(Empty) | |
1 // Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. | |
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be | |
3 // found in the LICENSE file. | |
4 | |
5 // Flags: --expose-wasm | |
6 | |
7 (function TestStdlibConstants() { | |
8 function Module(stdlib) { | |
9 "use asm"; | |
10 | |
11 var StdlibInfinity = stdlib.Infinity; | |
12 var StdlibNaN = stdlib.NaN; | |
13 var StdlibMathE = stdlib.Math.E; | |
14 var StdlibMathLN10 = stdlib.Math.LN10; | |
15 var StdlibMathLN2 = stdlib.Math.LN2; | |
16 var StdlibMathLOG2E = stdlib.Math.LOG2E; | |
17 var StdlibMathLOG10E = stdlib.Math.LOG10E; | |
18 var StdlibMathPI = stdlib.Math.PI; | |
19 var StdlibMathSQRT1_2 = stdlib.Math.SQRT1_2; | |
20 var StdlibMathSQRT2 = stdlib.Math.SQRT2; | |
21 | |
22 function caller() { | |
23 if (StdlibInfinity != 1.0 / 0.0) return 0; | |
24 if (StdlibMathE != 2.718281828459045) return 0; | |
25 if (StdlibMathLN10 != 2.302585092994046) return 0; | |
26 if (StdlibMathLN2 != 0.6931471805599453) return 0; | |
27 if (StdlibMathLOG2E != 1.4426950408889634) return 0; | |
28 if (StdlibMathLOG10E != 0.4342944819032518) return 0; | |
29 if (StdlibMathPI != 3.141592653589793) return 0; | |
30 if (StdlibMathSQRT1_2 != 0.7071067811865476) return 0; | |
31 if (StdlibMathSQRT2 != 1.4142135623730951) return 0; | |
32 return 1; | |
33 } | |
34 | |
35 function nanCheck() { | |
36 return +StdlibNaN; | |
37 } | |
38 | |
39 return {caller:caller, nanCheck:nanCheck}; | |
40 } | |
41 | |
42 var m =Wasm.instantiateModuleFromAsm(Module.toString()); | |
43 assertEquals(1, m.caller()); | |
44 assertTrue(isNaN(m.nanCheck())); | |
45 })(); | |
46 | |
47 | |
48 (function TestStdlibFunctionsInside() { | |
49 function Module(stdlib) { | |
50 "use asm"; | |
51 | |
52 var StdlibMathCeil = stdlib.Math.ceil; | |
53 var StdlibMathFloor = stdlib.Math.floor; | |
54 var StdlibMathSqrt = stdlib.Math.sqrt; | |
55 var StdlibMathAbs = stdlib.Math.abs; | |
56 var StdlibMathMin = stdlib.Math.min; | |
57 var StdlibMathMax = stdlib.Math.max; | |
58 | |
59 var StdlibMathAcos = stdlib.Math.acos; | |
60 var StdlibMathAsin = stdlib.Math.asin; | |
61 var StdlibMathAtan = stdlib.Math.atan; | |
62 var StdlibMathCos = stdlib.Math.cos; | |
63 var StdlibMathSin = stdlib.Math.sin; | |
64 var StdlibMathTan = stdlib.Math.tan; | |
65 var StdlibMathExp = stdlib.Math.exp; | |
66 var StdlibMathLog = stdlib.Math.log; | |
67 | |
68 var StdlibMathAtan2 = stdlib.Math.atan2; | |
69 var StdlibMathPow = stdlib.Math.pow; | |
70 var StdlibMathImul = stdlib.Math.imul; | |
71 | |
72 var fround = stdlib.Math.fround; | |
73 | |
74 function deltaEqual(x, y) { | |
75 x = +x; | |
76 y = +y; | |
77 var t = 0.0; | |
78 t = x - y; | |
79 if (t < 0.0) { | |
80 t = t * -1.0; | |
81 } | |
82 return (t < 1.0e-10) | 0; | |
83 } | |
84 | |
85 function caller() { | |
86 if (!deltaEqual(StdlibMathSqrt(123.0), 11.090536506409418)) return 0; | |
87 if (StdlibMathSqrt(fround(256.0)) != fround(16.0)) return 0; | |
88 if (StdlibMathCeil(123.7) != 124.0) return 0; | |
89 if (StdlibMathCeil(fround(123.7)) != fround(124.0)) return 0; | |
90 if (StdlibMathFloor(123.7) != 123.0) return 0; | |
91 if (StdlibMathFloor(fround(123.7)) != fround(123.0)) return 0; | |
92 if (StdlibMathAbs(-123.0) != 123.0) return 0; | |
93 if (StdlibMathAbs(fround(-123.0)) != fround(123.0)) return 0; | |
94 if (StdlibMathMin(123.4, 1236.4) != 123.4) return 0; | |
95 if (StdlibMathMin(fround(123.4), | |
96 fround(1236.4)) != fround(123.4)) return 0; | |
97 if (StdlibMathMax(123.4, 1236.4) != 1236.4) return 0; | |
98 if (StdlibMathMax(fround(123.4), fround(1236.4)) | |
99 != fround(1236.4)) return 0; | |
100 | |
101 if (!deltaEqual(StdlibMathAcos(0.1), 1.4706289056333368)) return 0; | |
102 if (!deltaEqual(StdlibMathAsin(0.2), 0.2013579207903308)) return 0; | |
103 if (!deltaEqual(StdlibMathAtan(0.2), 0.19739555984988078)) return 0; | |
104 if (!deltaEqual(StdlibMathCos(0.2), 0.9800665778412416)) return 0; | |
105 if (!deltaEqual(StdlibMathSin(0.2), 0.19866933079506122)) return 0; | |
106 if (!deltaEqual(StdlibMathTan(0.2), 0.20271003550867250)) return 0; | |
107 if (!deltaEqual(StdlibMathExp(0.2), 1.2214027581601699)) return 0; | |
108 if (!deltaEqual(StdlibMathLog(0.2), -1.6094379124341003)) return 0; | |
109 | |
110 if (StdlibMathImul(6, 7) != 42) return 0; | |
111 if (!deltaEqual(StdlibMathAtan2(6.0, 7.0), 0.7086262721276703)) return 0; | |
112 if (StdlibMathPow(6.0, 7.0) != 279936.0) return 0; | |
113 | |
114 return 1; | |
115 } | |
116 | |
117 return {caller:caller}; | |
118 } | |
119 | |
120 var m = Wasm.instantiateModuleFromAsm(Module.toString()); | |
121 assertEquals(1, m.caller()); | |
122 })(); | |
123 | |
124 | |
125 (function TestStdlibFunctionOutside() { | |
126 function looseEqual(x, y, delta) { | |
127 if (delta === undefined) { | |
128 delta = 1.0e-13; | |
129 } | |
130 if (isNaN(x) && isNaN(y)) { | |
131 return true; | |
132 } | |
133 if (!isFinite(x) && !isFinite(y)) { | |
134 return true; | |
135 } | |
136 x = +x; | |
137 y = +y; | |
138 var t = 0.0; | |
139 t = x - y; | |
140 if (t < 0.0) { | |
141 t = t * -1.0; | |
142 } | |
143 return (t < delta) | 0; | |
144 } | |
145 | |
146 function plainEqual(x, y) { | |
147 if (isNaN(x) && isNaN(y)) { | |
148 return true; | |
149 } | |
150 return x === y; | |
151 } | |
152 | |
153 function Module(stdlib) { | |
154 "use asm"; | |
155 var ceil = stdlib.Math.ceil; | |
156 var floor = stdlib.Math.floor; | |
157 var sqrt = stdlib.Math.sqrt; | |
158 var abs = stdlib.Math.abs; | |
159 var fround = stdlib.Math.fround; | |
160 | |
161 var acos = stdlib.Math.acos; | |
162 var asin = stdlib.Math.asin; | |
163 var atan = stdlib.Math.atan; | |
164 var cos = stdlib.Math.cos; | |
165 var sin = stdlib.Math.sin; | |
166 var tan = stdlib.Math.tan; | |
167 var exp = stdlib.Math.exp; | |
168 var log = stdlib.Math.log; | |
169 | |
170 var atan2 = stdlib.Math.atan2; | |
171 var pow = stdlib.Math.pow; | |
172 var imul = stdlib.Math.imul; | |
173 var min = stdlib.Math.min; | |
174 var max = stdlib.Math.max; | |
175 | |
176 function ceil_f64(x) { x = +x; return +ceil(x); } | |
177 function ceil_f32(x) { x = fround(x); return fround(ceil(x)); } | |
178 | |
179 function floor_f64(x) { x = +x; return +floor(x); } | |
180 function floor_f32(x) { x = fround(x); return fround(floor(x)); } | |
181 | |
182 function sqrt_f64(x) { x = +x; return +sqrt(x); } | |
183 function sqrt_f32(x) { x = fround(x); return fround(sqrt(x)); } | |
184 | |
185 function abs_f64(x) { x = +x; return +abs(x); } | |
186 function abs_f32(x) { x = fround(x); return fround(abs(x)); } | |
187 function abs_i32(x) { x = x | 0; return abs(x|0) | 0; } | |
188 | |
189 function acos_f64(x) { x = +x; return +acos(x); } | |
190 function asin_f64(x) { x = +x; return +asin(x); } | |
191 function atan_f64(x) { x = +x; return +atan(x); } | |
192 function cos_f64(x) { x = +x; return +cos(x); } | |
193 function sin_f64(x) { x = +x; return +sin(x); } | |
194 function tan_f64(x) { x = +x; return +tan(x); } | |
195 function exp_f64(x) { x = +x; return +exp(x); } | |
196 function log_f64(x) { x = +x; return +log(x); } | |
197 | |
198 function atan2_f64(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return +atan2(x, y); } | |
199 function pow_f64(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return +atan2(x, y); } | |
200 | |
201 function imul_i32(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return imul(x, y) | 0; } | |
202 function imul_u32(x, y) { | |
203 x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return imul(x>>>0, y>>>0) | 0; } | |
204 | |
205 function fround_i32(x) { x = x | 0; return fround(x|0) | 0; } | |
206 function fround_u32(x) { x = x | 0; return fround(x>>>0) | 0; } | |
207 function fround_f32(x) { x = fround(x); return fround(x); } | |
208 // TODO(bradnelson): Fix and enable. | |
209 //function fround_f64(x) { x = +x; return fround(x); } | |
210 | |
211 function min_i32(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return min(x|0, y|0) | 0; } | |
212 // TODO(bradnelson): Fix and enable. | |
213 //function min_u32(x, y) { | |
214 // x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return min(x>>>0, y>>>0) | 0; } | |
215 function min_f32(x, y) { | |
216 x = fround(x); y = fround(y); return fround(min(x, y)); } | |
217 function min_f64(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return +min(x, y); } | |
218 | |
219 function max_i32(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return max(x|0, y|0) | 0; } | |
220 // TODO(bradnelson): Fix and enable. | |
221 //function max_u32(x, y) { | |
222 // x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return max(x>>>0, y>>>0) | 0; } | |
223 function max_f32(x, y) { | |
224 x = fround(x); y = fround(y); return fround(max(x, y)); } | |
225 function max_f64(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return +max(x, y); } | |
226 | |
227 return { | |
228 ceil_f64: ceil_f64, | |
229 ceil_f32: ceil_f32, | |
230 floor_f64: floor_f64, | |
231 floor_f32: floor_f32, | |
232 sqrt_f64: sqrt_f64, | |
233 sqrt_f32: sqrt_f32, | |
234 abs_f64: abs_f64, | |
235 abs_f32: abs_f32, | |
236 abs_i32: abs_i32, | |
237 acos_f64: acos_f64, | |
238 asin_f64: asin_f64, | |
239 atan_f64: atan_f64, | |
240 cos_f64: cos_f64, | |
241 sin_f64: sin_f64, | |
242 tan_f64: tan_f64, | |
243 exp_f64: exp_f64, | |
244 log_f64: log_f64, | |
245 imul_i32: imul_i32, | |
246 imul_u32: imul_u32, | |
247 fround_i32: fround_i32, | |
248 fround_u32: fround_u32, | |
249 fround_f32: fround_f32, | |
250 // TODO(bradnelson): Fix and enable. | |
251 // fround_f64: fround_f64, | |
252 min_i32: min_i32, | |
253 // TODO(bradnelson): Fix and enable. | |
254 // min_u32: min_u32, | |
255 min_f32: min_f32, | |
256 min_f64: min_f64, | |
257 max_i32: max_i32, | |
258 // TODO(bradnelson): Fix and enable. | |
259 // max_u32: max_u32, | |
260 max_f32: max_f32, | |
261 max_f64: max_f64, | |
262 }; | |
263 } | |
264 var m = Wasm.instantiateModuleFromAsm(Module.toString()); | |
265 var values = { | |
266 'i32': [ | |
267 0, 1, -1, 123, 456, -123, -456, | |
268 0x40000000, 0x7FFFFFFF, -0x80000000, | |
269 ], | |
270 'u32': [ | |
271 0, 1, 123, 456, | |
272 0x40000000, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x80000000, | |
273 ], | |
274 'f32': [ | |
275 0, -0, 1, -1, 0.9, -0.9, 1.414, 0x7F, -0x80, -0x8000, -0x80000000, | |
2016/03/16 09:44:05
Not sure if it matters here but 0.9 is not exactly
2016/03/19 03:48:48
Got these "edge case" values from the simd tests.
| |
276 0x7FFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, | |
277 ], | |
278 'f64': [ | |
279 0, -0, 1, -1, 0.9, -0.9, 1.414, 0x7F, -0x80, -0x8000, -0x80000000, | |
280 0x7FFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, | |
281 ], | |
282 }; | |
283 var converts = { | |
284 'i32': function(x) { return x | 0; }, | |
2016/03/16 09:44:05
You can drop the single quotes from these property
2016/03/19 03:48:48
| |
285 'u32': function(x) { return x >>> 0; }, | |
286 'f32': function(x) { return Math.fround(x); }, | |
287 'f64': function(x) { return x; }, | |
288 }; | |
289 var two_args = {'atan2': true, 'pow': true, 'imul': true, | |
290 'min': true, 'max': true}; | |
291 var funcs = { | |
292 'ceil': ['f32', 'f64'], | |
293 'floor': ['f32', 'f64'], | |
294 'sqrt': ['f32', 'f64'], | |
295 'abs': ['i32', 'f32', 'f64'], | |
296 'acos': ['f64'], | |
297 'asin': ['f64'], | |
298 'atan': ['f64'], | |
299 'cos': ['f64'], | |
300 'sin': ['f64'], | |
301 'tan': ['f64'], | |
302 'exp': ['f64'], | |
303 'log': ['f64'], | |
304 'imul': ['i32', 'u32'], | |
305 // TODO(bradnelson): Fix and enable. | |
306 // 'fround': ['i32', 'u32', 'f32', 'f64'], | |
307 'fround': ['i32', 'u32', 'f32'], | |
308 // TODO(bradnelson): Fix and enable. | |
309 // 'min': ['i32', 'u32', 'f32', 'f64'], | |
310 'min': ['i32', 'f32', 'f64'], | |
311 // TODO(bradnelson): Fix and enable. | |
312 // 'max': ['i32', 'u32', 'f32', 'f64'], | |
313 'max': ['i32', 'f32', 'f64'], | |
314 }; | |
315 var equals = { | |
316 'f64': looseEqual, | |
317 'f32': plainEqual, | |
318 'i32': plainEqual, | |
319 }; | |
320 var per_func_equals = { | |
321 // exp not required to have a particular precision. | |
322 'exp_f64': function(x, y) { return looseEqual(x, y, 1e55); }, | |
323 }; | |
324 for (var func in funcs) { | |
325 var types = funcs[func]; | |
326 for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { | |
327 var type = types[i]; | |
328 var interesting = values[type]; | |
329 for (var j = 0; j < interesting.length; j++) { | |
330 for (var k = 0; k < interesting.length; k++) { | |
331 var val0 = interesting[j]; | |
332 var val1 = interesting[k]; | |
333 var input0 = converts[type](val0); | |
334 var input1 = converts[type](val1); | |
335 var name = func + '_' + type; | |
336 if (two_args[func]) { | |
337 var expected = converts[type](Math[func](input0, input1)); | |
338 var actual = m[name](input0, input1); | |
339 } else { | |
340 var expected = converts[type](Math[func](input0, input1)); | |
341 var actual = m[name](input0, input1); | |
342 } | |
343 var compare = per_func_equals[name]; | |
344 if (compare === undefined) { | |
345 compare = equals[type]; | |
346 } | |
347 if (!compare(expected, actual)) { | |
348 print(expected + ' !== ' + actual + ' for ' + name + | |
349 ' with input ' + input0 + ' ' + input1); | |
350 assertTrue(false); | |
351 } | |
352 } | |
353 } | |
354 } | |
355 } | |
356 })(); | |