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Side by Side Diff: build/android/devil/utils/

Issue 1770943003: [Android] Remove chromium version of devil. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: rebase Created 4 years, 9 months ago
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1 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 """A wrapper for subprocess to make calling shell commands easier."""
7 import logging
8 import os
9 import pipes
10 import select
11 import signal
12 import string
13 import StringIO
14 import subprocess
15 import time
17 # fcntl is not available on Windows.
18 try:
19 import fcntl
20 except ImportError:
21 fcntl = None
23 _SafeShellChars = frozenset(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '@%_-+=:,./')
25 def SingleQuote(s):
26 """Return an shell-escaped version of the string using single quotes.
28 Reliably quote a string which may contain unsafe characters (e.g. space,
29 quote, or other special characters such as '$').
31 The returned value can be used in a shell command line as one token that gets
32 to be interpreted literally.
34 Args:
35 s: The string to quote.
37 Return:
38 The string quoted using single quotes.
39 """
40 return pipes.quote(s)
42 def DoubleQuote(s):
43 """Return an shell-escaped version of the string using double quotes.
45 Reliably quote a string which may contain unsafe characters (e.g. space
46 or quote characters), while retaining some shell features such as variable
47 interpolation.
49 The returned value can be used in a shell command line as one token that gets
50 to be further interpreted by the shell.
52 The set of characters that retain their special meaning may depend on the
53 shell implementation. This set usually includes: '$', '`', '\', '!', '*',
54 and '@'.
56 Args:
57 s: The string to quote.
59 Return:
60 The string quoted using double quotes.
61 """
62 if not s:
63 return '""'
64 elif all(c in _SafeShellChars for c in s):
65 return s
66 else:
67 return '"' + s.replace('"', '\\"') + '"'
70 def ShrinkToSnippet(cmd_parts, var_name, var_value):
71 """Constructs a shell snippet for a command using a variable to shrink it.
73 Takes into account all quoting that needs to happen.
75 Args:
76 cmd_parts: A list of command arguments.
77 var_name: The variable that holds var_value.
78 var_value: The string to replace in cmd_parts with $var_name
80 Returns:
81 A shell snippet that does not include setting the variable.
82 """
83 def shrink(value):
84 parts = (x and SingleQuote(x) for x in value.split(var_value))
85 with_substitutions = ('"$%s"' % var_name).join(parts)
86 return with_substitutions or "''"
88 return ' '.join(shrink(part) for part in cmd_parts)
91 def Popen(args, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=None, cwd=None, env=None):
92 return subprocess.Popen(
93 args=args, cwd=cwd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr,
94 shell=shell, close_fds=True, env=env,
95 preexec_fn=lambda: signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL))
98 def Call(args, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=None, cwd=None, env=None):
99 pipe = Popen(args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, shell=shell, cwd=cwd,
100 env=env)
101 pipe.communicate()
102 return pipe.wait()
105 def RunCmd(args, cwd=None):
106 """Opens a subprocess to execute a program and returns its return value.
108 Args:
109 args: A string or a sequence of program arguments. The program to execute is
110 the string or the first item in the args sequence.
111 cwd: If not None, the subprocess's current directory will be changed to
112 |cwd| before it's executed.
114 Returns:
115 Return code from the command execution.
116 """
117 + ' ' + (cwd or ''))
118 return Call(args, cwd=cwd)
121 def GetCmdOutput(args, cwd=None, shell=False):
122 """Open a subprocess to execute a program and returns its output.
124 Args:
125 args: A string or a sequence of program arguments. The program to execute is
126 the string or the first item in the args sequence.
127 cwd: If not None, the subprocess's current directory will be changed to
128 |cwd| before it's executed.
129 shell: Whether to execute args as a shell command.
131 Returns:
132 Captures and returns the command's stdout.
133 Prints the command's stderr to logger (which defaults to stdout).
134 """
135 (_, output) = GetCmdStatusAndOutput(args, cwd, shell)
136 return output
139 def _ValidateAndLogCommand(args, cwd, shell):
140 if isinstance(args, basestring):
141 if not shell:
142 raise Exception('string args must be run with shell=True')
143 else:
144 if shell:
145 raise Exception('array args must be run with shell=False')
146 args = ' '.join(SingleQuote(c) for c in args)
147 if cwd is None:
148 cwd = ''
149 else:
150 cwd = ':' + cwd
151'[host]%s> %s', cwd, args)
152 return args
155 def GetCmdStatusAndOutput(args, cwd=None, shell=False):
156 """Executes a subprocess and returns its exit code and output.
158 Args:
159 args: A string or a sequence of program arguments. The program to execute is
160 the string or the first item in the args sequence.
161 cwd: If not None, the subprocess's current directory will be changed to
162 |cwd| before it's executed.
163 shell: Whether to execute args as a shell command. Must be True if args
164 is a string and False if args is a sequence.
166 Returns:
167 The 2-tuple (exit code, output).
168 """
169 status, stdout, stderr = GetCmdStatusOutputAndError(
170 args, cwd=cwd, shell=shell)
172 if stderr:
173 logging.critical(stderr)
174 if len(stdout) > 4096:
175 logging.debug('Truncated output:')
176 logging.debug(stdout[:4096])
177 return (status, stdout)
179 def GetCmdStatusOutputAndError(args, cwd=None, shell=False):
180 """Executes a subprocess and returns its exit code, output, and errors.
182 Args:
183 args: A string or a sequence of program arguments. The program to execute is
184 the string or the first item in the args sequence.
185 cwd: If not None, the subprocess's current directory will be changed to
186 |cwd| before it's executed.
187 shell: Whether to execute args as a shell command. Must be True if args
188 is a string and False if args is a sequence.
190 Returns:
191 The 2-tuple (exit code, output).
192 """
193 _ValidateAndLogCommand(args, cwd, shell)
194 pipe = Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
195 shell=shell, cwd=cwd)
196 stdout, stderr = pipe.communicate()
197 return (pipe.returncode, stdout, stderr)
200 class TimeoutError(Exception):
201 """Module-specific timeout exception."""
203 def __init__(self, output=None):
204 super(TimeoutError, self).__init__()
205 self._output = output
207 @property
208 def output(self):
209 return self._output
212 def _IterProcessStdout(process, timeout=None, buffer_size=4096,
213 poll_interval=1):
214 assert fcntl, 'fcntl module is required'
215 try:
216 # Enable non-blocking reads from the child's stdout.
217 child_fd = process.stdout.fileno()
218 fl = fcntl.fcntl(child_fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
219 fcntl.fcntl(child_fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)
221 end_time = (time.time() + timeout) if timeout else None
222 while True:
223 if end_time and time.time() > end_time:
224 raise TimeoutError()
225 read_fds, _, _ =[child_fd], [], [], poll_interval)
226 if child_fd in read_fds:
227 data =, buffer_size)
228 if not data:
229 break
230 yield data
231 if process.poll() is not None:
232 break
233 finally:
234 try:
235 # Make sure the process doesn't stick around if we fail with an
236 # exception.
237 process.kill()
238 except OSError:
239 pass
240 process.wait()
243 def GetCmdStatusAndOutputWithTimeout(args, timeout, cwd=None, shell=False,
244 logfile=None):
245 """Executes a subprocess with a timeout.
247 Args:
248 args: List of arguments to the program, the program to execute is the first
249 element.
250 timeout: the timeout in seconds or None to wait forever.
251 cwd: If not None, the subprocess's current directory will be changed to
252 |cwd| before it's executed.
253 shell: Whether to execute args as a shell command. Must be True if args
254 is a string and False if args is a sequence.
255 logfile: Optional file-like object that will receive output from the
256 command as it is running.
258 Returns:
259 The 2-tuple (exit code, output).
260 """
261 _ValidateAndLogCommand(args, cwd, shell)
262 output = StringIO.StringIO()
263 process = Popen(args, cwd=cwd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
264 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
265 try:
266 for data in _IterProcessStdout(process, timeout=timeout):
267 if logfile:
268 logfile.write(data)
269 output.write(data)
270 except TimeoutError:
271 raise TimeoutError(output.getvalue())
273 return process.returncode, output.getvalue()
276 def IterCmdOutputLines(args, timeout=None, cwd=None, shell=False,
277 check_status=True):
278 """Executes a subprocess and continuously yields lines from its output.
280 Args:
281 args: List of arguments to the program, the program to execute is the first
282 element.
283 cwd: If not None, the subprocess's current directory will be changed to
284 |cwd| before it's executed.
285 shell: Whether to execute args as a shell command. Must be True if args
286 is a string and False if args is a sequence.
287 check_status: A boolean indicating whether to check the exit status of the
288 process after all output has been read.
290 Yields:
291 The output of the subprocess, line by line.
293 Raises:
294 CalledProcessError if check_status is True and the process exited with a
295 non-zero exit status.
296 """
297 cmd = _ValidateAndLogCommand(args, cwd, shell)
298 process = Popen(args, cwd=cwd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
299 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
300 buffer_output = ''
301 for data in _IterProcessStdout(process, timeout=timeout):
302 buffer_output += data
303 has_incomplete_line = buffer_output[-1] not in '\r\n'
304 lines = buffer_output.splitlines()
305 buffer_output = lines.pop() if has_incomplete_line else ''
306 for line in lines:
307 yield line
308 if buffer_output:
309 yield buffer_output
310 if check_status and process.returncode:
311 raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(process.returncode, cmd)
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