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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/static/js/tracker/tracker-keystrokes.js

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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Index: appengine/monorail/static/js/tracker/tracker-keystrokes.js
diff --git a/appengine/monorail/static/js/tracker/tracker-keystrokes.js b/appengine/monorail/static/js/tracker/tracker-keystrokes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c12a908734526c49083fce02ea336559cdb9ab81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine/monorail/static/js/tracker/tracker-keystrokes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+ * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+ *
+ */
+ * This file contains JS functions that implement keystroke accelerators
+ * for Monorail.
+ */
+ * Array of HTML elements where the kibbles cursor can be. E.g.,
+ * the TR elements of an issue list, or the TR's for comments on an issue.
+ */
+var TKR_cursorStops;
+ * Integer index into TKR_cursorStops of the currently selected cursor
+ * stop, or undefined if nothing has been selected yet.
+ */
+var TKR_selected = undefined;
+ * Scroll to the issue search field, set keyboard focus there, and
+ * select all of its text contents. We use <span id="qq"> around
+ * that form field because IE has a broken getElementById that
+ * confuses id with form element names. We do this in a setTimeout()
+ * so that the keystroke that triggers it ('/') will not be typed into
+ * the search box itself.
+ */
+function TKR_focusArtifactSearchField() {
+ var el = TKR_getArtifactSearchField();
+ el.focus(); // forces browser to scroll to make field visible.
+ * Always hide the keystroke help overlay, if it has been loaded.
+ */
+function TKR_closeKeystrokeHelp() {
+ var dialog = document.getElementById('keys_help');
+ if (dialog) {
+ = 'none';
+ }
+ * Show or hide the keystroke help overlay. If it has not been loaded
+ * yet, make the request to load it.
+ */
+function TKR_toggleKeystrokeHelp() {
+ var dialog = document.getElementById('keys_help');
+ if (dialog) {
+ = ? '' : 'none';
+ } else {
+ TKR_buildKeystrokeHelp();
+ }
+function TKR_createChild(parentEl, tag, optClassName, optID, optText, optStyle) {
+ var el = document.createElement(tag);
+ if (optClassName) el.classList.add(optClassName);
+ if (optID) = optID;
+ if (optText) el.innerText = optText;
+ if (optStyle) el.setAttribute('style', optStyle);
+ parentEl.appendChild(el);
+ return el;
+function TKR_createKeysHelpHeader(row, text) {
+ TKR_createChild(row, 'td');
+ TKR_createChild(row, 'th', null, null, text);
+ return row;
+function TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row, key1, key2, doc) {
+ var keyCell = TKR_createChild(row, 'td', 'shortcut');
+ TKR_createChild(keyCell, 'span', 'keystroke', null, key1);
+ if (key2) {
+ keyCell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' / '));
+ TKR_createChild(keyCell, 'span', 'keystroke', null, key2);
+ }
+ TKR_createChild(keyCell, 'b', null, null, ' :');
+ TKR_createChild(row, 'td', null, null, doc);
+ return keyCell;
+ * Build the keystroke help dialog. It is not part of the template because it
+ * not used on the vast majority of pages viewed.
+ */
+function TKR_buildKeystrokeHelp() {
+ var helpArea = document.getElementById('helparea');
+ var dialog = TKR_createChild(
+ helpArea, 'div', 'fullscreen-popup', 'keys_help');
+ var closeX = TKR_createChild(
+ dialog, 'a', null, null, 'Close', 'float:right; font-size:140%');
+ closeX.href = '#';
+ closeX.addEventListener('click', function () {
+ $('keys_help').style.display = 'none';
+ });
+ TKR_createChild(
+ dialog, 'div', null, null, 'Issue tracker keyboard shortcuts',
+ 'font-size: 140%');
+ TKR_createChild(dialog, 'hr');
+ var keysTable = TKR_createChild(
+ dialog, 'table', null, null, null, 'width: 100%');
+ var headerRow = TKR_createChild(keysTable, 'tr');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpHeader(headerRow, 'Issue list');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpHeader(headerRow, 'Issue details');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpHeader(headerRow, 'Anywhere')
+ var row1 = TKR_createChild(keysTable, 'tr');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row1, 'k', 'j', 'up/down in the list');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row1, 'k', 'j', 'prev/next issue in list');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row1, '/', null, 'focus on the issue search field');
+ var row2 = TKR_createChild(keysTable, 'tr');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row2, 'o', '<Enter>', 'open the current issue');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row2, 'u', null, 'up to issue list');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row2, 'c', null, 'compose a new issue');
+ var row3 = TKR_createChild(keysTable, 'tr');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row3, 'Shift-O', null, 'open issue in new tab');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row3, 'p', 'n', 'prev/next comment');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row3, 's', null, 'star the current issue');
+ var row4 = TKR_createChild(keysTable, 'tr');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row4, 'x', null, 'select the current issue');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row4, 'r', null, 'add comment & make changes');
+ TKR_createKeysHelpItem(row4, '?', null, 'show this help dialog');
+ var footer = TKR_createChild(
+ dialog, 'div', null, null, null,
+ 'font-weight:normal; margin-top: 3em;');
+ TKR_createChild(footer, 'hr');
+ TKR_createChild(footer, 'div', null, null,
+ ('Note: Only signed in users can star issues or add comments, ' +
+ 'and only project members can select issues for bulk edits.'));
+ * Register keystrokes that apply to all pages in the current component.
+ * E.g., keystrokes that should work on every page under the "Issues" tab.
+ * @param {string} listUrl Rooted URL of the artifact list.
+ * @param {string} entryUrl Rooted URL of the artifact entry page.
+ * @param {string} currentPageType One of 'list', 'entry', or 'detail'.
+ */
+function TKR_setupKibblesComponentKeys(listUrl, entryUrl, currentPageType) {
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ '/',
+ function() {
+ window.setTimeout(TKR_focusArtifactSearchField, 10);
+ });
+ if (currentPageType != 'entry') {
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ 'c', function() { TKR_go(entryUrl); });
+ }
+ if (currentPageType != 'list') {
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ 'u', function() { TKR_go(listUrl); });
+ }
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener('?', TKR_toggleKeystrokeHelp);
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener('ESC', TKR_closeKeystrokeHelp);
+ * On the artifact list page, go tp the artifact at the kibbles cursor.
+ * @param {number} linkCellIndex row child that is expected to hold a link.
+ */
+function TKR_openArtifactAtCursor(linkCellIndex, newWindow) {
+ if (TKR_selected >= 0 && TKR_selected < TKR_cursorStops.length) {
+ var cell = TKR_cursorStops[TKR_selected].children[linkCellIndex];
+ var anchor = cell.children[0];
+ if (anchor) {
+ TKR_go(anchor.getAttribute('href'), newWindow);
+ }
+ }
+ * On the artifact list page, toggle the checkbox for the artifact at
+ * the kibbles cursor.
+ * @param {number} cbCellIndex row child that is expected to hold a checkbox.
+ */
+function TKR_selectArtifactAtCursor(cbCellIndex) {
+ if (TKR_selected >= 0 && TKR_selected < TKR_cursorStops.length) {
+ var cell = TKR_cursorStops[TKR_selected].children[cbCellIndex];
+ var cb = cell.firstChild;
+ while (cb && cb.tagName != 'INPUT') {
+ cb = cb.nextSibling;
+ }
+ if (cb) {
+ cb.checked = cb.checked ? '' : 'checked';
+ TKR_highlightRow(cb);
+ }
+ }
+ * On the artifact list page, toggle the star for the artifact at
+ * the kibbles cursor.
+ * @param {number} cbCellIndex row child that is expected to hold a checkbox
+ * and star widget.
+ * @param {string} set_star_token The security token.
+ */
+function TKR_toggleStarArtifactAtCursor(cbCellIndex, set_star_token) {
+ if (TKR_selected >= 0 && TKR_selected < TKR_cursorStops.length) {
+ var cell = TKR_cursorStops[TKR_selected].children[cbCellIndex];
+ var starIcon = cell.firstChild;
+ while (starIcon && starIcon.tagName != 'A') {
+ starIcon = starIcon.nextSibling;
+ }
+ if (starIcon) {
+ _TKR_toggleStar(
+ starIcon, issueRefs[TKR_selected]['project_name'],
+ issueRefs[TKR_selected]['id'], set_star_token);
+ }
+ }
+ * Updates the style on new stop and clears the style on the former stop.
+ * @param {Object} newStop the cursor stop that the user is selecting now.
+ * @param {Object} formerStop the old cursor stop, if any.
+ */
+function TKR_updateCursor(newStop, formerStop) {
+ TKR_selected = undefined;
+ if (formerStop) {
+ formerStop.element.classList.remove('cursor_on');
+ formerStop.element.classList.add('cursor_off');
+ }
+ if (newStop && newStop.element) {
+ newStop.element.classList.remove('cursor_off');
+ newStop.element.classList.add('cursor_on');
+ TKR_selected = newStop.index;
+ }
+ * Walk part of the page DOM to find elements that should be kibbles
+ * cursor stops. E.g., the rows of the issue list results table.
+ * @return {Array} an array of html elements.
+ */
+function TKR_findCursorRows() {
+ var rows = [];
+ var cursorarea = document.getElementById('cursorarea');
+ TKR_accumulateCursorRows(cursorarea, rows);
+ return rows;
+ * Recusrively walk part of the page DOM to find elements that should
+ * be kibbles cursor stops. E.g., the rows of the issue list results
+ * table. The cursor stops are appended to the given rows array.
+ * @param {Element} parent html element to start on.
+ * @param {Array} rows array of html TR or DIV elements, each cursor stop will
+ * be added to this array.
+ */
+function TKR_accumulateCursorRows(parent, rows) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i++) {
+ var elem = parent.childNodes[i];
+ var name = elem.tagName;
+ if (name && (name == 'TR' || name == 'DIV')) {
+ if (elem.className.indexOf('cursor') >= 0) {
+ elem.cursorIndex = rows.length;
+ rows.push(elem);
+ }
+ }
+ TKR_accumulateCursorRows(elem, rows);
+ }
+ * Initialize kibbles cursors stops for the current page.
+ * @param {boolean} selectFirstStop True if the first stop should be
+ * selected before the user presses any keys.
+ */
+function TKR_setupKibblesCursorStops(selectFirstStop) {
+ kibbles.skipper.addStopListener(
+ kibbles.skipper.LISTENER_TYPE.PRE, TKR_updateCursor);
+ // Set the 'offset' option to return the middle of the client area
+ // an option can be a static value, or a callback
+ kibbles.skipper.setOption('padding_top', 50);
+ // Set the 'offset' option to return the middle of the client area
+ // an option can be a static value, or a callback
+ kibbles.skipper.setOption('padding_bottom', 50);
+ // register our stops with skipper
+ TKR_cursorStops = TKR_findCursorRows();
+ for (var i = 0; i < TKR_cursorStops.length; i++) {
+ var element = TKR_cursorStops[i];
+ kibbles.skipper.append(element);
+ if (element.className.indexOf('cursor_on') >= 0) {
+ kibbles.skipper.setCurrentStop(i);
+ }
+ }
+ * Initialize kibbles keystrokes for an artifact entry page.
+ * @param {string} listUrl Rooted URL of the artifact list.
+ * @param {string} entryUrl Rooted URL of the artifact entry page.
+ */
+function TKR_setupKibblesOnEntryPage(listUrl, entryUrl) {
+ TKR_setupKibblesComponentKeys(listUrl, entryUrl, 'entry');
+ * Initialize kibbles keystrokes for an artifact list page.
+ * @param {string} listUrl Rooted URL of the artifact list.
+ * @param {string} entryUrl Rooted URL of the artifact entry page.
+ * @param {string} projectName Name of the current project.
+ * @param {number} linkCellIndex table column that is expected to
+ * link to individual artifacts.
+ * @param {number} opt_checkboxCellIndex table column that is expected
+ * to contain a selection checkbox.
+ * @param {string} set_star_token The security token.
+ */
+function TKR_setupKibblesOnListPage(
+ listUrl, entryUrl, projectName, linkCellIndex,
+ opt_checkboxCellIndex, set_star_token) {
+ TKR_setupKibblesCursorStops(true);
+ kibbles.skipper.addFwdKey('j');
+ kibbles.skipper.addRevKey('k');
+ if (opt_checkboxCellIndex != undefined) {
+ var cbCellIndex = opt_checkboxCellIndex;
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ 'x', function() { TKR_selectArtifactAtCursor(cbCellIndex); });
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ 's',
+ function() {
+ TKR_toggleStarArtifactAtCursor(cbCellIndex, set_star_token);
+ });
+ }
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ 'o', function() { TKR_openArtifactAtCursor(linkCellIndex, false); });
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ 'O', function() { TKR_openArtifactAtCursor(linkCellIndex, true); });
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ 'enter', function() { TKR_openArtifactAtCursor(linkCellIndex); });
+ TKR_setupKibblesComponentKeys(listUrl, entryUrl, 'list');
+ * Initialize kibbles keystrokes for an artifact detail page.
+ * @param {string} listUrl Rooted URL of the artifact list.
+ * @param {string} entryUrl Rooted URL of the artifact entry page.
+ * @param {string} prevUrl Rooted URL of previous artifact in list.
+ * @param {string} nextUrl Rooted URL of next artifact in list.
+ * @param {string} projectName name of the current project.
+ * @param {boolean} userCanComment True if the user may add a comment.
+ * @param {boolean} userCanStar True if the user may add a star.
+ * @param {string} set_star_token The security token.
+ */
+function TKR_setupKibblesOnDetailPage(
+ listUrl, entryUrl, prevUrl, nextUrl, projectName, localId,
+ userCanComment, userCanStar, set_star_token) {
+ TKR_setupKibblesCursorStops(false);
+ kibbles.skipper.addFwdKey('n');
+ kibbles.skipper.addRevKey('p');
+ if (prevUrl) {
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ 'k', function() { TKR_go(prevUrl); });
+ }
+ if (nextUrl) {
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ 'j', function() { TKR_go(nextUrl); });
+ }
+ if (userCanComment) {
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ 'r',
+ function() {
+ window.setTimeout(TKR_openIssueUpdateForm, 10);
+ });
+ }
+ if (userCanStar) {
+ kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(
+ 's',
+ function() {
+ var star = document.getElementById('star');
+ TKR_toggleStar(star, projectName, localId, set_star_token);
+ TKR_syncStarIcons(star, 'star2');
+ });
+ }
+ TKR_setupKibblesComponentKeys(listUrl, entryUrl, 'detail');
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