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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/framework/

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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diff --git a/appengine/monorail/framework/ b/appengine/monorail/framework/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..282935c9ba69df50c1c6d35b01354070bde337c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine/monorail/framework/
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Helper functions for sorting lists of project artifacts.
+This module exports the SortArtifacts function that does sorting of
+Monorail business objects (e.g., an issue). The sorting is done by
+extracting relevant values from the PB using a dictionary of
+accessor functions.
+The desired sorting directives are specified in part of the user's
+HTTP request. This sort spec consists of the names of the columns
+with optional minus signs to indicate descending sort order.
+The tool configuration object also affects sorting. When sorting by
+key-value labels, the well-known labels are considered to come
+before any non-well-known labels, and those well-known labels sort in
+the order in which they are defined in the tool config PB.
+import logging
+import settings
+from framework import framework_constants
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+class DescendingValue(object):
+ """A wrapper which reverses the sort order of values."""
+ @classmethod
+ def MakeDescendingValue(cls, obj):
+ """Make a value that sorts in the reverse order as obj."""
+ if isinstance(obj, int):
+ return -obj
+ if obj == MAX_STRING:
+ return MIN_STRING
+ if obj == MIN_STRING:
+ return MAX_STRING
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ return [cls.MakeDescendingValue(item) for item in reversed(obj)]
+ return DescendingValue(obj)
+ def __init__(self, val):
+ self.val = val
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ """Return -1, 0, or 1 base on the reverse of the normal sort order."""
+ if isinstance(other, DescendingValue):
+ return cmp(other.val, self.val)
+ else:
+ return cmp(other, self.val)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'DescendingValue(%r)' % self.val
+# A string that sorts after every other string, and one that sorts before them.
+MAX_STRING = '~~~'
+MIN_STRING = DescendingValue(MAX_STRING)
+# RAMCache {issue_id: {column_name: sort_key, ...}, ...}
+art_values_cache = None
+def InitializeArtValues(services):
+ global art_values_cache
+ art_values_cache = services.cache_manager.MakeCache(
+ 'issue', max_size=settings.issue_cache_max_size)
+def SortArtifacts(
+ mr, artifacts, config, accessors, username_cols=None, users_by_id=None):
+ """Return a list of artifacts sorted by the user's sort specification.
+ In the following, an "accessor" is a function(art) -> [field_value, ...].
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request, including query.
+ artifacts: an unsorted list of project artifact PBs.
+ config: Project config PB instance that defines the sort order for
+ labels and statuses in this project.
+ accessors: dictionary of (column_name -> accessor) to get values
+ from the artifacts.
+ username_cols: optional list of lowercase column names that will show
+ user names.
+ users_by_id: optional dictionary {user_id: user_view,...} for all users
+ who participate in the list of artifacts.
+ Returns:
+ A sorted list of artifacts.
+ Note: if username_cols is supplied, then users_by_id should be too.
+ The approach to sorting is to construct a comprehensive sort key for
+ each artifact. To create the sort key, we (a) build lists with a
+ variable number of fields to sort on, and (b) allow individual
+ fields to be sorted in descending order. Even with the time taken
+ to build the sort keys, calling sorted() with the key seems to be
+ faster overall than doing multiple stable-sorts or doing one sort
+ using a multi-field comparison function.
+ """
+ sort_directives = ComputeSortDirectives(mr, config)
+ # Build a list of accessors that will extract sort keys from the issues.
+ accessor_pairs = [
+ (sd, _MakeCombinedSortKeyAccessor(
+ sd, config, accessors, username_cols, users_by_id))
+ for sd in sort_directives]
+ def SortKey(art):
+ """Make a sort_key for the given artifact, used by sorted() below."""
+ if art_values_cache.HasItem(art.issue_id):
+ art_values = art_values_cache.GetItem(art.issue_id)
+ else:
+ art_values = {}
+ sort_key = []
+ for sd, accessor in accessor_pairs:
+ if sd not in art_values:
+ art_values[sd] = accessor(art)
+ sort_key.append(art_values[sd])
+ art_values_cache.CacheItem(art.issue_id, art_values)
+ return sort_key
+ return sorted(artifacts, key=SortKey)
+def ComputeSortDirectives(mr, config, tie_breaker='id'):
+ """Return a list with sort directives to be used in sorting.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request, including query.
+ config: Project config PB instance that defines the sort order for
+ labels and statuses in this project.
+ tie_breaker: column name to add to the end of the sort spec if it is
+ not already somewhere in the sort spec.
+ Returns:
+ A list of lower-case column names, each one may have a leading
+ minus-sign.
+ """
+ # Prepend the end-user's sort spec to any project default sort spec.
+ sort_spec = '%s %s %s' % (
+ mr.group_by_spec, mr.sort_spec, config.default_sort_spec)
+ # Sort specs can have interfering sort orders, so remove any duplicates.
+ field_names = set()
+ sort_directives = []
+ for sort_directive in sort_spec.lower().split():
+ field_name = sort_directive.lstrip('-')
+ if field_name not in field_names:
+ sort_directives.append(sort_directive)
+ field_names.add(field_name)
+ # Add in the project name so that the overall ordering is completely
+ # defined in cross-project search. Otherwise, issues jump up and
+ # down on each reload of the same query, and prev/next links get
+ # messed up. It's a no-op in single projects.
+ if 'project' not in sort_directives:
+ sort_directives.append('project')
+ if tie_breaker not in sort_directives:
+ sort_directives.append(tie_breaker)
+ return sort_directives
+def _MakeCombinedSortKeyAccessor(
+ sort_directive, config, accessors, username_cols, users_by_id):
+ """Return an accessor that extracts a sort key for a UI table column.
+ Args:
+ sort_directive: string with column name and optional leading minus sign,
+ for combined columns, it may have slashes, e.g., "-priority/pri".
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig instance that defines the sort order for
+ labels and statuses in this project.
+ accessors: dictionary of (column_name -> accessor) to get values
+ from the artifacts.
+ username_cols: list of lowercase names of columns that contain user names.
+ users_by_id: dictionary {user_id: user_view,...} for all users
+ who participate in the list of artifacts (e.g., owners, reporters, cc).
+ Returns:
+ A list of accessor functions that can be applied to an issue to extract
+ the relevant sort key value.
+ The strings for status and labels are converted to lower case in
+ this method so that they sort like case-insensitive enumerations.
+ Any component-specific field of the artifact is sorted according to the
+ value returned by the accessors defined in that component. Those
+ accessor functions should lower case string values for fields where
+ case-insensitive sorting is desired.
+ """
+ if sort_directive.startswith('-'):
+ combined_col_name = sort_directive[1:]
+ descending = True
+ else:
+ combined_col_name = sort_directive
+ descending = False
+ wk_labels = [wkl.label for wkl in config.well_known_labels]
+ accessors = [
+ _MakeSingleSortKeyAccessor(
+ col_name, config, accessors, username_cols, users_by_id, wk_labels)
+ for col_name in combined_col_name.split('/')]
+ # The most common case is that we sort on a single column, like "priority".
+ if len(accessors) == 1:
+ return _MaybeMakeDescending(accessors[0], descending)
+ # Less commonly, we are sorting on a combined column like "priority/pri".
+ def CombinedAccessor(art):
+ """Flatten and sort the values for each column in a combined column."""
+ key_part = []
+ for single_accessor in accessors:
+ value = single_accessor(art)
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ key_part.extend(value)
+ else:
+ key_part.append(value)
+ return sorted(key_part)
+ return _MaybeMakeDescending(CombinedAccessor, descending)
+def _MaybeMakeDescending(accessor, descending):
+ """If descending is True, return a new function that reverses accessor."""
+ if not descending:
+ return accessor
+ def DescendingAccessor(art):
+ asc_value = accessor(art)
+ return DescendingValue.MakeDescendingValue(asc_value)
+ return DescendingAccessor
+def _MakeSingleSortKeyAccessor(
+ col_name, config, accessors, username_cols, users_by_id, wk_labels):
+ """Return an accessor function for a single simple UI column."""
+ # Case 1. Handle built-in fields: status, component.
+ if col_name == 'status':
+ wk_statuses = [wks.status for wks in config.well_known_statuses]
+ return _IndexOrLexical(wk_statuses, accessors[col_name])
+ if col_name == 'component':
+ comp_defs = sorted(config.component_defs, key=lambda cd: cd.path.lower())
+ comp_ids = [cd.component_id for cd in comp_defs]
+ return _IndexListAccessor(comp_ids, accessors[col_name])
+ # Case 2. Any other defined accessor functions.
+ if col_name in accessors:
+ if username_cols and col_name in username_cols:
+ # sort users by email address rather than user ids.
+ return _UserEditNameAccessor(users_by_id, accessors[col_name])
+ else:
+ return accessors[col_name]
+ # Case 3. Anything else is assumed to be a label prefix or custom field.
+ # TODO(jrobbins): user-valued custom fields. Find them at top of loop.
+ fd_list = [
+ fd for fd in config.field_defs
+ if (fd.field_name.lower() == col_name and
+ fd.field_type != tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE)]
+ return _IndexOrLexicalList(
+ wk_labels, fd_list, col_name, users_by_id)
+def _PrecomputeSortIndexes(values, col_name):
+ """Precompute indexes of strings in the values list for fast lookup later."""
+ # Make a dictionary that immediately gives us the index of any value
+ # in the list, and also add the same values in all-lower letters. In
+ # the case where two values differ only by case, the later value wins,
+ # which is fine.
+ indexes = {}
+ if col_name:
+ prefix = col_name + '-'
+ else:
+ prefix = ''
+ for idx, val in enumerate(values):
+ if val.lower().startswith(prefix):
+ indexes[val] = idx
+ indexes[val.lower()] = idx
+ else:
+ indexes[val] = IGNORABLE_INDICATOR
+ indexes[val.lower()] = IGNORABLE_INDICATOR
+ return indexes
+def _UserEditNameAccessor(users_by_id, base_accessor):
+ """Make an accessor that returns a list of user edit names for sorting.
+ Args:
+ users_by_id: dictionary {user_id: user_view, ...} for all participants
+ in the entire list of artifacts.
+ base_accessor: an accessor function f(artifact) -> user_id.
+ Returns:
+ An accessor f(artifact) -> value that can be used in sorting
+ the decorated list.
+ """
+ def Accessor(art):
+ """Return a user edit name for the given artifact's base_accessor."""
+ id_or_id_list = base_accessor(art)
+ if isinstance(id_or_id_list, list):
+ emails = [users_by_id[user_id].email
+ for user_id in id_or_id_list]
+ else:
+ emails = [users_by_id[id_or_id_list].email]
+ return sorted(emails) or MAX_STRING
+ return Accessor
+def _MakeColumnAccessor(col_name):
+ """Make an accessor for an issue's labels that have col_name as a prefix.
+ Args:
+ col_name: string column name.
+ Returns:
+ An accessor that can be applied to an artifact to return a list of
+ labels that have col_name as a prefix.
+ For example, _MakeColumnAccessor('priority')(issue) could result in
+ [], or ['priority-high'], or a longer list for multi-valued labels.
+ """
+ prefix = col_name + '-'
+ def Accessor(art):
+ """Return a list of label values on the given artifact."""
+ result = [label.lower() for label in tracker_bizobj.GetLabels(art)
+ if label.lower().startswith(prefix)]
+ return result
+ return Accessor
+def _IndexOrLexical(wk_values, base_accessor):
+ """Return an accessor to score an artifact based on a user-defined ordering.
+ Args:
+ wk_values: a list of well-known status values from the config.
+ base_accessor: function that gets a field from a given issue.
+ Returns:
+ An accessor that can be applied to an issue to return a suitable
+ sort key.
+ For example, when used to sort issue statuses, these accessors return an
+ integer for well-known statuses, a string for odd-ball statuses, and an
+ extreme value key for issues with no status. That causes issues to appear
+ in the expected order with odd-ball issues sorted lexicographically after
+ the ones with well-known status values, and issues with no defined status at
+ the very end.
+ """
+ well_known_value_indexes = _PrecomputeSortIndexes(wk_values, '')
+ def Accessor(art):
+ """Custom-made function to return a specific value of any issue."""
+ value = base_accessor(art)
+ if not value:
+ # Undefined values sort last.
+ return MAX_STRING
+ try:
+ # Well-known values sort by index. Ascending sorting has positive ints
+ # in well_known_value_indexes.
+ return well_known_value_indexes[value]
+ except KeyError:
+ # Odd-ball values after well-known and lexicographically.
+ return value.lower()
+ return Accessor
+def _IndexListAccessor(wk_values, base_accessor):
+ """Return an accessor to score an artifact based on a user-defined ordering.
+ Args:
+ wk_values: a list of well-known values from the config.
+ base_accessor: function that gets a field from a given issue.
+ Returns:
+ An accessor that can be applied to an issue to return a suitable
+ sort key.
+ """
+ well_known_value_indexes = {
+ val: idx for idx, val in enumerate(wk_values)}
+ def Accessor(art):
+ """Custom-made function to return a specific value of any issue."""
+ values = base_accessor(art)
+ if not values:
+ # Undefined values sort last.
+ return MAX_STRING
+ indexes = [well_known_value_indexes.get(val, MAX_STRING) for val in values]
+ return sorted(indexes)
+ return Accessor
+def _IndexOrLexicalList(wk_values, fd_list, col_name, users_by_id):
+ """Return an accessor to score an artifact based on a user-defined ordering.
+ Args:
+ wk_values: A list of well-known labels from the config.
+ fd_list: list of FieldDef PBs that match the column name. These might not
+ all have the same field_type. Enum-type field are not included.
+ col_name: lowercase string name of the column that will be sorted on.
+ users_by_id: A dictionary {user_id: user_view}.
+ Returns:
+ An accessor that can be applied to an issue to return a suitable
+ sort key.
+ """
+ well_known_value_indexes = _PrecomputeSortIndexes(wk_values, col_name)
+ def Accessor(art):
+ """Custom-made function to return a sort value for any issue."""
+ idx_or_lex_list = (
+ _SortableFieldValues(art, fd_list, users_by_id) +
+ _SortableLabelValues(art, col_name, well_known_value_indexes))
+ if not idx_or_lex_list:
+ return MAX_STRING # issues with no value sort to the end of the list.
+ return sorted(idx_or_lex_list)
+ return Accessor
+def _SortableFieldValues(art, fd_list, users_by_id):
+ """Return a list of field values relevant to one UI table column."""
+ sortable_value_list = []
+ for fd in fd_list:
+ for fv in art.field_values:
+ if fv.field_id == fd.field_id:
+ sortable_value_list.append(
+ tracker_bizobj.GetFieldValue(fv, users_by_id))
+ return sortable_value_list
+def _SortableLabelValues(art, col_name, well_known_value_indexes):
+ """Return a list of ints and strings for labels relevant to one UI column."""
+ sortable_value_list = []
+ for label in tracker_bizobj.GetLabels(art):
+ idx_or_lex = well_known_value_indexes.get(label)
+ if idx_or_lex == IGNORABLE_INDICATOR:
+ continue # Label is known to not have the desired prefix.
+ if idx_or_lex is None:
+ if '-' not in label:
+ # Skip an irrelevant OneWord label and remember to ignore it later.
+ well_known_value_indexes[label] = IGNORABLE_INDICATOR
+ continue
+ key, value = label.lower().split('-', 1)
+ if key == col_name:
+ # Label is a key-value label with an odd-ball value, remember it
+ idx_or_lex = value
+ well_known_value_indexes[label] = value
+ else:
+ # Label was a key-value label that is not relevant to this column.
+ # Remember to ignore it later.
+ well_known_value_indexes[label] = IGNORABLE_INDICATOR
+ continue
+ sortable_value_list.append(idx_or_lex)
+ return sortable_value_list
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