DescriptionSSE2 implementation of S32_D565_Opaque_Dither
Run benchmarks with command line option "--forceDither true". The result
shows that all benchmarks exercised S32_D565_Opaque_Dither benefit from
this SSE2 optimization. Here are the data on i7-3770:
before after
constXTile_MM_filter 900.93 217.75 75.83%
constXTile_CC_filter_scale 907.59 225.65 75.14%
constXTile_RR_filter 903.33 219.41 75.71%
constXTile_MM_scale 902.45 221.46 75.46%
constXTile_CC 898.55 218.37 75.70%
constXTile_RR_scale 902.69 222.35 75.37%
repeatTile_4444_X 938.53 240.49 74.38%
gradient_radial2_mirror 16999.49 11540.39 32.11%
gradient_radial2_clamp_hicolor 17943.38 12501.71 30.33%
gradient_radial2_clamp 17816.36 12492.04 29.88%
bitmaprect_FF_filter_trans 47.81 10.98 77.03%
bitmaprect_FF_nofilter_trans 47.79 10.91 77.18%
bitmaprect_FF_filter_identity 47.74 10.89 77.18%
bitmaprect_FF_nofilter_identity 47.83 10.89 77.24%
bitmap_4444_update_scale_rotate_bilerp 100.45 76.84 23.50%
bitmap_4444_update_volatile_scale_rotate_bilerp 100.80 76.70 23.91%
bitmap_4444_scale_rotate_bilerp 100.43 77.18 23.15%
bitmap_4444_update_scale_bilerp 79.00 49.03 37.93%
bitmap_4444_update_volatile_scale_bilerp 78.90 48.87 38.06%
bitmap_4444_scale_bilerp 78.92 48.81 38.16%
bitmap_4444_update 42.19 11.53 72.68%
bitmap_4444_update_volatile 42.28 11.49 72.82%
bitmap_a8 60.37 29.75 50.72%
bitmap_4444 42.19 11.52 72.69%
Patch Set 1 #
Total messages: 6 (0 generated)