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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/framework/

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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diff --git a/appengine/monorail/framework/ b/appengine/monorail/framework/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e4dcd0fa2d7370f839ffcd78d406e7c94180f1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine/monorail/framework/
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Classes to hold information parsed from a request.
+To simplify our servlets and avoid duplication of code, we parse some
+info out of the request as soon as we get it and then pass a MonorailRequest
+object to the servlet-specific request handler methods.
+import endpoints
+import logging
+import re
+import urllib
+from third_party import ezt
+from google.appengine.api import app_identity
+from google.appengine.api import oauth
+from google.appengine.api import users
+import webapp2
+import settings
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_views
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import sql
+from framework import template_helpers
+from proto import api_pb2_v1
+from proto import user_pb2
+from services import user_svc
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+_HOSTPORT_RE = re.compile('^[-a-z0-9.]+(:\d+)?$', re.I)
+class AuthData(object):
+ """This object holds authentication data about a user.
+ This is used by MonorailRequest as it determines which user the
+ requester is authenticated as and fetches the user's data. It can
+ also be used to lookup perms for user IDs specified in issue fields.
+ Attributes:
+ user_id: The user ID of the user (or 0 if not signed in).
+ effective_ids: A set of user IDs that includes the signed in user's
+ direct user ID and the user IDs of all their user groups.
+ This set will be empty for anonymous users.
+ user_view: UserView object for the signed-in user.
+ user_pb: User object for the signed-in user.
+ email: email address for the user, or None.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.user_id = 0
+ self.effective_ids = set()
+ self.user_view = None
+ self.user_pb = user_pb2.MakeUser()
+ = None
+ @classmethod
+ def FromRequest(cls, cnxn, services):
+ """Determine auth information from the request and fetches user data.
+ If everything works and the user is signed in, then all of the public
+ attributes of the AuthData instance will be filled in appropriately.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to the SQL database.
+ services: Interface to all persistence storage backends.
+ Returns:
+ A new AuthData object.
+ """
+ user = users.get_current_user()
+ if user is None:
+ return cls()
+ else:
+ # We create a User row for each user who visits the site.
+ # TODO(jrobbins): we should really only do it when they take action.
+ return cls.FromEmail(cnxn,, services, autocreate=True)
+ @classmethod
+ def FromEmail(cls, cnxn, email, services, autocreate=False):
+ """Determine auth information for the given user email address.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: monorail connection to the database.
+ email: string email address of the user.
+ services: connections to backend servers.
+ autocreate: set to True to create a new row in the Users table if needed.
+ Returns:
+ A new AuthData object.
+ Raises:
+ user_svc.NoSuchUserException: If the user of the email does not exist.
+ """
+ auth = cls()
+ = email
+ if email:
+ auth.user_id = services.user.LookupUserID(
+ cnxn, email, autocreate=autocreate)
+ assert auth.user_id
+ cls._FinishInitialization(cnxn, auth, services)
+ return auth
+ @classmethod
+ def FromUserID(cls, cnxn, user_id, services):
+ """Determine auth information for the given user ID.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: monorail connection to the database.
+ user_id: int user ID of the user.
+ services: connections to backend servers.
+ Returns:
+ A new AuthData object.
+ """
+ auth = cls()
+ auth.user_id = user_id
+ if auth.user_id:
+ = services.user.LookupUserEmail(cnxn, user_id)
+ cls._FinishInitialization(cnxn, auth, services)
+ return auth
+ @classmethod
+ def _FinishInitialization(cls, cnxn, auth, services):
+ """Fill in the test of the fields based on the user_id."""
+ # TODO(jrobbins): re-implement same_org
+ if auth.user_id:
+ auth.effective_ids = services.usergroup.LookupMemberships(
+ cnxn, auth.user_id)
+ auth.effective_ids.add(auth.user_id)
+ auth.user_pb = services.user.GetUser(cnxn, auth.user_id)
+ if auth.user_pb:
+ auth.user_view = framework_views.UserView(
+ auth.user_id,,
+ auth.user_pb.obscure_email)
+class MonorailApiRequest(object):
+ """A class to hold information parsed from the Endpoints API request."""
+ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
+ def __init__(self, request, services):
+ requester = (
+ endpoints.get_current_user() or
+ oauth.get_current_user(
+ framework_constants.OAUTH_SCOPE))
+ requester_email =
+ self.cnxn = sql.MonorailConnection()
+ self.auth = AuthData.FromEmail(
+ self.cnxn, requester_email, services)
+ self.me_user_id = self.auth.user_id
+ self.viewed_username = None
+ self.viewed_user_auth = None
+ self.project_name = None
+ self.project = None
+ self.issue = None
+ self.config = None
+ self.granted_perms = set()
+ # query parameters
+ self.params = {
+ 'can': 1,
+ 'start': 0,
+ 'num': 100,
+ 'q': '',
+ 'sort': '',
+ 'groupby': '',
+ 'projects': []}
+ self.use_cached_searches = True
+ self.warnings = []
+ self.errors = template_helpers.EZTError()
+ self.mode = None
+ if hasattr(request, 'projectId'):
+ self.project_name = request.projectId
+ self.project = services.project.GetProjectByName(
+ self.cnxn, self.project_name)
+ self.params['projects'].append(self.project_name)
+ self.config = services.config.GetProjectConfig(
+ self.cnxn, self.project_id)
+ if hasattr(request, 'additionalProject'):
+ self.params['projects'].extend(request.additionalProject)
+ self.params['projects'] = list(set(self.params['projects']))
+ if hasattr(request, 'issueId'):
+ self.issue = services.issue.GetIssueByLocalID(
+ self.cnxn, self.project_id, request.issueId)
+ self.granted_perms = tracker_bizobj.GetGrantedPerms(
+ self.issue, self.auth.effective_ids, self.config)
+ if hasattr(request, 'userId'):
+ self.viewed_username = request.userId.lower()
+ if self.viewed_username == 'me':
+ self.viewed_username = requester_email
+ self.viewed_user_auth = AuthData.FromEmail(
+ self.cnxn, self.viewed_username, services)
+ elif hasattr(request, 'groupName'):
+ self.viewed_username = request.groupName.lower()
+ try:
+ self.viewed_user_auth = AuthData.FromEmail(
+ self.cnxn, self.viewed_username, services)
+ except user_svc.NoSuchUserException:
+ self.viewed_user_auth = None
+ self.perms = permissions.GetPermissions(
+ self.auth.user_pb, self.auth.effective_ids, self.project)
+ # Build q.
+ if hasattr(request, 'q') and request.q:
+ self.params['q'] = request.q
+ if hasattr(request, 'publishedMax') and request.publishedMax:
+ self.params['q'] += ' opened<=%d' % request.publishedMax
+ if hasattr(request, 'publishedMin') and request.publishedMin:
+ self.params['q'] += ' opened>=%d' % request.publishedMin
+ if hasattr(request, 'updatedMax') and request.updatedMax:
+ self.params['q'] += ' modified<=%d' % request.updatedMax
+ if hasattr(request, 'updatedMin') and request.updatedMin:
+ self.params['q'] += ' modified>=%d' % request.updatedMin
+ if hasattr(request, 'owner') and request.owner:
+ self.params['q'] += ' owner:%s' % request.owner
+ if hasattr(request, 'status') and request.status:
+ self.params['q'] += ' status:%s' % request.status
+ if hasattr(request, 'label') and request.label:
+ self.params['q'] += ' label:%s' % request.label
+ if hasattr(request, 'can') and request.can:
+ if request.can == api_pb2_v1.CannedQuery.all:
+ self.params['can'] = 1
+ elif request.can ==
+ self.params['can'] = 6
+ elif request.can ==
+ self.params['can'] = 2
+ elif request.can == api_pb2_v1.CannedQuery.owned:
+ self.params['can'] = 3
+ elif request.can == api_pb2_v1.CannedQuery.reported:
+ self.params['can'] = 4
+ elif request.can == api_pb2_v1.CannedQuery.starred:
+ self.params['can'] = 5
+ elif request.can == api_pb2_v1.CannedQuery.to_verify:
+ self.params['can'] = 7
+ else: # Endpoints should have caught this.
+ raise InputException(
+ 'Canned query %s is not supported.', request.can)
+ if hasattr(request, 'startIndex') and request.startIndex:
+ self.params['start'] = request.startIndex
+ if hasattr(request, 'maxResults') and request.maxResults:
+ self.params['num'] = request.maxResults
+ if hasattr(request, 'sort') and request.sort:
+ self.params['sort'] = request.sort
+ self.query_project_names = self.GetParam('projects')
+ self.group_by_spec = self.GetParam('groupby')
+ self.sort_spec = self.GetParam('sort')
+ self.query = self.GetParam('q')
+ self.can = self.GetParam('can')
+ self.start = self.GetParam('start')
+ self.num = self.GetParam('num')
+ @property
+ def project_id(self):
+ return self.project.project_id if self.project else None
+ def GetParam(self, query_param_name, default_value=None,
+ _antitamper_re=None):
+ return self.params.get(query_param_name, default_value)
+ def GetPositiveIntParam(self, query_param_name, default_value=None):
+ """Returns 0 if the user-provided value is less than 0."""
+ return max(self.GetParam(query_param_name, default_value=default_value),
+ 0)
+class MonorailRequest(object):
+ """A class to hold information parsed from the HTTP request.
+ The goal of MonorailRequest is to do almost all URL path and query string
+ procesing in one place, which makes the servlet code simpler.
+ Attributes:
+ cnxn: connection to the SQL databases.
+ logged_in_user_id: int user ID of the signed-in user, or None.
+ effective_ids: set of signed-in user ID and all their user group IDs.
+ user_pb: User object for the signed in user.
+ project_name: string name of the current project.
+ project_id: int ID of the current projet.
+ viewed_username: string username of the user whose profile is being viewed.
+ can: int "canned query" number to scope the user's search.
+ num: int number of results to show per pagination page.
+ start: int position in result set to show on this pagination page.
+ etc: there are many more, all read-only.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
+ def __init__(self, params=None):
+ """Initialize the MonorailRequest object."""
+ self.form_overrides = {}
+ if params:
+ self.form_overrides.update(params)
+ self.warnings = []
+ self.errors = template_helpers.EZTError()
+ self.debug_enabled = False
+ self.use_cached_searches = True
+ self.cnxn = sql.MonorailConnection()
+ self.auth = AuthData() # Authentication info for logged-in user
+ self.project_name = None
+ self.project = None
+ self.viewed_username = None
+ self.viewed_user_auth = AuthData()
+ @property
+ def project_id(self):
+ return self.project.project_id if self.project else None
+ def CleanUp(self):
+ """Close the database connection so that the app does not run out."""
+ if self.cnxn:
+ self.cnxn.Close()
+ self.cnxn = None
+ def ParseRequest(self, request, services, prof, do_user_lookups=True):
+ """Parse tons of useful info from the given request object.
+ Args:
+ request: webapp2 Request object w/ path and query params.
+ services: connections to backend servers including DB.
+ prof: Profiler instance.
+ do_user_lookups: Set to False to disable lookups during testing.
+ """
+ with prof.Phase('basic parsing'):
+ self.request = request
+ self.current_page_url = request.url
+ self.current_page_url_encoded = urllib.quote_plus(self.current_page_url)
+ # Only accept a hostport from the request that looks valid.
+ if not _HOSTPORT_RE.match(
+ raise InputException(' looks funny: %r',
+'Request: %s', self.current_page_url)
+ with prof.Phase('path parsing'):
+ viewed_user_val, self.project_name = _ParsePathIdentifiers(
+ self.request.path)
+ self.viewed_username = _GetViewedEmail(
+ viewed_user_val, self.cnxn, services)
+ with prof.Phase('qs parsing'):
+ self._ParseQueryParameters()
+ with prof.Phase('overrides parsing'):
+ self._ParseFormOverrides()
+ if not self.project: # It can be already set in unit tests.
+ self._LookupProject(services, prof)
+ if do_user_lookups:
+ if self.viewed_username:
+ self._LookupViewedUser(services, prof)
+ self._LookupLoggedInUser(services, prof)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): re-implement HandleLurkerViewingSelf()
+ prod_debug_allowed = self.perms.HasPerm(
+ permissions.VIEW_DEBUG, self.auth.user_id, None)
+ self.debug_enabled = (request.params.get('debug') and
+ (settings.dev_mode or prod_debug_allowed))
+ # temporary option for perf testing on staging instance.
+ if request.params.get('disable_cache'):
+ if settings.dev_mode or 'staging' in
+ self.use_cached_searches = False
+ def _ParseQueryParameters(self):
+ """Parse and convert all the query string params used in any servlet."""
+ self.start = self.GetPositiveIntParam('start', default_value=0)
+ self.num = self.GetPositiveIntParam('num', default_value=100)
+ # Prevent DoS attacks that try to make us serve really huge result pages.
+ self.num = min(self.num, settings.max_artifact_search_results_per_page)
+ self.invalidation_timestep = self.GetIntParam(
+ 'invalidation_timestep', default_value=0)
+ self.continue_issue_id = self.GetIntParam(
+ 'continue_issue_id', default_value=0)
+ self.redir = self.GetParam('redir')
+ # Search scope, a.k.a., canned query ID
+ # TODO(jrobbins): make configurable
+ self.can = self.GetIntParam(
+ 'can', default_value=tracker_constants.OPEN_ISSUES_CAN)
+ # Search query
+ self.query = self.GetParam('q', default_value='').strip()
+ # Sorting of search results (needed for result list and flipper)
+ self.sort_spec = self.GetParam(
+ 'sort', default_value='',
+ antitamper_re=framework_constants.SORTSPEC_RE)
+ # Note: This is set later in request handling by ComputeColSpec().
+ self.col_spec = None
+ # Grouping of search results (needed for result list and flipper)
+ self.group_by_spec = self.GetParam(
+ 'groupby', default_value='',
+ antitamper_re=framework_constants.SORTSPEC_RE)
+ # For issue list and grid mode.
+ self.cursor = self.GetParam('cursor')
+ self.preview = self.GetParam('preview')
+ self.mode = self.GetParam('mode', default_value='list')
+ self.x = self.GetParam('x', default_value='')
+ self.y = self.GetParam('y', default_value='')
+ self.cells = self.GetParam('cells', default_value='ids')
+ # For the dashboard and issue lists included in the dashboard.
+ self.ajah = self.GetParam('ajah') # AJAH = Asychronous Javascript And HTML
+ self.table_title = self.GetParam('table_title')
+ self.panel_id = self.GetIntParam('panel')
+ # For pagination of updates lists
+ self.before = self.GetPositiveIntParam('before')
+ self.after = self.GetPositiveIntParam('after')
+ # For cron tasks and backend calls
+ self.lower_bound = self.GetIntParam('lower_bound')
+ self.upper_bound = self.GetIntParam('upper_bound')
+ self.shard_id = self.GetIntParam('shard_id')
+ # For specifying which objects to operate on
+ self.local_id = self.GetIntParam('id')
+ self.local_id_list = self.GetIntListParam('ids')
+ self.seq = self.GetIntParam('seq')
+ self.aid = self.GetIntParam('aid')
+ self.specified_user_id = self.GetIntParam('u', default_value=0)
+ self.specified_logged_in_user_id = self.GetIntParam(
+ 'logged_in_user_id', default_value=0)
+ self.specified_me_user_id = self.GetIntParam(
+ 'me_user_id', default_value=0)
+ self.specified_project = self.GetParam('project')
+ self.specified_project_id = self.GetIntParam('project_id')
+ self.query_project_names = self.GetListParam('projects', default_value=[])
+ self.template_name = self.GetParam('template')
+ self.component_path = self.GetParam('component')
+ self.field_name = self.GetParam('field')
+ # For image attachments
+ self.inline = bool(self.GetParam('inline'))
+ self.thumb = bool(self.GetParam('thumb'))
+ # For JS callbacks
+ self.token = self.GetParam('token')
+ self.starred = bool(self.GetIntParam('starred'))
+ # For issue reindexing utility servlet
+ self.auto_submit = self.GetParam('auto_submit')
+ def _ParseFormOverrides(self):
+ """Support deep linking by allowing the user to set form fields via QS."""
+ allowed_overrides = {
+ 'template_name': self.GetParam('template_name'),
+ 'initial_summary': self.GetParam('summary'),
+ 'initial_description': (self.GetParam('description') or
+ self.GetParam('comment')),
+ 'initial_comment': self.GetParam('comment'),
+ 'initial_status': self.GetParam('status'),
+ 'initial_owner': self.GetParam('owner'),
+ 'initial_cc': self.GetParam('cc'),
+ 'initial_blocked_on': self.GetParam('blockedon'),
+ 'initial_blocking': self.GetParam('blocking'),
+ 'initial_merge_into': self.GetIntParam('mergeinto'),
+ 'initial_components': self.GetParam('components'),
+ # For the people pages
+ 'initial_add_members': self.GetParam('add_members'),
+ 'initially_expanded_form': ezt.boolean(self.GetParam('expand_form')),
+ # For user group admin pages
+ 'initial_name': (self.GetParam('group_name') or
+ self.GetParam('proposed_project_name')),
+ }
+ # Only keep the overrides that were actually provided in the query string.
+ self.form_overrides.update(
+ (k, v) for (k, v) in allowed_overrides.iteritems()
+ if v is not None)
+ def _LookupViewedUser(self, services, prof):
+ """Get information about the viewed user (if any) from the request."""
+ try:
+ with prof.Phase('get viewed user, if any'):
+ self.viewed_user_auth = AuthData.FromEmail(
+ self.cnxn, self.viewed_username, services, autocreate=False)
+ except user_svc.NoSuchUserException:
+'could not find user %r', self.viewed_username)
+ webapp2.abort(404, 'user not found')
+ if not self.viewed_user_auth.user_id:
+ webapp2.abort(404, 'user not found')
+ def _LookupProject(self, services, prof):
+ """Get information about the current project (if any) from the request."""
+ with prof.Phase('get current project, if any'):
+ if not self.project_name:
+'no project_name, so no project')
+ else:
+ self.project = services.project.GetProjectByName(
+ self.cnxn, self.project_name)
+ if not self.project:
+ webapp2.abort(404, 'invalid project')
+ def _LookupLoggedInUser(self, services, prof):
+ """Get information about the signed-in user (if any) from the request."""
+ with prof.Phase('get user info, if any'):
+ self.auth = AuthData.FromRequest(self.cnxn, services)
+ self.me_user_id = (self.GetIntParam('me') or
+ self.viewed_user_auth.user_id or self.auth.user_id)
+ with prof.Phase('looking up signed in user permissions'):
+ self.perms = permissions.GetPermissions(
+ self.auth.user_pb, self.auth.effective_ids, self.project)
+ def ComputeColSpec(self, config):
+ """Set col_spec based on param, default in the config, or site default."""
+ if self.col_spec is not None:
+ return # Already set.
+ default_col_spec = ''
+ if config:
+ default_col_spec = config.default_col_spec
+ col_spec = self.GetParam(
+ 'colspec', default_value=default_col_spec,
+ antitamper_re=framework_constants.COLSPEC_RE)
+ if not col_spec:
+ # If col spec is still empty then default to the global col spec.
+ col_spec = tracker_constants.DEFAULT_COL_SPEC
+ self.col_spec = ' '.join(ParseColSpec(col_spec))
+ def PrepareForReentry(self, echo_data):
+ """Expose the results of form processing as if it was a new GET.
+ This method is called only when the user submits a form with invalid
+ information which they are being asked to correct it. Updating the MR
+ object allows the normal servlet get() method to populate the form with
+ the entered values and error messages.
+ Args:
+ echo_data: dict of {page_data_key: value_to_reoffer, ...} that will
+ override whatever HTML form values are nomally shown to the
+ user when they initially view the form. This allows them to
+ fix user input that was not valid.
+ """
+ self.form_overrides.update(echo_data)
+ def GetParam(self, query_param_name, default_value=None,
+ antitamper_re=None):
+ """Get a query parameter from the URL as a utf8 string."""
+ value = self.request.params.get(query_param_name)
+ assert value is None or isinstance(value, unicode)
+ using_default = value is None
+ if using_default:
+ value = default_value
+ if antitamper_re and not antitamper_re.match(value):
+ if using_default:
+ logging.error('Default value fails antitamper for %s field: %s',
+ query_param_name, value)
+ else:
+'User seems to have tampered with %s field: %s',
+ query_param_name, value)
+ raise InputException()
+ return value
+ def GetIntParam(self, query_param_name, default_value=None):
+ """Get an integer param from the URL or default."""
+ value = self.request.params.get(query_param_name)
+ if value is None:
+ return default_value
+ try:
+ return int(value)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ return default_value
+ def GetPositiveIntParam(self, query_param_name, default_value=None):
+ """Returns 0 if the user-provided value is less than 0."""
+ return max(self.GetIntParam(query_param_name, default_value=default_value),
+ 0)
+ def GetListParam(self, query_param_name, default_value=None):
+ """Get a list of strings from the URL or default."""
+ params = self.request.params.get(query_param_name)
+ if params is None:
+ return default_value
+ if not params:
+ return []
+ return params.split(',')
+ def GetIntListParam(self, query_param_name, default_value=None):
+ """Get a list of ints from the URL or default."""
+ param_list = self.GetListParam(query_param_name)
+ if param_list is None:
+ return default_value
+ try:
+ return [int(p) for p in param_list]
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ return default_value
+def _ParsePathIdentifiers(path):
+ """Parse out the workspace being requested (if any).
+ Args:
+ path: A string beginning with the request's path info.
+ Returns:
+ (viewed_user_val, project_name).
+ """
+ viewed_user_val = None
+ project_name = None
+ # Strip off any query params
+ split_path = path.lstrip('/').split('?')[0].split('/')
+ if len(split_path) >= 2:
+ if split_path[0] == 'p':
+ project_name = split_path[1]
+ if split_path[0] == 'u':
+ viewed_user_val = urllib.unquote(split_path[1])
+ if split_path[0] == 'g':
+ viewed_user_val = urllib.unquote(split_path[1])
+ return viewed_user_val, project_name
+def _GetViewedEmail(viewed_user_val, cnxn, services):
+ """Returns the viewed user's email.
+ Args:
+ viewed_user_val: Could be either int (user_id) or str (email).
+ cnxn: connection to the SQL database.
+ services: Interface to all persistence storage backends.
+ Returns:
+ viewed_email
+ """
+ if not viewed_user_val:
+ return None
+ try:
+ viewed_userid = int(viewed_user_val)
+ viewed_email = services.user.LookupUserEmail(cnxn, viewed_userid)
+ if not viewed_email:
+'userID %s not found', viewed_userid)
+ webapp2.abort(404, 'user not found')
+ except ValueError:
+ viewed_email = viewed_user_val
+ return viewed_email
+def ParseColSpec(col_spec):
+ """Split a string column spec into a list of column names.
+ Args:
+ col_spec: a unicode string containing a list of labels.
+ Returns:
+ A list of the extracted labels. Non-alphanumeric
+ characters other than the period will be stripped from the text.
+ """
+ return framework_constants.COLSPEC_COL_RE.findall(col_spec)
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Base class for errors from this module."""
+ pass
+class InputException(Error):
+ """Error in user input processing."""
+ pass
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