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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/services/

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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diff --git a/appengine/monorail/services/ b/appengine/monorail/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a98c459c3472a2978ecb199c8307ddc019bab3e
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+++ b/appengine/monorail/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,2557 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A set of functions that provide persistence for Monorail issue tracking.
+This module provides functions to get, update, create, and (in some
+cases) delete each type of business object. It provides a logical
+persistence layer on top of an SQL database.
+Business objects are described in and
+import collections
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import time
+import uuid
+from google.appengine.api import app_identity
+from google.appengine.api import images
+from third_party import cloudstorage
+import settings
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import gcs_helpers
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import sql
+from infra_libs import ts_mon
+from proto import project_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import caches
+from services import tracker_fulltext
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+ 'id', 'project_id', 'local_id', 'status_id', 'owner_id', 'reporter_id',
+ 'opened', 'closed', 'modified', 'derived_owner_id', 'derived_status_id',
+ 'deleted', 'star_count', 'attachment_count', 'is_spam']
+ISSUESUMMARY_COLS = ['issue_id', 'summary']
+ISSUE2LABEL_COLS = ['issue_id', 'label_id', 'derived']
+ISSUE2COMPONENT_COLS = ['issue_id', 'component_id', 'derived']
+ISSUE2CC_COLS = ['issue_id', 'cc_id', 'derived']
+ISSUE2NOTIFY_COLS = ['issue_id', 'email']
+ 'issue_id', 'field_id', 'int_value', 'str_value', 'user_id', 'derived']
+ '', 'issue_id', 'created', 'Comment.project_id', 'commenter_id',
+ 'content', 'inbound_message', 'was_escaped', 'deleted_by',
+ 'Comment.is_spam']
+ABBR_COMMENT_COLS = ['', 'commenter_id', 'deleted_by']
+ 'id', 'issue_id', 'comment_id', 'filename', 'filesize', 'mimetype',
+ 'deleted', 'gcs_object_id']
+ISSUERELATION_COLS = ['issue_id', 'dst_issue_id', 'kind']
+ 'issue_id', 'dst_issue_project', 'dst_issue_local_id', 'kind']
+ 'id', 'issue_id', 'comment_id', 'field', 'old_value', 'new_value',
+ 'added_user_id', 'removed_user_id', 'custom_field_name']
+ISSUEFORMERLOCATIONS_COLS = ['issue_id', 'project_id', 'local_id']
+REINDEXQUEUE_COLS = ['issue_id', 'created']
+CHUNK_SIZE = 1000
+class IssueIDTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+ """Class to manage RAM and memcache for Issue IDs."""
+ def __init__(self, cache_manager, issue_service):
+ super(IssueIDTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+ cache_manager, 'issue_id', 'issue_id:', int,
+ max_size=settings.issue_cache_max_size, use_value_centric_cache=True)
+ self.issue_service = issue_service
+ def _DeserializeIssueIDs(self, project_local_issue_ids):
+ """Convert database rows into a dict {(project_id, local_id): issue_id}."""
+ return {(project_id, local_id): issue_id
+ for (project_id, local_id, issue_id) in project_local_issue_ids}
+ def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+ """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database."""
+ local_ids_by_pid = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for project_id, local_id in keys:
+ local_ids_by_pid[project_id].append(local_id)
+ where = [] # We OR per-project pairs of conditions together.
+ for project_id, local_ids_in_project in local_ids_by_pid.iteritems():
+ term_str = ('(Issue.project_id = %%s AND Issue.local_id IN (%s))' %
+ sql.PlaceHolders(local_ids_in_project))
+ where.append((term_str, [project_id] + local_ids_in_project))
+ rows = self.issue_service.issue_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'local_id', 'id'],
+ where=where, or_where_conds=True)
+ return self._DeserializeIssueIDs(rows)
+ def _KeyToStr(self, key):
+ """This cache uses pairs of ints as keys. Convert them to strings."""
+ return '%d,%d' % key
+ def _StrToKey(self, key_str):
+ """This cache uses pairs of ints as keys. Convert them from strings."""
+ project_id_str, local_id_str = key_str.split(',')
+ return int(project_id_str), int(local_id_str)
+class IssueTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+ """Class to manage RAM and memcache for Issue PBs."""
+ def __init__(
+ self, cache_manager, issue_service, project_service, config_service):
+ super(IssueTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+ cache_manager, 'issue', 'issue:', tracker_pb2.Issue,
+ max_size=settings.issue_cache_max_size)
+ self.issue_service = issue_service
+ self.project_service = project_service
+ self.config_service = config_service
+ def _UnpackIssue(self, cnxn, issue_row):
+ """Partially construct an issue object using info from a DB row."""
+ (issue_id, project_id, local_id, status_id, owner_id, reporter_id,
+ opened, closed, modified, derived_owner_id, derived_status_id,
+ deleted, star_count, attachment_count, is_spam) = issue_row
+ issue = tracker_pb2.Issue()
+ project = self.project_service.GetProject(cnxn, project_id)
+ issue.project_name = project.project_name
+ issue.issue_id = issue_id
+ issue.project_id = project_id
+ issue.local_id = local_id
+ if status_id is not None:
+ status = self.config_service.LookupStatus(cnxn, project_id, status_id)
+ issue.status = status
+ issue.owner_id = owner_id or 0
+ issue.reporter_id = reporter_id or 0
+ issue.derived_owner_id = derived_owner_id or 0
+ if derived_status_id is not None:
+ derived_status = self.config_service.LookupStatus(
+ cnxn, project_id, derived_status_id)
+ issue.derived_status = derived_status
+ issue.deleted = bool(deleted)
+ if opened:
+ issue.opened_timestamp = opened
+ if closed:
+ issue.closed_timestamp = closed
+ if modified:
+ issue.modified_timestamp = modified
+ issue.star_count = star_count
+ issue.attachment_count = attachment_count
+ issue.is_spam = bool(is_spam)
+ return issue
+ def _UnpackFieldValue(self, fv_row):
+ """Construct a field value object from a DB row."""
+ (issue_id, field_id, int_value, str_value, user_id, derived) = fv_row
+ fv = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+ field_id, int_value, str_value, user_id, bool(derived))
+ return fv, issue_id
+ def _DeserializeIssues(
+ self, cnxn, issue_rows, summary_rows, label_rows, component_rows,
+ cc_rows, notify_rows, fieldvalue_rows, relation_rows,
+ dangling_relation_rows):
+ """Convert the given DB rows into a dict of Issue PBs."""
+ results_dict = {}
+ for issue_row in issue_rows:
+ issue = self._UnpackIssue(cnxn, issue_row)
+ results_dict[issue.issue_id] = issue
+ for issue_id, summary in summary_rows:
+ results_dict[issue_id].summary = summary
+ # TODO(jrobbins): it would be nice to order labels by rank and name.
+ for issue_id, label_id, derived in label_rows:
+ issue = results_dict.get(issue_id)
+ if not issue:
+'Got label for an unknown issue: %r %r',
+ label_rows, issue_rows)
+ continue
+ label = self.config_service.LookupLabel(cnxn, issue.project_id, label_id)
+ assert label, ('Label ID %r on IID %r not found in project %r' %
+ (label_id, issue_id, issue.project_id))
+ if derived:
+ results_dict[issue_id].derived_labels.append(label)
+ else:
+ results_dict[issue_id].labels.append(label)
+ for issue_id, component_id, derived in component_rows:
+ if derived:
+ results_dict[issue_id].derived_component_ids.append(component_id)
+ else:
+ results_dict[issue_id].component_ids.append(component_id)
+ for issue_id, user_id, derived in cc_rows:
+ if derived:
+ results_dict[issue_id].derived_cc_ids.append(user_id)
+ else:
+ results_dict[issue_id].cc_ids.append(user_id)
+ for issue_id, email in notify_rows:
+ results_dict[issue_id].derived_notify_addrs.append(email)
+ for fv_row in fieldvalue_rows:
+ fv, issue_id = self._UnpackFieldValue(fv_row)
+ results_dict[issue_id].field_values.append(fv)
+ for issue_id, dst_issue_id, kind in relation_rows:
+ src_issue = results_dict.get(issue_id)
+ dst_issue = results_dict.get(dst_issue_id)
+ assert src_issue or dst_issue, (
+ 'Neither source issue %r nor dest issue %r was found' %
+ (issue_id, dst_issue_id))
+ if src_issue:
+ if kind == 'blockedon':
+ src_issue.blocked_on_iids.append(dst_issue_id)
+ elif kind == 'mergedinto':
+ src_issue.merged_into = dst_issue_id
+ else:
+'unknown relation kind %r', kind)
+ continue
+ if dst_issue:
+ if kind == 'blockedon':
+ dst_issue.blocking_iids.append(issue_id)
+ for issue_id, dst_issue_proj, dst_issue_id, kind in dangling_relation_rows:
+ src_issue = results_dict.get(issue_id)
+ if kind == 'blockedon':
+ src_issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs.append(
+ tracker_bizobj.MakeDanglingIssueRef(dst_issue_proj, dst_issue_id))
+ elif kind == 'blocking':
+ src_issue.dangling_blocking_refs.append(
+ tracker_bizobj.MakeDanglingIssueRef(dst_issue_proj, dst_issue_id))
+ else:
+ logging.warn('unhandled danging relation kind %r', kind)
+ continue
+ return results_dict
+ # Note: sharding is used to here to allow us to load issues from the replicas
+ # without placing load on the master. Writes are not sharded.
+ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+ def FetchItems(self, cnxn, issue_ids, shard_id=None):
+ """Retrieve and deserialize issues."""
+ issue_rows = self.issue_service.issue_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ISSUE_COLS, id=issue_ids, shard_id=shard_id)
+ summary_rows = self.issue_service.issuesummary_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ISSUESUMMARY_COLS, shard_id=shard_id, issue_id=issue_ids)
+ label_rows = self.issue_service.issue2label_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ISSUE2LABEL_COLS, shard_id=shard_id, issue_id=issue_ids)
+ component_rows = self.issue_service.issue2component_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ISSUE2COMPONENT_COLS, shard_id=shard_id, issue_id=issue_ids)
+ cc_rows = self.issue_service.issue2cc_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ISSUE2CC_COLS, shard_id=shard_id, issue_id=issue_ids)
+ notify_rows = self.issue_service.issue2notify_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ISSUE2NOTIFY_COLS, shard_id=shard_id, issue_id=issue_ids)
+ fieldvalue_rows = self.issue_service.issue2fieldvalue_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ISSUE2FIELDVALUE_COLS, shard_id=shard_id,
+ issue_id=issue_ids)
+ if issue_ids:
+ ph = sql.PlaceHolders(issue_ids)
+ relation_rows = self.issue_service.issuerelation_tbl.Select(
+ where=[('(issue_id IN (%s) OR dst_issue_id IN (%s))' % (ph, ph),
+ issue_ids + issue_ids)])
+ dangling_relation_rows = self.issue_service.danglingrelation_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=DANGLINGRELATION_COLS, issue_id=issue_ids)
+ else:
+ relation_rows = []
+ dangling_relation_rows = []
+ return self._DeserializeIssues(
+ cnxn, issue_rows, summary_rows, label_rows, component_rows, cc_rows,
+ notify_rows, fieldvalue_rows, relation_rows, dangling_relation_rows)
+class IssueService(object):
+ """The persistence layer for Monorail's issues, comments, and attachments."""
+ spam_labels = ts_mon.CounterMetric('monorail/issue_svc/spam_label')
+ def __init__(self, project_service, config_service, cache_manager):
+ """Initialize this object so that it is ready to use.
+ Args:
+ project_service: services object for project info.
+ config_service: services object for tracker configuration info.
+ cache_manager: local cache with distributed invalidation.
+ """
+ # Tables that represent issue data.
+ self.issue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.issuesummary_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUESUMMARY_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.issue2label_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE2LABEL_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.issue2component_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE2COMPONENT_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.issue2cc_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE2CC_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.issue2notify_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE2NOTIFY_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.issue2fieldvalue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE2FIELDVALUE_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.issuerelation_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUERELATION_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.danglingrelation_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(DANGLINGRELATION_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.issueformerlocations_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+ # Tables that represent comments.
+ self.comment_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(COMMENT_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.issueupdate_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUEUPDATE_TABLE_NAME)
+ self.attachment_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ATTACHMENT_TABLE_NAME)
+ # Tables for cron tasks.
+ self.reindexqueue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(REINDEXQUEUE_TABLE_NAME)
+ # Tables for generating sequences of local IDs.
+ self.localidcounter_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(LOCALIDCOUNTER_TABLE_NAME)
+ # Like a dictionary {(project_id, local_id): issue_id}
+ # Use value centric cache here because we cannot store a tuple in the
+ # Invalidate table.
+ self.issue_id_2lc = IssueIDTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+ # Like a dictionary {issue_id: issue}
+ self.issue_2lc = IssueTwoLevelCache(
+ cache_manager, self, project_service, config_service)
+ self._config_service = config_service
+ ### Issue ID lookups
+ def LookupIssueIDs(self, cnxn, project_local_id_pairs):
+ """Find the global issue IDs given the project ID and local ID of each."""
+ issue_id_dict, _misses = self.issue_id_2lc.GetAll(
+ cnxn, project_local_id_pairs)
+ # Put the Issue IDs in the order specified by project_local_id_pairs
+ issue_ids = [issue_id_dict[pair] for pair in project_local_id_pairs
+ if pair in issue_id_dict]
+ return issue_ids
+ def LookupIssueID(self, cnxn, project_id, local_id):
+ """Find the global issue ID given the project ID and local ID."""
+ issue_ids = self.LookupIssueIDs(cnxn, [(project_id, local_id)])
+ try:
+ return issue_ids[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise NoSuchIssueException()
+ def ResolveIssueRefs(
+ self, cnxn, ref_projects, default_project_name, refs):
+ """Look up all the referenced issues and return their issue_ids.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ ref_projects: pre-fetched dict {project_name: project} of all projects
+ mentioned in the refs as well as the default project.
+ default_project_name: string name of the current project, this is used
+ when the project_name in a ref is None.
+ refs: list of (project_name, local_id) pairs. These are parsed from
+ textual references in issue descriptions, comments, and the input
+ in the blocked-on field.
+ Returns:
+ A list of issue_ids for all the referenced issues. References to issues
+ in deleted projects and any issues not found are simply ignored.
+ """
+ if not refs:
+ return []
+ project_local_id_pairs = []
+ for project_name, local_id in refs:
+ project = ref_projects.get(project_name or default_project_name)
+ if not project or project.state == project_pb2.ProjectState.DELETABLE:
+ continue # ignore any refs to issues in deleted projects
+ project_local_id_pairs.append((project.project_id, local_id))
+ issue_ids = self.LookupIssueIDs(cnxn, project_local_id_pairs)
+ return issue_ids
+ ### Issue objects
+ def CreateIssue(
+ self, cnxn, services, project_id, summary, status,
+ owner_id, cc_ids, labels, field_values, component_ids, reporter_id,
+ marked_description, blocked_on=None, blocking=None, attachments=None,
+ timestamp=None, index_now=True):
+ """Create and store a new issue with all the given information.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ services: persistence layer for users, issues, and projects.
+ project_id: int ID for the current project.
+ summary: one-line summary string summarizing this issue.
+ status: string issue status value. E.g., 'New'.
+ owner_id: user ID of the issue owner.
+ cc_ids: list of user IDs for users to be CC'd on changes.
+ labels: list of label strings. E.g., 'Priority-High'.
+ field_values: list of FieldValue PBs.
+ component_ids: list of int component IDs.
+ reporter_id: user ID of the user who reported the issue.
+ marked_description: issue description with initial HTML markup.
+ blocked_on: list of issue_ids that this issue is blocked on.
+ blocking: list of issue_ids that this issue blocks.
+ attachments: [(filename, contents, mimetype),...] attachments uploaded at
+ the time the comment was made.
+ timestamp: time that the issue was entered, defaults to now.
+ index_now: True if the issue should be updated in the full text index.
+ Returns:
+ The integer local ID of the new issue.
+ """
+ config = self._config_service.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+ iids_to_invalidate = set()
+ status = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(status)
+ labels = [framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(l) for l in labels]
+ labels = [l for l in labels if l]
+ issue = tracker_pb2.Issue()
+ issue.project_id = project_id
+ issue.summary = summary
+ issue.status = status
+ issue.owner_id = owner_id
+ issue.cc_ids.extend(cc_ids)
+ issue.labels.extend(labels)
+ issue.field_values.extend(field_values)
+ issue.component_ids.extend(component_ids)
+ issue.reporter_id = reporter_id
+ if blocked_on is not None:
+ iids_to_invalidate.update(blocked_on)
+ issue.blocked_on_iids = blocked_on
+ if blocking is not None:
+ iids_to_invalidate.update(blocking)
+ issue.blocking_iids = blocking
+ if attachments:
+ issue.attachment_count = len(attachments)
+ timestamp = timestamp or int(time.time())
+ issue.opened_timestamp = timestamp
+ issue.modified_timestamp = timestamp
+ comment = self._MakeIssueComment(
+ project_id, reporter_id, marked_description,
+ attachments=attachments, timestamp=timestamp, was_escaped=True)
+ # Set the closed_timestamp both before and after filter rules.
+ if not tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(
+ tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue), config):
+ issue.closed_timestamp = timestamp
+ filterrules_helpers.ApplyFilterRules(cnxn, services, issue, config)
+ if not tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(
+ tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue), config):
+ issue.closed_timestamp = timestamp
+ classification = services.spam.ClassifyIssue(issue, comment)
+ label = classification['outputLabel']
+'issue/comment classification: %s' % classification)
+ score = 0
+ for output in classification['outputMulti']:
+ if output['label'] == label:
+ score = float(output['score'])
+ self.spam_labels.increment({'type': label})
+ if label == 'spam' and score > settings.classifier_spam_thresh:
+ # Must be negative so as not to use up actual local_ids.
+ # This can be fixed later if a human declares it to be ham.
+ issue.local_id = self.AllocateNextSpamLocalID(cnxn, project_id)
+ issue.is_spam = True
+ else:
+ issue.local_id = self.AllocateNextLocalID(cnxn, project_id)
+ issue_id = self.InsertIssue(cnxn, issue)
+ comment.issue_id = issue_id
+ self.InsertComment(cnxn, comment)
+ issue.issue_id = issue_id
+ services.spam.RecordClassifierIssueVerdict(
+ cnxn, issue, label=='spam', score)
+ if permissions.HasRestrictions(issue, 'view'):
+ self._config_service.InvalidateMemcache(
+ [issue], key_prefix='nonviewable:')
+ # Add a comment to existing issues saying they are now blocking or
+ # blocked on this issue.
+ blocked_add_issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, blocked_on or [])
+ for add_issue in blocked_add_issues:
+ self.CreateIssueComment(
+ cnxn, add_issue.project_id, add_issue.local_id, reporter_id,
+ content='',
+ amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockingAmendment(
+ [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)], [],
+ default_project_name=add_issue.project_name)])
+ blocking_add_issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, blocking or [])
+ for add_issue in blocking_add_issues:
+ self.CreateIssueComment(
+ cnxn, add_issue.project_id, add_issue.local_id, reporter_id,
+ content='',
+ amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
+ [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)], [],
+ default_project_name=add_issue.project_name)])
+ self._UpdateIssuesModified(
+ cnxn, iids_to_invalidate, modified_timestamp=timestamp)
+ if index_now:
+ tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+ cnxn, [issue], services.user, self, self._config_service)
+ return issue.local_id
+ def AllocateNewLocalIDs(self, cnxn, issues):
+ # Filter to just the issues that need new local IDs.
+ issues = [issue for issue in issues if issue.local_id < 0]
+ for issue in issues:
+ if issue.local_id < 0:
+ issue.local_id = self.AllocateNextLocalID(cnxn, issue.project_id)
+ self.UpdateIssues(cnxn, issues)
+ def GetAllIssuesInProject(self, cnxn, project_id, min_local_id=None):
+ """Special query to efficiently get ALL issues in a project.
+ This is not done while the user is waiting, only by backround tasks.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: the ID of the project.
+ min_local_id: optional int to start at.
+ Returns:
+ A list of Issue protocol buffers for all issues.
+ """
+ all_local_ids = self.GetAllLocalIDsInProject(
+ cnxn, project_id, min_local_id=min_local_id)
+ return self.GetIssuesByLocalIDs(cnxn, project_id, all_local_ids)
+ def GetAnyOnHandIssue(self, issue_ids, start=None, end=None):
+ """Get any one issue from RAM or memcache, otherwise return None."""
+ return self.issue_2lc.GetAnyOnHandItem(issue_ids, start=start, end=end)
+ def GetIssuesDict(self, cnxn, issue_ids, use_cache=True, shard_id=None):
+ """Get a dict {iid: issue} from the DB or cache."""
+ issue_dict, _missed_iids = self.issue_2lc.GetAll(
+ cnxn, issue_ids, use_cache=use_cache, shard_id=shard_id)
+ return issue_dict
+ def GetIssues(self, cnxn, issue_ids, use_cache=True, shard_id=None):
+ """Get a list of Issue PBs from the DB or cache.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ issue_ids: integer global issue IDs of the issues.
+ use_cache: optional boolean to turn off using the cache.
+ shard_id: optional int shard_id to limit retrieval.
+ Returns:
+ A list of Issue PBs in the same order as the given issue_ids.
+ """
+ issue_dict = self.GetIssuesDict(
+ cnxn, issue_ids, use_cache=use_cache, shard_id=shard_id)
+ # Return a list that is ordered the same as the given issue_ids.
+ issue_list = [issue_dict[issue_id] for issue_id in issue_ids
+ if issue_id in issue_dict]
+ return issue_list
+ def GetIssue(self, cnxn, issue_id):
+ """Get one Issue PB from the DB.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ issue_id: integer global issue ID of the issue.
+ Returns:
+ The requested Issue protocol buffer.
+ Raises:
+ NoSuchIssueException: the issue was not found.
+ """
+ issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, [issue_id])
+ try:
+ return issues[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise NoSuchIssueException()
+ def GetIssuesByLocalIDs(
+ self, cnxn, project_id, local_id_list, shard_id=None):
+ """Get all the requested issues.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: int ID of the project to which the issues belong.
+ local_id_list: list of integer local IDs for the requested issues.
+ shard_id: optional int shard_id to choose a replica.
+ Returns:
+ List of Issue PBs for the requested issues. The result Issues
+ will be ordered in the same order as local_id_list.
+ """
+ issue_ids_to_fetch = self.LookupIssueIDs(
+ cnxn, [(project_id, local_id) for local_id in local_id_list])
+ issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, issue_ids_to_fetch, shard_id=shard_id)
+ return issues
+ def GetIssueByLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id, local_id):
+ """Get one Issue PB from the DB.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: the ID of the project to which the issue belongs.
+ local_id: integer local ID of the issue.
+ Returns:
+ The requested Issue protocol buffer.
+ """
+ issues = self.GetIssuesByLocalIDs(cnxn, project_id, [local_id])
+ try:
+ return issues[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise NoSuchIssueException('The issue %s:%d does not exist.' % (
+ project_id, local_id))
+ def GetOpenAndClosedIssues(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+ """Return the requested issues in separate open and closed lists.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ issue_ids: list of int issue issue_ids.
+ Returns:
+ A pair of lists, the first with open issues, second with closed issues.
+ """
+ if not issue_ids:
+ return [], [] # make one common case efficient
+ issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, issue_ids)
+ project_ids = {issue.project_id for issue in issues}
+ configs = self._config_service.GetProjectConfigs(cnxn, project_ids)
+ open_issues = []
+ closed_issues = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ config = configs[issue.project_id]
+ if tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(
+ tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue), config):
+ open_issues.append(issue)
+ else:
+ closed_issues.append(issue)
+ return open_issues, closed_issues
+ def GetCurrentLocationOfMovedIssue(self, cnxn, project_id, local_id):
+ """Return the current location of a moved issue based on old location."""
+ issue_id = int(self.issueformerlocations_tbl.SelectValue(
+ cnxn, 'issue_id', default=0, project_id=project_id, local_id=local_id))
+ if not issue_id:
+ return None, None
+ project_id, local_id = self.issue_tbl.SelectRow(
+ cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'local_id'], id=issue_id)
+ return project_id, local_id
+ def GetPreviousLocations(self, cnxn, issue):
+ """Get all the previous locations of an issue."""
+ location_rows = self.issueformerlocations_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'local_id'], issue_id=issue.issue_id)
+ locations = [(pid, local_id) for (pid, local_id) in location_rows
+ if pid != issue.project_id or local_id != issue.local_id]
+ return locations
+ def InsertIssue(self, cnxn, issue):
+ """Store the given issue in SQL.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ issue: Issue PB to insert into the database.
+ Returns:
+ The int issue_id of the newly created issue.
+ """
+ status_id = self._config_service.LookupStatusID(
+ cnxn, issue.project_id, issue.status)
+ row = (issue.project_id, issue.local_id, status_id,
+ issue.owner_id or None,
+ issue.reporter_id,
+ issue.opened_timestamp,
+ issue.closed_timestamp,
+ issue.modified_timestamp,
+ issue.derived_owner_id or None,
+ self._config_service.LookupStatusID(
+ cnxn, issue.project_id, issue.derived_status),
+ bool(issue.deleted),
+ issue.star_count, issue.attachment_count,
+ issue.is_spam)
+ # ISSUE_COLs[1:] to skip setting the ID
+ # Insert into the Master DB.
+ generated_ids = self.issue_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ISSUE_COLS[1:], [row], commit=False, return_generated_ids=True)
+ issue_id = generated_ids[0]
+ issue.issue_id = issue_id
+ self.issue_tbl.Update(
+ cnxn, {'shard': issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards},
+ id=issue.issue_id, commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesSummary(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesLabels(
+ cnxn, [issue], issue.project_id, commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesFields(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesComponents(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesCc(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesNotify(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesRelation(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+ cnxn.Commit()
+ self._config_service.InvalidateMemcache([issue])
+ return issue_id
+ def UpdateIssues(
+ self, cnxn, issues, update_cols=None, just_derived=False, commit=True,
+ invalidate=True):
+ """Update the given issues in SQL.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ issues: list of issues to update.
+ update_cols: optional list of just the field names to update.
+ just_derived: set to True when only updating derived fields.
+ commit: set to False to skip the DB commit and do it in the caller.
+ invalidate: set to False to leave cache invalidatation to the caller.
+ """
+ if not issues:
+ return
+ project_id = issues[0].project_id # All must be in the same project.
+ assert all(issue.project_id == project_id for issue in issues)
+ for issue in issues: # slow, but mysql will not allow REPLACE rows.
+ delta = {
+ 'project_id': issue.project_id,
+ 'local_id': issue.local_id,
+ 'owner_id': issue.owner_id or None,
+ 'status_id': self._config_service.LookupStatusID(
+ cnxn, issue.project_id, issue.status) or None,
+ 'opened': issue.opened_timestamp,
+ 'closed': issue.closed_timestamp,
+ 'modified': issue.modified_timestamp,
+ 'derived_owner_id': issue.derived_owner_id or None,
+ 'derived_status_id': self._config_service.LookupStatusID(
+ cnxn, issue.project_id, issue.derived_status) or None,
+ 'deleted': bool(issue.deleted),
+ 'star_count': issue.star_count,
+ 'attachment_count': issue.attachment_count,
+ 'is_spam': issue.is_spam,
+ }
+ if update_cols is not None:
+ delta = {key: val for key, val in delta.iteritems()
+ if key in update_cols}
+ self.issue_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, id=issue.issue_id, commit=False)
+ if not update_cols:
+ self._UpdateIssuesLabels(
+ cnxn, issues, project_id, commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesCc(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesFields(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesComponents(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesNotify(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+ if not just_derived:
+ self._UpdateIssuesSummary(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesRelation(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+ iids_to_invalidate = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+ if just_derived and invalidate:
+ self.issue_2lc.InvalidateAllKeys(cnxn, iids_to_invalidate)
+ elif invalidate:
+ self.issue_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, iids_to_invalidate)
+ if commit:
+ cnxn.Commit()
+ if invalidate:
+ self._config_service.InvalidateMemcache(issues)
+ def UpdateIssue(
+ self, cnxn, issue, update_cols=None, just_derived=False, commit=True,
+ invalidate=True):
+ """Update the given issue in SQL.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ issue: the issue to update.
+ update_cols: optional list of just the field names to update.
+ just_derived: set to True when only updating derived fields.
+ commit: set to False to skip the DB commit and do it in the caller.
+ invalidate: set to False to leave cache invalidatation to the caller.
+ """
+ self.UpdateIssues(
+ cnxn, [issue], update_cols=update_cols, just_derived=just_derived,
+ commit=commit, invalidate=invalidate)
+ def _UpdateIssuesSummary(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+ """Update the IssueSummary table rows for the given issues."""
+ self.issuesummary_tbl.InsertRows(
+ [(issue.issue_id, issue.summary) for issue in issues],
+ replace=True, commit=commit)
+ def _UpdateIssuesLabels(self, cnxn, issues, project_id, commit=True):
+ """Update the Issue2Label table rows for the given issues."""
+ label_rows = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ issue_shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+ # TODO(jrobbins): If the user adds many novel labels in one issue update,
+ # that could be slow. Solution is to add all new labels in a batch first.
+ label_rows.extend(
+ (issue.issue_id,
+ self._config_service.LookupLabelID(cnxn, project_id, label), False,
+ issue_shard)
+ for label in issue.labels)
+ label_rows.extend(
+ (issue.issue_id,
+ self._config_service.LookupLabelID(cnxn, project_id, label), True,
+ issue_shard)
+ for label in issue.derived_labels)
+ self.issue2label_tbl.Delete(
+ cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues],
+ commit=False)
+ self.issue2label_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ISSUE2LABEL_COLS + ['issue_shard'],
+ label_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+ def _UpdateIssuesFields(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+ """Update the Issue2FieldValue table rows for the given issues."""
+ fieldvalue_rows = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ issue_shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+ for fv in issue.field_values:
+ fieldvalue_rows.append(
+ (issue.issue_id, fv.field_id, fv.int_value, fv.str_value,
+ fv.user_id or None, fv.derived, issue_shard))
+ self.issue2fieldvalue_tbl.Delete(
+ cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+ self.issue2fieldvalue_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ISSUE2FIELDVALUE_COLS + ['issue_shard'],
+ fieldvalue_rows, commit=commit)
+ def _UpdateIssuesComponents(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+ """Update the Issue2Component table rows for the given issues."""
+ issue2component_rows = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ issue_shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+ issue2component_rows.extend(
+ (issue.issue_id, component_id, False, issue_shard)
+ for component_id in issue.component_ids)
+ issue2component_rows.extend(
+ (issue.issue_id, component_id, True, issue_shard)
+ for component_id in issue.derived_component_ids)
+ self.issue2component_tbl.Delete(
+ cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+ self.issue2component_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ISSUE2COMPONENT_COLS + ['issue_shard'],
+ issue2component_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+ def _UpdateIssuesCc(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+ """Update the Issue2Cc table rows for the given issues."""
+ cc_rows = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ issue_shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+ cc_rows.extend(
+ (issue.issue_id, cc_id, False, issue_shard)
+ for cc_id in issue.cc_ids)
+ cc_rows.extend(
+ (issue.issue_id, cc_id, True, issue_shard)
+ for cc_id in issue.derived_cc_ids)
+ self.issue2cc_tbl.Delete(
+ cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+ self.issue2cc_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ISSUE2CC_COLS + ['issue_shard'],
+ cc_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+ def _UpdateIssuesNotify(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+ """Update the Issue2Notify table rows for the given issues."""
+ notify_rows = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ derived_rows = [[issue.issue_id, email]
+ for email in issue.derived_notify_addrs]
+ notify_rows.extend(derived_rows)
+ self.issue2notify_tbl.Delete(
+ cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+ self.issue2notify_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ISSUE2NOTIFY_COLS, notify_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+ def _UpdateIssuesRelation(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+ """Update the IssueRelation table rows for the given issues."""
+ relation_rows = []
+ dangling_relation_rows = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ for dst_issue_id in issue.blocked_on_iids:
+ relation_rows.append((issue.issue_id, dst_issue_id, 'blockedon'))
+ for dst_issue_id in issue.blocking_iids:
+ relation_rows.append((dst_issue_id, issue.issue_id, 'blockedon'))
+ for dst_ref in issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs:
+ dangling_relation_rows.append((
+ issue.issue_id, dst_ref.project, dst_ref.issue_id, 'blockedon'))
+ for dst_ref in issue.dangling_blocking_refs:
+ dangling_relation_rows.append((
+ issue.issue_id, dst_ref.project, dst_ref.issue_id, 'blocking'))
+ if issue.merged_into:
+ relation_rows.append((issue.issue_id, issue.merged_into, 'mergedinto'))
+ self.issuerelation_tbl.Delete(
+ cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+ self.issuerelation_tbl.Delete(
+ cnxn, dst_issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues],
+ kind='blockedon', commit=False)
+ self.issuerelation_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ISSUERELATION_COLS, relation_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+ self.danglingrelation_tbl.Delete(
+ cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+ self.danglingrelation_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, DANGLINGRELATION_COLS, dangling_relation_rows, ignore=True,
+ commit=commit)
+ def _UpdateIssuesModified(
+ self, cnxn, iids, modified_timestamp=None, invalidate=True):
+ """Store a modified timestamp for each of the specified issues."""
+ delta = {'modified': modified_timestamp or int(time.time())}
+ self.issue_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, id=iids, commit=False)
+ if invalidate:
+ self.InvalidateIIDs(cnxn, iids)
+ def DeltaUpdateIssue(
+ self, cnxn, services, reporter_id, project_id,
+ config, issue, status, owner_id, cc_add, cc_remove, comp_ids_add,
+ comp_ids_remove, labels_add, labels_remove, field_vals_add,
+ field_vals_remove, fields_clear, blocked_on_add=None,
+ blocked_on_remove=None, blocking_add=None, blocking_remove=None,
+ merged_into=None, index_now=False, comment=None, summary=None,
+ iids_to_invalidate=None, rules=None, predicate_asts=None,
+ timestamp=None):
+ """Update the issue in the database and return a set of update tuples.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ services: connections to persistence layer.
+ reporter_id: user ID of the user making this change.
+ project_id: int ID for the current project.
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig PB for this project.
+ issue: Issue PB of issue to update.
+ status: new issue status string, if a change is desired.
+ owner_id: user ID of the new issue owner, if a change is desired.
+ cc_add: list of user IDs of users to add to CC list.
+ cc_remove: list of user IDs of users to remove from CC list.
+ comp_ids_add: list of component IDs to add to the issue.
+ comp_ids_remove: list of component IDs to remove from the issue.
+ labels_add: list of issue label strings to add.
+ labels_remove: list of issue label strings to remove.
+ field_vals_add: dict of FieldValue PBs to add.
+ field_vals_remove: list of FieldValue PBs to remove.
+ fields_clear: list of custom field IDs to clear.
+ blocked_on_add: list of IIDs that this issue is now blocked on.
+ blocked_on_remove: list of IIDs that this issue is no longer blocked on.
+ blocking_add: list of IIDs that this issue is blocking.
+ blocking_remove: list of IIDs that this issue is no longer blocking.
+ merged_into: IID of issue that this issue was merged into, 0 to clear,
+ or None for no change.
+ index_now: True if the issue should be updated in the full text index.
+ comment: This should be the content of the comment
+ corresponding to this change.
+ summary: new issue summary, currently only used by GData API.
+ rules: optional list of preloaded FilterRule PBs for this project.
+ predicate_asts: optional list of QueryASTs for the rules. If rules are
+ provided, then predicate_asts should also be provided.
+ timestamp: int timestamp set during testing, otherwise defaults to
+ int(time.time()).
+ Returns:
+ A list of Amendment PBs that describe the set of metadata updates that
+ the user made. This tuple is later used in making the IssueComment.
+ """
+ old_effective_status = tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue)
+ # Make all user input safe to echo out again later.
+ status = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(status)
+ labels_add = [framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(l) for l in labels_add]
+ labels_add = [l for l in labels_add if l]
+ labels_remove = [framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(l)
+ for l in labels_remove]
+ labels_remove = [l for l in labels_remove if l]
+ 'Bulk edit to project_id %s issue.local_id %s',
+ project_id, issue.local_id)
+ if iids_to_invalidate is None:
+ iids_to_invalidate = set([issue.issue_id])
+ invalidate = True
+ else:
+ iids_to_invalidate.add(issue.issue_id)
+ invalidate = False # Caller will do it.
+ # Store each updated value in the issue PB, and compute Update PBs
+ amendments = []
+ if status is not None and status != issue.status:
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeStatusAmendment(
+ status, issue.status))
+ issue.status = status
+ if owner_id is not None and owner_id != issue.owner_id:
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeOwnerAmendment(
+ owner_id, issue.owner_id))
+ issue.owner_id = owner_id
+ # compute the set of cc'd users added and removed
+ cc_add = [cc for cc in cc_add if cc not in issue.cc_ids]
+ cc_remove = [cc for cc in cc_remove if cc in issue.cc_ids]
+ if cc_add or cc_remove:
+ cc_ids = [cc for cc in list(issue.cc_ids) + cc_add
+ if cc not in cc_remove]
+ issue.cc_ids = cc_ids
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeCcAmendment(cc_add, cc_remove))
+ # compute the set of components added and removed
+ comp_ids_add = [c for c in comp_ids_add if c not in issue.component_ids]
+ comp_ids_remove = [c for c in comp_ids_remove if c in issue.component_ids]
+ if comp_ids_add or comp_ids_remove:
+ comp_ids = [cid for cid in list(issue.component_ids) + comp_ids_add
+ if cid not in comp_ids_remove]
+ issue.component_ids = comp_ids
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeComponentsAmendment(
+ comp_ids_add, comp_ids_remove, config))
+ # compute the set of labels added and removed
+ (labels, update_labels_add,
+ update_labels_remove) = framework_bizobj.MergeLabels(
+ issue.labels, labels_add, labels_remove,
+ config.exclusive_label_prefixes)
+ if update_labels_add or update_labels_remove:
+ issue.labels = labels
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeLabelsAmendment(
+ update_labels_add, update_labels_remove))
+ # compute the set of custom fields added and removed
+ (field_vals, update_fields_add,
+ update_fields_remove) = tracker_bizobj.MergeFields(
+ issue.field_values, field_vals_add, field_vals_remove,
+ config.field_defs)
+ if update_fields_add or update_fields_remove:
+ issue.field_values = field_vals
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ added_values_this_field = [
+ fv for fv in update_fields_add if fv.field_id == fd.field_id]
+ if added_values_this_field:
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldAmendment(
+ fd.field_id, config,
+ [tracker_bizobj.GetFieldValue(fv, {})
+ for fv in added_values_this_field],
+ old_values=[]))
+ removed_values_this_field = [
+ fv for fv in update_fields_remove if fv.field_id == fd.field_id]
+ if removed_values_this_field:
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldAmendment(
+ fd.field_id, config, [],
+ old_values=[tracker_bizobj.GetFieldValue(fv, {})
+ for fv in removed_values_this_field]))
+ if fields_clear:
+ field_clear_set = set(fields_clear)
+ revised_fields = []
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ if fd.field_id not in field_clear_set:
+ revised_fields.extend(
+ fv for fv in issue.field_values if fv.field_id == fd.field_id)
+ else:
+ amendments.append(
+ tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldClearedAmendment(fd.field_id, config))
+ if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE:
+ prefix = fd.field_name.lower() + '-'
+ filtered_labels = [
+ lab for lab in issue.labels
+ if not lab.lower().startswith(prefix)]
+ issue.labels = filtered_labels
+ issue.field_values = revised_fields
+ if blocked_on_add or blocked_on_remove:
+ old_blocked_on = issue.blocked_on_iids
+ blocked_on_add = [iid for iid in blocked_on_add
+ if iid not in old_blocked_on]
+ add_refs = [(ref_issue.project_name, ref_issue.local_id)
+ for ref_issue in self.GetIssues(cnxn, blocked_on_add)]
+ blocked_on_rm = [iid for iid in blocked_on_remove
+ if iid in old_blocked_on]
+ remove_refs = [
+ (ref_issue.project_name, ref_issue.local_id)
+ for ref_issue in self.GetIssues(cnxn, blocked_on_rm)]
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
+ add_refs, remove_refs, default_project_name=issue.project_name))
+ blocked_on = [iid for iid in old_blocked_on + blocked_on_add
+ if iid not in blocked_on_remove]
+ issue.blocked_on_iids = blocked_on
+ iids_to_invalidate.update(blocked_on_add + blocked_on_remove)
+ if blocking_add or blocking_remove:
+ old_blocking = issue.blocking_iids
+ blocking_add = [iid for iid in blocking_add
+ if iid not in old_blocking]
+ add_refs = [(ref_issue.project_name, ref_issue.local_id)
+ for ref_issue in self.GetIssues(cnxn, blocking_add)]
+ blocking_remove = [iid for iid in blocking_remove
+ if iid in old_blocking]
+ remove_refs = [
+ (ref_issue.project_name, ref_issue.local_id)
+ for ref_issue in self.GetIssues(cnxn, blocking_remove)]
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockingAmendment(
+ add_refs, remove_refs, default_project_name=issue.project_name))
+ blocking_refs = [iid for iid in old_blocking + blocking_add
+ if iid not in blocking_remove]
+ issue.blocking_iids = blocking_refs
+ iids_to_invalidate.update(blocking_add + blocking_remove)
+ if merged_into is not None and merged_into != issue.merged_into:
+ merged_remove = issue.merged_into
+ merged_add = merged_into
+ issue.merged_into = merged_into
+ try:
+ remove_issue = self.GetIssue(cnxn, merged_remove)
+ remove_ref = remove_issue.project_name, remove_issue.local_id
+ iids_to_invalidate.add(merged_remove)
+ except NoSuchIssueException:
+ remove_ref = None
+ try:
+ add_issue = self.GetIssue(cnxn, merged_add)
+ add_ref = add_issue.project_name, add_issue.local_id
+ iids_to_invalidate.add(merged_add)
+ except NoSuchIssueException:
+ add_ref = None
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeMergedIntoAmendment(
+ add_ref, remove_ref, default_project_name=issue.project_name))
+ if summary and summary != issue.summary:
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeSummaryAmendment(
+ summary, issue.summary))
+ issue.summary = summary
+ # If this was a no-op with no comment, bail out and don't save,
+ # invalidate, or re-index anything.
+ if not amendments and (not comment or not comment.strip()):
+ return [], None
+ # Note: no need to check for collisions when the user is doing a delta.
+ # update the modified_timestamp for any comment added, even if it was
+ # just a text comment with no issue fields changed.
+ issue.modified_timestamp = timestamp or int(time.time())
+ # Update the closed timestamp before filter rules so that rules
+ # can test for closed_timestamp, and also after filter rules
+ # so that closed_timestamp will be set if the issue is closed by the rule.
+ _UpdateClosedTimestamp(config, issue, old_effective_status)
+ if rules is None:
+'Rules were not given')
+ rules = services.features.GetFilterRules(cnxn, config.project_id)
+ predicate_asts = filterrules_helpers.ParsePredicateASTs(
+ rules, config, None)
+ filterrules_helpers.ApplyGivenRules(
+ cnxn, services, issue, config, rules, predicate_asts)
+ _UpdateClosedTimestamp(config, issue, old_effective_status)
+ # Store the issue in SQL.
+ self.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue, commit=False, invalidate=False)
+ comment_pb = self.CreateIssueComment(
+ cnxn, project_id, issue.local_id, reporter_id, comment,
+ amendments=amendments, commit=False)
+ self._UpdateIssuesModified(
+ cnxn, iids_to_invalidate, modified_timestamp=issue.modified_timestamp,
+ invalidate=invalidate)
+ if not invalidate:
+ cnxn.Commit()
+ if index_now:
+ tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+ cnxn, [issue], services.user_service, self, self._config_service)
+ return amendments, comment_pb
+ def InvalidateIIDs(self, cnxn, iids_to_invalidate):
+ """Invalidate the specified issues in the Invalidate table and memcache."""
+ issues_to_invalidate = self.GetIssues(cnxn, iids_to_invalidate)
+ self.issue_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, iids_to_invalidate)
+ self._config_service.InvalidateMemcache(issues_to_invalidate)
+ def ApplyIssueComment(
+ self, cnxn, services, reporter_id, project_id,
+ local_id, summary, status, owner_id, cc_ids, labels, field_values,
+ component_ids, blocked_on, blocking, dangling_blocked_on_refs,
+ dangling_blocking_refs, merged_into, index_now=True,
+ page_gen_ts=None, comment=None, inbound_message=None, attachments=None,
+ timestamp=None):
+ """Update the issue in the database and return info for notifications.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ services: connection to persistence layer.
+ reporter_id: user ID of the user making this change.
+ project_id: int Project ID for the current project.
+ local_id: integer local ID of the issue to update.
+ summary: new issue summary string.
+ status: new issue status string.
+ owner_id: user ID of the new issue owner.
+ cc_ids: list of user IDs of users to CC when the issue changes.
+ labels: list of new issue label strings.
+ field_values: list of FieldValue PBs.
+ component_ids: list of int component IDs.
+ blocked_on: list of IIDs that this issue is blocked on.
+ blocking: list of IIDs that this issue is blocking.
+ dangling_blocked_on_refs: list of Codesite issues this is blocked on.
+ dangling_blocking_refs: list of Codesite issues this is blocking.
+ merged_into: IID of issue that this issue was merged into, 0 to clear.
+ index_now: True if the issue should be updated in the full text index.
+ page_gen_ts: time at which the issue HTML page was generated,
+ used in detecting mid-air collisions.
+ comment: This should be the content of the comment
+ corresponding to this change.
+ inbound_message: optional string full text of an email that caused
+ this comment to be added.
+ attachments: This should be a list of
+ [(filename, contents, mimetype),...] attachments uploaded at
+ the time the comment was made.
+ timestamp: int timestamp set during testing, otherwise defaults to
+ int(time.time()).
+ Returns:
+ (amendments, comment_pb). Amendments is a list of Amendment PBs
+ that describe the set of metadata updates that the user made.
+ Comment_pb is the IssueComment for the change.
+ Raises:
+ MidAirCollisionException: indicates that the issue has been
+ changed since the user loaded the page.
+ """
+ status = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(status)
+ labels = [framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(l) for l in labels]
+ labels = [l for l in labels if l]
+ # Use canonical label names
+ label_ids = self._config_service.LookupLabelIDs(
+ cnxn, project_id, labels, autocreate=True)
+ labels = [self._config_service.LookupLabel(cnxn, project_id, l_id)
+ for l_id in label_ids]
+ # Get the issue and project configurations.
+ config = self._config_service.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+ issue = self.GetIssueByLocalID(cnxn, project_id, local_id)
+ # Store each updated value in the issue PB, and compute amendments
+ amendments = []
+ iids_to_invalidate = set()
+ if summary and summary != issue.summary:
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeSummaryAmendment(
+ summary, issue.summary))
+ issue.summary = summary
+ old_effective_status = tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue)
+ if status != issue.status:
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeStatusAmendment(
+ status, issue.status))
+ issue.status = status
+ if owner_id != issue.owner_id:
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeOwnerAmendment(
+ owner_id, issue.owner_id))
+ if owner_id == framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED:
+ issue.reset('owner_id')
+ else:
+ issue.owner_id = owner_id
+ # TODO(jrobbins): factor the CC code into a method and add a test
+ # compute the set of cc'd users added and removed
+ cc_added = [cc for cc in cc_ids if cc not in issue.cc_ids]
+ cc_removed = [cc for cc in issue.cc_ids if cc not in cc_ids]
+ if cc_added or cc_removed:
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeCcAmendment(cc_added, cc_removed))
+ issue.cc_ids = cc_ids
+ # TODO(jrobbins): factor the labels code into a method and add a test
+ # compute the set of labels added and removed
+ labels_added = [lab for lab in labels
+ if lab not in issue.labels]
+ labels_removed = [lab for lab in issue.labels
+ if lab not in labels]
+ if labels_added or labels_removed:
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeLabelsAmendment(
+ labels_added, labels_removed))
+ issue.labels = labels
+ old_field_values = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for ofv in issue.field_values:
+ # Passing {} because I just want the user_id, not the email address.
+ old_field_values[ofv.field_id].append(
+ tracker_bizobj.GetFieldValue(ofv, {}))
+ for field_id, values in old_field_values.iteritems():
+ old_field_values[field_id] = sorted(values)
+ new_field_values = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for nfv in field_values:
+ new_field_values[nfv.field_id].append(
+ tracker_bizobj.GetFieldValue(nfv, {}))
+ for field_id, values in new_field_values.iteritems():
+ new_field_values[field_id] = sorted(values)
+ field_ids_added = {fv.field_id for fv in field_values
+ if fv.field_id not in old_field_values}
+ field_ids_removed = {ofv.field_id for ofv in issue.field_values
+ if ofv.field_id not in new_field_values}
+ field_ids_changed = {
+ fv.field_id for fv in field_values
+ if (fv.field_id in old_field_values and
+ old_field_values[fv.field_id] != new_field_values[fv.field_id])}
+ if field_ids_added or field_ids_removed or field_ids_changed:
+ amendments.extend(
+ tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldAmendment(fid, config, new_field_values[fid])
+ for fid in field_ids_added)
+ amendments.extend(
+ tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldAmendment(
+ fid, config, new_field_values[fid],
+ old_values=old_field_values[fid])
+ for fid in field_ids_changed)
+ amendments.extend(
+ tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldAmendment(fid, config, [])
+ for fid in field_ids_removed)
+ issue.field_values = field_values
+ comps_added = [comp for comp in component_ids
+ if comp not in issue.component_ids]
+ comps_removed = [comp for comp in issue.component_ids
+ if comp not in component_ids]
+ if comps_added or comps_removed:
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeComponentsAmendment(
+ comps_added, comps_removed, config))
+ issue.component_ids = component_ids
+ if merged_into != issue.merged_into:
+ # TODO(jrobbins): refactor this into LookupIssueRefByIssueID().
+ try:
+ merged_remove = self.GetIssue(cnxn, issue.merged_into)
+ remove_ref = merged_remove.project_name, merged_remove.local_id
+ iids_to_invalidate.add(issue.merged_into)
+ except NoSuchIssueException:
+ remove_ref = None
+ try:
+ merged_add = self.GetIssue(cnxn, merged_into)
+ add_ref = merged_add.project_name, merged_add.local_id
+ iids_to_invalidate.add(merged_into)
+ except NoSuchIssueException:
+ add_ref = None
+ issue.merged_into = merged_into
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeMergedIntoAmendment(
+ add_ref, remove_ref, default_project_name=issue.project_name))
+ blockers_added, blockers_removed = framework_helpers.ComputeListDeltas(
+ issue.blocked_on_iids, blocked_on)
+ danglers_added, danglers_removed = framework_helpers.ComputeListDeltas(
+ issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs, dangling_blocked_on_refs)
+ blocked_add_issues = []
+ blocked_remove_issues = []
+ if blockers_added or blockers_removed or danglers_added or danglers_removed:
+ blocked_add_issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, blockers_added)
+ add_refs = [(ref_issue.project_name, ref_issue.local_id)
+ for ref_issue in blocked_add_issues]
+ add_refs.extend([(ref.project, ref.issue_id) for ref in danglers_added])
+ blocked_remove_issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, blockers_removed)
+ remove_refs = [
+ (ref_issue.project_name, ref_issue.local_id)
+ for ref_issue in blocked_remove_issues]
+ remove_refs.extend([(ref.project, ref.issue_id)
+ for ref in danglers_removed])
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
+ add_refs, remove_refs, default_project_name=issue.project_name))
+ issue.blocked_on_iids = blocked_on
+ issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs = dangling_blocked_on_refs
+ iids_to_invalidate.update(blockers_added + blockers_removed)
+ blockers_added, blockers_removed = framework_helpers.ComputeListDeltas(
+ issue.blocking_iids, blocking)
+ danglers_added, danglers_removed = framework_helpers.ComputeListDeltas(
+ issue.dangling_blocking_refs, dangling_blocking_refs)
+ blocking_add_issues = []
+ blocking_remove_issues = []
+ if blockers_added or blockers_removed or danglers_added or danglers_removed:
+ blocking_add_issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, blockers_added)
+ add_refs = [(ref_issue.project_name, ref_issue.local_id)
+ for ref_issue in blocking_add_issues]
+ add_refs.extend([(ref.project, ref.issue_id) for ref in danglers_added])
+ blocking_remove_issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, blockers_removed)
+ remove_refs = [
+ (ref_issue.project_name, ref_issue.local_id)
+ for ref_issue in blocking_remove_issues]
+ remove_refs.extend([(ref.project, ref.issue_id)
+ for ref in danglers_removed])
+ amendments.append(tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockingAmendment(
+ add_refs, remove_refs, default_project_name=issue.project_name))
+ issue.blocking_iids = blocking
+ issue.dangling_blocking_refs = dangling_blocking_refs
+ iids_to_invalidate.update(blockers_added + blockers_removed)
+'later amendments so far is %r', amendments)
+ # Raise an exception if the issue was changed by another user
+ # while this user was viewing/editing the issue.
+ if page_gen_ts and amendments:
+ # The issue timestamp is stored in seconds, convert to microseconds to
+ # match the page_gen_ts.
+ issue_ts = issue.modified_timestamp * 1000000
+ if issue_ts > page_gen_ts:
+'%d > %d', issue_ts, page_gen_ts)
+'amendments: %s', amendments)
+ # Forget all the modificiations made to this issue in RAM.
+ self.issue_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [issue.issue_id])
+ raise MidAirCollisionException('issue %d' % local_id, local_id)
+ # update the modified_timestamp for any comment added, even if it was
+ # just a text comment with no issue fields changed.
+ issue.modified_timestamp = timestamp or int(time.time())
+ # Update closed_timestamp both before and after filter rules.
+ _UpdateClosedTimestamp(config, issue, old_effective_status)
+ filterrules_helpers.ApplyFilterRules(cnxn, services, issue, config)
+ _UpdateClosedTimestamp(config, issue, old_effective_status)
+ self.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): only invalidate nonviewable if the following changed:
+ # restriction label, owner, cc, or user-type custom field.
+ self._config_service.InvalidateMemcache([issue], key_prefix='nonviewable:')
+ classification = services.spam.ClassifyComment(comment)
+ label = classification['outputLabel']
+'comment classification: %s' % classification)
+ score = 0
+ is_spam = False
+ for output in classification['outputMulti']:
+ if output['label'] == label:
+ score = float(output['score'])
+ if label == 'spam' and score > settings.classifier_spam_thresh:
+'spam comment: %s' % comment)
+ is_spam = True
+ if amendments or (comment and comment.strip()) or attachments:
+'amendments = %r', amendments)
+ comment_pb = self.CreateIssueComment(
+ cnxn, project_id, local_id, reporter_id, comment,
+ amendments=amendments, attachments=attachments,
+ inbound_message=inbound_message, is_spam=is_spam)
+ services.spam.RecordClassifierCommentVerdict(
+ cnxn, comment_pb, is_spam, score)
+ else:
+ comment_pb = None
+ # Add a comment to the newly added issues saying they are now blocking
+ # this issue.
+ for add_issue in blocked_add_issues:
+ self.CreateIssueComment(
+ cnxn, add_issue.project_id, add_issue.local_id, reporter_id,
+ content='',
+ amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockingAmendment(
+ [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)], [],
+ default_project_name=add_issue.project_name)])
+ # Add a comment to the newly removed issues saying they are no longer
+ # blocking this issue.
+ for remove_issue in blocked_remove_issues:
+ self.CreateIssueComment(
+ cnxn, remove_issue.project_id, remove_issue.local_id, reporter_id,
+ content='',
+ amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockingAmendment(
+ [], [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)],
+ default_project_name=remove_issue.project_name)])
+ # Add a comment to the newly added issues saying they are now blocked on
+ # this issue.
+ for add_issue in blocking_add_issues:
+ self.CreateIssueComment(
+ cnxn, add_issue.project_id, add_issue.local_id, reporter_id,
+ content='',
+ amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
+ [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)], [],
+ default_project_name=add_issue.project_name)])
+ # Add a comment to the newly removed issues saying they are no longer
+ # blocked on this issue.
+ for remove_issue in blocking_remove_issues:
+ self.CreateIssueComment(
+ cnxn, remove_issue.project_id, remove_issue.local_id, reporter_id,
+ content='',
+ amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
+ [], [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)],
+ default_project_name=remove_issue.project_name)])
+ self._UpdateIssuesModified(
+ cnxn, iids_to_invalidate, modified_timestamp=issue.modified_timestamp)
+ if index_now:
+ tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+ cnxn, [issue], services.user, self, self._config_service)
+ if is_spam:
+ sequence_num = len(self.GetCommentsForIssue(cnxn, issue.issue_id)) - 1
+ # Soft-deletes have to have a user ID, so spam comments are
+ # just "deleted" by the commenter.
+ self.SoftDeleteComment(cnxn, project_id, local_id, sequence_num,
+ reporter_id, services.user, is_spam=True)
+ return amendments, comment_pb
+ def RelateIssues(self, cnxn, issue_relation_dict, commit=True):
+ """Update the IssueRelation table rows for the given relationships.
+ issue_relation_dict is a mapping of 'source' issues to 'destination' issues,
+ paired with the kind of relationship connecting the two.
+ """
+ relation_rows = []
+ for src_iid, dests in issue_relation_dict.iteritems():
+ for dst_iid, kind in dests:
+ if kind == 'blocking':
+ relation_rows.append((dst_iid, src_iid, 'blockedon'))
+ elif kind == 'blockedon' or kind == 'mergedinto':
+ relation_rows.append((src_iid, dst_iid, kind))
+ self.issuerelation_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ISSUERELATION_COLS, relation_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+ def CopyIssues(self, cnxn, dest_project, issues, user_service, copier_id):
+ """Copy the given issues into the destination project."""
+ created_issues = []
+ iids_to_invalidate = set()
+ for target_issue in issues:
+ new_issue = tracker_pb2.Issue()
+ new_issue.project_id = dest_project.project_id
+ new_issue.project_name = dest_project.project_name
+ new_issue.summary = target_issue.summary
+ new_issue.labels.extend(target_issue.labels)
+ new_issue.field_values.extend(target_issue.field_values)
+ new_issue.reporter_id = copier_id
+ timestamp = int(time.time())
+ new_issue.opened_timestamp = timestamp
+ new_issue.modified_timestamp = timestamp
+ target_comments = self.GetCommentsForIssue(cnxn, target_issue.issue_id)
+ initial_summary_comment = target_comments[0]
+ # Note that blocking and merge_into are not copied.
+ if target_issue.blocked_on_iids:
+ blocked_on = target_issue.blocked_on_iids
+ iids_to_invalidate.update(blocked_on)
+ new_issue.blocked_on_iids = blocked_on
+ # Gather list of attachments from the target issue's summary comment.
+ # MakeIssueComments expects a list of [(filename, contents, mimetype),...]
+ attachments = []
+ for attachment in initial_summary_comment.attachments:
+ object_path = ('/' + app_identity.get_default_gcs_bucket_name() +
+ attachment.gcs_object_id)
+ with, 'r') as f:
+ content =
+ attachments.append(
+ [attachment.filename, content, attachment.mimetype])
+ if attachments:
+ new_issue.attachment_count = len(attachments)
+ # Create the same summary comment as the target issue.
+ comment = self._MakeIssueComment(
+ dest_project.project_id, copier_id, initial_summary_comment.content,
+ attachments=attachments, timestamp=timestamp, was_escaped=True)
+ new_issue.local_id = self.AllocateNextLocalID(
+ cnxn, dest_project.project_id)
+ issue_id = self.InsertIssue(cnxn, new_issue)
+ comment.issue_id = issue_id
+ self.InsertComment(cnxn, comment)
+ if permissions.HasRestrictions(new_issue, 'view'):
+ self._config_service.InvalidateMemcache(
+ [new_issue], key_prefix='nonviewable:')
+ tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+ cnxn, [new_issue], user_service, self, self._config_service)
+ created_issues.append(new_issue)
+ # The referenced issues are all modified when the relationship is added.
+ self._UpdateIssuesModified(
+ cnxn, iids_to_invalidate, modified_timestamp=timestamp)
+ return created_issues
+ def MoveIssues(self, cnxn, dest_project, issues, user_service):
+ """Move the given issues into the destination project."""
+ old_location_rows = [
+ (issue.issue_id, issue.project_id, issue.local_id)
+ for issue in issues]
+ moved_back_iids = set()
+ former_locations_in_project = self.issueformerlocations_tbl.Select(
+ project_id=dest_project.project_id,
+ issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues])
+ former_locations = {
+ issue_id: local_id
+ for issue_id, project_id, local_id in former_locations_in_project}
+ # Remove the issue id from issue_id_2lc so that it does not stay
+ # around in cache and memcache.
+ # The Key of IssueIDTwoLevelCache is (project_id, local_id).
+ issue_id_2lc_key = (issues[0].project_id, issues[0].local_id)
+ self.issue_id_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [issue_id_2lc_key])
+ for issue in issues:
+ if issue.issue_id in former_locations:
+ dest_id = former_locations[issue.issue_id]
+ moved_back_iids.add(issue.issue_id)
+ else:
+ dest_id = self.AllocateNextLocalID(cnxn, dest_project.project_id)
+ issue.local_id = dest_id
+ issue.project_id = dest_project.project_id
+ issue.project_name = dest_project.project_name
+ # Rewrite each whole issue so that status and label IDs are looked up
+ # in the context of the destination project.
+ self.UpdateIssues(cnxn, issues)
+ # Comments also have the project_id because it is needed for an index.
+ self.comment_tbl.Update(
+ cnxn, {'project_id': dest_project.project_id},
+ issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+ # Record old locations so that we can offer links if the user looks there.
+ self.issueformerlocations_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ISSUEFORMERLOCATIONS_COLS, old_location_rows, ignore=True,
+ commit=False)
+ cnxn.Commit()
+ tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+ cnxn, issues, user_service, self, self._config_service)
+ return moved_back_iids
+ def ExpungeFormerLocations(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ """Delete history of issues that were in this project but moved out."""
+ self.issueformerlocations_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+ def ExpungeIssues(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+ """Completely delete the specified issues from the database."""
+'expunging the issues %r', issue_ids)
+ tracker_fulltext.UnindexIssues(issue_ids)
+ remaining_iids = issue_ids[:]
+ # Note: these are purposely not done in a transaction to allow
+ # incremental progress in what might be a very large change.
+ # We are not concerned about non-atomic deletes because all
+ # this data will be gone eventually anyway.
+ while remaining_iids:
+ iids_in_chunk = remaining_iids[:CHUNK_SIZE]
+ remaining_iids = remaining_iids[CHUNK_SIZE:]
+ self.issuesummary_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.issue2label_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.issue2component_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.issue2cc_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.issue2notify_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.issueupdate_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.attachment_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.comment_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.issuerelation_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.issuerelation_tbl.Delete(cnxn, dst_issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.danglingrelation_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.issueformerlocations_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.reindexqueue_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+ self.issue_tbl.Delete(cnxn, id=iids_in_chunk)
+ def SoftDeleteIssue(self, cnxn, project_id, local_id, deleted, user_service):
+ """Set the deleted boolean on the indicated issue and store it.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: int project ID for the current project.
+ local_id: int local ID of the issue to freeze/unfreeze.
+ deleted: boolean, True to soft-delete, False to undelete.
+ user_service: persistence layer for users, used to lookup user IDs.
+ """
+ issue = self.GetIssueByLocalID(cnxn, project_id, local_id)
+ issue.deleted = deleted
+ self.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue, update_cols=['deleted'])
+ tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+ cnxn, [issue], user_service, self, self._config_service)
+ def DeleteComponentReferences(self, cnxn, component_id):
+ """Delete any references to the specified component."""
+ # TODO(jrobbins): add tasks to re-index any affected issues.
+ # Note: if this call fails, some data could be left
+ # behind, but it would not be displayed, and it could always be
+ # GC'd from the DB later.
+ self.issue2component_tbl.Delete(cnxn, component_id=component_id)
+ ### Local ID generation
+ def InitializeLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ """Initialize the local ID counter for the specified project to zero.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: int ID of the project.
+ """
+ self.localidcounter_tbl.InsertRow(
+ cnxn, project_id=project_id, used_local_id=0, used_spam_id=0)
+ def SetUsedLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ """Set the local ID counter based on existing issues.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: int ID of the project.
+ """
+ highest_id = self.GetHighestLocalID(cnxn, project_id)
+ self.localidcounter_tbl.Update(
+ cnxn, {'used_local_id': highest_id}, project_id=project_id)
+ return highest_id
+ def AllocateNextLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ """Return the next available issue ID in the specified project.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: int ID of the project.
+ Returns:
+ The next local ID.
+ """
+ try:
+ next_local_id = self.localidcounter_tbl.IncrementCounterValue(
+ cnxn, 'used_local_id', project_id=project_id)
+ except AssertionError:
+ next_local_id = self.SetUsedLocalID(cnxn, project_id) + 1
+ return next_local_id
+ def SetUsedSpamID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ """Set the local ID counter based on existing issues.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: int ID of the project.
+ """
+ current_id = self.localidcounter_tbl.SelectValue(
+ cnxn, 'used_spam_id', project_id=project_id)
+ current_id = current_id or 0 # Will be None if project has no issues.
+ self.localidcounter_tbl.Update(
+ cnxn, {'used_spam_id': current_id + 1}, project_id=project_id)
+ return current_id + 1
+ def AllocateNextSpamLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ """Return the next available spam issue ID in the specified project.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: int ID of the project.
+ Returns:
+ The next local ID.
+ """
+ try:
+ next_spam_id = self.localidcounter_tbl.IncrementCounterValue(
+ cnxn, 'used_spam_id', project_id=project_id)
+ except AssertionError:
+ next_spam_id = self.SetUsedSpamID(cnxn, project_id) + 1
+ return -next_spam_id
+ def GetHighestLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ """Return the highest used issue ID in the specified project.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: int ID of the project.
+ Returns:
+ The highest local ID for an active or moved issues.
+ """
+ highest = self.issue_tbl.SelectValue(
+ cnxn, 'MAX(local_id)', project_id=project_id)
+ highest = highest or 0 # It will be None if the project has no issues.
+ highest_former = self.issueformerlocations_tbl.SelectValue(
+ cnxn, 'MAX(local_id)', project_id=project_id)
+ highest_former = highest_former or 0
+ return max(highest, highest_former)
+ def GetAllLocalIDsInProject(self, cnxn, project_id, min_local_id=None):
+ """Return the list of local IDs only, not the actual issues.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: the ID of the project to which the issue belongs.
+ min_local_id: point to start at.
+ Returns:
+ A range object of local IDs from 1 to N, or from min_local_id to N. It
+ may be the case that some of those local IDs are no longer used, e.g.,
+ if some issues were moved out of this project.
+ """
+ if not min_local_id:
+ min_local_id = 1
+ highest_local_id = self.GetHighestLocalID(cnxn, project_id)
+ return range(min_local_id, highest_local_id + 1)
+ def ExpungeLocalIDCounters(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ """Delete history of local ids that were in this project."""
+ self.localidcounter_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+ ### Comments
+ def _UnpackComment(self, comment_row):
+ """Partially construct a Comment PB from a DB row."""
+ (comment_id, issue_id, created, project_id, commenter_id, content,
+ inbound_message, was_escaped, deleted_by, is_spam) = comment_row
+ comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment()
+ = comment_id
+ comment.issue_id = issue_id
+ comment.timestamp = created
+ comment.project_id = project_id
+ comment.user_id = commenter_id
+ comment.content = content or ''
+ comment.inbound_message = inbound_message or ''
+ comment.was_escaped = bool(was_escaped)
+ comment.deleted_by = deleted_by or 0
+ comment.is_spam = bool(is_spam)
+ return comment
+ def _UnpackAmendment(self, amendment_row):
+ """Construct an Amendment PB from a DB row."""
+ (_id, _issue_id, comment_id, field_name,
+ old_value, new_value, added_user_id, removed_user_id,
+ custom_field_name) = amendment_row
+ amendment = tracker_pb2.Amendment()
+ field_enum = tracker_pb2.FieldID(field_name.upper())
+ amendment.field = field_enum
+ # TODO(jrobbins): display old values in more cases.
+ if new_value is not None:
+ amendment.newvalue = new_value
+ if old_value is not None:
+ amendment.oldvalue = old_value
+ if added_user_id:
+ amendment.added_user_ids.append(added_user_id)
+ if removed_user_id:
+ amendment.removed_user_ids.append(removed_user_id)
+ if custom_field_name:
+ amendment.custom_field_name = custom_field_name
+ return amendment, comment_id
+ def _ConsolidateAmendments(self, amendments):
+ """Consoliodate amendments of the same field in one comment into one
+ amendment PB."""
+ fields_dict = {}
+ result = []
+ for amendment in amendments:
+ fields_dict.setdefault(amendment.field, []).append(amendment)
+ for field, amendments in fields_dict.iteritems():
+ new_amendment = tracker_pb2.Amendment()
+ new_amendment.field = field
+ for amendment in amendments:
+ if amendment.newvalue is not None:
+ new_amendment.newvalue = amendment.newvalue
+ if amendment.oldvalue is not None:
+ new_amendment.oldvalue = amendment.oldvalue
+ if amendment.added_user_ids:
+ new_amendment.added_user_ids.extend(amendment.added_user_ids)
+ if amendment.removed_user_ids:
+ new_amendment.removed_user_ids.extend(amendment.removed_user_ids)
+ if amendment.custom_field_name:
+ new_amendment.custom_field_name = amendment.custom_field_name
+ result.append(new_amendment)
+ return result
+ def _UnpackAttachment(self, attachment_row):
+ """Construct an Attachment PB from a DB row."""
+ (attachment_id, _issue_id, comment_id, filename, filesize, mimetype,
+ deleted, gcs_object_id) = attachment_row
+ attach = tracker_pb2.Attachment()
+ attach.attachment_id = attachment_id
+ attach.filename = filename
+ attach.filesize = filesize
+ attach.mimetype = mimetype
+ attach.deleted = bool(deleted)
+ attach.gcs_object_id = gcs_object_id
+ return attach, comment_id
+ def _DeserializeComments(
+ self, comment_rows, amendment_rows, attachment_rows):
+ """Turn rows into IssueComment PBs."""
+ results = [] # keep objects in the same order as the rows
+ results_dict = {} # for fast access when joining.
+ for comment_row in comment_rows:
+ comment = self._UnpackComment(comment_row)
+ results.append(comment)
+ results_dict[] = comment
+ for amendment_row in amendment_rows:
+ amendment, comment_id = self._UnpackAmendment(amendment_row)
+ try:
+ results_dict[comment_id].amendments.extend([amendment])
+ except KeyError:
+ logging.error('Found amendment for missing comment: %r', comment_id)
+ for attachment_row in attachment_rows:
+ attach, comment_id = self._UnpackAttachment(attachment_row)
+ try:
+ results_dict[comment_id].attachments.append(attach)
+ except KeyError:
+ logging.error('Found attachment for missing comment: %r', comment_id)
+ for c in results:
+ c.amendments = self._ConsolidateAmendments(c.amendments)
+ return results
+ # TODO(jrobbins): make this a private method and expose just the interface
+ # needed by
+ def GetComments(self, cnxn, where=None, order_by=None, **kwargs):
+ """Retrieve comments from SQL."""
+ # Explicitly specify column to allow joins on other tables that
+ # have an id column.
+ order_by = order_by or [('created', [])]
+ comment_rows = self.comment_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=COMMENT_COLS, where=where,
+ order_by=order_by, **kwargs)
+ cids = [row[0] for row in comment_rows]
+ amendment_rows = self.issueupdate_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ISSUEUPDATE_COLS, comment_id=cids)
+ attachment_rows = self.attachment_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ATTACHMENT_COLS, comment_id=cids)
+ comments = self._DeserializeComments(
+ comment_rows, amendment_rows, attachment_rows)
+ return comments
+ def GetComment(self, cnxn, comment_id):
+ """Get the requested comment, or raise an exception."""
+ comments = self.GetComments(cnxn, id=comment_id)
+ try:
+ return comments[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise NoSuchCommentException()
+ def GetCommentsForIssue(self, cnxn, issue_id):
+ """Return all IssueComment PBs for the specified issue.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ issue_id: int global ID of the issue.
+ Returns:
+ A list of the IssueComment protocol buffers for the description
+ and comments on this issue.
+ """
+ comments = self.GetComments(cnxn, issue_id=[issue_id])
+ for i, comment in enumerate(comments):
+ comment.sequence = i
+ return comments
+ def GetCommentsByID(self, cnxn, comment_ids, sequences):
+ """Return all IssueComment PBs by comment ids.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ comment_ids: a list of comment ids.
+ sequences: sequence of the comments.
+ Returns:
+ A list of the IssueComment protocol buffers for the description
+ and comments on this issue.
+ """
+ order_by = [('created ASC', [])]
+ comment_rows = self.comment_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=COMMENT_COLS, order_by=order_by, id=comment_ids)
+ amendment_rows = self.issueupdate_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ISSUEUPDATE_COLS, comment_id=comment_ids)
+ attachment_rows = self.attachment_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ATTACHMENT_COLS, comment_id=comment_ids)
+ comments = self._DeserializeComments(
+ comment_rows, amendment_rows, attachment_rows)
+ for i in xrange(len(comment_ids)):
+ comments[i].sequence = sequences[i]
+ return comments
+ def GetAbbrCommentsForIssue(self, cnxn, issue_id):
+ """Get all abbreviated comments for the specified issue."""
+ order_by = [('created ASC', [])]
+ comment_rows = self.comment_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=ABBR_COMMENT_COLS, issue_id=[issue_id], order_by=order_by)
+ return comment_rows
+ # TODO(jrobbins): remove this message because it is too slow when an issue
+ # has a huge number of comments.
+ def GetCommentsForIssues(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+ """Return all IssueComment PBs for each issue ID in the given list.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ issue_ids: list of integer global issue IDs.
+ Returns:
+ Dict {issue_id: [IssueComment, ...]} with IssueComment protocol
+ buffers for the description and comments on each issue.
+ """
+ comments = self.GetComments(cnxn, issue_id=issue_ids)
+ comments_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for comment in comments:
+ comment.sequence = len(comments_dict[comment.issue_id])
+ comments_dict[comment.issue_id].append(comment)
+ return comments_dict
+ def InsertComment(self, cnxn, comment, commit=True):
+ """Store the given issue comment in SQL.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ comment: IssueComment PB to insert into the database.
+ commit: set to False to avoid doing the commit for now.
+ """
+ comment_id = self.comment_tbl.InsertRow(
+ cnxn, issue_id=comment.issue_id, created=comment.timestamp,
+ project_id=comment.project_id,
+ commenter_id=comment.user_id, content=comment.content,
+ inbound_message=comment.inbound_message,
+ was_escaped=comment.was_escaped,
+ deleted_by=comment.deleted_by or None,
+ is_spam=comment.is_spam,
+ commit=commit)
+ = comment_id
+ amendment_rows = []
+ for amendment in comment.amendments:
+ field_enum = str(amendment.field).lower()
+ if (amendment.get_assigned_value('newvalue') is not None and
+ not amendment.added_user_ids and not amendment.removed_user_ids):
+ amendment_rows.append((
+ comment.issue_id, comment_id, field_enum,
+ amendment.oldvalue, amendment.newvalue,
+ None, None, amendment.custom_field_name))
+ for added_user_id in amendment.added_user_ids:
+ amendment_rows.append((
+ comment.issue_id, comment_id, field_enum, None, None,
+ added_user_id, None, amendment.custom_field_name))
+ for removed_user_id in amendment.removed_user_ids:
+ amendment_rows.append((
+ comment.issue_id, comment_id, field_enum, None, None,
+ None, removed_user_id, amendment.custom_field_name))
+ # ISSUEUPDATE_COLS[1:] to skip id column.
+ self.issueupdate_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ISSUEUPDATE_COLS[1:], amendment_rows, commit=commit)
+ attachment_rows = []
+ for attach in comment.attachments:
+ attachment_rows.append([
+ comment.issue_id,, attach.filename, attach.filesize,
+ attach.mimetype, attach.deleted, attach.gcs_object_id])
+ self.attachment_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ATTACHMENT_COLS[1:], attachment_rows, commit=commit)
+ def _UpdateComment(self, cnxn, comment, update_cols=None):
+ """Update the given issue comment in SQL.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ comment: IssueComment PB to update in the database.
+ update_cols: optional list of just the field names to update.
+ """
+ delta = {
+ 'commenter_id': comment.user_id,
+ 'content': comment.content,
+ 'deleted_by': comment.deleted_by or None,
+ 'is_spam': comment.is_spam,
+ }
+ if update_cols is not None:
+ delta = {key: val for key, val in delta.iteritems()
+ if key in update_cols}
+ self.comment_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta,
+ def _MakeIssueComment(
+ self, project_id, user_id, content, inbound_message=None,
+ amendments=None, attachments=None, timestamp=None, was_escaped=False,
+ is_spam=False):
+ """Create in IssueComment protocol buffer in RAM.
+ Args:
+ project_id: Project with the issue.
+ user_id: the user ID of the user who entered the comment.
+ content: string body of the comment.
+ inbound_message: optional string full text of an email that
+ caused this comment to be added.
+ amendments: list of Amendment PBs describing the
+ metadata changes that the user made along w/ comment.
+ attachments: [(filename, contents, mimetype),...] attachments uploaded at
+ the time the comment was made.
+ timestamp: time at which the comment was made, defaults to now.
+ was_escaped: True if the comment was HTML escaped already.
+ is_spam: True if the comment was classified as spam.
+ Returns:
+ The new IssueComment protocol buffer.
+ The content may have some markup done during input processing.
+ Any attachments are immediately stored.
+ """
+ comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment()
+ comment.project_id = project_id
+ comment.user_id = user_id
+ comment.content = content or ''
+ comment.was_escaped = was_escaped
+ comment.is_spam = is_spam
+ if not timestamp:
+ timestamp = int(time.time())
+ comment.timestamp = int(timestamp)
+ if inbound_message:
+ comment.inbound_message = inbound_message
+ if amendments:
+'amendments is %r', amendments)
+ comment.amendments.extend(amendments)
+ if attachments:
+ for filename, body, mimetype in attachments:
+ gcs_object_id = gcs_helpers.StoreObjectInGCS(body, mimetype, project_id)
+ attach = tracker_pb2.Attachment()
+ # attachment id is determined later by the SQL DB.
+ attach.filename = filename
+ attach.filesize = len(body)
+ attach.mimetype = mimetype
+ attach.gcs_object_id = gcs_object_id
+ comment.attachments.extend([attach])
+"Save attachment with object_id: %s" % gcs_object_id)
+ return comment
+ def CreateIssueComment(
+ self, cnxn, project_id, local_id, user_id, content, inbound_message=None,
+ amendments=None, attachments=None, timestamp=None, is_spam=False,
+ commit=True):
+ """Create and store a new comment on the specified issue.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ project_id: int ID of the current Project.
+ local_id: the issue on which to add the comment.
+ user_id: the user ID of the user who entered the comment.
+ content: string body of the comment.
+ inbound_message: optional string full text of an email that caused
+ this comment to be added.
+ amendments: list of Amendment PBs describing the
+ metadata changes that the user made along w/ comment.
+ attachments: [(filename, contents, mimetype),...] attachments uploaded at
+ the time the comment was made.
+ timestamp: time at which the comment was made, defaults to now.
+ is_spam: True if the comment is classified as spam.
+ commit: set to False to not commit to DB yet.
+ Returns:
+ The new IssueComment protocol buffer.
+ Note that we assume that the content is safe to echo out
+ again. The content may have some markup done during input
+ processing.
+ """
+ issue = self.GetIssueByLocalID(cnxn, project_id, local_id)
+ comment = self._MakeIssueComment(
+ issue.project_id, user_id, content, amendments=amendments,
+ inbound_message=inbound_message, attachments=attachments,
+ timestamp=timestamp, is_spam=is_spam)
+ comment.issue_id = issue.issue_id
+ if attachments:
+ issue.attachment_count = issue.attachment_count + len(attachments)
+ self.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue, update_cols=['attachment_count'])
+ self.InsertComment(cnxn, comment, commit=commit)
+ return comment
+ def SoftDeleteComment(
+ self, cnxn, project_id, local_id, sequence_num, deleted_by_user_id,
+ user_service, delete=True, reindex=True, is_spam=False):
+ """Mark comment as un/deleted, which shows/hides it from average users."""
+ issue = self.GetIssueByLocalID(cnxn, project_id, local_id)
+ all_comments = self.GetCommentsForIssue(cnxn, issue.issue_id)
+ try:
+ issue_comment = all_comments[sequence_num]
+ except IndexError:
+ logging.warning(
+ 'Tried to (un)delete non-existent comment #%s in issue %s:%s',
+ sequence_num, project_id, local_id)
+ return
+ # Update number of attachments
+ attachments = 0
+ if issue_comment.attachments:
+ for attachment in issue_comment.attachments:
+ if not attachment.deleted:
+ attachments += 1
+ # Delete only if it's not in deleted state
+ if delete:
+ if not issue_comment.deleted_by:
+ issue_comment.deleted_by = deleted_by_user_id
+ issue.attachment_count = issue.attachment_count - attachments
+ # Undelete only if it's in deleted state
+ elif issue_comment.deleted_by:
+ issue_comment.deleted_by = 0
+ issue.attachment_count = issue.attachment_count + attachments
+ issue_comment.is_spam = is_spam
+ self._UpdateComment(
+ cnxn, issue_comment, update_cols=['deleted_by', 'is_spam'])
+ self.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue, update_cols=['attachment_count'])
+ # Reindex the issue to take the comment deletion/undeletion into account.
+ if reindex:
+ tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+ cnxn, [issue], user_service, self, self._config_service)
+ ### Attachments
+ def GetAttachmentAndContext(self, cnxn, attachment_id):
+ """Load a IssueAttachment from database, and its comment ID and IID.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ attachment_id: long integer unique ID of desired issue attachment.
+ Returns:
+ An Attachment protocol buffer that contains metadata about the attached
+ file, or None if it doesn't exist. Also, the comment ID and issue IID
+ of the comment and issue that contain this attachment.
+ Raises:
+ NoSuchAttachmentException: the attachment was not found.
+ """
+ if attachment_id is None:
+ raise NoSuchAttachmentException()
+ attachment_row = self.attachment_tbl.SelectRow(
+ cnxn, cols=ATTACHMENT_COLS, id=attachment_id)
+ if attachment_row:
+ (attach_id, issue_id, comment_id, filename, filesize, mimetype,
+ deleted, gcs_object_id) = attachment_row
+ if not deleted:
+ attachment = tracker_pb2.Attachment(
+ attachment_id=attach_id, filename=filename, filesize=filesize,
+ mimetype=mimetype, deleted=bool(deleted),
+ gcs_object_id=gcs_object_id)
+ return attachment, comment_id, issue_id
+ raise NoSuchAttachmentException()
+ def _UpdateAttachment(self, cnxn, attach, update_cols=None):
+ """Update attachment metadata in the DB.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ attach: IssueAttachment PB to update in the DB.
+ update_cols: optional list of just the field names to update.
+ """
+ delta = {
+ 'filename': attach.filename,
+ 'filesize': attach.filesize,
+ 'mimetype': attach.mimetype,
+ 'deleted': bool(attach.deleted),
+ }
+ if update_cols is not None:
+ delta = {key: val for key, val in delta.iteritems()
+ if key in update_cols}
+ self.attachment_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, id=attach.attachment_id)
+ def SoftDeleteAttachment(
+ self, cnxn, project_id, local_id, seq_num, attach_id, user_service,
+ delete=True, index_now=True):
+ """Mark attachment as un/deleted, which shows/hides it from avg users."""
+ issue = self.GetIssueByLocalID(cnxn, project_id, local_id)
+ all_comments = self.GetCommentsForIssue(cnxn, issue.issue_id)
+ try:
+ issue_comment = all_comments[seq_num]
+ except IndexError:
+ logging.warning(
+ 'Tried to (un)delete attachment on non-existent comment #%s in '
+ 'issue %s:%s', seq_num, project_id, local_id)
+ return
+ attachment = None
+ for attach in issue_comment.attachments:
+ if attach.attachment_id == attach_id:
+ attachment = attach
+ if not attachment:
+ logging.warning(
+ 'Tried to (un)delete non-existent attachment #%s in project '
+ '%s issue %s', attach_id, project_id, local_id)
+ return
+ if not issue_comment.deleted_by:
+ # Decrement attachment count only if it's not in deleted state
+ if delete:
+ if not attachment.deleted:
+ issue.attachment_count = issue.attachment_count - 1
+ # Increment attachment count only if it's in deleted state
+ elif attachment.deleted:
+ issue.attachment_count = issue.attachment_count + 1
+ attachment.deleted = delete
+ self._UpdateAttachment(cnxn, attachment, update_cols=['deleted'])
+ self.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue, update_cols=['attachment_count'])
+ if index_now:
+ tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+ cnxn, [issue], user_service, self, self._config_service)
+ ### Reindex queue
+ def EnqueueIssuesForIndexing(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+ """Add the given issue IDs to the ReindexQueue table."""
+ reindex_rows = [(issue_id,) for issue_id in issue_ids]
+ self.reindexqueue_tbl.InsertRows(
+ cnxn, ['issue_id'], reindex_rows, ignore=True)
+ def ReindexIssues(self, cnxn, num_to_reindex, user_service):
+ """Reindex some issues specified in the IndexQueue table."""
+ rows = self.reindexqueue_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, order_by=[('created', [])], limit=num_to_reindex)
+ issue_ids = [row[0] for row in rows]
+ if issue_ids:
+ issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, issue_ids)
+ tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+ cnxn, issues, user_service, self, self._config_service)
+ self.reindexqueue_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=issue_ids)
+ return len(issue_ids)
+ ### Search functions
+ def RunIssueQuery(
+ self, cnxn, left_joins, where, order_by, shard_id=None, limit=None):
+ """Run a SQL query to find matching issue IDs.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ left_joins: list of SQL LEFT JOIN clauses.
+ where: list of SQL WHERE clauses.
+ order_by: list of SQL ORDER BY clauses.
+ shard_id: int shard ID to focus the search.
+ limit: int maximum number of results, defaults to
+ settings.search_limit_per_shard.
+ Returns:
+ (issue_ids, capped) where issue_ids is a list of the result issue IDs,
+ and capped is True if the number of results reached the limit.
+ """
+ limit = limit or settings.search_limit_per_shard
+ where = where + [('Issue.deleted = %s', [False])]
+ rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, shard_id=shard_id, distinct=True, cols=[''],
+ left_joins=left_joins, where=where, order_by=order_by,
+ limit=limit)
+ issue_ids = [row[0] for row in rows]
+ capped = len(issue_ids) >= limit
+ return issue_ids, capped
+ def GetIIDsByLabelIDs(self, cnxn, label_ids, project_id, shard_id):
+ """Return a list of IIDs for issues with any of the given label IDs."""
+ where = []
+ if shard_id is not None:
+ slice_term = ('shard = %s', [shard_id])
+ where.append(slice_term)
+ rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, shard_id=shard_id, cols=['id'],
+ left_joins=[('Issue2Label ON = Issue2Label.issue_id', [])],
+ label_id=label_ids, project_id=project_id, where=where)
+ return [row[0] for row in rows]
+ def GetIIDsByParticipant(self, cnxn, user_ids, project_ids, shard_id):
+ """Return IIDs for issues where any of the given users participate."""
+ iids = []
+ where = []
+ if shard_id is not None:
+ where.append(('shard = %s', [shard_id]))
+ if project_ids:
+ cond_str = 'Issue.project_id IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(project_ids)
+ where.append((cond_str, project_ids))
+ # TODO(jrobbins): Combine these 3 queries into one with ORs. It currently
+ # is not the bottleneck.
+ rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=['id'], reporter_id=user_ids,
+ where=where, shard_id=shard_id)
+ for row in rows:
+ iids.append(row[0])
+ rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=['id'], owner_id=user_ids,
+ where=where, shard_id=shard_id)
+ for row in rows:
+ iids.append(row[0])
+ rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=['id'], derived_owner_id=user_ids,
+ where=where, shard_id=shard_id)
+ for row in rows:
+ iids.append(row[0])
+ rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=['id'],
+ left_joins=[('Issue2Cc ON Issue2Cc.issue_id =', [])],
+ cc_id=user_ids,
+ where=where + [('cc_id IS NOT NULL', [])],
+ shard_id=shard_id)
+ for row in rows:
+ iids.append(row[0])
+ rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+ cnxn, cols=[''],
+ left_joins=[
+ ('Issue2FieldValue ON = Issue2FieldValue.issue_id', []),
+ ('FieldDef ON Issue2FieldValue.field_id =', [])],
+ user_id=user_ids, grants_perm='View',
+ where=where + [('user_id IS NOT NULL', [])],
+ shard_id=shard_id)
+ for row in rows:
+ iids.append(row[0])
+ return iids
+def _UpdateClosedTimestamp(config, issue, old_effective_status):
+ """Sets or unsets the closed_timestamp based based on status changes.
+ If the status is changing from open to closed, the closed_timestamp is set to
+ the current time.
+ If the status is changing form closed to open, the close_timestamp is unset.
+ If the status is changing from one closed to another closed, or from one
+ open to another open, no operations are performed.
+ Args:
+ config: the project configuration
+ issue: the issue being updated (a protocol buffer)
+ old_effective_status: the old issue status string. E.g., 'New'
+ """
+ # open -> closed
+ if (tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(old_effective_status, config)
+ and not tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(
+ tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue), config)):
+'setting closed_timestamp on issue: %d', issue.local_id)
+ issue.closed_timestamp = int(time.time())
+ return
+ # closed -> open
+ if (not tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(old_effective_status, config)
+ and tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(
+ tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue), config)):
+'clearing closed_timestamp on issue: %s', issue.local_id)
+ issue.reset('closed_timestamp')
+ return
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Base exception class for this package."""
+ pass
+class NoSuchIssueException(Error):
+ """The requested issue was not found."""
+ pass
+class NoSuchAttachmentException(Error):
+ """The requested attachment was not found."""
+ pass
+class NoSuchCommentException(Error):
+ """The requested comment was not found."""
+ pass
+class MidAirCollisionException(Error):
+ """The item was updated by another user at the same time."""
+ def __init__(self, name, continue_issue_id):
+ super(MidAirCollisionException, self).__init__()
+ = name # human-readable name for the artifact being edited.
+ self.continue_issue_id = continue_issue_id # ID of issue to start over.
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