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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/templates/tracker/issue-list-body.ezt

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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Index: appengine/monorail/templates/tracker/issue-list-body.ezt
diff --git a/appengine/monorail/templates/tracker/issue-list-body.ezt b/appengine/monorail/templates/tracker/issue-list-body.ezt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4beeb2b5f72121c3f8ca5c63e77537f1affb53b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine/monorail/templates/tracker/issue-list-body.ezt
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+[for panels][# There will always be exactly one panel.]
+ [include "issue-list-headings.ezt"]
+[if-any table_data]
+ [for table_data]
+ [include "../framework/artifact-list-group-row.ezt" "issue" "issues"]
+ <tr class="ifOpened hoverTarget [is cursor table_data.issue_ref]cursor_on[else]cursor_off[end]" data-idx="[table_data.idx]">
+ <td class="rowwidgets nowrap">
+ [if-any read_only][else]
+ [if-any page_perms.EditIssue][if-any is_cross_project][else][# TODO(jrobbins): cross-project bulk edit]
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cb_[table_data.local_id]" class="checkRangeSelect">
+ [end][end]
+ [if-any page_perms.SetStar]
+ <a class="star" id="star-[table_data.project_name]-[table_data.local_id]"
+ style="color:[if-any table_data.starred]cornflowerblue[else]gray[end];"
+ title="[if-any table_data.starred]Un-s[else]S[end]tar this issue"
+ data-project-name="[table_data.project_name]" data-local-id="[table_data.local_id]">
+ [if-any table_data.starred]&#9733;[else]&#9734;[end]
+ </a>
+ [else]
+ &nbsp;
+ [end]
+ [end]
+ </td>
+ [for table_data.cells]
+ [is table_data.cells.type "ID"]
+ <td class="id col_[table_data.cells.col_index]"
+ [# TODO(jrobbins): re-implement preview_on_hover in polymer.]
+ ><a href="[table_data.issue_url]">
+ [if-any is_cross_project][table_data.project_name]:[end][table_data.local_id]</a></td>
+ [end]
+ [is table_data.cells.type "summary"]
+ <td class="col_[table_data.cells.col_index]"
+ align="right" valign="top" style="padding-right:0; padding-top: 0.15em">
+ [if-any table_data.owner_is_me]<small><b>&rsaquo;</b></small>[else]&nbsp;[end]
+ </td>
+ <td class="col_[table_data.cells.col_index]" width="100%"
+ >[include "../framework/artifact-list-cell-values.ezt"]
+ [include "../framework/artifact-list-non-column-labels.ezt"]
+ </td>
+ [end]
+ [is table_data.cells.type "attr"]
+ <td class="col_[table_data.cells.col_index][if-any table_data.cells.NOWRAP] nowrap[end]"
+ [if-any table_data.cells.align]align="[table_data.cells.align]"[end]
+ >[include "../framework/artifact-list-cell-values.ezt"]</td>
+ [end]
+ [is table_data.cells.type "unfilterable"]
+ <td class="col_[table_data.cells.col_index] [if-any table_data.cells.NOWRAP]nowrap[end]"
+ [if-any table_data.cells.align]align="[table_data.cells.align]"[end]
+ >[include "../framework/artifact-list-cell-values.ezt"]</td>
+ [end]
+ [end]
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ </tr>
+ [end]
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="40" class="id">
+ <div style="padding: 3em; text-align: center">
+ [if-any project_has_any_issues]
+ Your search did not generate any results. <br>
+ [is can "1"]
+ You may want to remove some terms from your query.<br>
+ [else]
+ You may want to try your search over <a href="list?can=1&amp;q=[format "url"][query][end]">all issues</a>.<br>
+ [end]
+ [else]
+ This project currently has no issues.<br>
+ [if-any page_perms.CreateIssue]
+ [if-any read_only][else]
+ You may want to enter a <a class="id" href="entry">new issue</a>.
+ [end]
+ [end]
+ [end]
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>

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