1 {"exampleMessage":{"id":"use an Id generated by bin/message_id.dart","subId":0,"
category":"AnalysisOptionsError","template":"#use #named #arguments","templateHo
leOrder":["arguments","named","use"],"howToFix":"an explanation on how to fix th
ings","options":null,"usedBy":[],"examples":[" Some multiline example;\n
That generates the bug.",{"fileA.dart":" or a map from file to content
.\n again multiline","fileB.dart":" with possibly multiple files.\
","subId":0,"category":"ParserError","template":"Const constructor or factory ca
n't have a body.","templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Remove the 'const' keywor
d or the body.","options":null,"usedBy":["Platform.dart2js"],"examples":["
class C {\n const C() {}\n }\n\n main() => new C();
"," class C {\n const factory C() {}\n }\n\n m
ain() => new C();"]},"CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_BODY":{"id":"LGJGHW","subId":1,"cat
egory":"ParserError","template":"Const constructor can't have a body.","template
HoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing the 'const' keyword or the body.","opti
ons":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":[" class C {\n
const C() {}\n }\n\n main() => new C();"]},"CONST_FACTORY":
{"id":"LGJGHW","subId":2,"category":"ParserError","template":"Only redirecting f
actory constructors can be declared to be 'const'.","templateHoleOrder":null,"ho
wToFix":"Try removing the 'const' keyword or replacing the body with '=' followe
d by a valid target.","options":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":[
" class C {\n const factory C() {}\n }\n\n mai
n() => new C();"]},"EXTRANEOUS_MODIFIER":{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":0,"category":"Pa
rserError","template":"Can't have modifier '#{modifier}' here.","templateHoleOrd
er":null,"howToFix":"Try removing '#{modifier}'.","options":null,"usedBy":["Plat
form.dart2js"],"examples":["var String foo; main(){}","var set foo; main(){}","v
ar final foo; main(){}","var var foo; main(){}","var const foo; main(){}","var a
bstract foo; main(){}","var static foo; main(){}","var external foo; main(){}","
get var foo; main(){}","set var foo; main(){}","final var foo; main(){}","var va
r foo; main(){}","const var foo; main(){}","abstract var foo; main(){}","static
var foo; main(){}","external var foo; main(){}"]},"EXTRANEOUS_MODIFIER_REPLACE":
{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":1,"category":"ParserError","template":"Can't have modifie
r '#{modifier}' here.","templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try replacing modifi
er '#{modifier}' with 'var', 'final', or a type.","options":null,"usedBy":["Plat
form.dart2js"],"examples":["set foo; main(){}","abstract foo; main(){}","static
foo; main(){}","external foo; main(){}"]},"CONST_CLASS":{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":2
,"category":"ParserError","template":"Classes can't be declared to be 'const'","
templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing the 'const' keyword or moving t
o the class' constructor(s).","options":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"exa
mples":[" const class C {}\n\n main() => new C();\n "]},"CO
s, setters and methods can't be declared to be 'const'","templateHoleOrder":null
,"howToFix":"Try removing the 'const' keyword.","options":null,"usedBy":["Platfo
rm.analyzer"],"examples":["const int foo() => 499; main() {}","const int get foo
=> 499; main() {}","const set foo(v) => 499; main() {}","class A { const int fo
o() => 499; } main() { new A(); }","class A { const int get foo => 499; } main()
{ new A(); }","class A { const set foo(v) => 499; } main() { new A(); }"]},"CON
ST_ENUM":{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":4,"category":"ParserError","template":"Enums can
't be declared to be 'const'","templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing
the 'const' keyword.","options":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":[
"const enum Foo { x } main() {}"]},"CONST_TYPEDEF":{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":5,"cat
egory":"ParserError","template":"Type aliases can't be declared to be 'const'","
templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing the 'const' keyword.","options"
:null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":["const typedef void Foo(); main
() {}"]},"CONST_AND_FINAL":{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":6,"category":"ParserError","te
mplate":"Members can't be declared to be both 'const' and 'final'","templateHole
Order":null,"howToFix":"Try removing either the 'const' or 'final' keyword.","op
tions":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":["final const int x = 499;
main() {}","const final int x = 499; main() {}","class A { static final const i
nt x = 499; } main() {}","class A { static const final int x = 499; } main() {}"
"Members can't be declared to be both 'const' and 'var'","templateHoleOrder":nul
l,"howToFix":"Try removing either the 'const' or 'var' keyword.","options":null,
"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":["var const x = 499; main() {}","const
var x = 499; main() {}","class A { var const x = 499; } main() {}","class A { c
onst var x = 499; } main() {}"]},"CLASS_IN_CLASS":{"id":"DOTHQH","subId":0,"cate
gory":"ParserError","template":"Classes can't be declared inside other classes."
,"templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try moving the class to the top-level.","o
ptions":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":["class A { class B {} }
main() { new A(); }"]},"CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_RETURN_TYPE":{"id":"VOJBWY","subId":0,"
category":"ParserError","template":"Constructors can't have a return type","temp
lateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing the return type.","options":null,"u
sedBy":["Platform.analyzer","Platform.dart2js"],"examples":["class A { int A() {
} } main() { new A(); }"]}} | 1 {"exampleMessage":{"id":"use an Id generated by bin/message_id.dart","subId":0,"
category":"AnalysisOptionsError","template":"#use #named #arguments","templateHo
leOrder":["arguments","named","use"],"howToFix":"an explanation on how to fix th
ings","options":null,"usedBy":[],"examples":[" Some multiline example;\n
That generates the bug.",{"fileA.dart":" or a map from file to content
.\n again multiline","fileB.dart":" with possibly multiple files.\
","subId":0,"category":"ParserError","template":"Const constructor or factory ca
n't have a body.","templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Remove the 'const' keywor
d or the body.","options":null,"usedBy":["Platform.dart2js"],"examples":["
class C {\n const C() {}\n }\n\n main() => new C();
"," class C {\n const factory C() {}\n }\n\n m
ain() => new C();"]},"CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_BODY":{"id":"LGJGHW","subId":1,"cat
egory":"ParserError","template":"Const constructor can't have a body.","template
HoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing the 'const' keyword or the body.","opti
ons":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":[" class C {\n
const C() {}\n }\n\n main() => new C();"]},"CONST_FACTORY":
{"id":"LGJGHW","subId":2,"category":"ParserError","template":"Only redirecting f
actory constructors can be declared to be 'const'.","templateHoleOrder":null,"ho
wToFix":"Try removing the 'const' keyword or replacing the body with '=' followe
d by a valid target.","options":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":[
" class C {\n const factory C() {}\n }\n\n mai
n() => new C();"]},"EXTRANEOUS_MODIFIER":{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":0,"category":"Pa
rserError","template":"Can't have modifier '#{modifier}' here.","templateHoleOrd
er":null,"howToFix":"Try removing '#{modifier}'.","options":null,"usedBy":["Plat
form.dart2js"],"examples":["var String foo; main(){}","var set foo; main(){}","v
ar final foo; main(){}","var var foo; main(){}","var const foo; main(){}","var a
bstract foo; main(){}","var static foo; main(){}","var external foo; main(){}","
get var foo; main(){}","set var foo; main(){}","final var foo; main(){}","var va
r foo; main(){}","const var foo; main(){}","abstract var foo; main(){}","static
var foo; main(){}","external var foo; main(){}"]},"EXTRANEOUS_MODIFIER_REPLACE":
{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":1,"category":"ParserError","template":"Can't have modifie
r '#{modifier}' here.","templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try replacing modifi
er '#{modifier}' with 'var', 'final', or a type.","options":null,"usedBy":["Plat
form.dart2js"],"examples":["set foo; main(){}","abstract foo; main(){}","static
foo; main(){}","external foo; main(){}"]},"CONST_CLASS":{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":2
,"category":"ParserError","template":"Classes can't be declared to be 'const'","
templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing the 'const' keyword or moving t
o the class' constructor(s).","options":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"exa
mples":[" const class C {}\n\n main() => new C();\n "]},"CO
s, setters and methods can't be declared to be 'const'","templateHoleOrder":null
,"howToFix":"Try removing the 'const' keyword.","options":null,"usedBy":["Platfo
rm.analyzer"],"examples":["const int foo() => 499; main() {}","const int get foo
=> 499; main() {}","const set foo(v) => 499; main() {}","class A { const int fo
o() => 499; } main() { new A(); }","class A { const int get foo => 499; } main()
{ new A(); }","class A { const set foo(v) => 499; } main() { new A(); }"]},"CON
ST_ENUM":{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":4,"category":"ParserError","template":"Enums can
't be declared to be 'const'","templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing
the 'const' keyword.","options":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":[
"const enum Foo { x } main() {}"]},"CONST_TYPEDEF":{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":5,"cat
egory":"ParserError","template":"Type aliases can't be declared to be 'const'","
templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing the 'const' keyword.","options"
:null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":["const typedef void Foo(); main
() {}"]},"CONST_AND_FINAL":{"id":"GRKIQE","subId":6,"category":"ParserError","te
mplate":"Members can't be declared to be both 'const' and 'final'","templateHole
Order":null,"howToFix":"Try removing either the 'const' or 'final' keyword.","op
tions":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":["final const int x = 499;
main() {}","const final int x = 499; main() {}","class A { static final const i
nt x = 499; } main() {}","class A { static const final int x = 499; } main() {}"
"Members can't be declared to be both 'const' and 'var'","templateHoleOrder":nul
l,"howToFix":"Try removing either the 'const' or 'var' keyword.","options":null,
"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":["var const x = 499; main() {}","const
var x = 499; main() {}","class A { var const x = 499; } main() {}","class A { c
onst var x = 499; } main() {}"]},"CLASS_IN_CLASS":{"id":"DOTHQH","subId":0,"cate
gory":"ParserError","template":"Classes can't be declared inside other classes."
,"templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try moving the class to the top-level.","o
ptions":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer"],"examples":["class A { class B {} }
main() { new A(); }"]},"CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_RETURN_TYPE":{"id":"VOJBWY","subId":0,"
category":"ParserError","template":"Constructors can't have a return type","temp
lateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing the return type.","options":null,"u
sedBy":["Platform.analyzer","Platform.dart2js"],"examples":["class A { int A() {
} } main() { new A(); }"]},"RETURN_IN_GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR":{"id":"UOTDQH","su
bId":0,"category":"CompileTimeError","template":"Constructors can't return value
s.","templateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing the return statement or us
ing a factory constructor.","options":null,"usedBy":["Platform.analyzer","Platfo
rm.dart2js"],"examples":[" class C {\n C() {\n return
1;\n }\n }\n\n main() => new C();"]},"RETURN_IN_GENERATO
R":{"id":"JRUTUQ","subId":0,"category":"CompileTimeError","template":"Can't retu
rn a value from a generator function (using the '#{modifier}' modifier).","templ
ateHoleOrder":null,"howToFix":"Try removing the value, replacing 'return' with '
yield' or changing the method body modifier","options":null,"usedBy":["Platform.
analyzer","Platform.dart2js"],"examples":[" foo() async* { return 0; }\n
main() => foo();\n "," foo() sync* { return 0; }\n m
ain() => foo();\n "]}} |