(Empty) | |
| 1 # This is the list of conformance tests that are known to fail for the C++ |
| 2 # implementation right now. These should be fixed. |
| 3 # |
| 4 # By listing them here we can keep tabs on which ones are failing and be sure |
| 5 # that we don't introduce regressions in other tests. |
| 6 # |
| 7 # TODO(haberman): insert links to corresponding bugs tracking the issue. |
| 8 # Should we use GitHub issues or the Google-internal bug tracker? |
| 9 |
| 10 FieldMaskNumbersDontRoundTrip.JsonOutput |
| 11 FieldMaskPathsDontRoundTrip.JsonOutput |
| 12 FieldMaskTooManyUnderscore.JsonOutput |
| 13 JsonInput.AnyUnorderedTypeTag.JsonOutput |
| 14 JsonInput.AnyUnorderedTypeTag.ProtobufOutput |
| 15 JsonInput.AnyWithValueForInteger.JsonOutput |
| 16 JsonInput.AnyWithValueForInteger.ProtobufOutput |
| 17 JsonInput.AnyWithValueForJsonObject.JsonOutput |
| 18 JsonInput.AnyWithValueForJsonObject.ProtobufOutput |
| 19 JsonInput.BoolFieldDoubleQuotedFalse |
| 20 JsonInput.BoolFieldDoubleQuotedTrue |
| 21 JsonInput.BoolFieldIntegerOne |
| 22 JsonInput.BoolFieldIntegerZero |
| 23 JsonInput.BytesFieldInvalidBase64Characters |
| 24 JsonInput.BytesFieldNoPadding |
| 25 JsonInput.DoubleFieldTooSmall |
| 26 JsonInput.DurationHasZeroFractionalDigit.Validator |
| 27 JsonInput.DurationJsonInputTooLarge |
| 28 JsonInput.DurationJsonInputTooSmall |
| 29 JsonInput.DurationMissingS |
| 30 JsonInput.EnumFieldUnknownValue.Validator |
| 31 JsonInput.FieldMaskInvalidCharacter |
| 32 JsonInput.FieldNameDuplicate |
| 33 JsonInput.FieldNameDuplicateDifferentCasing1 |
| 34 JsonInput.FieldNameDuplicateDifferentCasing2 |
| 35 JsonInput.FieldNameInLowerCamelCase.Validator |
| 36 JsonInput.FieldNameInSnakeCase.JsonOutput |
| 37 JsonInput.FieldNameInSnakeCase.ProtobufOutput |
| 38 JsonInput.FieldNameNotQuoted |
| 39 JsonInput.FieldNameWithMixedCases.JsonOutput |
| 40 JsonInput.FieldNameWithMixedCases.ProtobufOutput |
| 41 JsonInput.FieldNameWithMixedCases.Validator |
| 42 JsonInput.FloatFieldTooLarge |
| 43 JsonInput.FloatFieldTooSmall |
| 44 JsonInput.Int32FieldLeadingSpace |
| 45 JsonInput.Int32FieldLeadingZero |
| 46 JsonInput.Int32FieldMinFloatValue.JsonOutput |
| 47 JsonInput.Int32FieldMinFloatValue.ProtobufOutput |
| 48 JsonInput.Int32FieldMinValue.JsonOutput |
| 49 JsonInput.Int32FieldMinValue.ProtobufOutput |
| 50 JsonInput.Int32FieldNegativeWithLeadingZero |
| 51 JsonInput.Int32FieldNotInteger |
| 52 JsonInput.Int32FieldNotNumber |
| 53 JsonInput.Int32FieldTooLarge |
| 54 JsonInput.Int32FieldTooSmall |
| 55 JsonInput.Int32FieldTrailingSpace |
| 56 JsonInput.Int64FieldNotInteger |
| 57 JsonInput.Int64FieldNotNumber |
| 58 JsonInput.Int64FieldTooLarge |
| 59 JsonInput.Int64FieldTooSmall |
| 60 JsonInput.MapFieldValueIsNull |
| 61 JsonInput.OneofFieldDuplicate |
| 62 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldMessageElementIsNull |
| 63 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldPrimitiveElementIsNull |
| 64 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldTrailingComma |
| 65 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingIntegersGotBool |
| 66 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingIntegersGotMessage |
| 67 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingIntegersGotString |
| 68 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingMessagesGotBool |
| 69 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingMessagesGotInt |
| 70 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingMessagesGotString |
| 71 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingStringsGotBool |
| 72 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingStringsGotInt |
| 73 JsonInput.RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingStringsGotMessage |
| 74 JsonInput.StringFieldNotAString |
| 75 JsonInput.StringFieldSurrogateInWrongOrder |
| 76 JsonInput.StringFieldSurrogatePair.JsonOutput |
| 77 JsonInput.StringFieldSurrogatePair.ProtobufOutput |
| 78 JsonInput.StringFieldUnpairedHighSurrogate |
| 79 JsonInput.StringFieldUnpairedLowSurrogate |
| 80 JsonInput.StringFieldUppercaseEscapeLetter |
| 81 JsonInput.TimestampJsonInputLowercaseT |
| 82 JsonInput.TimestampJsonInputLowercaseZ |
| 83 JsonInput.TimestampJsonInputMissingT |
| 84 JsonInput.TimestampJsonInputMissingZ |
| 85 JsonInput.TimestampJsonInputTooLarge |
| 86 JsonInput.TimestampJsonInputTooSmall |
| 87 JsonInput.TrailingCommaInAnObject |
| 88 JsonInput.Uint32FieldNotInteger |
| 89 JsonInput.Uint32FieldNotNumber |
| 90 JsonInput.Uint32FieldTooLarge |
| 91 JsonInput.Uint64FieldNotInteger |
| 92 JsonInput.Uint64FieldNotNumber |
| 93 JsonInput.Uint64FieldTooLarge |
| 94 JsonInput.WrapperTypesWithNullValue.JsonOutput |
| 95 JsonInput.WrapperTypesWithNullValue.ProtobufOutput |
| 96 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofBeforeKnownRepeatedValue.MESSAGE |
| 97 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofInDelimitedDataForKnownNonRepeatedValue.MESSAGE |
| 98 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofInDelimitedDataForKnownRepeatedValue.MESSAGE |
| 99 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofInPackedField.BOOL |
| 100 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofInPackedField.ENUM |
| 101 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofInPackedField.INT32 |
| 102 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofInPackedField.INT64 |
| 103 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofInPackedField.SINT32 |
| 104 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofInPackedField.SINT64 |
| 105 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofInPackedField.UINT32 |
| 106 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofInPackedField.UINT64 |
| 107 ProtobufInput.PrematureEofInsideKnownRepeatedValue.MESSAGE |
| 108 TimestampProtoInputTooLarge.JsonOutput |
| 109 TimestampProtoInputTooSmall.JsonOutput |