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Unified Diff: build/android/devil/android/

Issue 1770943003: [Android] Remove chromium version of devil. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: rebase Created 4 years, 9 months ago
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Index: build/android/devil/android/
diff --git a/build/android/devil/android/ b/build/android/devil/android/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4267f117a07df65da62ec90f57c00559197c874b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/android/devil/android/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import logging
-from import device_errors
-class FlagChanger(object):
- """Changes the flags Chrome runs with.
- Flags can be temporarily set for a particular set of unit tests. These
- tests should call Restore() to revert the flags to their original state
- once the tests have completed.
- """
- def __init__(self, device, cmdline_file):
- """Initializes the FlagChanger and records the original arguments.
- Args:
- device: A DeviceUtils instance.
- cmdline_file: Path to the command line file on the device.
- """
- self._device = device
- # Unrooted devices have limited access to the file system.
- # Place files in /data/local/tmp/ rather than /data/local/
- if not device.HasRoot() and not '/data/local/tmp/' in cmdline_file:
- self._cmdline_file = cmdline_file.replace('/data/local/',
- '/data/local/tmp/')
- else:
- self._cmdline_file = cmdline_file
- stored_flags = ''
- if self._device.PathExists(self._cmdline_file):
- try:
- stored_flags = self._device.ReadFile(self._cmdline_file).strip()
- except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
- pass
- # Store the flags as a set to facilitate adding and removing flags.
- self._state_stack = [set(self._TokenizeFlags(stored_flags))]
- def ReplaceFlags(self, flags):
- """Replaces the flags in the command line with the ones provided.
- Saves the current flags state on the stack, so a call to Restore will
- change the state back to the one preceeding the call to ReplaceFlags.
- Args:
- flags: A sequence of command line flags to set, eg. ['--single-process'].
- Note: this should include flags only, not the name of a command
- to run (ie. there is no need to start the sequence with 'chrome').
- """
- new_flags = set(flags)
- self._state_stack.append(new_flags)
- self._UpdateCommandLineFile()
- def AddFlags(self, flags):
- """Appends flags to the command line if they aren't already there.
- Saves the current flags state on the stack, so a call to Restore will
- change the state back to the one preceeding the call to AddFlags.
- Args:
- flags: A sequence of flags to add on, eg. ['--single-process'].
- """
- self.PushFlags(add=flags)
- def RemoveFlags(self, flags):
- """Removes flags from the command line, if they exist.
- Saves the current flags state on the stack, so a call to Restore will
- change the state back to the one preceeding the call to RemoveFlags.
- Note that calling RemoveFlags after AddFlags will result in having
- two nested states.
- Args:
- flags: A sequence of flags to remove, eg. ['--single-process']. Note
- that we expect a complete match when removing flags; if you want
- to remove a switch with a value, you must use the exact string
- used to add it in the first place.
- """
- self.PushFlags(remove=flags)
- def PushFlags(self, add=None, remove=None):
- """Appends and removes flags to/from the command line if they aren't already
- there. Saves the current flags state on the stack, so a call to Restore
- will change the state back to the one preceeding the call to PushFlags.
- Args:
- add: A list of flags to add on, eg. ['--single-process'].
- remove: A list of flags to remove, eg. ['--single-process']. Note that we
- expect a complete match when removing flags; if you want to remove
- a switch with a value, you must use the exact string used to add
- it in the first place.
- """
- new_flags = self._state_stack[-1].copy()
- if add:
- new_flags.update(add)
- if remove:
- new_flags.difference_update(remove)
- self.ReplaceFlags(new_flags)
- def Restore(self):
- """Restores the flags to their state prior to the last AddFlags or
- RemoveFlags call.
- """
- # The initial state must always remain on the stack.
- assert len(self._state_stack) > 1, (
- "Mismatch between calls to Add/RemoveFlags and Restore")
- self._state_stack.pop()
- self._UpdateCommandLineFile()
- def _UpdateCommandLineFile(self):
- """Writes out the command line to the file, or removes it if empty."""
- current_flags = list(self._state_stack[-1])
-'Current flags: %s', current_flags)
- # Root is not required to write to /data/local/tmp/.
- use_root = '/data/local/tmp/' not in self._cmdline_file
- if current_flags:
- # The first command line argument doesn't matter as we are not actually
- # launching the chrome executable using this command line.
- cmd_line = ' '.join(['_'] + current_flags)
- self._device.WriteFile(
- self._cmdline_file, cmd_line, as_root=use_root)
- file_contents = self._device.ReadFile(
- self._cmdline_file, as_root=use_root).rstrip()
- assert file_contents == cmd_line, (
- 'Failed to set the command line file at %s' % self._cmdline_file)
- else:
- self._device.RunShellCommand('rm ' + self._cmdline_file,
- as_root=use_root)
- assert not self._device.FileExists(self._cmdline_file), (
- 'Failed to remove the command line file at %s' % self._cmdline_file)
- @staticmethod
- def _TokenizeFlags(line):
- """Changes the string containing the command line into a list of flags.
- Follows similar logic to
- * Flags are split using whitespace, unless the whitespace is within a
- pair of quotation marks.
- * Unlike the Java version, we keep the quotation marks around switch
- values since we need them to re-create the file when new flags are
- appended.
- Args:
- line: A string containing the entire command line. The first token is
- assumed to be the program name.
- """
- if not line:
- return []
- tokenized_flags = []
- current_flag = ""
- within_quotations = False
- # Move through the string character by character and build up each flag
- # along the way.
- for c in line.strip():
- if c is '"':
- if len(current_flag) > 0 and current_flag[-1] == '\\':
- # Last char was a backslash; pop it, and treat this " as a literal.
- current_flag = current_flag[0:-1] + '"'
- else:
- within_quotations = not within_quotations
- current_flag += c
- elif not within_quotations and (c is ' ' or c is '\t'):
- if current_flag is not "":
- tokenized_flags.append(current_flag)
- current_flag = ""
- else:
- current_flag += c
- # Tack on the last flag.
- if not current_flag:
- if within_quotations:
- logging.warn('Unterminated quoted argument: ' + line)
- else:
- tokenized_flags.append(current_flag)
- # Return everything but the program name.
- return tokenized_flags[1:]
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