diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..407068c90170106080fc6a34e53ff46457130724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+Tool to update all branches to have the latest changes from their upstreams.
+import argparse
+import collections
+import logging
+import sys
+import textwrap
+from pprint import pformat
+import git_common as git
+STARTING_BRANCH_KEY = 'depot-tools.rebase-update.starting-branch'
+def find_return_branch():
+ """Finds the branch which we should return to after rebase-update completes.
+ This value may persist across multiple invocations of rebase-update, if
+ rebase-update runs into a conflict mid-way.
+ """
+ return_branch = git.config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY)
+ if return_branch is None:
+ return_branch = git.current_branch()
+ if return_branch != 'HEAD':
+ git.set_config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY, return_branch)
+ return return_branch
+def fetch_remotes(branch_tree):
+ """Fetches all remotes which are needed to update |branch_tree|."""
+ fetch_tags = False
+ remotes = set()
+ tag_set = git.tags()
+ for parent in branch_tree.itervalues():
+ if parent in tag_set:
+ fetch_tags = True
+ else:
+ full_ref ='rev-parse', '--symbolic-full-name', parent)
+ if full_ref.startswith('refs/remotes'):
+ parts = full_ref.split('/')
+ remote_name = parts[2]
+ remotes.add(remote_name)
+ fetch_args = []
+ if fetch_tags:
+ # Need to fetch all because we don't know what remote the tag comes from :(
+ # TODO(iannucci): assert that the tags are in the remote fetch refspec
+ fetch_args = ['--all']
+ else:
+ fetch_args.append('--multiple')
+ fetch_args.extend(remotes)
+ # TODO(iannucci): Should we fetch git-svn?
+ if not fetch_args: # pragma: no cover
+ print 'Nothing to fetch.'
+ else:
+ out, err = git.run_with_stderr('fetch', *fetch_args)
+ for data, stream in zip((out, err), (sys.stdout, sys.stderr)):
+ if data:
+ print >> stream, data
+def remove_empty_branches(branch_tree):
+ tag_set = git.tags()
+ ensure_root_checkout = git.once(lambda:'checkout', git.root()))
+ downstreams = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for branch, parent in git.topo_iter(branch_tree, top_down=False):
+ downstreams[parent].append(branch)
+ if git.hash_one(branch) == git.hash_one(parent):
+ ensure_root_checkout()
+ logging.debug('branch %s merged to %s', branch, parent)
+ for down in downstreams[branch]:
+ if parent in tag_set:
+ git.set_branch_config(down, 'remote', '.')
+ git.set_branch_config(down, 'merge', 'refs/tags/%s' % parent)
+ print ('Reparented %s to track %s [tag] (was tracking %s)'
+ % (down, parent, branch))
+ else:
+'branch', '--set-upstream-to', parent, down)
+ print ('Reparented %s to track %s (was tracking %s)'
+ % (down, parent, branch))
+ print'branch', '-d', branch)
+def rebase_branch(branch, parent, start_hash):
+ logging.debug('considering %s(%s) -> %s(%s) : %s',
+ branch, git.hash_one(branch), parent, git.hash_one(parent),
+ start_hash)
+ # If parent has FROZEN commits, don't base branch on top of them. Instead,
+ # base branch on top of whatever commit is before them.
+ back_ups = 0
+ orig_parent = parent
+ while'log', '-n1', '--format=%s',
+ parent, '--').startswith(git.FREEZE):
+ back_ups += 1
+ parent ='rev-parse', parent+'~')
+ if back_ups:
+ logging.debug('Backed parent up by %d from %s to %s',
+ back_ups, orig_parent, parent)
+ if git.hash_one(parent) != start_hash:
+ # Try a plain rebase first
+ print 'Rebasing:', branch
+ if not git.rebase(parent, start_hash, branch, abort=True).success:
+ # TODO(iannucci): Find collapsible branches in a smarter way?
+ print "Failed! Attempting to squash", branch, "...",
+ squash_branch = branch+"_squash_attempt"
+'checkout', '-b', squash_branch)
+ git.squash_current_branch(merge_base=start_hash)
+ # Try to rebase the branch_squash_attempt branch to see if it's empty.
+ squash_ret = git.rebase(parent, start_hash, squash_branch, abort=True)
+ empty_rebase = git.hash_one(squash_branch) == git.hash_one(parent)
+'checkout', branch)
+'branch', '-D', squash_branch)
+ if squash_ret.success and empty_rebase:
+ print 'Success!'
+ git.squash_current_branch(merge_base=start_hash)
+ git.rebase(parent, start_hash, branch)
+ else:
+ # rebase and leave in mid-rebase state.
+ git.rebase(parent, start_hash, branch)
+ print squash_ret.message
+ print
+ print textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ Squashing failed. You probably have a real merge conflict.
+ Your working copy is in mid-rebase. Either:
+ * completely resolve like a normal git-rebase; OR
+ * abort the rebase and mark this branch as dormant:
+ git config branch.%s.dormant true
+ And then run `git rebase-update` again to resume.
+ """ % branch)
+ return False
+ else:
+ print '%s up-to-date' % branch
+ git.remove_merge_base(branch)
+ git.get_or_create_merge_base(branch)
+ return True
+def main(args=()):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--no_fetch', '-n', action='store_true',
+ help='Skip fetching remotes.')
+ opts = parser.parse_args(args)
+ if opts.verbose: # pragma: no cover
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ # TODO(iannucci): snapshot all branches somehow, so we can implement
+ # `git rebase-update --undo`.
+ # * Perhaps just copy packed-refs + refs/ + logs/ to the side?
+ # * commit them to a secret ref?
+ # * Then we could view a summary of each run as a
+ # `diff --stat` on that secret ref.
+ if git.in_rebase():
+ # TODO(iannucci): Be able to resume rebase with flags like --continue,
+ # etc.
+ print (
+ 'Rebase in progress. Please complete the rebase before running '
+ '`git rebase-update`.'
+ )
+ return 1
+ return_branch = find_return_branch()
+ if git.current_branch() == 'HEAD':
+ if'status', '--porcelain'):
+ print 'Cannot rebase-update with detached head + uncommitted changes.'
+ return 1
+ else:
+ git.freeze() # just in case there are any local changes.
+ skipped, branch_tree = git.get_branch_tree()
+ for branch in skipped:
+ print 'Skipping %s: No upstream specified' % branch
+ if not opts.no_fetch:
+ fetch_remotes(branch_tree)
+ merge_base = {}
+ for branch, parent in branch_tree.iteritems():
+ merge_base[branch] = git.get_or_create_merge_base(branch, parent)
+ logging.debug('branch_tree: %s' % pformat(branch_tree))
+ logging.debug('merge_base: %s' % pformat(merge_base))
+ retcode = 0
+ # Rebase each branch starting with the root-most branches and working
+ # towards the leaves.
+ for branch, parent in git.topo_iter(branch_tree):
+ if git.is_dormant(branch):
+ print 'Skipping dormant branch', branch
+ else:
+ ret = rebase_branch(branch, parent, merge_base[branch])
+ if not ret:
+ retcode = 1
+ break
+ if not retcode:
+ remove_empty_branches(branch_tree)
+ # return_branch may not be there any more.
+ if return_branch in git.branches():
+'checkout', return_branch)
+ git.thaw()
+ else:
+ root_branch = git.root()
+ if return_branch != 'HEAD':
+ print (
+ "%r was merged with its parent, checking out %r instead."
+ % (return_branch, root_branch)
+ )
+'checkout', root_branch)
+ git.del_config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY)
+ return retcode
+if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))