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Unified Diff: build/android/devil/android/perf/

Issue 1770943003: [Android] Remove chromium version of devil. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: rebase Created 4 years, 9 months ago
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Index: build/android/devil/android/perf/
diff --git a/build/android/devil/android/perf/ b/build/android/devil/android/perf/
deleted file mode 100644
index af1d52c3880e5dacf53e363c7ea12a4cf36f4ad7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/android/devil/android/perf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import atexit
-import logging
-from import device_errors
-class PerfControl(object):
- """Provides methods for setting the performance mode of a device."""
- _CPU_PATH = '/sys/devices/system/cpu'
- _KERNEL_MAX = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/kernel_max'
- def __init__(self, device):
- self._device = device
- # this will raise an AdbCommandFailedError if no CPU files are found
- self._cpu_files = self._device.RunShellCommand(
- 'ls -d cpu[0-9]*', cwd=self._CPU_PATH, check_return=True, as_root=True)
- assert self._cpu_files, 'Failed to detect CPUs.'
- self._cpu_file_list = ' '.join(self._cpu_files)
-'CPUs found: %s', self._cpu_file_list)
- self._have_mpdecision = self._device.FileExists('/system/bin/mpdecision')
- def SetHighPerfMode(self):
- """Sets the highest stable performance mode for the device."""
- try:
- self._device.EnableRoot()
- except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
- message = 'Need root for performance mode. Results may be NOISY!!'
- logging.warning(message)
- # Add an additional warning at exit, such that it's clear that any results
- # may be different/noisy (due to the lack of intended performance mode).
- atexit.register(logging.warning, message)
- return
- product_model = self._device.product_model
- # TODO(epenner): Enable on all devices (
- if 'Nexus 4' == product_model:
- self._ForceAllCpusOnline(True)
- if not self._AllCpusAreOnline():
- logging.warning('Failed to force CPUs online. Results may be NOISY!')
- self._SetScalingGovernorInternal('performance')
- elif 'Nexus 5' == product_model:
- self._ForceAllCpusOnline(True)
- if not self._AllCpusAreOnline():
- logging.warning('Failed to force CPUs online. Results may be NOISY!')
- self._SetScalingGovernorInternal('performance')
- self._SetScalingMaxFreq(1190400)
- self._SetMaxGpuClock(200000000)
- else:
- self._SetScalingGovernorInternal('performance')
- def SetPerfProfilingMode(self):
- """Enables all cores for reliable perf profiling."""
- self._ForceAllCpusOnline(True)
- self._SetScalingGovernorInternal('performance')
- if not self._AllCpusAreOnline():
- if not self._device.HasRoot():
- raise RuntimeError('Need root to force CPUs online.')
- raise RuntimeError('Failed to force CPUs online.')
- def SetDefaultPerfMode(self):
- """Sets the performance mode for the device to its default mode."""
- if not self._device.HasRoot():
- return
- product_model = self._device.product_model
- if 'Nexus 5' == product_model:
- if self._AllCpusAreOnline():
- self._SetScalingMaxFreq(2265600)
- self._SetMaxGpuClock(450000000)
- governor_mode = {
- 'GT-I9300': 'pegasusq',
- 'Galaxy Nexus': 'interactive',
- 'Nexus 4': 'ondemand',
- 'Nexus 5': 'ondemand',
- 'Nexus 7': 'interactive',
- 'Nexus 10': 'interactive'
- }.get(product_model, 'ondemand')
- self._SetScalingGovernorInternal(governor_mode)
- self._ForceAllCpusOnline(False)
- def GetCpuInfo(self):
- online = (output.rstrip() == '1' and status == 0
- for (_, output, status) in self._ForEachCpu('cat "$CPU/online"'))
- governor = (output.rstrip() if status == 0 else None
- for (_, output, status)
- in self._ForEachCpu('cat "$CPU/cpufreq/scaling_governor"'))
- return zip(self._cpu_files, online, governor)
- def _ForEachCpu(self, cmd):
- script = '; '.join([
- 'for CPU in %s' % self._cpu_file_list,
- 'do %s' % cmd,
- 'echo -n "%~%$?%~%"',
- 'done'
- ])
- output = self._device.RunShellCommand(
- script, cwd=self._CPU_PATH, check_return=True, as_root=True)
- output = '\n'.join(output).split('%~%')
- return zip(self._cpu_files, output[0::2], (int(c) for c in output[1::2]))
- def _WriteEachCpuFile(self, path, value):
- results = self._ForEachCpu(
- 'test -e "$CPU/{path}" && echo {value} > "$CPU/{path}"'.format(
- path=path, value=value))
- cpus = ' '.join(cpu for (cpu, _, status) in results if status == 0)
- if cpus:
-'Successfully set %s to %r on: %s', path, value, cpus)
- else:
- logging.warning('Failed to set %s to %r on any cpus', path, value)
- def _SetScalingGovernorInternal(self, value):
- self._WriteEachCpuFile('cpufreq/scaling_governor', value)
- def _SetScalingMaxFreq(self, value):
- self._WriteEachCpuFile('cpufreq/scaling_max_freq', '%d' % value)
- def _SetMaxGpuClock(self, value):
- self._device.WriteFile('/sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/max_gpuclk',
- str(value),
- as_root=True)
- def _AllCpusAreOnline(self):
- results = self._ForEachCpu('cat "$CPU/online"')
- # TODO(epenner): Investigate why file may be missing
- # (
- return all(output.rstrip() == '1' and status == 0
- for (cpu, output, status) in results
- if cpu != 'cpu0')
- def _ForceAllCpusOnline(self, force_online):
- """Enable all CPUs on a device.
- Some vendors (or only Qualcomm?) hot-plug their CPUs, which can add noise
- to measurements:
- - In perf, samples are only taken for the CPUs that are online when the
- measurement is started.
- - The scaling governor can't be set for an offline CPU and frequency scaling
- on newly enabled CPUs adds noise to both perf and tracing measurements.
- It appears Qualcomm is the only vendor that hot-plugs CPUs, and on Qualcomm
- this is done by "mpdecision".
- """
- if self._have_mpdecision:
- script = 'stop mpdecision' if force_online else 'start mpdecision'
- self._device.RunShellCommand(script, check_return=True, as_root=True)
- if not self._have_mpdecision and not self._AllCpusAreOnline():
- logging.warning('Unexpected cpu hot plugging detected.')
- if force_online:
- self._ForEachCpu('echo 1 > "$CPU/online"')
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