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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/services/

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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diff --git a/appengine/monorail/services/ b/appengine/monorail/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2823f130251ad3c544d9e20426531ec9373b5524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine/monorail/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+""" Set of functions for detaling with spam reports.
+import collections
+import httplib2
+import logging
+import settings
+import sys
+import settings
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from framework import sql
+from infra_libs import ts_mon
+from apiclient.discovery import build
+from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
+from apiclient.errors import Error as ApiClientError
+from oauth2client.client import Error as Oauth2ClientError
+ISSUE_TABLE = 'Issue'
+REASON_MANUAL = 'manual'
+REASON_THRESHOLD = 'threshold'
+REASON_CLASSIFIER = 'classifier'
+SPAMREPORT_COLS = ['issue_id', 'reported_user_id', 'user_id']
+MANUALVERDICT_COLS = ['user_id', 'issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'project_id']
+THRESHVERDICT_COLS = ['issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'project_id']
+class SpamService(object):
+ """The persistence layer for spam reports."""
+ issue_actions = ts_mon.CounterMetric('monorail/spam_svc/issue')
+ comment_actions = ts_mon.CounterMetric('monorail/spam_svc/comment')
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.report_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(SPAMREPORT_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.verdict_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(SPAMVERDICT_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.issue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE_TABLE)
+ self.prediction_service = None
+ try:
+ credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
+ self.prediction_service = build('prediction', 'v1.6',
+ http=httplib2.Http(),
+ credentials=credentials)
+ except (Oauth2ClientError, ApiClientError):
+ logging.error("Error getting GoogleCredentials: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0])
+ def LookupFlaggers(self, cnxn, issue_id):
+ """Returns users who've reported the issue or its comments as spam.
+ Returns a tuple. First element is a list of users who flagged the issue;
+ second element is a dictionary of comment id to a list of users who flagged
+ that comment.
+ """
+ rows = self.report_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'comment_id'],
+ issue_id=issue_id)
+ issue_reporters = []
+ comment_reporters = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for row in rows:
+ if row[1]:
+ comment_reporters[row[1]].append(row[0])
+ else:
+ issue_reporters.append(row[0])
+ return issue_reporters, comment_reporters
+ def LookUpFlagCounts(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+ """Returns a map of issue_id to flag counts"""
+ rows = self.report_tbl.Select(cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'COUNT(*)'],
+ issue_id=issue_ids, group_by=['issue_id'])
+ counts = {}
+ for row in rows:
+ counts[long(row[0])] = row[1]
+ return counts
+ def LookUpIssueVerdicts(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+ """Returns a map of issue_id to most recent spam verdicts"""
+ rows = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn,
+ cols=['issue_id', 'reason', 'MAX(created)'],
+ issue_id=issue_ids, group_by=['issue_id'])
+ counts = {}
+ for row in rows:
+ counts[long(row[0])] = row[1]
+ return counts
+ def LookUpIssueVerdictHistory(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+ """Returns a map of issue_id to most recent spam verdicts"""
+ rows = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn, cols=[
+ 'issue_id', 'reason', 'created', 'is_spam', 'classifier_confidence',
+ 'user_id', 'overruled'],
+ issue_id=issue_ids, order_by=[('issue_id', []), ('created', [])])
+ # TODO: group by issue_id, make class instead of dict for verdict.
+ verdicts = []
+ for row in rows:
+ verdicts.append({
+ 'issue_id': row[0],
+ 'reason': row[1],
+ 'created': row[2],
+ 'is_spam': row[3],
+ 'classifier_confidence': row[4],
+ 'user_id': row[5],
+ 'overruled': row[6],
+ })
+ return verdicts
+ def FlagIssues(self, cnxn, issue_service, issues, reporting_user_id,
+ flagged_spam):
+ """Creates or deletes a spam report on an issue."""
+ verdict_updates = []
+ if flagged_spam:
+ rows = [(issue.issue_id, issue.reporter_id, reporting_user_id)
+ for issue in issues]
+ self.report_tbl.InsertRows(cnxn, SPAMREPORT_COLS, rows, ignore=True)
+ else:
+ issue_ids = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+ self.report_tbl.Delete(
+ cnxn, issue_id=issue_ids, user_id=reporting_user_id,
+ comment_id=None)
+ project_id = issues[0].project_id
+ # Now record new verdicts and update issue.is_spam, if they've changed.
+ ids = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+ counts = self.LookUpFlagCounts(cnxn, ids)
+ previous_verdicts = self.LookUpIssueVerdicts(cnxn, ids)
+ for issue_id in counts:
+ # If the flag counts changed enough to toggle the is_spam bit, need to
+ # record a new verdict and update the Issue.
+ if ((flagged_spam and counts[issue_id] >= settings.spam_flag_thresh or
+ not flagged_spam and counts[issue_id] < settings.spam_flag_thresh) and
+ (previous_verdicts[issue_id] != REASON_MANUAL if issue_id in
+ previous_verdicts else True)):
+ verdict_updates.append(issue_id)
+ if len(verdict_updates) == 0:
+ return
+ # Some of the issues may have exceed the flag threshold, so issue verdicts
+ # and mark as spam in those cases.
+ rows = [(issue_id, flagged_spam, REASON_THRESHOLD, project_id)
+ for issue_id in verdict_updates]
+ self.verdict_tbl.InsertRows(cnxn, THRESHVERDICT_COLS, rows, ignore=True)
+ update_issues = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ if issue.issue_id in verdict_updates:
+ issue.is_spam = flagged_spam
+ update_issues.append(issue)
+ if flagged_spam:
+ self.issue_actions.increment_by(len(update_issues), {'type': 'flag'})
+ issue_service.UpdateIssues(cnxn, update_issues, update_cols=['is_spam'])
+ def FlagComment(self, cnxn, issue_id, comment_id, reported_user_id,
+ reporting_user_id, flagged_spam):
+ """Creates or deletes a spam report on a comment."""
+ # TODO(seanmccullough): Bulk comment flagging? There's no UI for that.
+ if flagged_spam:
+ self.report_tbl.InsertRow(
+ cnxn, ignore=True, issue_id=issue_id,
+ comment_id=comment_id, reported_user_id=reported_user_id,
+ user_id=reporting_user_id)
+ self.comment_actions.increment({'type': 'flag'})
+ else:
+ self.report_tbl.Delete(
+ cnxn, issue_id=issue_id, comment_id=comment_id,
+ user_id=reporting_user_id)
+ def RecordClassifierIssueVerdict(self, cnxn, issue, is_spam, confidence):
+ self.verdict_tbl.InsertRow(cnxn, issue_id=issue.issue_id, is_spam=is_spam,
+ reason=REASON_CLASSIFIER, classifier_confidence=confidence)
+ if is_spam:
+ self.issue_actions.increment({'type': 'classifier'})
+ # This is called at issue creation time, so there's nothing else to do here.
+ def RecordManualIssueVerdicts(self, cnxn, issue_service, issues, user_id,
+ is_spam):
+ rows = [(user_id, issue.issue_id, is_spam, REASON_MANUAL, issue.project_id)
+ for issue in issues]
+ issue_ids = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+ # Overrule all previous verdicts.
+ self.verdict_tbl.Update(cnxn, {'overruled': True}, [
+ ('issue_id IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(issue_ids), issue_ids)
+ ], commit=False)
+ self.verdict_tbl.InsertRows(cnxn, MANUALVERDICT_COLS, rows, ignore=True)
+ for issue in issues:
+ issue.is_spam = is_spam
+ if is_spam:
+ self.issue_actions.increment_by(len(issues), {'type': 'manual'})
+ else:
+ issue_service.AllocateNewLocalIDs(cnxn, issues)
+ # This will commit the transaction.
+ issue_service.UpdateIssues(cnxn, issues, update_cols=['is_spam'])
+ def RecordManualCommentVerdict(self, cnxn, issue_service, user_service,
+ comment_id, sequence_num, user_id, is_spam):
+ # TODO(seanmccullough): Bulk comment verdicts? There's no UI for that.
+ self.verdict_tbl.InsertRow(cnxn, ignore=True,
+ user_id=user_id, comment_id=comment_id, is_spam=is_spam,
+ comment = issue_service.GetComment(cnxn, comment_id)
+ comment.is_spam = is_spam
+ issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, comment.issue_id)
+ issue_service.SoftDeleteComment(cnxn, comment.project_id, issue.local_id,
+ sequence_num, user_id, user_service,
+ is_spam, True, is_spam)
+ if is_spam:
+ self.comment_actions.increment({'type': 'manual'})
+ def RecordClassifierCommentVerdict(self, cnxn, comment, is_spam, confidence):
+ self.verdict_tbl.InsertRow(cnxn,, is_spam=is_spam,
+ reason=REASON_CLASSIFIER, classifier_confidence=confidence,
+ project_id=comment.project_id)
+ if is_spam:
+ self.comment_actions.increment({'type': 'classifier'})
+ def ClassifyIssue(self, issue, firstComment):
+ """Classify an issue as either spam or ham.
+ Args:
+ issue: the Issue.
+ firstComment: the first Comment on issue.
+ Returns a JSON dict of classifier prediction results from
+ the Cloud Prediction API.
+ """
+ # Fail-safe: not spam.
+ result = {'outputLabel': 'ham',
+ 'outputMulti': [{'label':'ham', 'score': '1.0'}]}
+ if not self.prediction_service:
+ logging.error("prediction_service not initialized.")
+ return result
+ remaining_retries = 3
+ while remaining_retries > 0:
+ try:
+ result = self.prediction_service.trainedmodels().predict(
+ project=settings.classifier_project_id,
+ id=settings.classifier_model_id,
+ body={'input': {
+ 'csvInstance': [issue.summary, firstComment.content]}}
+ ).execute()
+ return result
+ except Exception:
+ remaining_retries = remaining_retries - 1
+ logging.error('Error calling prediction API: %s' % sys.exc_info()[0])
+ return result
+ def ClassifyComment(self, comment_content):
+ """Classify a comment as either spam or ham.
+ Args:
+ comment: the comment text.
+ Returns a JSON dict of classifier prediction results from
+ the Cloud Prediction API.
+ """
+ # Fail-safe: not spam.
+ result = {'outputLabel': 'ham',
+ 'outputMulti': [{'label':'ham', 'score': '1.0'}]}
+ if not self.prediction_service:
+ logging.error("prediction_service not initialized.")
+ return result
+ remaining_retries = 3
+ while remaining_retries > 0:
+ try:
+ result = self.prediction_service.trainedmodels().predict(
+ project=settings.classifier_project_id,
+ id=settings.classifier_model_id,
+ # We re-use the issue classifier here, with a blank
+ # description and use the comment content as the body.
+ body={'input': {'csvInstance': ['', comment_content]}}
+ ).execute()
+ return result
+ except Exception:
+ remaining_retries = remaining_retries - 1
+ logging.error('Error calling prediction API: %s' % sys.exc_info()[0])
+ return result
+ def GetModerationQueue(
+ self, cnxn, _issue_service, project_id, offset=0, limit=10):
+ """Returns list of recent issues with spam verdicts,
+ ranked in ascending order of confidence (so uncertain items are first).
+ """
+ # TODO(seanmccullough): Optimize pagination. This query probably gets
+ # slower as the number of SpamVerdicts grows, regardless of offset
+ # and limit values used here. Using offset,limit in general may not
+ # be the best way to do this.
+ results = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn,
+ cols=['issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'classifier_confidence',
+ 'created'],
+ where=[
+ ('project_id = %s', [project_id]),
+ ('classifier_confidence <= %s',
+ [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+ ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+ ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+ ],
+ order_by=[
+ ('classifier_confidence ASC', []),
+ ('created ASC', []),
+ ],
+ group_by=['issue_id'],
+ offset=offset,
+ limit=limit,
+ )
+ ret = []
+ for row in results:
+ ret.append(ModerationItem(
+ issue_id=long(row[0]),
+ is_spam=row[1] == 1,
+ reason=row[2],
+ classifier_confidence=row[3],
+ verdict_time='%s' % row[4],
+ ))
+ count = self.verdict_tbl.SelectValue(cnxn,
+ col='COUNT(*)',
+ where=[
+ ('project_id = %s', [project_id]),
+ ('classifier_confidence <= %s',
+ [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+ ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+ ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+ ])
+ return ret, count
+ def GetTrainingIssues(self, cnxn, issue_service, since, offset=0, limit=100):
+ """Returns list of recent issues with spam verdicts,
+ ranked in ascending order of confidence (so uncertain items are first).
+ """
+ # get all of the manual verdicts in the past day.
+ results = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn,
+ cols=['issue_id'],
+ where=[
+ ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+ ('reason = %s', ['manual']),
+ ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+ ('created > %s', [since.isoformat()]),
+ ],
+ offset=offset,
+ limit=limit,
+ )
+ issue_ids = [long(row[0]) for row in results if row[0]]
+ issues = issue_service.GetIssues(cnxn, issue_ids)
+ comments = issue_service.GetCommentsForIssues(cnxn, issue_ids)
+ first_comments = {}
+ for issue in issues:
+ first_comments[issue.issue_id] = (comments[issue.issue_id][0].content
+ if issue.issue_id in comments else "[Empty]")
+ count = self.verdict_tbl.SelectValue(cnxn,
+ col='COUNT(*)',
+ where=[
+ ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+ ('reason = %s', ['manual']),
+ ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+ ('created > %s', [since.isoformat()]),
+ ])
+ return issues, first_comments, count
+class ModerationItem:
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ self.__dict__ = kwargs
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