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Unified Diff: src/x64/

Issue 1865833002: [generators] Decouple generator resume from fullcodegen. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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Index: src/x64/
diff --git a/src/x64/ b/src/x64/
index 316378348c20fdb37668f50af1a482fd051f153e..d743d1c097225b1099e802f3bff1ec1f228b710f 100644
--- a/src/x64/
+++ b/src/x64/
@@ -464,6 +464,122 @@ void Builtins::Generate_JSConstructEntryTrampoline(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Generate_JSEntryTrampolineHelper(masm, true);
+// static
+void Builtins::Generate_ResumeGeneratorTrampoline(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+ // ----------- S t a t e -------------
+ // -- rax : the value to pass to the generator
+ // -- rbx : the JSGeneratorObject to resume
+ // -- rdx : the resume mode (tagged)
+ // -- rsp[0] : return address
+ // -----------------------------------
+ __ AssertGeneratorObject(rbx);
+ // Store input value into generator object.
+ __ movp(FieldOperand(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kInputOffset), rax);
+ __ RecordWriteField(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kInputOffset, rax, rcx,
+ kDontSaveFPRegs);
+ // Load suspended function and context.
+ __ movp(rsi, FieldOperand(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kContextOffset));
+ __ movp(rdi, FieldOperand(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kFunctionOffset));
+ // Flood function if we are stepping.
+ Label skip_flooding;
+ ExternalReference step_in_enabled =
+ ExternalReference::debug_step_in_enabled_address(masm->isolate());
+ Operand step_in_enabled_operand = masm->ExternalOperand(step_in_enabled);
+ __ cmpb(step_in_enabled_operand, Immediate(0));
+ __ j(equal, &skip_flooding);
+ {
+ FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL);
+ __ Push(rbx);
+ __ Push(rdx);
+ __ Push(rdi);
+ __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kDebugPrepareStepInIfStepping);
+ __ Pop(rdx);
+ __ Pop(rbx);
+ __ movp(rdi, FieldOperand(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kFunctionOffset));
+ }
+ __ bind(&skip_flooding);
+ // Pop return address.
+ __ PopReturnAddressTo(rax);
+ // Push receiver.
+ __ Push(FieldOperand(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kReceiverOffset));
+ // ----------- S t a t e -------------
+ // -- rax : return address
+ // -- rbx : the JSGeneratorObject to resume
+ // -- rdx : the resume mode (tagged)
+ // -- rdi : generator function
+ // -- rsi : generator context
+ // -- rsp[0] : generator receiver
+ // -----------------------------------
+ // Push holes for arguments to generator function. Since the parser forced
+ // context allocation for any variables in generators, the actual argument
+ // values have already been copied into the context and these dummy values
+ // will never be used.
+ __ movp(rcx, FieldOperand(rdi, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset));
+ __ LoadSharedFunctionInfoSpecialField(
+ rcx, rcx, SharedFunctionInfo::kFormalParameterCountOffset);
+ {
+ Label done_loop, loop;
+ __ bind(&loop);
+ __ subl(rcx, Immediate(1));
+ __ j(carry, &done_loop, Label::kNear);
+ __ PushRoot(Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
+ __ jmp(&loop);
+ __ bind(&done_loop);
+ }
+ // Enter a new JavaScript frame, and initialize its slots as they were when
+ // the generator was suspended.
+ FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL);
+ __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rax); // Return address.
+ __ Push(rbp); // Caller's frame pointer.
+ __ Move(rbp, rsp);
+ __ Push(rsi); // Callee's context.
+ __ Push(rdi); // Callee's JS Function.
+ // Restore the operand stack.
+ __ movp(rsi, FieldOperand(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kOperandStackOffset));
+ __ SmiToInteger32(rax, FieldOperand(rsi, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
+ {
+ Label done_loop, loop;
+ __ Set(rcx, 0);
+ __ bind(&loop);
+ __ cmpl(rcx, rax);
+ __ j(equal, &done_loop, Label::kNear);
+ __ Push(
+ FieldOperand(rsi, rcx, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
+ __ addl(rcx, Immediate(1));
+ __ jmp(&loop);
+ __ bind(&done_loop);
+ }
+ // Push resume mode (consumed in continuation).
+ __ Push(rdx);
+ // Reset operand stack so we don't leak.
+ __ LoadRoot(FieldOperand(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kOperandStackOffset),
+ Heap::kEmptyFixedArrayRootIndex);
+ // Restore context and value.
+ __ movp(rsi, FieldOperand(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kContextOffset));
+ __ movp(rax, FieldOperand(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kInputOffset));
+ // Resume the generator function at the continuation.
+ __ movp(rdx, FieldOperand(rdi, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset));
+ __ movp(rdx, FieldOperand(rdx, SharedFunctionInfo::kCodeOffset));
+ __ SmiToInteger64(rcx,
+ FieldOperand(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kContinuationOffset));
+ __ leap(rdx, FieldOperand(rdx, rcx, times_1, Code::kHeaderSize));
+ __ Move(FieldOperand(rbx, JSGeneratorObject::kContinuationOffset),
+ Smi::FromInt(JSGeneratorObject::kGeneratorExecuting));
+ __ jmp(rdx);
// Generate code for entering a JS function with the interpreter.
// On entry to the function the receiver and arguments have been pushed on the

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