+ """Convert a label or custom field sort directive into SQL."""
+ left_joins = []
+ order_by = []
+ fd_list = [fd for fd in harmonized_fields
+ if fd.field_name.lower() == sd]
+ if fd_list:
+ int_left_joins, int_order_by = _CustomFieldSortClauses(
+ fd_list, tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE, 'int_value',
+ alias, sort_dir)
+ str_left_joins, str_order_by = _CustomFieldSortClauses(
+ fd_list, tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE, 'str_value',
+ alias, sort_dir)
+ user_left_joins, user_order_by = _CustomFieldSortClauses(
+ fd_list, tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE, 'user_id',
+ alias, sort_dir)
+ left_joins.extend(int_left_joins + str_left_joins + user_left_joins)
+ order_by.extend(int_order_by + str_order_by + user_order_by)
+ label_left_joinss, label_order_by = _LabelSortClauses(
+ sd, harmonized_labels, fmt)
+ left_joins.extend(label_left_joinss)
+ order_by.extend(label_order_by)
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _LabelSortClauses(sd, harmonized_labels, fmt):
+ """Give LEFT JOIN and ORDER BY terms for label sort directives."""
+ # Note: derived labels should work automatically.
+ # label_def_rows are already ordered by REVERSED rank.
+ wk_label_ids = [
+ label_id for label_id, rank, label in harmonized_labels
+ if label.lower().startswith('%s-' % sd) and rank is not None]
+ odd_label_ids = [
+ label_id for label_id, rank, label in harmonized_labels
+ if label.lower().startswith('%s-' % sd) and rank is None]
+ all_label_ids = wk_label_ids + odd_label_ids
+ if all_label_ids:
+ left_joins = [
+ (fmt('Issue2Label AS {alias} ON = {alias}.issue_id '
+ 'AND {alias}.label_id IN ({all_label_ph})',
+ all_label_ph=sql.PlaceHolders(all_label_ids)),
+ all_label_ids)]
+ else:
+ left_joins = []
+ order_by = []
+ # Reverse sort by using rev_sort_dir because we want NULLs at the end.
+ if wk_label_ids:
+ order_by.append(
+ (fmt('FIELD({alias}.label_id, {wk_label_ph}) {rev_sort_dir}',
+ wk_label_ph=sql.PlaceHolders(wk_label_ids)),
+ wk_label_ids))
+ if odd_label_ids:
+ # Even though oddball labels sort lexographically, use FIELD to determine
+ # the order so that the database sorts ints rather than strings for speed
+ order_by.append(
+ (fmt('FIELD({alias}.label_id, {odd_label_ph}) {rev_sort_dir}',
+ odd_label_ph=sql.PlaceHolders(odd_label_ids)),
+ odd_label_ids))
+ return left_joins, order_by
+def _CustomFieldSortClauses(
+ fd_list, value_type, value_column, alias, sort_dir):
+ """Give LEFT JOIN and ORDER BY terms for custom fields of the given type."""
+ relevant_fd_list = [fd for fd in fd_list if fd.field_type == value_type]
+ if not relevant_fd_list:
+ return [], []
+ field_ids_ph = sql.PlaceHolders(relevant_fd_list)
+ def Fmt(sql_str):
+ return sql_str.format(
+ value_column=value_column, sort_dir=sort_dir,
+ field_ids_ph=field_ids_ph, alias=alias + '_' + value_column)
+ left_joins = [
+ (Fmt('Issue2FieldValue AS {alias} ON = {alias}.issue_id '
+ 'AND {alias}.field_id IN ({field_ids_ph})'),
+ [fd.field_id for fd in relevant_fd_list])]
+ if value_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE:
+ left_joins.append(
+ (Fmt('User AS {alias}_user ON {alias}.user_id = {alias}_user.user_id'),
+ []))
+ order_by = [
+ (Fmt('ISNULL({alias} {sort_dir}'), []),
+ (Fmt('{alias} {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ else:
+ # Unfortunately, this sorts on the best field value, not all of them.
+ order_by = [
+ (Fmt('ISNULL({alias}.{value_column}) {sort_dir}'), []),
+ (Fmt('{alias}.{value_column} {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ return left_joins, order_by
+ 'component': _ProcessComponentSD,
+ 'project': _ProcessProjectSD,
+ 'reporter': _ProcessReporterSD,
+ 'owner': _ProcessOwnerSD,
+ 'cc': _ProcessCcSD,
+ 'summary': _ProcessSummarySD,
+ 'blocked': _ProcessBlockedSD,
+ 'blockedon': _ProcessBlockedOnSD,
+ 'blocking': _ProcessBlockingSD,
+ }
+def _OneSortDirective(
+ i, sd, harmonized_labels, harmonized_statuses, harmonized_fields):
+ """Return SQL clauses to do the sorting for one sort directive."""
+ alias = 'Sort%d' % i
+ if sd.startswith('-'):
+ sort_dir, rev_sort_dir = 'DESC', 'ASC'
+ sd = sd[1:]
+ else:
+ sort_dir, rev_sort_dir = 'ASC', 'DESC'
+ def Fmt(sql_str, **kwargs):
+ return sql_str.format(
+ sort_dir=sort_dir, rev_sort_dir=rev_sort_dir, alias=alias,
+ sd=sd, col=FIELDS_TO_COLUMNS.get(sd, sd), **kwargs)
+ left_joins = []
+ order_by = [(Fmt('Issue.{col} {sort_dir}'), [])]
+ return left_joins, order_by
+ elif sd in _PROCESSORS:
+ proc = _PROCESSORS[sd]
+ return proc(Fmt)
+ elif sd == 'status':
+ return _ProcessStatusSD(Fmt, harmonized_statuses)
+ else: # otherwise, it must be a field or label, or both
+ return _ProcessCustomAndLabelSD(
+ sd, harmonized_labels, harmonized_fields, alias, sort_dir, Fmt)
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