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Unified Diff: fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fx_edit.h

Issue 1863163002: Move code from fpdfsdk/include to the sub directories. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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Index: fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fx_edit.h
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fx_edit.h b/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fx_edit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 46896457af451686b2f2669aaf74021c6adbdd76..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fx_edit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,629 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fpdfdoc/include/cpdf_variabletext.h"
-#include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_basic.h"
-#include "core/fxge/include/fx_dib.h"
-class CPDF_Font;
-class CPDF_PageObjectHolder;
-class CPDF_TextObject;
-class CFX_FloatPoint;
-class CFX_Matrix;
-class CFX_RenderDevice;
-class IFX_Edit;
-class IPVT_FontMap;
-class IFX_Edit_Iterator;
-class IFX_Edit_Notify;
-class IFX_Edit_UndoItem;
-class IFX_List;
-class IFX_List_Notify;
-class IFX_SystemHandler;
-struct CPVT_Line;
-struct CPVT_SecProps;
-struct CPVT_Section;
-struct CPVT_Word;
-struct CPVT_WordPlace;
-struct CPVT_WordProps;
-struct CPVT_WordRange;
-#define PVTWORD_STYLE_BOLD 0x0020L
- (u == 0x2D || (u <= 0x005A && u >= 0x0041) || \
- (u <= 0x007A && u >= 0x0061) || (u <= 0x02AF && u >= 0x00C0))
-class IFX_Edit_Notify {
- public:
- virtual ~IFX_Edit_Notify() {}
- // set the horizontal scrollbar information.
- virtual void IOnSetScrollInfoX(FX_FLOAT fPlateMin,
- FX_FLOAT fPlateMax,
- FX_FLOAT fContentMin,
- FX_FLOAT fContentMax,
- FX_FLOAT fSmallStep,
- FX_FLOAT fBigStep) = 0;
- // set the vertical scrollbar information.
- virtual void IOnSetScrollInfoY(FX_FLOAT fPlateMin,
- FX_FLOAT fPlateMax,
- FX_FLOAT fContentMin,
- FX_FLOAT fContentMax,
- FX_FLOAT fSmallStep,
- FX_FLOAT fBigStep) = 0;
- // set the position of horizontal scrollbar.
- virtual void IOnSetScrollPosX(FX_FLOAT fx) = 0;
- // set the position of vertical scrollbar.
- virtual void IOnSetScrollPosY(FX_FLOAT fy) = 0;
- // set the caret information.
- virtual void IOnSetCaret(FX_BOOL bVisible,
- const CFX_FloatPoint& ptHead,
- const CFX_FloatPoint& ptFoot,
- const CPVT_WordPlace& place) = 0;
- // if the caret position is changed ,send the information of current postion
- // to user.
- virtual void IOnCaretChange(const CPVT_SecProps& secProps,
- const CPVT_WordProps& wordProps) = 0;
- // if the text area is changed, send the information to user.
- virtual void IOnContentChange(const CFX_FloatRect& rcContent) = 0;
- // Invalidate the rectangle relative to the bounding box of edit.
- virtual void IOnInvalidateRect(CFX_FloatRect* pRect) = 0;
-class IFX_Edit_OprNotify {
- public:
- virtual ~IFX_Edit_OprNotify() {}
- // OprType: 0
- virtual void OnInsertWord(const CPVT_WordPlace& place,
- const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) = 0;
- // OprType: 1
- virtual void OnInsertReturn(const CPVT_WordPlace& place,
- const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) = 0;
- // OprType: 2
- virtual void OnBackSpace(const CPVT_WordPlace& place,
- const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) = 0;
- // OprType: 3
- virtual void OnDelete(const CPVT_WordPlace& place,
- const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) = 0;
- // OprType: 4
- virtual void OnClear(const CPVT_WordPlace& place,
- const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) = 0;
- // OprType: 5
- virtual void OnInsertText(const CPVT_WordPlace& place,
- const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) = 0;
- // OprType: 6
- virtual void OnSetText(const CPVT_WordPlace& place,
- const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) = 0;
- //
- virtual void OnAddUndo(IFX_Edit_UndoItem* pUndoItem) = 0;
-class IFX_Edit_Iterator {
- public:
- virtual ~IFX_Edit_Iterator() {}
- public:
- // move the current position to the next word.
- virtual FX_BOOL NextWord() = 0;
- // move the current position to the next line.
- virtual FX_BOOL NextLine() = 0;
- // move the current position to the next section.
- virtual FX_BOOL NextSection() = 0;
- // move the current position to the previous word.
- virtual FX_BOOL PrevWord() = 0;
- // move the current position to the previous line.
- virtual FX_BOOL PrevLine() = 0;
- // move the current position to the previous section.
- virtual FX_BOOL PrevSection() = 0;
- // get the information of the current word.
- virtual FX_BOOL GetWord(CPVT_Word& word) const = 0;
- // get the information of the current line.
- virtual FX_BOOL GetLine(CPVT_Line& line) const = 0;
- // get the information of the current section.
- virtual FX_BOOL GetSection(CPVT_Section& section) const = 0;
- // set the current position.
- virtual void SetAt(int32_t nWordIndex) = 0;
- // set the current position.
- virtual void SetAt(const CPVT_WordPlace& place) = 0;
- // get the current position.
- virtual const CPVT_WordPlace& GetAt() const = 0;
- // get the edit which this iterator belongs to
- virtual IFX_Edit* GetEdit() const = 0;
-class IFX_Edit_UndoItem {
- public:
- virtual ~IFX_Edit_UndoItem() {}
- virtual void Undo() = 0;
- virtual void Redo() = 0;
- virtual CFX_WideString GetUndoTitle() = 0;
-class IFX_Edit {
- public:
- static IFX_Edit* NewEdit();
- static void DelEdit(IFX_Edit* pEdit);
- // set a IPVT_FontMap pointer implemented by user.
- virtual void SetFontMap(IPVT_FontMap* pFontMap) = 0;
- // if user don't like to use FontMap, implement VTProvider and set it
- // directly.
- virtual void SetVTProvider(CPDF_VariableText::Provider* pProvider) = 0;
- // set a IFX_Edit_Notify pointer implemented by user.
- virtual void SetNotify(IFX_Edit_Notify* pNotify) = 0;
- virtual void SetOprNotify(IFX_Edit_OprNotify* pOprNotify) = 0;
- // get a pointer allocated by CPDF_Edit, by this pointer, user can iterate the
- // contents of edit, but don't need to release.
- virtual IFX_Edit_Iterator* GetIterator() = 0;
- // get a VT pointer relative to this edit.
- virtual CPDF_VariableText* GetVariableText() = 0;
- // get the IPVT_FontMap pointer set by user.
- virtual IPVT_FontMap* GetFontMap() = 0;
- // initialize the edit.
- virtual void Initialize() = 0;
- // set the bounding box of the text area.
- virtual void SetPlateRect(const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
- FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the scroll origin
- virtual void SetScrollPos(const CFX_FloatPoint& point) = 0;
- // set the horizontal text alignment in text box, nFormat (0:left 1:middle
- // 2:right).
- virtual void SetAlignmentH(int32_t nFormat = 0, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the vertical text alignment in text box, nFormat (0:top 1:center
- // 2:bottom).
- virtual void SetAlignmentV(int32_t nFormat = 0, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // if the text is shown in secret , set a character for substitute.
- virtual void SetPasswordChar(uint16_t wSubWord = '*',
- FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the maximal count of words of the text.
- virtual void SetLimitChar(int32_t nLimitChar = 0, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // if set the count of charArray , then all words is shown in equal space.
- virtual void SetCharArray(int32_t nCharArray = 0, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the space of two characters.
- virtual void SetCharSpace(FX_FLOAT fCharSpace = 0.0f,
- FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the horizontal scale of all characters.
- virtual void SetHorzScale(int32_t nHorzScale = 100,
- FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the leading of all lines
- virtual void SetLineLeading(FX_FLOAT fLineLeading, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // if set, CRLF is allowed.
- virtual void SetMultiLine(FX_BOOL bMultiLine = TRUE,
- FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // if set, all words auto fit the width of the bounding box.
- virtual void SetAutoReturn(FX_BOOL bAuto = TRUE, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // if set, a font size is calculated to full fit the bounding box.
- virtual void SetAutoFontSize(FX_BOOL bAuto = TRUE, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // is set, the text is allowed to scroll.
- virtual void SetAutoScroll(FX_BOOL bAuto = TRUE, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the font size of all words.
- virtual void SetFontSize(FX_FLOAT fFontSize, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // the text is allowed to auto-scroll, allow the text overflow?
- virtual void SetTextOverflow(FX_BOOL bAllowed = FALSE,
- FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // query if the edit is richedit.
- virtual FX_BOOL IsRichText() const = 0;
- // set the edit is richedit.
- virtual void SetRichText(FX_BOOL bRichText = TRUE, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the fontsize of selected text.
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichFontSize(FX_FLOAT fFontSize) = 0;
- // set the fontindex of selected text, user can change the font of selected
- // text.
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichFontIndex(int32_t nFontIndex) = 0;
- // set the textcolor of selected text.
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichTextColor(FX_COLORREF dwColor) = 0;
- // set the text script type of selected text. (0:normal 1:superscript
- // 2:subscript)
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichTextScript(
- CPDF_VariableText::ScriptType nScriptType) = 0;
- // set the bold font style of selected text.
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichTextBold(FX_BOOL bBold = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the italic font style of selected text.
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichTextItalic(FX_BOOL bItalic = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the underline style of selected text.
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichTextUnderline(FX_BOOL bUnderline = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the crossout style of selected text.
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichTextCrossout(FX_BOOL bCrossout = TRUE) = 0;
- // set the charspace of selected text, in user coordinate.
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichTextCharSpace(FX_FLOAT fCharSpace) = 0;
- // set the horizontal scale of selected text, default value is 100.
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichTextHorzScale(int32_t nHorzScale = 100) = 0;
- // set the leading of selected section, in user coordinate.
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichTextLineLeading(FX_FLOAT fLineLeading) = 0;
- // set the indent of selected section, in user coordinate.
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichTextLineIndent(FX_FLOAT fLineIndent) = 0;
- // set the alignment of selected section, nAlignment(0:left 1:middle 2:right)
- virtual FX_BOOL SetRichTextAlignment(int32_t nAlignment) = 0;
- // set the selected range of text.
- // if nStartChar == 0 and nEndChar == -1, select all the text.
- virtual void SetSel(int32_t nStartChar, int32_t nEndChar) = 0;
- // get the selected range of text.
- virtual void GetSel(int32_t& nStartChar, int32_t& nEndChar) const = 0;
- // select all the text.
- virtual void SelectAll() = 0;
- // set text is not selected.
- virtual void SelectNone() = 0;
- // get the caret position.
- virtual int32_t GetCaret() const = 0;
- virtual CPVT_WordPlace GetCaretWordPlace() const = 0;
- // get the string of selected text.
- virtual CFX_WideString GetSelText() const = 0;
- // get the text conent
- virtual CFX_WideString GetText() const = 0;
- // query if any text is selected.
- virtual FX_BOOL IsSelected() const = 0;
- // get the scroll origin
- virtual CFX_FloatPoint GetScrollPos() const = 0;
- // get the bounding box of the text area.
- virtual CFX_FloatRect GetPlateRect() const = 0;
- // get the fact area of the text.
- virtual CFX_FloatRect GetContentRect() const = 0;
- // get the visible word range
- virtual CPVT_WordRange GetVisibleWordRange() const = 0;
- // get the whole word range
- virtual CPVT_WordRange GetWholeWordRange() const = 0;
- // get the word range of select text
- virtual CPVT_WordRange GetSelectWordRange() const = 0;
- // send the mousedown message to edit for response.
- // if Shift key is hold, bShift is TRUE, is Ctrl key is hold, bCtrl is TRUE.
- virtual void OnMouseDown(const CFX_FloatPoint& point,
- FX_BOOL bShift,
- FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- // send the mousemove message to edit when mouse down is TRUE.
- virtual void OnMouseMove(const CFX_FloatPoint& point,
- FX_BOOL bShift,
- FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- // send the UP key message to edit.
- virtual void OnVK_UP(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- // send the DOWN key message to edit.
- virtual void OnVK_DOWN(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- // send the LEFT key message to edit.
- virtual void OnVK_LEFT(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- // send the RIGHT key message to edit.
- virtual void OnVK_RIGHT(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- // send the HOME key message to edit.
- virtual void OnVK_HOME(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- // send the END key message to edit.
- virtual void OnVK_END(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- // put text into edit.
- virtual void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* text,
- int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
- const CPVT_SecProps* pSecProps = NULL,
- const CPVT_WordProps* pWordProps = NULL) = 0;
- // insert a word into the edit.
- virtual FX_BOOL InsertWord(uint16_t word,
- int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
- const CPVT_WordProps* pWordProps = NULL) = 0;
- // insert a return into the edit.
- virtual FX_BOOL InsertReturn(const CPVT_SecProps* pSecProps = NULL,
- const CPVT_WordProps* pWordProps = NULL) = 0;
- // insert text into the edit.
- virtual FX_BOOL InsertText(const FX_WCHAR* text,
- int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
- const CPVT_SecProps* pSecProps = NULL,
- const CPVT_WordProps* pWordProps = NULL) = 0;
- // do backspace operation.
- virtual FX_BOOL Backspace() = 0;
- // do delete operation.
- virtual FX_BOOL Delete() = 0;
- // delete the selected text.
- virtual FX_BOOL Clear() = 0;
- // do Redo operation.
- virtual FX_BOOL Redo() = 0;
- // do Undo operation.
- virtual FX_BOOL Undo() = 0;
- // move caret
- virtual void SetCaret(int32_t nPos) = 0;
- // arrange all words over again
- virtual void Paint() = 0;
- // allow to refresh screen?
- virtual void EnableRefresh(FX_BOOL bRefresh) = 0;
- virtual void RefreshWordRange(const CPVT_WordRange& wr) = 0;
- // allow undo/redo?
- virtual void EnableUndo(FX_BOOL bUndo) = 0;
- // allow notify?
- virtual void EnableNotify(FX_BOOL bNotify) = 0;
- // allow opr notify?
- virtual void EnableOprNotify(FX_BOOL bNotify) = 0;
- // map word place to word index.
- virtual int32_t WordPlaceToWordIndex(const CPVT_WordPlace& place) const = 0;
- // map word index to word place.
- virtual CPVT_WordPlace WordIndexToWordPlace(int32_t index) const = 0;
- // get the beginning position of a line
- virtual CPVT_WordPlace GetLineBeginPlace(
- const CPVT_WordPlace& place) const = 0;
- // get the ending position of a line
- virtual CPVT_WordPlace GetLineEndPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace& place) const = 0;
- // get the beginning position of a section
- virtual CPVT_WordPlace GetSectionBeginPlace(
- const CPVT_WordPlace& place) const = 0;
- // get the ending position of a section
- virtual CPVT_WordPlace GetSectionEndPlace(
- const CPVT_WordPlace& place) const = 0;
- // search a wordplace form point
- virtual CPVT_WordPlace SearchWordPlace(const CFX_FloatPoint& point) const = 0;
- // get the font size of non_rich text or default font size of richtext.
- virtual FX_FLOAT GetFontSize() const = 0;
- // get the mask character.
- virtual uint16_t GetPasswordChar() const = 0;
- // get the count of charArray
- virtual int32_t GetCharArray() const = 0;
- // get the horizontal scale of all characters
- virtual int32_t GetHorzScale() const = 0;
- // get the space of two characters
- virtual FX_FLOAT GetCharSpace() const = 0;
- // get the latin words of specified range
- virtual CFX_WideString GetRangeText(const CPVT_WordRange& range) const = 0;
- // is the text full in bounding box
- virtual FX_BOOL IsTextFull() const = 0;
- virtual FX_BOOL CanUndo() const = 0;
- virtual FX_BOOL CanRedo() const = 0;
- // if the content is changed after settext?
- virtual FX_BOOL IsModified() const = 0;
- // get the total words in edit
- virtual int32_t GetTotalWords() const = 0;
- virtual void AddUndoItem(IFX_Edit_UndoItem* pUndoItem) = 0;
- static CFX_ByteString GetEditAppearanceStream(
- IFX_Edit* pEdit,
- const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset,
- const CPVT_WordRange* pRange = NULL,
- FX_BOOL bContinuous = TRUE,
- uint16_t SubWord = 0);
- static CFX_ByteString GetSelectAppearanceStream(
- IFX_Edit* pEdit,
- const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset,
- const CPVT_WordRange* pRange = NULL);
- static void DrawEdit(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
- CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
- IFX_Edit* pEdit,
- FX_COLORREF crTextFill,
- FX_COLORREF crTextStroke,
- const CFX_FloatRect& rcClip,
- const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset,
- const CPVT_WordRange* pRange,
- IFX_SystemHandler* pSystemHandler,
- void* pFFLData);
- static void DrawUnderline(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
- CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
- IFX_Edit* pEdit,
- FX_COLORREF color,
- const CFX_FloatRect& rcClip,
- const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset,
- const CPVT_WordRange* pRange);
- static void DrawRichEdit(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
- CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
- IFX_Edit* pEdit,
- const CFX_FloatRect& rcClip,
- const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset,
- const CPVT_WordRange* pRange);
- static void GeneratePageObjects(
- CPDF_PageObjectHolder* pObjectHolder,
- IFX_Edit* pEdit,
- const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset,
- const CPVT_WordRange* pRange,
- CFX_ArrayTemplate<CPDF_TextObject*>& ObjArray);
- static void GenerateRichPageObjects(
- CPDF_PageObjectHolder* pObjectHolder,
- IFX_Edit* pEdit,
- const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset,
- const CPVT_WordRange* pRange,
- CFX_ArrayTemplate<CPDF_TextObject*>& ObjArray);
- static void GenerateUnderlineObjects(CPDF_PageObjectHolder* pObjectHolder,
- IFX_Edit* pEdit,
- const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset,
- const CPVT_WordRange* pRange,
- FX_COLORREF color);
- protected:
- virtual ~IFX_Edit() {}
-class IFX_List_Notify {
- public:
- // set the horizontal scrollbar information.
- virtual void IOnSetScrollInfoX(FX_FLOAT fPlateMin,
- FX_FLOAT fPlateMax,
- FX_FLOAT fContentMin,
- FX_FLOAT fContentMax,
- FX_FLOAT fSmallStep,
- FX_FLOAT fBigStep) = 0;
- // set the vertical scrollbar information.
- virtual void IOnSetScrollInfoY(FX_FLOAT fPlateMin,
- FX_FLOAT fPlateMax,
- FX_FLOAT fContentMin,
- FX_FLOAT fContentMax,
- FX_FLOAT fSmallStep,
- FX_FLOAT fBigStep) = 0;
- // set the position of horizontal scrollbar.
- virtual void IOnSetScrollPosX(FX_FLOAT fx) = 0;
- // set the position of vertical scrollbar.
- virtual void IOnSetScrollPosY(FX_FLOAT fy) = 0;
- // Invalidate the rectangle relative to the bounding box of edit.
- virtual void IOnInvalidateRect(CFX_FloatRect* pRect) = 0;
- protected:
- virtual ~IFX_List_Notify() {}
-class IFX_List {
- public:
- static IFX_List* NewList();
- static void DelList(IFX_List* pList);
- virtual void SetFontMap(IPVT_FontMap* pFontMap) = 0;
- virtual void SetNotify(IFX_List_Notify* pNotify) = 0;
- virtual void SetPlateRect(const CFX_FloatRect& rect) = 0;
- virtual void SetFontSize(FX_FLOAT fFontSize) = 0;
- virtual CFX_FloatRect GetPlateRect() const = 0;
- virtual CFX_FloatRect GetContentRect() const = 0;
- virtual FX_FLOAT GetFontSize() const = 0;
- virtual IFX_Edit* GetItemEdit(int32_t nIndex) const = 0;
- virtual int32_t GetCount() const = 0;
- virtual FX_BOOL IsItemSelected(int32_t nIndex) const = 0;
- virtual FX_FLOAT GetFirstHeight() const = 0;
- virtual void SetMultipleSel(FX_BOOL bMultiple) = 0;
- virtual FX_BOOL IsMultipleSel() const = 0;
- virtual FX_BOOL IsValid(int32_t nItemIndex) const = 0;
- virtual int32_t FindNext(int32_t nIndex, FX_WCHAR nChar) const = 0;
- virtual void SetScrollPos(const CFX_FloatPoint& point) = 0;
- virtual void ScrollToListItem(int32_t nItemIndex) = 0;
- virtual CFX_FloatRect GetItemRect(int32_t nIndex) const = 0;
- virtual int32_t GetCaret() const = 0;
- virtual int32_t GetSelect() const = 0;
- virtual int32_t GetTopItem() const = 0;
- virtual int32_t GetItemIndex(const CFX_FloatPoint& point) const = 0;
- virtual int32_t GetFirstSelected() const = 0;
- virtual void AddString(const FX_WCHAR* str) = 0;
- virtual void SetTopItem(int32_t nIndex) = 0;
- virtual void Select(int32_t nItemIndex) = 0;
- virtual void SetCaret(int32_t nItemIndex) = 0;
- virtual void Empty() = 0;
- virtual void Cancel() = 0;
- virtual CFX_WideString GetText() const = 0;
- virtual void OnMouseDown(const CFX_FloatPoint& point,
- FX_BOOL bShift,
- FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- virtual void OnMouseMove(const CFX_FloatPoint& point,
- FX_BOOL bShift,
- FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- virtual void OnVK_UP(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- virtual void OnVK_DOWN(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- virtual void OnVK_LEFT(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- virtual void OnVK_RIGHT(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- virtual void OnVK_HOME(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- virtual void OnVK_END(FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- virtual void OnVK(int32_t nItemIndex, FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- virtual FX_BOOL OnChar(uint16_t nChar, FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
- protected:
- virtual ~IFX_List() {}
-CFX_ByteString GetPDFWordString(IPVT_FontMap* pFontMap,
- int32_t nFontIndex,
- uint16_t Word,
- uint16_t SubWord);
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