(Empty) | |
| 1 This test checks that -webkit-text-justify parses properly the properties from C
SS 3 Text. |
| 2 |
| 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 Test the initial value: |
| 7 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 8 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 9 |
| 10 Value 'auto': |
| 11 PASS e.style.webkitTextJustify is 'auto' |
| 12 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be auto.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 13 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 14 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 15 |
| 16 Value 'none': |
| 17 PASS e.style.webkitTextJustify is 'none' |
| 18 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be none.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 19 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be none (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 20 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
none. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 21 |
| 22 Value 'inter-word': |
| 23 PASS e.style.webkitTextJustify is 'inter-word' |
| 24 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be inter
-word. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 25 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be inter-word (of type string). Was
undefined (of type undefined). |
| 26 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
inter-word. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 27 |
| 28 Value 'distribute': |
| 29 PASS e.style.webkitTextJustify is 'distribute' |
| 30 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be distr
ibute. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 31 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be distribute (of type string). Was
undefined (of type undefined). |
| 32 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
distribute. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 33 |
| 34 Invalid value test - '-webkit-left': |
| 35 FAIL e.style.webkitTextJustify should be auto. Was -webkit-left. |
| 36 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be auto.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 37 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 38 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 39 |
| 40 Invalid value test - '-webkit-right': |
| 41 FAIL e.style.webkitTextJustify should be auto. Was -webkit-right. |
| 42 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be auto.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 43 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 44 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 45 |
| 46 Invalid value test - '-webkit-center': |
| 47 FAIL e.style.webkitTextJustify should be auto. Was -webkit-center. |
| 48 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be auto.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 49 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 50 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 51 |
| 52 Invalid value test - '-webkit-match-parent': |
| 53 FAIL e.style.webkitTextJustify should be auto. Was -webkit-match-parent. |
| 54 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be auto.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 55 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 56 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 57 |
| 58 Invalid value test - '-webkit-auto': |
| 59 FAIL e.style.webkitTextJustify should be auto. Was -webkit-auto. |
| 60 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be auto.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 61 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 62 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 63 |
| 64 Invalid value test - 'solid': |
| 65 FAIL e.style.webkitTextJustify should be auto. Was solid. |
| 66 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be auto.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 67 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 68 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 69 |
| 70 Invalid value test - 'normal': |
| 71 FAIL e.style.webkitTextJustify should be auto. Was normal. |
| 72 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be auto.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 73 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 74 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 75 |
| 76 Invalid value test - 'bold': |
| 77 FAIL e.style.webkitTextJustify should be auto. Was bold. |
| 78 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be auto.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 79 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 80 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 81 |
| 82 Invalid value test - 'background': |
| 83 FAIL e.style.webkitTextJustify should be auto. Was background. |
| 84 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be auto.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 85 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 86 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 87 |
| 88 Invalid value test - 'ltr': |
| 89 FAIL e.style.webkitTextJustify should be auto. Was ltr. |
| 90 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be auto.
Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 91 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 92 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 93 |
| 94 Computed value test - 'inherit': |
| 95 PASS e.style.webkitTextJustify is 'inherit' |
| 96 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be inher
it. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 97 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 98 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 99 |
| 100 Computed value test - 'initial': |
| 101 PASS e.style.webkitTextJustify is 'initial' |
| 102 FAIL e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be initi
al. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 103 FAIL computedStyle.webkitTextJustify should be auto (of type string). Was undefi
ned (of type undefined). |
| 104 FAIL computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('-webkit-text-justify').cssText should be
auto. Threw exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of null |
| 105 |
| 106 PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| 107 |
| 109 hello world |