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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/search/

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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diff --git a/appengine/monorail/search/ b/appengine/monorail/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3bb3bf20bf1a6fa5dfb321d9b5c5d3f658fb70e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine/monorail/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Backend issue issue search and sorting.
+Each of several "besearch" backend jobs manages one shard of the overall set
+of issues in the system. The backend search pipeline retrieves the issues
+that match the user query, puts them into memcache, and returns them to
+the frontend search pipeline.
+import logging
+import re
+import time
+from google.appengine.api import memcache
+import settings
+from features import savedqueries_helpers
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import sorting
+from framework import sql
+from proto import ast_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from search import ast2ast
+from search import ast2select
+from search import ast2sort
+from search import query2ast
+from search import searchpipeline
+from services import tracker_fulltext
+from services import fulltext_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+# Used in constructing the at-risk query.
+AT_RISK_LABEL_RE = re.compile(r'^(restrict-view-.+)$', re.IGNORECASE)
+# Limit on the number of list items to show in debug log statements
+MAX_LOG = 200
+class BackendSearchPipeline(object):
+ """Manage the process of issue search, including Promises and caching.
+ Even though the code is divided into several methods, the public
+ methods should be called in sequence, so the execution of the code
+ is pretty much in the order of the source code lines here.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, mr, services, prof, default_results_per_page,
+ query_project_names, logged_in_user_id, me_user_id):
+ = mr
+ self.profiler = prof
+ = services
+ self.default_results_per_page = default_results_per_page
+ self.query_project_list = services.project.GetProjectsByName(
+ mr.cnxn, query_project_names).values()
+ self.query_project_ids = [
+ p.project_id for p in self.query_project_list]
+ self.me_user_id = me_user_id
+ = logged_in_user_id
+ if
+ = services.usergroup.LookupMemberships(
+ mr.cnxn,
+ # The following fields are filled in as the pipeline progresses.
+ # The value None means that we still need to compute that value.
+ self.result_iids = None # Sorted issue IDs that match the query
+ self.search_limit_reached = False # True if search results limit is hit.
+ # Projects that contain the result issues.
+ self.issue_projects = {p.project_id: p for p in self.query_project_list}
+ self._MakePromises()
+ def _MakePromises(self):
+ config_dict =
+, self.query_project_ids)
+ self.harmonized_config = tracker_bizobj.HarmonizeConfigs(
+ config_dict.values())
+ self.canned_query = savedqueries_helpers.SavedQueryIDToCond(
+ self.canned_query = searchpipeline.ReplaceKeywordsWithUserID(
+ self.me_user_id, self.canned_query)
+ self.user_query = searchpipeline.ReplaceKeywordsWithUserID(
+ self.me_user_id,
+ logging.debug('Searching query: %s %s', self.canned_query, self.user_query)
+ slice_term = ('Issue.shard = %s', [])
+ sd = sorting.ComputeSortDirectives(, self.harmonized_config)
+ self.result_iids_promise = framework_helpers.Promise(
+ _GetQueryResultIIDs,,
+, self.canned_query, self.user_query,
+ self.query_project_ids, self.harmonized_config, sd,
+ slice_term,,
+ def SearchForIIDs(self):
+ """Wait for the search Promises and store their results."""
+ with self.profiler.Phase('WaitOnPromises'):
+ self.result_iids, self.search_limit_reached = (
+ self.result_iids_promise.WaitAndGetValue())
+def SearchProjectCan(
+ cnxn, services, project_ids, query_ast, shard_id, harmonized_config,
+ left_joins=None, where=None, sort_directives=None, query_desc=''):
+ """Return a list of issue global IDs in the projects that satisfy the query.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: Regular database connection to the master DB.
+ services: interface to issue storage backends.
+ project_ids: list of int IDs of the project to search
+ query_ast: A QueryAST PB with conjunctions and conditions.
+ shard_id: limit search to the specified shard ID int.
+ harmonized_config: harmonized config for all projects being searched.
+ left_joins: SQL LEFT JOIN clauses that are needed in addition to
+ anything generated from the query_ast.
+ where: SQL WHERE clauses that are needed in addition to
+ anything generated from the query_ast.
+ sort_directives: list of strings specifying the columns to sort on.
+ query_desc: descriptive string for debugging.
+ Returns:
+ (issue_ids, capped) where issue_ids is a list of issue issue_ids that
+ satisfy the query, and capped is True if the number of results were
+ capped due to an implementation limit.
+ """
+'searching projects %r for AST %r', project_ids, query_ast)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ left_joins = left_joins or []
+ where = where or []
+ if project_ids:
+ cond_str = 'Issue.project_id IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(project_ids)
+ where.append((cond_str, project_ids))
+ query_ast = ast2ast.PreprocessAST(
+ cnxn, query_ast, project_ids, services, harmonized_config)
+'simplified AST is %r', query_ast)
+ try:
+ query_left_joins, query_where = ast2select.BuildSQLQuery(query_ast)
+ left_joins.extend(query_left_joins)
+ where.extend(query_where)
+ except ast2select.NoPossibleResults as e:
+ # TODO(jrobbins): inform the user that their query was impossible.
+'Impossible query %s.\n %r\n\n', e.message, query_ast)
+ return [], False
+'translated to left_joins %r', left_joins)
+'translated to where %r', where)
+ fts_capped = False
+ if query_ast.conjunctions:
+ # TODO(jrobbins): Handle "OR" in queries. For now, we just process the
+ # first conjunction.
+ assert len(query_ast.conjunctions) == 1
+ conj = query_ast.conjunctions[0]
+ full_text_iids, fts_capped = tracker_fulltext.SearchIssueFullText(
+ project_ids, conj, shard_id)
+ if full_text_iids is not None:
+ if not full_text_iids:
+ return [], False # No match on free-text terms, so don't bother DB.
+ cond_str = ' IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(full_text_iids)
+ where.append((cond_str, full_text_iids))
+ label_def_rows = []
+ status_def_rows = []
+ if sort_directives:
+ if project_ids:
+ for pid in project_ids:
+ label_def_rows.extend(services.config.GetLabelDefRows(cnxn, pid))
+ status_def_rows.extend(services.config.GetStatusDefRows(cnxn, pid))
+ else:
+ label_def_rows = services.config.GetLabelDefRowsAnyProject(cnxn)
+ status_def_rows = services.config.GetStatusDefRowsAnyProject(cnxn)
+ harmonized_labels = tracker_bizobj.HarmonizeLabelOrStatusRows(
+ label_def_rows)
+ harmonized_statuses = tracker_bizobj.HarmonizeLabelOrStatusRows(
+ status_def_rows)
+ harmonized_fields = harmonized_config.field_defs
+ sort_left_joins, order_by = ast2sort.BuildSortClauses(
+ sort_directives, harmonized_labels, harmonized_statuses,
+ harmonized_fields)
+'translated to sort left_joins %r', sort_left_joins)
+'translated to order_by %r', order_by)
+ issue_ids, db_capped = services.issue.RunIssueQuery(
+ cnxn, left_joins + sort_left_joins, where, order_by, shard_id=shard_id)
+ logging.warn('executed "%s" query %r for %d issues in %dms',
+ query_desc, query_ast, len(issue_ids),
+ int((time.time() - start_time) * 1000))
+ capped = fts_capped or db_capped
+ return issue_ids, capped
+def _FilterSpam(query_ast):
+ uses_spam = False
+ # TODO(jrobbins): Handle "OR" in queries. For now, we just modify the
+ # first conjunction.
+ conjunction = query_ast.conjunctions[0]
+ for condition in conjunction.conds:
+ for field in condition.field_defs:
+ if field.field_name == 'spam':
+ uses_spam = True
+ if not uses_spam:
+ query_ast.conjunctions[0].conds.append(
+ ast_pb2.MakeCond(
+ ast_pb2.QueryOp.EQ,
+ [tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+ field_name='spam',
+ field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.BOOL_TYPE)
+ ],
+ [], [0]))
+ return query_ast
+def _GetQueryResultIIDs(
+ cnxn, services, canned_query, user_query,
+ query_project_ids, harmonized_config, sd, slice_term,
+ shard_id, invalidation_timestep):
+ """Do a search and return a list of matching issue IDs.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to the database.
+ services: interface to issue storage backends.
+ canned_query: string part of the query from the drop-down menu.
+ user_query: string part of the query that the user typed in.
+ query_project_ids: list of project IDs to search.
+ harmonized_config: combined configs for all the queried projects.
+ sd: list of sort directives.
+ slice_term: additional query term to narrow results to a logical shard
+ within a physical shard.
+ shard_id: int number of the database shard to search.
+ invalidation_timestep: int timestep to use keep memcached items fresh.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple consisting of:
+ A list of issue issue_ids that match the user's query. An empty list, [],
+ is returned if no issues match the query.
+ Boolean that is set to True if the search results limit of this shard is
+ hit.
+ """
+ query_ast = _FilterSpam(query2ast.ParseUserQuery(
+ user_query, canned_query, query2ast.BUILTIN_ISSUE_FIELDS,
+ harmonized_config))
+'query_project_ids is %r', query_project_ids)
+ is_fulltext_query = bool(
+ query_ast.conjunctions and
+ fulltext_helpers.BuildFTSQuery(
+ query_ast.conjunctions[0], tracker_fulltext.ISSUE_FULLTEXT_FIELDS))
+ expiration = framework_constants.MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION
+ if is_fulltext_query:
+ expiration = framework_constants.FULLTEXT_MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION
+ result_iids, search_limit_reached = SearchProjectCan(
+ cnxn, services, query_project_ids, query_ast, shard_id,
+ harmonized_config, sort_directives=sd, where=[slice_term],
+ query_desc='getting query issue IDs')
+'Found %d result_iids', len(result_iids))
+ projects_str = ','.join(str(pid) for pid in sorted(query_project_ids))
+ projects_str = projects_str or 'all'
+ memcache_key = ';'.join([
+ projects_str, canned_query, user_query, ' '.join(sd), str(shard_id)])
+ memcache.set(memcache_key, (result_iids, invalidation_timestep),
+ time=expiration)
+'set memcache key %r', memcache_key)
+ search_limit_memcache_key = ';'.join([
+ projects_str, canned_query, user_query, ' '.join(sd),
+ 'search_limit_reached', str(shard_id)])
+ memcache.set(search_limit_memcache_key,
+ (search_limit_reached, invalidation_timestep),
+ time=expiration)
+'set search limit memcache key %r',
+ search_limit_memcache_key)
+ timestamps_for_projects = memcache.get_multi(
+ keys=(['%d;%d' % (pid, shard_id) for pid in query_project_ids] +
+ ['all:%d' % shard_id]))
+ if query_project_ids:
+ for pid in query_project_ids:
+ key = '%d;%d' % (pid, shard_id)
+ if key not in timestamps_for_projects:
+ memcache.set(
+ key, invalidation_timestep,
+ time=framework_constants.MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION)
+ else:
+ key = 'all;%d' % shard_id
+ if key not in timestamps_for_projects:
+ memcache.set(
+ key, invalidation_timestep,
+ time=framework_constants.MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION)
+ return result_iids, search_limit_reached
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