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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/features/

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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diff --git a/appengine/monorail/features/ b/appengine/monorail/features/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..695d2ceb017ad79682005c2491c527a5aebf945f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine/monorail/features/
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Implementation of the filter rules helper functions."""
+import logging
+import re
+from google.appengine.api import taskqueue
+import settings
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import monorailrequest
+from framework import urls
+from framework import validate
+from proto import ast_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from search import query2ast
+from search import searchpipeline
+from services import user_svc
+from tracker import component_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+# Maximum number of filer rules that can be specified in a given
+# project. This helps us bound the amount of time needed to
+# (re)compute derived fields.
+MAX_RULES = 200
+# TODO(jrobbins): implement a more efficient way to update just those
+# issues affected by a specific component change.
+def RecomputeAllDerivedFields(cnxn, services, project, config):
+ """Create work items to update all issues after filter rule changes.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ services: connections to backend services.
+ project: Project PB for the project that was edited.
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig PB for the project that was edited,
+ including the edits made.
+ """
+ if not settings.recompute_derived_fields_in_worker:
+ # Background tasks are not enabled, just do everything in the servlet.
+ RecomputeAllDerivedFieldsNow(cnxn, services, project, config)
+ return
+ highest_id = services.issue.GetHighestLocalID(cnxn, project.project_id)
+ if highest_id == 0:
+ return # No work to do.
+ # Enqueue work items for blocks of issues to recompute.
+ steps = range(1, highest_id + 1, BLOCK)
+ steps.reverse() # Update higher numbered issues sooner, old issues last.
+ # Cycle through shard_ids just to load-balance among the replicas. Each
+ # block includes all issues in that local_id range, not just 1/10 of them.
+ shard_id = 0
+ for step in steps:
+ params = {
+ 'project_id': project.project_id,
+ 'lower_bound': step,
+ 'upper_bound': min(step + BLOCK, highest_id + 1),
+ 'shard_id': shard_id,
+ }
+'adding task with params %r', params)
+ taskqueue.add(
+ url=urls.RECOMPUTE_DERIVED_FIELDS_TASK + '.do', params=params)
+ shard_id = (shard_id + 1) % settings.num_logical_shards
+def RecomputeAllDerivedFieldsNow(
+ cnxn, services, project, config, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None,
+ shard_id=None):
+ """Re-apply all filter rules to all issues in a project.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ services: connections to persistence layer.
+ project: Project PB for the project that was changed.
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig for that project.
+ lower_bound: optional int lowest issue ID to consider, inclusive.
+ upper_bound: optional int highest issue ID to consider, exclusive.
+ shard_id: optional int shard_id to read from one replica.
+ SIDE-EFFECT: updates all issues in the project. Stores and re-indexes
+ all those that were changed.
+ """
+ if lower_bound is not None and upper_bound is not None:
+ issues = services.issue.GetIssuesByLocalIDs(
+ cnxn, project.project_id, range(lower_bound, upper_bound),
+ shard_id=shard_id)
+ else:
+ issues = services.issue.GetAllIssuesInProject(cnxn, project.project_id)
+ rules = services.features.GetFilterRules(cnxn, project.project_id)
+ predicate_asts = ParsePredicateASTs(rules, config, None)
+ modified_issues = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ if ApplyGivenRules(cnxn, services, issue, config, rules, predicate_asts):
+ modified_issues.append(issue)
+ services.issue.UpdateIssues(cnxn, modified_issues, just_derived=True)
+ # Doing the FTS indexing can be too slow, so queue up the issues
+ # that need to be re-indexed by a cron-job later.
+ services.issue.EnqueueIssuesForIndexing(
+ cnxn, [issue.issue_id for issue in modified_issues])
+def ParsePredicateASTs(rules, config, me_user_id):
+ """Parse the given rules in QueryAST PBs."""
+ predicates = [rule.predicate for rule in rules]
+ if me_user_id:
+ predicates = [searchpipeline.ReplaceKeywordsWithUserID(me_user_id, pred)
+ for pred in predicates]
+ predicate_asts = [
+ query2ast.ParseUserQuery(pred, '', query2ast.BUILTIN_ISSUE_FIELDS, config)
+ for pred in predicates]
+ return predicate_asts
+def ApplyFilterRules(cnxn, services, issue, config):
+ """Apply the filter rules for this project to the given issue.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: database connection, used to look up user IDs.
+ services: persistence layer for users, issues, and projects.
+ issue: An Issue PB that has just been updated with new explicit values.
+ config: The project's issue tracker config PB.
+ Returns:
+ True if any derived_* field of the issue was changed.
+ SIDE-EFFECT: update the derived_* fields of the Issue PB.
+ """
+ rules = services.features.GetFilterRules(cnxn, issue.project_id)
+ predicate_asts = ParsePredicateASTs(rules, config, None)
+ return ApplyGivenRules(cnxn, services, issue, config, rules, predicate_asts)
+def ApplyGivenRules(cnxn, services, issue, config, rules, predicate_asts):
+ """Apply the filter rules for this project to the given issue.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: database connection, used to look up user IDs.
+ services: persistence layer for users, issues, and projects.
+ issue: An Issue PB that has just been updated with new explicit values.
+ config: The project's issue tracker config PB.
+ rules: list of FilterRule PBs.
+ Returns:
+ True if any derived_* field of the issue was changed.
+ SIDE-EFFECT: update the derived_* fields of the Issue PB.
+ """
+ (derived_owner_id, derived_status, derived_cc_ids,
+ derived_labels, derived_notify_addrs) = _ComputeDerivedFields(
+ cnxn, services, issue, config, rules, predicate_asts)
+ any_change = (derived_owner_id != issue.derived_owner_id or
+ derived_status != issue.derived_status or
+ derived_cc_ids != issue.derived_cc_ids or
+ derived_labels != issue.derived_labels or
+ derived_notify_addrs != issue.derived_notify_addrs)
+ # Remember any derived values.
+ issue.derived_owner_id = derived_owner_id
+ issue.derived_status = derived_status
+ issue.derived_cc_ids = derived_cc_ids
+ issue.derived_labels = derived_labels
+ issue.derived_notify_addrs = derived_notify_addrs
+ return any_change
+def _ComputeDerivedFields(cnxn, services, issue, config, rules, predicate_asts):
+ """Compute derived field values for an issue based on filter rules.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: database connection, used to look up user IDs.
+ services: persistence layer for users, issues, and projects.
+ issue: the issue to examine.
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig for the project containing the issue.
+ rules: list of FilterRule PBs.
+ predicate_asts: QueryAST PB for each rule.
+ Returns:
+ A 5-tuple of derived values for owner_id, status, cc_ids, labels, and
+ notify_addrs. These values are the result of applying all rules in order.
+ Filter rules only produce derived values that do not conflict with the
+ explicit field values of the issue.
+ """
+ excl_prefixes = config.exclusive_label_prefixes
+ # Examine the explicit labels and Cc's on the issue.
+ lower_labels = [lab.lower() for lab in issue.labels]
+ label_set = set(lower_labels)
+ cc_set = set(issue.cc_ids)
+ excl_prefixes_used = set()
+ for lab in lower_labels:
+ prefix = lab.split('-')[0]
+ if prefix in excl_prefixes:
+ excl_prefixes_used.add(prefix)
+ prefix_values_added = {}
+ # Start with the assumption that rules don't change anything, then
+ # accumulate changes.
+ derived_owner_id = framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED
+ derived_status = ''
+ # Get the component auto-cc's before even starting the rules.
+ # TODO(jrobbins): take this out and instead get component CC IDs
+ # on each access and search, but that will be a pretty big change.
+ derived_cc_ids = [
+ auto_cc_id
+ for auto_cc_id in component_helpers.GetComponentCcIDs(issue, config)
+ if auto_cc_id not in cc_set]
+ derived_labels = []
+ derived_notify_addrs = []
+ # Apply each rule in order. Later rules see the results of earlier rules.
+ # Later rules can overwrite or add to results of earlier rules.
+ # TODO(jrobbins): also pass in in-progress values for owner and CCs so
+ # that early rules that set those can affect later rules that check them.
+ for rule, predicate_ast in zip(rules, predicate_asts):
+ (rule_owner_id, rule_status, rule_add_cc_ids,
+ rule_add_labels, rule_add_notify) = _ApplyRule(
+ cnxn, services, rule, predicate_ast, issue, label_set, config)
+ #
+ # 'rule "%s" gave %r, %r, %r, %r, %r',
+ # rule.predicate, rule_owner_id, rule_status, rule_add_cc_ids,
+ # rule_add_labels, rule_add_notify)
+ if rule_owner_id and not issue.owner_id:
+ derived_owner_id = rule_owner_id
+ if rule_status and not issue.status:
+ derived_status = rule_status
+ for cc_id in rule_add_cc_ids:
+ if cc_id not in cc_set:
+ derived_cc_ids.append(cc_id)
+ cc_set.add(cc_id)
+ for lab in rule_add_labels:
+ lab_lower = lab.lower()
+ if lab_lower in label_set:
+ continue # We already have that label.
+ prefix = lab_lower.split('-')[0]
+ if '-' in lab_lower and prefix in excl_prefixes:
+ if prefix in excl_prefixes_used:
+ continue # Issue already has that prefix.
+ # Replace any earlied-added label that had the same exclusive prefix.
+ if prefix in prefix_values_added:
+ label_set.remove(prefix_values_added[prefix].lower())
+ derived_labels = [dl for dl in derived_labels
+ if dl != prefix_values_added[prefix]]
+ prefix_values_added[prefix] = lab
+ derived_labels.append(lab)
+ label_set.add(lab_lower)
+ for addr in rule_add_notify:
+ if addr not in derived_notify_addrs:
+ derived_notify_addrs.append(addr)
+ return (derived_owner_id, derived_status, derived_cc_ids, derived_labels,
+ derived_notify_addrs)
+def EvalPredicate(
+ cnxn, services, predicate_ast, issue, label_set, config, owner_id, cc_ids,
+ status):
+ """Return True if the given issue satisfies the given predicate.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: Connection to SQL database.
+ services: persistence layer for users and issues.
+ predicate_ast: QueryAST for rule or saved query string.
+ issue: Issue PB of the issue to evaluate.
+ label_set: set of lower-cased labels on the issue.
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig for the project that contains the issue.
+ owner_id: int user ID of the issue owner.
+ cc_ids: list of int user IDs of the users Cc'd on the issue.
+ status: string status value of the issue.
+ Returns:
+ True if the issue satisfies the predicate.
+ Note: filter rule evaluation passes in only the explicit owner_id,
+ cc_ids, and status whereas subscription evaluation passes in the
+ combination of explicit values and derived values.
+ """
+ # TODO(jrobbins): Call ast2ast to simplify the predicate and do
+ # most lookups. Refactor to allow that to be done once.
+ project = services.project.GetProject(cnxn, config.project_id)
+ for conj in predicate_ast.conjunctions:
+ if all(_ApplyCond(cnxn, services, project, cond, issue, label_set, config,
+ owner_id, cc_ids, status)
+ for cond in conj.conds):
+ return True
+ # All OR-clauses were evaluated, but none of them was matched.
+ return False
+def _ApplyRule(
+ cnxn, services, rule_pb, predicate_ast, issue, label_set, config):
+ """Test if the given rule should fire and return its result.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: database connection, used to look up user IDs.
+ services: persistence layer for users and issues.
+ rule_pb: FilterRule PB instance with a predicate and various actions.
+ predicate_ast: QueryAST for the rule predicate.
+ issue: The Issue PB to be considered.
+ label_set: set of lowercased labels from an issue's explicit
+ label_list plus and labels that have accumlated from previous rules.
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig for the project containing the issue.
+ Returns:
+ A 5-tuple of the results from this rule: derived owner id, status,
+ cc_ids to add, labels to add, and notify addresses to add.
+ """
+ if EvalPredicate(
+ cnxn, services, predicate_ast, issue, label_set, config,
+ issue.owner_id, issue.cc_ids, issue.status):
+'rule adds: %r', rule_pb.add_labels)
+ return (rule_pb.default_owner_id, rule_pb.default_status,
+ rule_pb.add_cc_ids, rule_pb.add_labels,
+ rule_pb.add_notify_addrs)
+ else:
+ return None, None, [], [], []
+def _ApplyCond(
+ cnxn, services, project, term, issue, label_set, config, owner_id, cc_ids,
+ status):
+ """Return True if the given issue satisfied the given predicate term."""
+ op = term.op
+ vals = term.str_values or term.int_values
+ # Since rules are per-project, there'll be exactly 1 field
+ fd = term.field_defs[0]
+ field = fd.field_name
+ if field == 'label':
+ return _Compare(op, vals, label_set)
+ if field == 'component':
+ return _CompareComponents(config, op, vals, issue.component_ids)
+ if field == 'any_field':
+ return _Compare(op, vals, label_set) or _Compare(op, vals, [issue.summary])
+ if field == 'attachments':
+ return _Compare(op, vals, [issue.attachment_count])
+ if field == 'blocked':
+ return _Compare(op, vals, issue.blocked_on_iids)
+ if field == 'blockedon':
+ return _CompareIssueRefs(
+ cnxn, services, project, op, term.str_values, issue.blocked_on_iids)
+ if field == 'blocking':
+ return _CompareIssueRefs(
+ cnxn, services, project, op, term.str_values, issue.blocking_iids)
+ if field == 'cc':
+ return _CompareUsers(cnxn, services.user, op, vals, cc_ids)
+ if field == 'closed':
+ return (issue.closed_timestamp and
+ _Compare(op, vals, [issue.closed_timestamp]))
+ if field == 'id':
+ return _Compare(op, vals, [issue.local_id])
+ if field == 'mergedinto':
+ return _CompareIssueRefs(
+ cnxn, services, project, op, term.str_values, [issue.merged_into or 0])
+ if field == 'modified':
+ return (issue.modified_timestamp and
+ _Compare(op, vals, [issue.modified_timestamp]))
+ if field == 'open':
+ # TODO(jrobbins): this just checks the explicit status, not the result
+ # of any previous rules.
+ return tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(status, config)
+ if field == 'opened':
+ return (issue.opened_timestamp and
+ _Compare(op, vals, [issue.opened_timestamp]))
+ if field == 'owner':
+ return _CompareUsers(cnxn, services.user, op, vals, [owner_id])
+ if field == 'reporter':
+ return _CompareUsers(cnxn, services.user, op, vals, [issue.reporter_id])
+ if field == 'stars':
+ return _Compare(op, vals, [issue.star_count])
+ if field == 'status':
+ return _Compare(op, vals, [status.lower()])
+ if field == 'summary':
+ return _Compare(op, vals, [issue.summary])
+ # Since rules are per-project, it makes no sense to support field project.
+ # We would need to load comments to support fields comment, commentby,
+ # description, attachment.
+ # Supporting starredby is probably not worth the complexity.
+'Rule with unsupported field %r was False', field)
+ return False
+def _CheckTrivialCases(op, issue_values):
+ """Check has:x and -has:x terms and no values. Otherwise, return None."""
+ # We can do these operators without looking up anything or even knowing
+ # which field is being checked.
+ issue_values_exist = bool(
+ issue_values and issue_values != [''] and issue_values != [0])
+ if op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.IS_DEFINED:
+ return issue_values_exist
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.IS_NOT_DEFINED:
+ return not issue_values_exist
+ elif not issue_values_exist:
+ # No other operator can match empty values.
+ return op in (ast_pb2.QueryOp.NE, ast_pb2.QueryOp.NOT_TEXT_HAS)
+ return None # Caller should continue processing the term.
+def _CompareComponents(config, op, rule_values, issue_values):
+ """Compare the components specified in the rule vs those in the issue."""
+ trivial_result = _CheckTrivialCases(op, issue_values)
+ if trivial_result is not None:
+ return trivial_result
+ exact = op in (ast_pb2.QueryOp.EQ, ast_pb2.QueryOp.NE)
+ rule_component_ids = set()
+ for path in rule_values:
+ rule_component_ids.update(tracker_bizobj.FindMatchingComponentIDs(
+ path, config, exact=exact))
+ if op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS or op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.EQ:
+ return any(rv in issue_values for rv in rule_component_ids)
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.NOT_TEXT_HAS or op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.NE:
+ return all(rv not in issue_values for rv in rule_component_ids)
+ return False
+def _CompareIssueRefs(
+ cnxn, services, project, op, rule_str_values, issue_values):
+ """Compare the issues specified in the rule vs referenced in the issue."""
+ trivial_result = _CheckTrivialCases(op, issue_values)
+ if trivial_result is not None:
+ return trivial_result
+ rule_refs = []
+ for str_val in rule_str_values:
+ ref = tracker_bizobj.ParseIssueRef(str_val)
+ if ref:
+ rule_refs.append(ref)
+ rule_ref_project_names = set(
+ pn for pn, local_id in rule_refs if pn)
+ rule_ref_projects_dict = services.project.GetProjectsByName(
+ cnxn, rule_ref_project_names)
+ rule_ref_projects_dict[project.project_name] = project
+ rule_iids = services.issue.ResolveIssueRefs(
+ cnxn, rule_ref_projects_dict, project.project_name, rule_refs)
+ if op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS:
+ op = ast_pb2.QueryOp.EQ
+ if op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.NOT_TEXT_HAS:
+ op = ast_pb2.QueryOp.NE
+ return _Compare(op, rule_iids, issue_values)
+def _CompareUsers(cnxn, user_service, op, rule_values, issue_values):
+ """Compare the user(s) specified in the rule and the issue."""
+ # Note that all occurances of "me" in rule_values should have already
+ # been resolved to str(user_id) of the subscribing user.
+ # TODO(jrobbins): Project filter rules should not be allowed to have "me".
+ trivial_result = _CheckTrivialCases(op, issue_values)
+ if trivial_result is not None:
+ return trivial_result
+ try:
+ return _CompareUserIDs(op, rule_values, issue_values)
+ except ValueError:
+ return _CompareEmails(cnxn, user_service, op, rule_values, issue_values)
+def _CompareUserIDs(op, rule_values, issue_values):
+ """Compare users according to specified user ID integer strings."""
+ rule_user_ids = [int(uid_str) for uid_str in rule_values]
+ if op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS or op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.EQ:
+ return any(rv in issue_values for rv in rule_user_ids)
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.NOT_TEXT_HAS or op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.NE:
+ return all(rv not in issue_values for rv in rule_user_ids)
+'unexpected numeric user operator %r %r %r',
+ op, rule_values, issue_values)
+ return False
+def _CompareEmails(cnxn, user_service, op, rule_values, issue_values):
+ """Compare users based on email addresses."""
+ issue_emails = user_service.LookupUserEmails(cnxn, issue_values).values()
+ if op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS:
+ return any(_HasText(rv, issue_emails) for rv in rule_values)
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.NOT_TEXT_HAS:
+ return all(not _HasText(rv, issue_emails) for rv in rule_values)
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.EQ:
+ return any(rv in issue_emails for rv in rule_values)
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.NE:
+ return all(rv not in issue_emails for rv in rule_values)
+'unexpected user operator %r %r %r',
+ op, rule_values, issue_values)
+ return False
+def _Compare(op, rule_values, issue_values):
+ """Compare the values specified in the rule and the issue."""
+ trivial_result = _CheckTrivialCases(op, issue_values)
+ if trivial_result is not None:
+ return trivial_result
+ if (op in [ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS, ast_pb2.QueryOp.NOT_TEXT_HAS] and
+ issue_values and not isinstance(min(issue_values), basestring)):
+ return False # Empty or numeric fields cannot match substrings
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS:
+ return any(_HasText(rv, issue_values) for rv in rule_values)
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.NOT_TEXT_HAS:
+ return all(not _HasText(rv, issue_values) for rv in rule_values)
+ val_type = type(min(issue_values))
+ if val_type == int or val_type == long:
+ try:
+ rule_values = [int(rv) for rv in rule_values]
+ except ValueError:
+'rule value conversion to int failed: %r', rule_values)
+ return False
+ if op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.EQ:
+ return any(rv in issue_values for rv in rule_values)
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.NE:
+ return all(rv not in issue_values for rv in rule_values)
+ if val_type != int and val_type != long:
+ return False # Inequalities only work on numeric fields
+ if op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.GT:
+ return min(issue_values) > min(rule_values)
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.GE:
+ return min(issue_values) >= min(rule_values)
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.LT:
+ return max(issue_values) < max(rule_values)
+ elif op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.LE:
+ return max(issue_values) <= max(rule_values)
+'unexpected operator %r %r %r', op, rule_values, issue_values)
+ return False
+def _HasText(rule_text, issue_values):
+ """Return True if the issue contains the rule text, case insensitive."""
+ rule_lower = rule_text.lower()
+ for iv in issue_values:
+ if iv is not None and rule_lower in iv.lower():
+ return True
+ return False
+def MakeRule(predicate, default_status=None, default_owner_id=None,
+ add_cc_ids=None, add_labels=None, add_notify=None):
+ """Make a FilterRule PB with the supplied information.
+ Args:
+ predicate: string query that will trigger the rule if satisfied.
+ default_status: optional default status to set if rule fires.
+ default_owner_id: optional default owner_id to set if rule fires.
+ add_cc_ids: optional cc ids to set if rule fires.
+ add_labels: optional label strings to set if rule fires.
+ add_notify: optional notify email addresses to set if rule fires.
+ Returns:
+ A new FilterRule PB.
+ """
+ rule_pb = tracker_pb2.FilterRule()
+ rule_pb.predicate = predicate
+ if add_labels:
+ rule_pb.add_labels = add_labels
+ if default_status:
+ rule_pb.default_status = default_status
+ if default_owner_id:
+ rule_pb.default_owner_id = default_owner_id
+ if add_cc_ids:
+ rule_pb.add_cc_ids = add_cc_ids
+ if add_notify:
+ rule_pb.add_notify_addrs = add_notify
+ return rule_pb
+def ParseRules(cnxn, post_data, user_service, errors, prefix=''):
+ """Parse rules from the user and return a list of FilterRule PBs.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to database.
+ post_data: dictionary of html form data.
+ user_service: connection to user backend services.
+ errors: EZTErrors message used to display field validation errors.
+ prefix: optional string prefix used to differentiate the form fields
+ for existing rules from the form fields for new rules.
+ Returns:
+ A list of FilterRule PBs
+ """
+ rules = []
+ # The best we can do for now is show all validation errors at the bottom of
+ # the filter rules section, not directly on the rule that had the error :(.
+ error_list = []
+ for i in xrange(1, MAX_RULES + 1):
+ if ('%spredicate%s' % (prefix, i)) not in post_data:
+ continue # skip any entries that are blank or have no predicate.
+ predicate = post_data['%spredicate%s' % (prefix, i)].strip()
+ action_type = post_data.get('%saction_type%s' % (prefix, i),
+ 'add_labels').strip()
+ action_value = post_data.get('%saction_value%s' % (prefix, i),
+ '').strip()
+ if predicate:
+ # Note: action_value may be '', meaning no-op.
+ rules.append(_ParseOneRule(
+ cnxn, predicate, action_type, action_value, user_service, i,
+ error_list))
+ if error_list:
+ errors.rules = error_list
+ return rules
+def _ParseOneRule(
+ cnxn, predicate, action_type, action_value, user_service,
+ rule_num, error_list):
+ """Parse one FilterRule based on the action type."""
+ if action_type == 'default_status':
+ status = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(action_value)
+ rule = MakeRule(predicate, default_status=status)
+ elif action_type == 'default_owner':
+ if action_value:
+ try:
+ user_id = user_service.LookupUserID(cnxn, action_value)
+ except user_svc.NoSuchUserException:
+ user_id = framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED
+ error_list.append(
+ 'Rule %d: No such user: %s' % (rule_num, action_value))
+ else:
+ user_id = framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED
+ rule = MakeRule(predicate, default_owner_id=user_id)
+ elif action_type == 'add_ccs':
+ cc_ids = []
+ for email in re.split('[,;\s]+', action_value):
+ if not email.strip():
+ continue
+ try:
+ user_id = user_service.LookupUserID(
+ cnxn, email.strip(), autocreate=True)
+ cc_ids.append(user_id)
+ except user_svc.NoSuchUserException:
+ error_list.append(
+ 'Rule %d: No such user: %s' % (rule_num, email.strip()))
+ rule = MakeRule(predicate, add_cc_ids=cc_ids)
+ elif action_type == 'add_labels':
+ add_labels = framework_constants.IDENTIFIER_RE.findall(action_value)
+ rule = MakeRule(predicate, add_labels=add_labels)
+ elif action_type == 'also_notify':
+ add_notify = []
+ for addr in re.split('[,;\s]+', action_value):
+ if validate.IsValidEmail(addr.strip()):
+ add_notify.append(addr.strip())
+ else:
+ error_list.append(
+ 'Rule %d: Invalid email address: %s' % (rule_num, addr.strip()))
+ rule = MakeRule(predicate, add_notify=add_notify)
+ else:
+'unexpected action type, probably tampering:%r', action_type)
+ raise monorailrequest.InputException()
+ return rule
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