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Unified Diff: ui/aura/bench/

Issue 1827603002: Remove aura_bench (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Remove toplevel aura:bench too Created 4 years, 9 months ago
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diff --git a/ui/aura/bench/ b/ui/aura/bench/
deleted file mode 100644
index 03f66cbe3f63c56f091a9d9f8e50b5365bbee05a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/aura/bench/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#if defined(USE_X11)
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include "base/at_exit.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/i18n/icu_util.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#include "cc/output/context_provider.h"
-#include "gpu/command_buffer/client/gles2_interface.h"
-#include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkXfermode.h"
-#include "ui/aura/client/default_capture_client.h"
-#include "ui/aura/env.h"
-#include "ui/aura/test/test_focus_client.h"
-#include "ui/aura/test/test_screen.h"
-#include "ui/aura/window.h"
-#include "ui/aura/window_tree_host.h"
-#include "ui/base/hit_test.h"
-#include "ui/compositor/compositor.h"
-#include "ui/compositor/compositor_observer.h"
-#include "ui/compositor/debug_utils.h"
-#include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
-#include "ui/compositor/paint_recorder.h"
-#include "ui/compositor/test/in_process_context_factory.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/x/x11_connection.h"
-#include "ui/gl/gl_surface.h"
-#include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2ext.h"
-using base::TimeTicks;
-using ui::Compositor;
-using ui::Layer;
-using ui::LayerDelegate;
-namespace {
-class ColoredLayer : public Layer, public LayerDelegate {
- public:
- explicit ColoredLayer(SkColor color)
- : Layer(ui::LAYER_TEXTURED),
- color_(color),
- draw_(true) {
- set_delegate(this);
- }
- ~ColoredLayer() override {}
- // Overridden from LayerDelegate:
- void OnPaintLayer(const ui::PaintContext& context) override {
- if (draw_) {
- ui::PaintRecorder recorder(context, size());
- recorder.canvas()->DrawColor(color_);
- }
- }
- void OnDelegatedFrameDamage(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect_in_dip) override {}
- void OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float device_scale_factor) override {}
- base::Closure PrepareForLayerBoundsChange() override {
- return base::Closure();
- }
- void set_color(SkColor color) { color_ = color; }
- void set_draw(bool draw) { draw_ = draw; }
- private:
- SkColor color_;
- bool draw_;
-const int kFrames = 100;
-// Benchmark base class, hooks up drawing callback and displaying FPS.
-class BenchCompositorObserver : public ui::CompositorObserver {
- public:
- explicit BenchCompositorObserver(int max_frames)
- : start_time_(),
- frames_(0),
- max_frames_(max_frames) {
- }
- virtual ~BenchCompositorObserver() {}
- void OnCompositingDidCommit(ui::Compositor* compositor) override {}
- void OnCompositingStarted(Compositor* compositor,
- base::TimeTicks start_time) override {}
- void OnCompositingEnded(Compositor* compositor) override {
- if (start_time_.is_null()) {
- start_time_ = TimeTicks::Now();
- } else {
- ++frames_;
- if (frames_ % kFrames == 0) {
- TimeTicks now = TimeTicks::Now();
- double ms = (now - start_time_).InMillisecondsF() / kFrames;
- LOG(INFO) << "FPS: " << 1000.f / ms << " (" << ms << " ms)";
- start_time_ = now;
- }
- }
- if (max_frames_ && frames_ == max_frames_) {
- base::MessageLoop::current()->QuitWhenIdle();
- } else {
- Draw();
- }
- }
- void OnCompositingAborted(Compositor* compositor) override {}
- void OnCompositingLockStateChanged(Compositor* compositor) override {}
- void OnCompositingShuttingDown(ui::Compositor* compositor) override {}
- virtual void Draw() {}
- int frames() const { return frames_; }
- private:
- TimeTicks start_time_;
- int frames_;
- int max_frames_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BenchCompositorObserver);
-void ReturnMailbox(scoped_refptr<cc::ContextProvider> context_provider,
- GLuint texture,
- const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token,
- bool is_lost) {
- gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl = context_provider->ContextGL();
- gl->WaitSyncTokenCHROMIUM(sync_token.GetConstData());
- gl->DeleteTextures(1, &texture);
- gl->ShallowFlushCHROMIUM();
-gfx::Size GetFullscreenSize() {
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- return gfx::Size(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN),
- GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN));
- return gfx::Size(1024, 768);
-// A benchmark that adds a texture layer that is updated every frame.
-class WebGLBench : public BenchCompositorObserver {
- public:
- WebGLBench(ui::ContextFactory* context_factory,
- Layer* parent,
- Compositor* compositor,
- int max_frames)
- : BenchCompositorObserver(max_frames),
- parent_(parent),
- webgl_(ui::LAYER_SOLID_COLOR),
- compositor_(compositor),
- fbo_(0),
- do_draw_(true) {
- base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
- do_draw_ = !command_line->HasSwitch("disable-draw");
- std::string webgl_size = command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII("webgl-size");
- int width = 0;
- int height = 0;
- if (!webgl_size.empty()) {
- std::vector<std::string> split_size = base::SplitString(
- webgl_size, "x", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
- if (split_size.size() == 2) {
- width = atoi(split_size[0].c_str());
- height = atoi(split_size[1].c_str());
- }
- }
- if (!width || !height) {
- width = 800;
- height = 600;
- }
- gfx::Rect bounds(width, height);
- webgl_.SetBounds(bounds);
- parent_->Add(&webgl_);
- context_provider_ = context_factory->SharedMainThreadContextProvider();
- gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl = context_provider_->ContextGL();
- GLuint texture = 0;
- gl->GenTextures(1, &texture);
- gl->BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
- gl->TexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,
- 0,
- width,
- height,
- 0,
- NULL);
- gpu::Mailbox mailbox;
- gl->GenMailboxCHROMIUM(;
- gl->ProduceTextureCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D,;
- gl->GenFramebuffers(1, &fbo_);
- gl->BindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo_);
- gl->FramebufferTexture2D(
- gl->ClearColor(0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
- const GLuint64 fence_sync = gl->InsertFenceSyncCHROMIUM();
- gl->Flush();
- gpu::SyncToken sync_token;
- gl->GenUnverifiedSyncTokenCHROMIUM(fence_sync, sync_token.GetData());
- webgl_.SetTextureMailbox(
- cc::TextureMailbox(mailbox, sync_token, GL_TEXTURE_2D),
- cc::SingleReleaseCallback::Create(
- base::Bind(ReturnMailbox, context_provider_, texture)),
- bounds.size());
- compositor->AddObserver(this);
- }
- ~WebGLBench() override {
- webgl_.SetShowSolidColorContent();
- gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl = context_provider_->ContextGL();
- gl->DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fbo_);
- compositor_->RemoveObserver(this);
- }
- void Draw() override {
- if (do_draw_) {
- gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl = context_provider_->ContextGL();
- gl->ClearColor((frames() % kFrames)*1.0/kFrames, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
- gl->Flush();
- }
- webgl_.SchedulePaint(gfx::Rect(webgl_.bounds().size()));
- compositor_->ScheduleDraw();
- }
- private:
- Layer* parent_;
- Layer webgl_;
- Compositor* compositor_;
- scoped_refptr<cc::ContextProvider> context_provider_;
- // The FBO that is used to render to the texture.
- unsigned int fbo_;
- // Whether or not to draw to the texture every frame.
- bool do_draw_;
-// A benchmark that paints (in software) all tiles every frame.
-class SoftwareScrollBench : public BenchCompositorObserver {
- public:
- SoftwareScrollBench(ColoredLayer* layer,
- Compositor* compositor,
- int max_frames)
- : BenchCompositorObserver(max_frames),
- layer_(layer),
- compositor_(compositor) {
- compositor->AddObserver(this);
- layer_->set_draw(
- !base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch("disable-draw"));
- }
- ~SoftwareScrollBench() override { compositor_->RemoveObserver(this); }
- void Draw() override {
- layer_->set_color(
- SkColorSetARGBInline(255*(frames() % kFrames)/kFrames, 255, 0, 255));
- layer_->SchedulePaint(gfx::Rect(layer_->bounds().size()));
- }
- private:
- ColoredLayer* layer_;
- Compositor* compositor_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SoftwareScrollBench);
-} // namespace
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- base::CommandLine::Init(argc, argv);
- base::AtExitManager exit_manager;
-#if defined(USE_X11)
- // This demo uses InProcessContextFactory which uses X on a separate Gpu
- // thread.
- gfx::InitializeThreadedX11();
- gfx::GLSurface::InitializeOneOff();
- // The ContextFactory must exist before any Compositors are created.
- bool context_factory_for_test = false;
- scoped_ptr<ui::InProcessContextFactory> context_factory(
- new ui::InProcessContextFactory(context_factory_for_test, nullptr));
- base::i18n::InitializeICU();
- base::MessageLoopForUI message_loop;
- aura::Env::CreateInstance(true);
- aura::Env::GetInstance()->set_context_factory(context_factory.get());
- scoped_ptr<aura::TestScreen> test_screen(
- aura::TestScreen::Create(GetFullscreenSize()));
- gfx::Screen::SetScreenInstance(test_screen.get());
- scoped_ptr<aura::WindowTreeHost> host(
- test_screen->CreateHostForPrimaryDisplay());
- aura::client::SetCaptureClient(
- host->window(),
- new aura::client::DefaultCaptureClient(host->window()));
- scoped_ptr<aura::client::FocusClient> focus_client(
- new aura::test::TestFocusClient);
- aura::client::SetFocusClient(host->window(), focus_client.get());
- // add layers
- ColoredLayer background(SK_ColorRED);
- background.SetBounds(host->window()->bounds());
- host->window()->layer()->Add(&background);
- ColoredLayer window(SK_ColorBLUE);
- window.SetBounds(gfx::Rect(background.bounds().size()));
- background.Add(&window);
- Layer content_layer(ui::LAYER_NOT_DRAWN);
- base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
- bool force = command_line->HasSwitch("force-render-surface");
- content_layer.SetForceRenderSurface(force);
- gfx::Rect bounds(window.bounds().size());
- bounds.Inset(0, 30, 0, 0);
- content_layer.SetBounds(bounds);
- window.Add(&content_layer);
- ColoredLayer page_background(SK_ColorWHITE);
- page_background.SetBounds(gfx::Rect(content_layer.bounds().size()));
- content_layer.Add(&page_background);
- int frames = atoi(command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII("frames").c_str());
- scoped_ptr<BenchCompositorObserver> bench;
- if (command_line->HasSwitch("bench-software-scroll")) {
- bench.reset(new SoftwareScrollBench(&page_background,
- host->compositor(),
- frames));
- } else {
- bench.reset(new WebGLBench(context_factory.get(),
- &page_background,
- host->compositor(),
- frames));
- }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- ui::PrintLayerHierarchy(host->window()->layer(), gfx::Point(100, 100));
- host->Show();
- base::MessageLoopForUI::current()->Run();
- focus_client.reset();
- host.reset();
- return 0;
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