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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/framework/

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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Index: appengine/monorail/framework/
diff --git a/appengine/monorail/framework/ b/appengine/monorail/framework/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce1e25e5c0cacc298e59fc0479ae3b1badce664c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine/monorail/framework/
@@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Base classes for Monorail servlets.
+This base class provides HTTP get() and post() methods that
+conveniently drive the process of parsing the request, checking base
+permissions, gathering common page information, gathering
+page-specific information, and adding on-page debugging information
+(when appropriate). Subclasses can simply implement the page-specific
+Summary of page classes:
+ Servlet: abstract base class for all Monorail servlets.
+ _ContextDebugItem: displays page_data elements for on-page debugging.
+import httplib
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import time
+import urllib
+from third_party import ezt
+from google.appengine.api import users
+import webapp2
+import settings
+from features import savedqueries_helpers
+from framework import actionlimit
+from framework import alerts
+from framework import captcha
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import monorailrequest
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import profiler
+from framework import ratelimiter
+from framework import servlet_helpers
+from framework import template_helpers
+from framework import urls
+from framework import xsrf
+from proto import project_pb2
+from search import query2ast
+from services import issue_svc
+from services import project_svc
+from services import secrets_svc
+from services import user_svc
+from tracker import tracker_views
+if not settings.unit_test_mode:
+ import MySQLdb
+class MethodNotSupportedError(NotImplementedError):
+ """An exception class for indicating that the method is not supported.
+ Used by GatherPageData and ProcessFormData to indicate that GET and POST,
+ respectively, are not supported methods on the given Servlet.
+ """
+ pass
+class Servlet(webapp2.RequestHandler):
+ """Base class for all Monorail servlets.
+ Defines a framework of methods that build up parts of the EZT page data.
+ Subclasses should override GatherPageData and/or ProcessFormData to
+ handle requests.
+ """
+ _MAIN_TAB_MODE = None # Normally overriden in subclasses to be one of these:
+ MAIN_TAB_NONE = 't0'
+ ADMIN_TAB_META = 'st1'
+ # Most forms require a security token, however if a form is really
+ # just redirecting to a search GET request without writing any data,
+ # subclass can override this to allow anonymous use.
+ # Most forms just ignore fields that have value "". Subclasses can override
+ # if needed.
+ # Most forms use regular forms, but subclasses that accept attached files can
+ # override this to be True.
+ # This value should not typically be overridden.
+ _TEMPLATE_PATH = framework_constants.TEMPLATE_PATH
+ _PAGE_TEMPLATE = None # Normally overriden in subclasses.
+ _CAPTCHA_ACTION_TYPES = [] # Override this in subclass to add captcha.
+ _MISSING_PERMISSIONS_TEMPLATE = 'sitewide/403-page.ezt'
+ def __init__(self, request, response, services=None,
+ content_type='text/html; charset=UTF-8'):
+ """Load and parse the template, saving it for later use."""
+ super(Servlet, self).__init__(request, response)
+ if self._PAGE_TEMPLATE: # specified in subclasses
+ template_path = self._TEMPLATE_PATH + self._PAGE_TEMPLATE
+ self.template = template_helpers.GetTemplate(
+ template_path, eliminate_blank_lines=self._ELIMINATE_BLANK_LINES)
+ else:
+ self.template = None
+ self._missing_permissions_template = template_helpers.MonorailTemplate(
+ = services or'services')
+ self.content_type = content_type
+ self.profiler = profiler.Profiler()
+ = None
+ self.ratelimiter = ratelimiter.RateLimiter()
+ def dispatch(self):
+ """Do common stuff then dispatch the request to get() or put() methods."""
+ handler_start_time = time.time()
+'\n\n\nRequest handler: %r', self)
+ = monorailrequest.MonorailRequest()
+ self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(self.request)
+ self.response.headers.add('Strict-Transport-Security',
+ 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains')
+ if
+ # TODO(jrobbins): don't do this step if invalidation_timestep was
+ # passed via the request and matches our last timestep
+ try:
+ with self.profiler.Phase('distributed invalidation'):
+ except MySQLdb.OperationalError as e:
+ logging.exception(e)
+ self.redirect('/database-maintenance', abort=True)
+ try:
+ with self.profiler.Phase('parsing request and doing lookups'):
+,, self.profiler)
+ self.response.headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'SAMEORIGIN'
+ webapp2.RequestHandler.dispatch(self)
+ except user_svc.NoSuchUserException as e:
+ logging.warning('Trapped NoSuchUserException %s', e)
+ self.abort(404, 'user not found')
+ except monorailrequest.InputException as e:
+'Rejecting invalid input: %r', e)
+ self.response.status = httplib.BAD_REQUEST
+ except project_svc.NoSuchProjectException as e:
+'Rejecting invalid request: %r', e)
+ self.response.status = httplib.BAD_REQUEST
+ except xsrf.TokenIncorrect as e:
+'Bad XSRF token: %r', e.message)
+ self.response.status = httplib.BAD_REQUEST
+ except AlreadySentResponseException:
+ # If servlet already sent response, then do nothing more. E.g.,
+ # when serving attachment content, we do not use templates.
+ pass
+ except permissions.BannedUserException as e:
+ logging.warning('The user has been banned')
+ url = framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURL(
+, urls.BANNED, include_project=False, copy_params=False)
+ self.redirect(url, abort=True)
+ except actionlimit.ExcessiveActivityException:
+'Excessive Activity Exception %r',
+ url = framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURL(
+ include_project=False, copy_params=False)
+ self.redirect(url, abort=True)
+ except ratelimiter.RateLimitExceeded as e:
+'RateLimitExceeded Exception %s', e)
+ self.response.status = httplib.BAD_REQUEST
+ self.response.body = 'Slow your roll.'
+ finally:
+ self.ratelimiter.CheckEnd(self.request, time.time(), handler_start_time)
+ total_processing_time = time.time() - handler_start_time
+ logging.warn('Processed request in %d ms',
+ int(total_processing_time * 1000))
+ if settings.enable_profiler_logging:
+ self.profiler.LogStats()
+ def _AddHelpDebugPageData(self, page_data):
+ with self.profiler.Phase('help and debug data'):
+ page_data.update(self.GatherHelpData(, page_data))
+ page_data.update(self.GatherDebugData(, page_data))
+ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ def get(self, **kwargs):
+ """Collect page-specific and generic info, then render the page.
+ Args:
+ Any path components parsed by webapp2 will be in kwargs, but we do
+ our own parsing later anyway, so igore them for now.
+ """
+ page_data = {}
+ nonce = framework_helpers.MakeRandomKey(length=NONCE_LENGTH)
+ try:
+ csp_header = 'Content-Security-Policy'
+ csp_scheme = 'https:'
+ if settings.dev_mode:
+ csp_header = 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only'
+ csp_scheme = 'http:'
+ user_agent ='User-Agent', '')
+ csp_supports_nonce = (
+ ('Chrome' in user_agent or 'Firefox' in user_agent) and
+ ('Edge' not in user_agent))
+ self.response.headers.add(csp_header,
+ ("default-src %(scheme)s ; "
+ "script-src"
+ " 'unsafe-inline'" # Only counts in browsers that lack CSP2.
+ " 'unsafe-dynamic'" # Allows <script nonce> to load more.
+ ""
+ " %(csp_self)s 'nonce-%(nonce)s'; "
+ "child-src; "
+ "frame-src; "
+ "img-src %(scheme)s data: blob: ; "
+ "style-src %(scheme)s 'unsafe-inline'; "
+ "object-src 'none'; "
+ "report-uri /" % {
+ 'nonce': nonce,
+ 'scheme': csp_scheme,
+ 'csp_self': '' if csp_supports_nonce else "'self'",
+ }))
+ page_data.update(self._GatherFlagData(
+ # Page-specific work happens in this call.
+ page_data.update(self._DoPageProcessing(, nonce))
+ self._AddHelpDebugPageData(page_data)
+ with self.profiler.Phase('rendering template'):
+ self._RenderResponse(page_data)
+ except (MethodNotSupportedError, NotImplementedError) as e:
+ # Instead of these pages throwing 500s display the 404 message and log.
+ # The motivation of this is to minimize 500s on the site to keep alerts
+ # meaningful during fuzzing. For more context see
+ #
+ logging.warning('Trapped NotImplementedError %s', e)
+ self.abort(404, 'invalid page')
+ except query2ast.InvalidQueryError as e:
+ logging.warning('Trapped InvalidQueryError: %s', e)
+ logging.exception(e)
+ msg = e.message if e.message else 'invalid query'
+ self.abort(400, msg)
+ except permissions.PermissionException as e:
+ logging.warning('Trapped PermissionException %s', e)
+ if not
+ # If not logged in, let them log in
+ url = _SafeCreateLoginURL(
+ self.redirect(url, abort=True)
+ else:
+ # Display the missing permissions template.
+ self.response.status = httplib.FORBIDDEN
+ page_data = {'reason': e.message}
+ with self.profiler.Phase('gather base data'):
+ page_data.update(self.GatherBaseData(, nonce))
+ self._AddHelpDebugPageData(page_data)
+ self._missing_permissions_template.WriteResponse(
+ self.response, page_data, content_type=self.content_type)
+ def SetCacheHeaders(self, response):
+ """Set headers to allow the response to be cached."""
+ headers = framework_helpers.StaticCacheHeaders()
+ for name, value in headers:
+ response.headers[name] = value
+ def GetTemplate(self, _page_data):
+ """Get the template to use for writing the http response.
+ Defaults to self.template. This method can be overwritten in subclasses
+ to allow dynamic template selection based on page_data.
+ Args:
+ _page_data: A dict of data for ezt rendering, containing base ezt
+ data, captcha data, page data, and debug data.
+ Returns:
+ The template to be used for writing the http response.
+ """
+ return self.template
+ def _GatherFlagData(self, mr):
+ page_data = {
+ 'recaptcha_public_key': secrets_svc.GetRecaptchaPublicKey(),
+ 'project_stars_enabled': ezt.boolean(
+ settings.enable_project_stars),
+ 'user_stars_enabled': ezt.boolean(settings.enable_user_stars),
+ 'can_create_project': ezt.boolean(
+ permissions.CanCreateProject(mr.perms)),
+ 'can_create_group': ezt.boolean(
+ permissions.CanCreateGroup(mr.perms)),
+ }
+ return page_data
+ def _RenderResponse(self, page_data):
+'rendering response len(page_data) is %r', len(page_data))
+ self.GetTemplate(page_data).WriteResponse(
+ self.response, page_data, content_type=self.content_type)
+ def ProcessFormData(self, mr, post_data):
+ """Handle form data and redirect appropriately.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ post_data: HTML form data from the request.
+ Returns:
+ String URL to redirect the user to, or None if response was already sent.
+ """
+ raise MethodNotSupportedError()
+ def post(self, **kwargs):
+ """Parse the request, check base perms, and call form-specific code."""
+ try:
+ # Page-specific work happens in this call.
+ self._DoFormProcessing(self.request,
+ except permissions.PermissionException as e:
+ logging.warning('Trapped permission-related exception "%s".', e)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): can we do better than an error page? not much.
+ self.response.status = httplib.BAD_REQUEST
+ except issue_svc.MidAirCollisionException as e:
+'Mid-air collision detected.')
+ collision_page_url = urls.ARTIFACT_COLLISION
+ url = framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURL(
+, collision_page_url, copy_params=False,
+, continue_issue_id=e.continue_issue_id,
+ ts=int(time.time()))
+ self.redirect(url, abort=True)
+ def _DoCommonRequestProcessing(self, request, mr):
+ """Do common processing dependent on having the user and project pbs."""
+ with self.profiler.Phase('basic processing'):
+ self._CheckForMovedProject(mr, request)
+ self.AssertBasePermission(mr)
+ def _DoPageProcessing(self, mr, nonce):
+ """Do user lookups and gather page-specific ezt data."""
+ with self.profiler.Phase('common request data'):
+ self._DoCommonRequestProcessing(self.request, mr)
+ page_data = self.GatherBaseData(mr, nonce)
+ page_data.update(self.GatherCaptchaData(mr))
+ with self.profiler.Phase('page processing'):
+ page_data.update(self.GatherPageData(mr))
+ page_data.update(mr.form_overrides)
+ template_helpers.ExpandLabels(page_data)
+ return page_data
+ def _DoFormProcessing(self, request, mr):
+ """Do user lookups and handle form data."""
+ self._DoCommonRequestProcessing(request, mr)
+ xsrf.ValidateToken(
+ request.POST.get('token'), mr.auth.user_id, request.path)
+ redirect_url = self.ProcessFormData(mr, request.POST)
+ # Most forms redirect the user to a new URL on success. If no
+ # redirect_url was returned, the form handler must have already
+ # sent a response. E.g., bounced the user back to the form with
+ # invalid form fields higlighted.
+ if redirect_url:
+ self.redirect(redirect_url, abort=True)
+ else:
+ assert self.response.body
+ def _CheckForMovedProject(self, mr, request):
+ """If the project moved, redirect there or to an informational page."""
+ if not mr.project:
+ return # We are on a site-wide or user page.
+ if not mr.project.moved_to:
+ return # This project has not moved.
+ admin_url = '/p/%s%s' % (mr.project_name, urls.ADMIN_META)
+ if request.path.startswith(admin_url):
+ return # It moved, but we are near the page that can un-move it.
+'project %s has moved: %s', mr.project.project_name,
+ mr.project.moved_to)
+ moved_to = mr.project.moved_to
+ if framework_bizobj.RE_PROJECT_NAME.match(moved_to):
+ # Use the redir query parameter to avoid redirect loops.
+ if mr.redir is None:
+ url = framework_helpers.FormatMovedProjectURL(mr, moved_to)
+ if '?' in url:
+ url += '&redir=1'
+ else:
+ url += '?redir=1'
+'trusted move to a new project on our site')
+ self.redirect(url, abort=True)
+'not a trusted move, will display link to user to click')
+ # Attach the project name as a url param instead of generating a /p/
+ # link to the destination project.
+ url = framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURL(
+ mr, urls.PROJECT_MOVED,
+ include_project=False, copy_params=False, project=mr.project_name)
+ self.redirect(url, abort=True)
+ def CheckPerm(self, mr, perm, art=None, granted_perms=None):
+ """Return True if the user can use the requested permission."""
+ return servlet_helpers.CheckPerm(
+ mr, perm, art=art, granted_perms=granted_perms)
+ def MakePagePerms(self, mr, art, *perm_list, **kwargs):
+ """Make an EZTItem with a set of permissions needed in a given template.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ art: a project artifact, such as an issue.
+ *perm_list: any number of permission names that are referenced
+ in the EZT template.
+ **kwargs: dictionary that may include 'granted_perms' list of permissions
+ granted to the current user specifically on the current page.
+ Returns:
+ An EZTItem with one attribute for each permission and the value
+ of each attribute being an ezt.boolean(). True if the user
+ is permitted to do that action on the given artifact, or
+ False if not.
+ """
+ granted_perms = kwargs.get('granted_perms')
+ page_perms = template_helpers.EZTItem()
+ for perm in perm_list:
+ setattr(
+ page_perms, perm,
+ ezt.boolean(self.CheckPerm(
+ mr, perm, art=art, granted_perms=granted_perms)))
+ return page_perms
+ def AssertBasePermission(self, mr):
+ """Make sure that the logged in user has permission to view this page.
+ Subclasses should call super, then check additional permissions
+ and raise a PermissionException if the user is not authorized to
+ do something.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ Raises:
+ PermissionException: If the user does not have permisssion to view
+ the current page.
+ """
+ servlet_helpers.AssertBasePermission(mr)
+ def GatherBaseData(self, mr, nonce):
+ """Return a dict of info used on almost all pages."""
+ project = mr.project
+ project_summary = ''
+ project_alert = None
+ project_read_only = False
+ project_home_page = ''
+ project_thumbnail_url = ''
+ if project:
+ project_summary = project.summary
+ project_alert = _CalcProjectAlert(project)
+ project_read_only = project.read_only_reason
+ project_home_page = project.home_page
+ project_thumbnail_url = tracker_views.LogoView(project).thumbnail_url
+ # If we have both a project and a logged in user, we need to check if the
+ # user has starred that project.
+ with self.profiler.Phase('project star'):
+ is_project_starred = False
+ if mr.project and mr.auth.user_id:
+ is_project_starred =
+ mr.cnxn, mr.project_id, mr.auth.user_id)
+ project_view = None
+ if mr.project:
+ # TODO(jrobbins): should this be a ProjectView?
+ project_view = template_helpers.PBProxy(mr.project)
+ app_version = os.environ.get('CURRENT_VERSION_ID')
+ viewed_username = None
+ if mr.viewed_user_auth.user_view:
+ viewed_username = mr.viewed_user_auth.user_view.username
+ grid_x_attr = None
+ grid_y_attr = None
+ canned_query_views = []
+ issue_entry_url = 'entry'
+ if mr.project_id and
+ with self.profiler.Phase('getting config'):
+ config =, mr.project_id)
+ canned_queries =
+ mr.cnxn, mr.project_id)
+ grid_x_attr = (mr.x or config.default_x_attr).lower()
+ grid_y_attr = (mr.y or config.default_y_attr).lower()
+ canned_query_views = [
+ savedqueries_helpers.SavedQueryView(sq, idx + 1, None, None)
+ for idx, sq in enumerate(canned_queries)]
+ issue_entry_url = _ComputeIssueEntryURL(mr, config)
+ if mr.auth.user_id and
+ with self.profiler.Phase('getting saved queries'):
+ saved_queries =
+ mr.cnxn, mr.me_user_id)
+ saved_query_views = [
+ savedqueries_helpers.SavedQueryView(sq, idx + 1, None, None)
+ for idx, sq in enumerate(saved_queries)
+ if (mr.project_id in sq.executes_in_project_ids or
+ not mr.project_id)]
+ else:
+ saved_query_views = []
+ viewing_self = mr.auth.user_id == mr.viewed_user_auth.user_id
+ offer_saved_queries_subtab = (
+ viewing_self or mr.auth.user_pb and mr.auth.user_pb.is_site_admin)
+ login_url = _SafeCreateLoginURL(mr)
+ logout_url = _SafeCreateLogoutURL(mr)
+ logout_url_goto_home = users.create_logout_url('/')
+ base_data = {
+ # EZT does not have constants for True and False, so we pass them in.
+ 'True': ezt.boolean(True),
+ 'False': ezt.boolean(False),
+ 'site_name': settings.site_name,
+ 'show_search_metadata': ezt.boolean(False),
+ 'page_template': self._PAGE_TEMPLATE,
+ 'main_tab_mode': self._MAIN_TAB_MODE,
+ 'project_summary': project_summary,
+ 'project_home_page': project_home_page,
+ 'project_thumbnail_url': project_thumbnail_url,
+ 'hostport':,
+ 'absolute_base_url': '%s://%s' % (mr.request.scheme,,
+ 'project_home_url': None,
+ 'link_rel_canonical': None, # For specifying <link rel="canonical">
+ 'projectname': mr.project_name,
+ 'project': project_view,
+ 'project_is_restricted': ezt.boolean(_ProjectIsRestricted(mr)),
+ 'offer_contributor_list': ezt.boolean(
+ permissions.CanViewContributorList(mr)),
+ 'logged_in_user': mr.auth.user_view,
+ 'form_token': None, # Set to a value below iff the user is logged in.
+ 'form_token_path': None,
+ 'token_expires_sec': None,
+ 'xhr_token': None, # Set to a value below iff the user is logged in.
+ 'flag_spam_token': None,
+ 'nonce': nonce,
+ 'perms': mr.perms,
+ 'warnings': mr.warnings,
+ 'errors': mr.errors,
+ 'viewed_username': viewed_username,
+ 'viewed_user': mr.viewed_user_auth.user_view,
+ 'viewed_user_pb': template_helpers.PBProxy(
+ mr.viewed_user_auth.user_pb),
+ 'viewing_self': ezt.boolean(viewing_self),
+ 'viewed_user_id': mr.viewed_user_auth.user_id,
+ 'offer_saved_queries_subtab': ezt.boolean(offer_saved_queries_subtab),
+ 'currentPageURL': mr.current_page_url,
+ 'currentPageURLEncoded': mr.current_page_url_encoded,
+ 'login_url': login_url,
+ 'logout_url': logout_url,
+ 'logout_url_goto_home': logout_url_goto_home,
+ 'continue_issue_id': mr.continue_issue_id,
+ 'feedback_email': settings.feedback_email,
+ 'category_css': None, # Used to specify a category of stylesheet
+ 'page_css': None, # Used to add a stylesheet to a specific page.
+ 'can': mr.can,
+ 'query': mr.query,
+ 'colspec': None,
+ 'sortspec': mr.sort_spec,
+ 'grid_x_attr': grid_x_attr,
+ 'grid_y_attr': grid_y_attr,
+ 'grid_cell_mode': mr.cells,
+ 'grid_mode': None,
+ 'issue_entry_url': issue_entry_url,
+ 'canned_queries': canned_query_views,
+ 'saved_queries': saved_query_views,
+ 'is_cross_project': ezt.boolean(False),
+ # for project search (some also used in issue search)
+ 'start': mr.start,
+ 'num': mr.num,
+ 'groupby': mr.group_by_spec,
+ 'q_field_size': (
+ min(framework_constants.MAX_ARTIFACT_SEARCH_FIELD_SIZE,
+ max(framework_constants.MIN_ARTIFACT_SEARCH_FIELD_SIZE,
+ len(mr.query) + framework_constants.AUTOSIZE_STEP))),
+ 'mode': None, # Display mode, e.g., grid mode.
+ 'ajah': mr.ajah,
+ 'table_title': mr.table_title,
+ 'alerts': alerts.AlertsView(mr), # For alert.ezt
+ 'project_alert': project_alert,
+ 'title': None, # First part of page title
+ 'title_summary': None, # Appended to title on artifact detail pages
+ # TODO(jrobbins): make sure that the templates use
+ # project_read_only for project-mutative actions and if any
+ # uses of read_only remain.
+ 'project_read_only': ezt.boolean(project_read_only),
+ 'site_read_only': ezt.boolean(settings.read_only),
+ 'banner_time': servlet_helpers.GetBannerTime(settings.banner_time),
+ 'read_only': ezt.boolean(settings.read_only or project_read_only),
+ 'site_banner_message': settings.banner_message,
+ 'robots_no_index': None,
+ 'analytics_id': settings.analytics_id,
+ 'is_project_starred': ezt.boolean(is_project_starred),
+ 'app_version': app_version,
+ 'viewing_user_page': ezt.boolean(False),
+ }
+ if mr.project:
+ base_data['project_home_url'] = '/p/%s' % mr.project_name
+ # Always add an anti-xsrf token when the user is logged in.
+ if mr.auth.user_id:
+ form_token_path = self._FormHandlerURL(mr.request.path)
+ base_data['form_token'] = xsrf.GenerateToken(
+ mr.auth.user_id, form_token_path)
+ base_data['form_token_path'] = form_token_path
+ base_data['token_expires_sec'] = xsrf.TokenExpiresSec()
+ base_data['xhr_token'] = xsrf.GenerateToken(
+ mr.auth.user_id, xsrf.XHR_SERVLET_PATH)
+ base_data['flag_spam_token'] = xsrf.GenerateToken(
+ mr.auth.user_id, '/p/' % (
+ mr.project_name, urls.ISSUE_FLAGSPAM_JSON))
+ return base_data
+ def _FormHandlerURL(self, path):
+ """Return the form handler for the main form on a page."""
+ if path.endswith('/'):
+ return path + ''
+ elif path.endswith('.do'):
+ return path # This happens as part of PleaseCorrect().
+ else:
+ return path + '.do'
+ def GatherCaptchaData(self, mr):
+ """If this page needs a captcha, return captcha info for use in EZT."""
+ if (mr.project and
+ framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject(mr.project, mr.auth.effective_ids)):
+ # Don't show users CAPTCHAs within their own projects.
+ return {'show_captcha': ezt.boolean(False)}
+ show_captcha = any(actionlimit.NeedCaptcha(mr.auth.user_pb, action_type)
+ for action_type in self._CAPTCHA_ACTION_TYPES)
+ return {'show_captcha': ezt.boolean(show_captcha)}
+ def GatherPageData(self, mr):
+ """Return a dict of page-specific ezt data."""
+ raise MethodNotSupportedError()
+ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ def GatherHelpData(self, mr, page_data):
+ """Return a dict of values to drive on-page user help.
+ Args:
+ mr: common information parsed from the HTTP request.
+ page_data: Dictionary of base and page template data.
+ Returns:
+ A dict of values to drive on-page user help, to be added to page_data.
+ """
+ return {
+ 'cue': None, # for cues.ezt
+ }
+ def GatherDebugData(self, mr, page_data):
+ """Return debugging info for display at the very bottom of the page."""
+ if mr.debug_enabled:
+ debug = [_ContextDebugCollection('Page data', page_data)]
+ return {
+ 'dbg': 'on',
+ 'debug': debug,
+ 'profiler': self.profiler,
+ }
+ else:
+ if '?' in mr.current_page_url:
+ debug_url = mr.current_page_url + '&debug=1'
+ else:
+ debug_url = mr.current_page_url + '?debug=1'
+ return {
+ 'debug_uri': debug_url,
+ 'dbg': 'off',
+ 'debug': [('none', 'recorded')],
+ }
+ def CheckCaptcha(self, mr, post_data):
+ """Check the provided CAPTCHA solution and add an error if it is wrong."""
+ if (mr.project and
+ framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject(mr.project, mr.auth.effective_ids)):
+ return # Don't check a user's actions within their own projects.
+ if not any(actionlimit.NeedCaptcha(mr.auth.user_pb, action_type)
+ for action_type in self._CAPTCHA_ACTION_TYPES):
+ return # no captcha was needed.
+ remote_ip = mr.request.remote_addr
+ captcha_response = post_data.get('g-recaptcha-response')
+ correct, _msg = captcha.Verify(remote_ip, captcha_response)
+ if not correct:
+'BZzzz! Bad captcha solution.')
+ mr.errors.captcha = 'Captcha check failed.'
+ def CountRateLimitedActions(self, mr, action_counts):
+ """Count attempted actions against non-member's action limits.
+ Note that users can take any number of actions in their own projects.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ action_counts: {action_type: delta, ... }
+ a dictionary mapping action type constants to the number of times
+ that action was performed during the current request (usually 1).
+ """
+ if (mr.project and
+ framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject(mr.project, mr.auth.effective_ids)):
+ # Don't count a user's actions within their own projects...
+ return
+ for action_type in action_counts:
+ actionlimit.CountAction(
+ mr.auth.user_pb, action_type, delta=action_counts[action_type])
+, mr.auth.user_id, mr.auth.user_pb)
+ def PleaseCorrect(self, mr, **echo_data):
+ """Show the same form again so that the user can correct their input."""
+ mr.PrepareForReentry(echo_data)
+ self.get()
+def _CalcProjectAlert(project):
+ """Return a string to be shown as red text explaning the project state."""
+ project_alert = None
+ if project.read_only_reason:
+ project_alert = 'READ-ONLY: %s.' % project.read_only_reason
+ if project.moved_to:
+ project_alert = 'This project has moved to: %s.' % project.moved_to
+ elif project.delete_time:
+ delay_seconds = project.delete_time - time.time()
+ delay_days = delay_seconds // framework_constants.SECS_PER_DAY
+ if delay_days <= 0:
+ project_alert = 'Scheduled for deletion today.'
+ else:
+ days_word = 'day' if delay_days == 1 else 'days'
+ project_alert = (
+ 'Scheduled for deletion in %d %s.' % (delay_days, days_word))
+ elif project.state == project_pb2.ProjectState.ARCHIVED:
+ project_alert = 'Project is archived: read-only by members only.'
+ return project_alert
+class _ContextDebugItem(object):
+ """Wrapper class to generate on-screen debugging output."""
+ def __init__(self, key, val):
+ """Store the key and generate a string for the value."""
+ self.key = key
+ if isinstance(val, list):
+ nested_debug_strs = [self.StringRep(v) for v in val]
+ self.val = '[%s]' % ', '.join(nested_debug_strs)
+ else:
+ self.val = self.StringRep(val)
+ def StringRep(self, val):
+ """Make a useful string representation of the given value."""
+ try:
+ return val.DebugString()
+ except Exception:
+ try:
+ return str(val.__dict__)
+ except Exception:
+ return repr(val)
+class _ContextDebugCollection(object):
+ """Attach a title to a dictionary for exporting as a table of debug info."""
+ def __init__(self, title, collection):
+ self.title = title
+ self.collection = [_ContextDebugItem(key, collection[key])
+ for key in sorted(collection.iterkeys())]
+def _ProjectIsRestricted(mr):
+ """Return True if the mr has a 'private' project."""
+ return (mr.project and
+ mr.project.access != project_pb2.ProjectAccess.ANYONE)
+def _ComputeIssueEntryURL(mr, config):
+ """Compute the URL to use for the "New issue" subtab.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig for the current project.
+ Returns:
+ A URL string to use. It will be simply "entry" in the non-customized
+ case. Otherewise it will be a fully qualified URL that includes some
+ query string parameters.
+ """
+ if not config.custom_issue_entry_url:
+ return 'entry'
+ base_url = config.custom_issue_entry_url
+ sep = '&' if '?' in base_url else '?'
+ token = xsrf.GenerateToken(
+ mr.auth.user_id, '/p/%s%s%s' % (mr.project_name, urls.ISSUE_ENTRY, '.do'))
+ role_name = framework_helpers.GetRoleName(mr.auth.effective_ids, mr.project)
+ continue_url = urllib.quote(framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURL(
+ mr, urls.ISSUE_ENTRY + '.do'))
+ return '%s%stoken=%s&role=%s&continue=%s' % (
+ base_url, sep, urllib.quote(token),
+ urllib.quote(role_name or ''), continue_url)
+def _SafeCreateLoginURL(mr):
+ """Make a login URL w/ a detailed continue URL, otherwise use a short one."""
+ try:
+ return users.create_login_url(mr.current_page_url)
+ except users.RedirectTooLongError:
+ if mr.project_name:
+ return users.create_login_url('/p/%s' % mr.project_name)
+ else:
+ return users.create_login_url('/')
+def _SafeCreateLogoutURL(mr):
+ """Make a logout URL w/ a detailed continue URL, otherwise use a short one."""
+ try:
+ return users.create_logout_url(mr.current_page_url)
+ except users.RedirectTooLongError:
+ if mr.project_name:
+ return users.create_logout_url('/p/%s' % mr.project_name)
+ else:
+ return users.create_logout_url('/')
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Base class for errors from this module."""
+ pass
+class AlreadySentResponseException(Error):
+ """The servlet already responded, no need to render a page template."""
+ pass
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