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Side by Side Diff: third_party/protobuf/protobuf.bzl

Issue 1842653006: Update //third_party/protobuf to version 3. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: merge Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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1 # -*- mode: python; -*- PYTHON-PREPROCESSING-REQUIRED
3 def _GenDir(ctx):
4 if not ctx.attr.includes:
5 return ""
6 if not ctx.attr.includes[0]:
7 return ctx.label.package
8 if not ctx.label.package:
9 return ctx.attr.includes[0]
10 return ctx.label.package + '/' + ctx.attr.includes[0]
12 def _CcOuts(srcs):
13 return [s[:-len(".proto")] + ".pb.h" for s in srcs] + \
14 [s[:-len(".proto")] + "" for s in srcs]
16 def _PyOuts(srcs):
17 return [s[:-len(".proto")] + "" for s in srcs]
19 def _RelativeOutputPath(path, include):
20 if include == None:
21 return path
23 if not path.startswith(include):
24 fail("Include path %s isn't part of the path %s." % (include, path))
26 if include and include[-1] != '/':
27 include = include + '/'
29 path = path[len(include):]
31 if not path.startswith(PACKAGE_NAME):
32 fail("The package %s is not within the path %s" % (PACKAGE_NAME, path))
34 if not PACKAGE_NAME:
35 return path
37 return path[len(PACKAGE_NAME)+1:]
41 def _proto_gen_impl(ctx):
42 """General implementation for generating protos"""
43 srcs = ctx.files.srcs
44 deps = []
45 deps += ctx.files.srcs
46 gen_dir = _GenDir(ctx)
47 if gen_dir:
48 import_flags = ["-I" + gen_dir]
49 else:
50 import_flags = ["-I."]
52 for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
53 import_flags += dep.proto.import_flags
54 deps += dep.proto.deps
56 args = []
57 if ctx.attr.gen_cc:
58 args += ["--cpp_out=" + ctx.var["GENDIR"] + "/" + gen_dir]
59 if ctx.attr.gen_py:
60 args += ["--python_out=" + ctx.var["GENDIR"] + "/" + gen_dir]
62 if args:
63 ctx.action(
64 inputs=srcs + deps,
65 outputs=ctx.outputs.outs,
66 arguments=args + import_flags + [s.path for s in srcs],
67 executable=ctx.executable.protoc,
68 )
70 return struct(
71 proto=struct(
72 srcs=srcs,
73 import_flags=import_flags,
74 deps=deps,
75 ),
76 )
78 _proto_gen = rule(
79 attrs = {
80 "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
81 "deps": attr.label_list(providers = ["proto"]),
82 "includes": attr.string_list(),
83 "protoc": attr.label(
84 cfg = HOST_CFG,
85 executable = True,
86 single_file = True,
87 mandatory = True,
88 ),
89 "gen_cc": attr.bool(),
90 "gen_py": attr.bool(),
91 "outs": attr.output_list(),
92 },
93 output_to_genfiles = True,
94 implementation = _proto_gen_impl,
95 )
97 def cc_proto_library(
98 name,
99 srcs=[],
100 deps=[],
101 cc_libs=[],
102 include=None,
103 protoc="//google/protobuf:protoc",
104 internal_bootstrap_hack=False,
105 default_runtime="//google/protobuf:protobuf",
106 **kargs):
107 """Bazel rule to create a C++ protobuf library from proto source files
109 NOTE: the rule is only an internal workaround to generate protos. The
110 interface may change and the rule may be removed when bazel has introduced
111 the native rule.
113 Args:
114 name: the name of the cc_proto_library.
115 srcs: the .proto files of the cc_proto_library.
116 deps: a list of dependency labels; must be cc_proto_library.
117 cc_libs: a list of other cc_library targets depended by the generated
118 cc_library.
119 include: a string indicating the include path of the .proto files.
120 protoc: the label of the protocol compiler to generate the sources.
121 internal_bootstrap_hack: a flag indicate the cc_proto_library is used only
122 for bootstraping. When it is set to True, no files will be generated.
123 The rule will simply be a provider for .proto files, so that other
124 cc_proto_library can depend on it.
125 default_runtime: the implicitly default runtime which will be depended on by
126 the generated cc_library target.
127 **kargs: other keyword arguments that are passed to cc_library.
129 """
131 includes = []
132 if include != None:
133 includes = [include]
135 if internal_bootstrap_hack:
136 # For pre-checked-in generated files, we add the internal_bootstrap_hack
137 # which will skip the codegen action.
138 _proto_gen(
139 name=name + "_genproto",
140 srcs=srcs,
141 deps=[s + "_genproto" for s in deps],
142 includes=includes,
143 protoc=protoc,
144 visibility=["//visibility:public"],
145 )
146 # An empty cc_library to make rule dependency consistent.
147 native.cc_library(
148 name=name,
149 **kargs)
150 return
152 outs = _CcOuts(srcs)
153 _proto_gen(
154 name=name + "_genproto",
155 srcs=srcs,
156 deps=[s + "_genproto" for s in deps],
157 includes=includes,
158 protoc=protoc,
159 gen_cc=1,
160 outs=outs,
161 visibility=["//visibility:public"],
162 )
164 if default_runtime and not default_runtime in cc_libs:
165 cc_libs += [default_runtime]
167 native.cc_library(
168 name=name,
169 srcs=outs,
170 deps=cc_libs + deps,
171 includes=includes,
172 **kargs)
175 def internal_copied_filegroup(
176 name,
177 srcs,
178 include,
179 **kargs):
180 """Bazel rule to fix sources file to workaround with python path issues.
182 Args:
183 name: the name of the internal_copied_filegroup rule, which will be the
184 name of the generated filegroup.
185 srcs: the source files to be copied.
186 include: the expected import root of the source.
187 **kargs: extra arguments that will be passed into the filegroup.
188 """
189 outs = [_RelativeOutputPath(s, include) for s in srcs]
191 native.genrule(
192 name=name+"_genrule",
193 srcs=srcs,
194 outs=outs,
195 cmd=" && ".join(["cp $(location %s) $(location %s)" %
196 (s, _RelativeOutputPath(s, include))
197 for s in srcs]))
199 native.filegroup(
200 name=name,
201 srcs=outs,
202 **kargs)
205 def py_proto_library(
206 name,
207 srcs=[],
208 deps=[],
209 py_libs=[],
210 py_extra_srcs=[],
211 include=None,
212 default_runtime="//google/protobuf:protobuf_python",
213 protoc="//google/protobuf:protoc",
214 **kargs):
215 """Bazel rule to create a Python protobuf library from proto source files
217 NOTE: the rule is only an internal workaround to generate protos. The
218 interface may change and the rule may be removed when bazel has introduced
219 the native rule.
221 Args:
222 name: the name of the py_proto_library.
223 srcs: the .proto files of the py_proto_library.
224 deps: a list of dependency labels; must be py_proto_library.
225 py_libs: a list of other py_library targets depended by the generated
226 py_library.
227 py_extra_srcs: extra source files that will be added to the output
228 py_library. This attribute is used for internal bootstrapping.
229 include: a string indicating the include path of the .proto files.
230 default_runtime: the implicitly default runtime which will be depended on by
231 the generated py_library target.
232 protoc: the label of the protocol compiler to generate the sources.
233 **kargs: other keyword arguments that are passed to cc_library.
235 """
236 outs = _PyOuts(srcs)
238 includes = []
239 if include != None:
240 includes = [include]
242 _proto_gen(
243 name=name + "_genproto",
244 srcs=srcs,
245 deps=[s + "_genproto" for s in deps],
246 includes=includes,
247 protoc=protoc,
248 gen_py=1,
249 outs=outs,
250 visibility=["//visibility:public"],
251 )
253 if include != None:
254 # Copy the output files to the desired location to make the import work.
255 internal_copied_filegroup_name=name + "_internal_copied_filegroup"
256 internal_copied_filegroup(
257 name=internal_copied_filegroup_name,
258 srcs=outs,
259 include=include)
260 outs=[internal_copied_filegroup_name]
262 if default_runtime and not default_runtime in py_libs + deps:
263 py_libs += [default_runtime]
265 native.py_library(
266 name=name,
267 srcs=outs+py_extra_srcs,
268 deps=py_libs+deps,
269 **kargs)
271 def internal_protobuf_py_tests(
272 name,
273 modules=[],
274 **kargs):
275 """Bazel rules to create batch tests for protobuf internal.
277 Args:
278 name: the name of the rule.
279 modules: a list of modules for tests. The macro will create a py_test for
280 each of the parameter with the source "google/protobuf/"
281 kargs: extra parameters that will be passed into the py_test.
283 """
284 for m in modules:
285 s = _RelativeOutputPath(
286 "python/google/protobuf/internal/" % m, "python")
287 native.py_test(
288 name="py_%s" % m,
289 srcs=[s],
290 main=s,
291 **kargs)
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