Index: bootstrap/win/win_tools.bat |
diff --git a/bootstrap/win/win_tools.bat b/bootstrap/win/win_tools.bat |
index 02a1b310bcf7c7c733ff3b5e98cbd3266709e12b..55f85cef9541bb312614fd80cfc1b18a5e3ae255 100644 |
--- a/bootstrap/win/win_tools.bat |
+++ b/bootstrap/win/win_tools.bat |
@@ -57,72 +57,114 @@ set ERRORLEVEL=1 |
goto :END |
-if "%DEPOT_TOOLS_GIT_BLEEDING%" == "1" ( |
- set GIT_VERSION=1.9.5.chromium.6 |
-) else ( |
- set GIT_VERSION=1.9.5.chromium.6 |
-) |
+ |
+:: See if we're on XP |
for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]" %%i in ('ver') do set VERSTR=%%i |
for /f "tokens=2,3 delims=. " %%i in ("%VERSTR%") do (set VERMAJOR=%%i & set VERMINOR=%%j) |
-if %VERMAJOR% equ 5 if %VERMINOR% lss 2 set GIT_VERSION=%GIT_VERSION%-xp |
+if %VERMAJOR% equ 5 if %VERMINOR% lss 2 set XP_SUFFIX=-xp |
+ |
+:: Check to see if we're on a 32 or 64 bit system |
+reg Query "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0" | find /i "x86" > NUL && set OS_BITS=32 || set OS_BITS=64 |
+ |
+if not exist "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\.git_bleeding_edge" goto :GIT_OLD_FLOW |
2016/03/29 00:11:12
can't use code blocks here, because we can't rely
+set GIT_VERSION=2.7.4-%OS_BITS% |
+set GIT_DOWNLOAD_PATH=%ZIP_DIR%\git.7z.exe |
+set GIT_BIN_DIR=git-%GIT_VERSION%_bin |
+set GIT_EXE_PATH=%GIT_INST_DIR%\bin\git.exe |
+goto :GIT_CLEANUP |
+ |
+set GIT_VERSION=1.9.5.chromium.6%XP_SUFFIX% |
+set GIT_BIN_DIR=git-%GIT_VERSION%_bin |
+set GIT_EXE_PATH=%GIT_INST_DIR%\cmd\git.cmd |
:: Clean up any release which doesn't match the one we want. |
for /d %%i in ("%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git-*_bin") do ( |
if not "%%i" == "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git-%GIT_VERSION%_bin" ( |
+ echo Cleaning old git installation %%i |
rmdir /s /q "%%i" |
) |
) |
-set GIT_BIN_DIR=git-%GIT_VERSION%_bin |
-set |
-set GIT_ZIP_URL= |
if "%WIN_TOOLS_FORCE%" == "1" goto :GIT_INSTALL |
-if exist "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\cmd\git.cmd" ( |
- call "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\cmd\git.cmd" --version 2>nul 1>nul |
+ |
+if exist "%GIT_EXE_PATH%" ( |
+ call "%GIT_EXE_PATH%" --version 2>nul 1>nul |
if errorlevel 1 goto :GIT_INSTALL |
rem Several git versions can live side-by-side; check the top-level |
rem batch script to make sure it points to the desired version. |
find "%GIT_BIN_DIR%" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" 2>nul 1>nul |
- if errorlevel 1 goto :GIT_COPY_BATCH_FILES |
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :GIT_MAKE_BATCH_FILES |
goto :SVN_CHECK |
) |
- |
echo Installing git %GIT_VERSION% (avg 1-2 min download) ... |
+echo Detected: %OS_BITS% bits |
+if defined XP_SUFFIX echo ... Windows XP |
+if defined GIT_PORTABLE_FLOW echo ... Portable installation flow |
+ |
:: git is not accessible; check it out and create 'proxy' files. |
-if exist "%ZIP_DIR%\" del "%ZIP_DIR%\" |
-echo Fetching from %GIT_ZIP_URL% |
-cscript //nologo //e:jscript "%~dp0get_file.js" %GIT_ZIP_URL% "%ZIP_DIR%\" |
+echo Fetching from %GIT_FETCH_URL% |
+cscript //nologo //e:jscript "%~dp0get_file.js" %GIT_FETCH_URL% "%GIT_DOWNLOAD_PATH%" |
if errorlevel 1 goto :GIT_FAIL |
-:: Cleanup svn directory if it was existing. |
-if exist "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\." rd /q /s "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%" |
-:: Will create %GIT_BIN_DIR%\... |
-cscript //nologo //e:jscript "%~dp0unzip.js" "%ZIP_DIR%\" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%" |
-if errorlevel 1 goto :GIT_FAIL |
-if not exist "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\." goto :GIT_FAIL |
-del "%ZIP_DIR%\" |
+:: Cleanup git directory if it already exists. |
+if exist "%GIT_INST_DIR%\." rd /q /s "%GIT_INST_DIR%" |
+ |
+if defined GIT_PORTABLE_FLOW ( |
+ rem run PortableGit self-extractor |
+ rem -y : Be Quiet ("yes") |
+ rem -sd1 : Self delete SFX archive |
+ rem -InstallPath : Where to put the files |
+ rem -Directory : Run the post-extract program with this current-working-directory |
+ call "%GIT_DOWNLOAD_PATH%" -y -sd1 -InstallPath="%GIT_INST_DIR%" -Directory="%GIT_INST_DIR%" |
+) else ( |
+ rem Will create %GIT_INST_DIR%\... |
+ cscript //nologo //e:jscript "%~dp0unzip.js" "%GIT_DOWNLOAD_PATH%" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%" |
+) |
+if errorlevel 1 goto :GIT_FAIL |
+if not exist "%GIT_INST_DIR%\." goto :GIT_FAIL |
:: Create the batch files. |
-call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\git.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" 1>nul |
-call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\gitk.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\gitk.bat" 1>nul |
-call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\ssh.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\ssh.bat" 1>nul |
-call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\ssh-keygen.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\ssh-keygen.bat" 1>nul |
+set GIT_TEMPL=%~dp0git.template.bat |
+set SED=%GIT_INST_DIR%\usr\bin\sed.exe |
+if defined GIT_PORTABLE_FLOW ( |
+ rem turns out we just installed sed :) |
+ call "%SED%" -e "s/GIT_BIN_DIR/%GIT_BIN_DIR%/" -e "s/GIT_PROGRAM/cmd\\\\git.exe/" < %GIT_TEMPL% > "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" |
+ call "%SED%" -e "s/GIT_BIN_DIR/%GIT_BIN_DIR%/" -e "s/GIT_PROGRAM/cmd\\\\gitk.exe/" < %GIT_TEMPL% > "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\gitk.bat" |
+ call "%SED%" -e "s/GIT_BIN_DIR/%GIT_BIN_DIR%/" -e "s/GIT_PROGRAM/usr\\\\bin\\\\ssh.exe/" < %GIT_TEMPL% > "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\ssh.bat" |
+ call "%SED%" -e "s/GIT_BIN_DIR/%GIT_BIN_DIR%/" -e "s/GIT_PROGRAM/usr\\\\bin\\\\ssh-keygen.exe/" < %GIT_TEMPL% > "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\ssh-keygen.bat" |
+) else ( |
+ call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\git.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" 1>nul |
+ call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\gitk.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\gitk.bat" 1>nul |
+ call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\ssh.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\ssh.bat" 1>nul |
+ call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\ssh-keygen.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\ssh-keygen.bat" 1>nul |
+) |
:: Ensure autocrlf and filemode are set correctly. |
call "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" config --system core.autocrlf false |
call "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" config --system core.filemode false |
+call "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" config --system core.preloadindex true |
+call "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" config --system core.fscache true |
goto :SVN_CHECK |
echo ... Failed to checkout git automatically. |
-echo You should get the "prebaked" version used at %GIT_ZIP_URL% |
+echo You should get the "prebaked" version used at %GIT_FETCH_URL% |
goto :END |