(Empty) | |
| 1 [is dbg "off"] |
| 2 [if-any perms._ViewDebug] |
| 3 <div class="debug"> |
| 4 - <a href="[debug_uri]">Reload w/ debug info</a> |
| 5 </div> |
| 6 [end] |
| 7 [else] |
| 8 [# Note that this only handles the top two levels of (sub)phases. |
| 9 # If you nest phases further than that (which we haven't wanted/needed to |
| 10 # do so far), you'll have to modify this code in order to render it.] |
| 11 <style type="text/css"> |
| 12 .debug, .debug a { color: #444; font-size: x-small} |
| 13 .debug td, .debug th { background: #ddf} |
| 14 .debug th { text-align: left; font-family: courier; font-size: small} |
| 15 </style> |
| 16 |
| 17 <div class="debug">Profile Data |
| 18 <table class="ifOpened" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="0" style="
padding-left: 1em"> |
| 19 [for profiler.top_phase.subphases] |
| 20 <tr> |
| 21 <th style="white-space:nowrap">[profiler.top_phase.subphases.name]:</th
> |
| 22 <td align="right">[profiler.top_phase.subphases.ms][is profiler.top_pha
se.subphases.ms "in_progress"][else] ms[end]</td> |
| 23 <td><table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr> |
| 24 [for profiler.top_phase.subphases.subphases] |
| 25 <td title="[profiler.top_phase.subphases.subphases.name]: [profiler.to
p_phase.subphases.subphases.ms]ms" |
| 26 width="[is profiler.top_phase.subphases.subphases.ms "in_progress"]1
00%[else][profiler.top_phase.subphases.subphases.ms][end]" |
| 27 style="padding:2px;color:#fff;background:#[profiler.top_phase.subpha
ses.subphases.color]">[profiler.top_phase.subphases.subphases.ms]</td> |
| 28 [end] |
| 29 |
| 30 [if-any profiler.top_phase.subphases.uncategorized_ms] |
| 31 <td title="uncategorized: [profiler.top_phase.subphases.uncategorized
_ms]ms" |
| 32 width="[profiler.top_phase.subphases.uncategorized_ms]" |
| 33 style="padding:1px">[profiler.top_phase.subphases.uncategorized_ms
]</td> |
| 34 [end] |
| 35 </tr></table> |
| 36 </td> |
| 37 </tr> |
| 38 [end] |
| 39 </table> |
| 40 </div><br> |
| 41 [for debug] |
| 42 <div class="debug">[debug.title] |
| 43 <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="0" style="padding-left: 1em"
> |
| 44 [for debug.collection] |
| 45 <tr><th>[debug.collection.key]</th><td>[debug.collection.val]</td></tr> |
| 46 [end] |
| 47 </table> |
| 48 </div><br> |
| 49 [end] |
| 50 [end] |