Index: experimental/PdfViewer/
--- experimental/PdfViewer/ (revision 9587)
+++ experimental/PdfViewer/ (working copy)
@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@
tableLine = 0
tableRow = 0
columnWidth = []
-columnValues = ['', '', '']
+columnValues = None
mustFollowTableHeader = False
+emitedDitionaryName = ''
knownTypes = {
@@ -50,6 +51,159 @@
' '
+tableToClassName = {
+'TABLE 3.4': ['StreamDictionariesCommon', 'Entries common to all stream dictionaries'],
+'TABLE 3.7': ['LzwdecodeAndFlatedecodeFiltersOptionalParameters', 'Optional parameters for LZWDecode and FlateDecode filters'],
+'TABLE 3.9': ['CcittfaxdecodeFilterOptionalParameters', 'Optional parameters for the CCITTFaxDecode filter'],
+'TABLE 3.10': ['Jbig2DecodeFilterOptionalParameters', 'Optional parameter for the JBIG2Decode filter'],
+'TABLE 3.11': ['DctdecodeFilterOptionalParameters', 'Optional parameter for the DCTDecode filter'],
+'TABLE 3.12': ['FileTrailerDictionary', 'Entries in the file trailer dictionary'],
+'TABLE 3.13': ['EncryptionDictionariesCommon', 'Entries common to all encryption dictionaries'],
+'TABLE 3.14': ['DictionaryEntriesForTheStandardSecurityHandler', 'Additional encryption dictionary entries for the standard security handler'],
+'TABLE 3.16': ['CatalogDictionary', 'Entries in the catalog dictionary'],
+'TABLE 3.17': ['PageTreeNodeDictionary', 'Required entries in a page tree node'],
+'TABLE 3.18': ['PageObjectDictionary', 'Entries in a page object'],
+'TABLE 3.19': ['NameDictionary', 'Entries in the name dictionary'],
+'TABLE 3.21': ['ResourceDictionary', 'Entries in a resource dictionary'],
+'TABLE 3.23': ['NameTreeNodeDictionary', 'Entries in a name tree node dictionary'],
+'TABLE 3.25': ['NumberTreeNodeDictionary', 'Entries in a number tree node dictionary'],
+'TABLE 3.26': ['FunctionDictionariesCommon', 'Entries common to all function dictionaries'],
+'TABLE 3.27': ['SpecificToAType0FunctionDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 0 function dictionary'],
+'TABLE 3.28': ['SpecificToAType2FunctionDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 2 function dictionary'],
+'TABLE 3.29': ['SpecificToAType3FunctionDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 3 function dictionary'],
+'TABLE 3.32': ['FileSpecificationDictionary', 'Entries in a file specification dictionary'],
+'TABLE 3.33': ['EmbeddedFileStreamDictionary', 'Additional entries in an embedded file stream dictionary'],
+'TABLE 3.35': ['MacOsFileInformationDictionary', 'Entries in a Mac OS file information dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.13': ['CalgrayColorSpaceDictionary', 'Entries in a CalGray color space dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.14': ['CalrgbColorSpaceDictionary', 'Entries in a CalRGB color space dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.15': ['LabColorSpaceDictionary', 'Entries in a Lab color space dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.16': ['SpecificToAnIccProfileStreamDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to an ICC profile stream dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.20': ['DevicenColorSpaceAttributesDictionary', 'Entry in a DeviceN color space attributes dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.22': ['SpecificToAType1PatternDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 1 pattern dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.23': ['Type2PatternDictionary', 'Entries in a type 2 pattern dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.25': ['ShadingDictionariesCommon', 'Entries common to all shading dictionaries'],
+'TABLE 4.26': ['SpecificToAType1ShadingDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 1 shading dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.27': ['SpecificToAType2ShadingDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 2 shading dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.28': ['SpecificToAType3ShadingDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 3 shading dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.29': ['SpecificToAType4ShadingDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 4 shading dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.30': ['SpecificToAType5ShadingDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 5 shading dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.31': ['SpecificToAType6ShadingDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 6 shading dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.35': ['SpecificToAnImageDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to an image dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.37': ['AlternateImageDictionary', 'Entries in an alternate image dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.41': ['SpecificToAType1FormDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 1 form dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.42': ['GroupAttributesDictionariesCommon', 'Entries common to all group attributes dictionaries'],
+'TABLE 4.43': ['ReferenceDictionary', 'Entries in a reference dictionary'],
+'TABLE 4.44': ['SpecificToAPostscriptXobjectDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a PostScript XObject dictionary'],
+'TABLE 5.8': ['Type1FontDictionary', 'Entries in a Type 1 font dictionary'],
+'TABLE 5.9': ['Type3FontDictionary', 'Entries in a Type 3 font dictionary'],
+'TABLE 5.11': ['EncodingDictionary', 'Entries in an encoding dictionary'],
+'TABLE 5.12': ['CidsysteminfoDictionary', 'Entries in a CIDSystemInfo dictionary'],
+'TABLE 5.13': ['CidfontDictionary', 'Entries in a CIDFont dictionary'],
+'TABLE 5.16': ['CmapDictionary', 'Additional entries in a CMap dictionary'],
+'TABLE 5.17': ['Type0FontDictionary', 'Entries in a Type 0 font dictionary'],
+'TABLE 5.18': ['FontDescriptorsCommon', 'Entries common to all font descriptors'],
+'TABLE 5.20': ['DescriptorEntriesForCidfonts', 'Additional font descriptor entries for CIDFonts'],
+'TABLE 5.23': ['EmbeddedFontStreamDictionary', 'Additional entries in an embedded font stream dictionary'],
+'TABLE 6.3': ['Type1HalftoneDictionary', 'Entries in a type 1 halftone dictionary'],
+'TABLE 6.4': ['SpecificToAType6HalftoneDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 6 halftone dictionary'],
+'TABLE 6.5': ['SpecificToAType10HalftoneDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 10 halftone dictionary'],
+'TABLE 6.6': ['SpecificToAType16HalftoneDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a type 16 halftone dictionary'],
+'TABLE 6.7': ['Type5HalftoneDictionary', 'Entries in a type 5 halftone dictionary'],
+'TABLE 7.10': ['Soft-MaskDictionary', 'Entries in a soft-mask dictionary'],
+'TABLE 7.12': ['Soft-MaskImageDictionary', 'Additional entry in a soft-mask image dictionary'],
+'TABLE 7.13': ['SpecificToATransparencyGroupAttributesDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a transparency group attributes dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.1': ['ViewerPreferencesDictionary', 'Entries in a viewer preferences dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.3': ['OutlineDictionary', 'Entries in the outline dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.6': ['PageLabelDictionary', 'Entries in a page label dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.7': ['ThreadDictionary', 'Entries in a thread dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.9': ['TransitionDictionary', 'Entries in a transition dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.10': ['AnnotationDictionariesCommon', 'Entries common to all annotation dictionaries'],
+'TABLE 8.12': ['BorderStyleDictionary', 'Entries in a border style dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.13': ['AppearanceDictionary', 'Entries in an appearance dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.15': ['SpecificToATextAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a text annotation'],
+'TABLE 8.16': ['SpecificToALinkAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a link annotation'],
+'TABLE 8.17': ['SpecificToAFreeTextAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a free text annotation'],
+'TABLE 8.18': ['SpecificToALineAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a line annotation'],
+'TABLE 8.20': ['SpecificToASquareOrCircleAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a square or circle annotation'],
+'TABLE 8.21': ['SpecificToMarkupAnnotations', 'Additional entries specific to markup annotations'],
+'TABLE 8.22': ['SpecificToARubberStampAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a rubber stamp annotation'],
+'TABLE 8.23': ['SpecificToAnInkAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to an ink annotation'],
+'TABLE 8.24': ['SpecificToAPop-UpAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a pop-up annotation'],
+'TABLE 8.26': ['SpecificToASoundAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a sound annotation'],
+'TABLE 8.27': ['SpecificToAMovieAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a movie annotation'],
+'TABLE 8.28': ['SpecificToAWidgetAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a widget annotation'],
+'TABLE 8.29': ['ActionDictionariesCommon', 'Entries common to all action dictionaries'],
+'TABLE 8.30': ['Annotation’SAdditional-ActionsDictionary', 'Entries in an annotation’s additional-actions dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.35': ['SpecificToAGo-ToAction', 'Additional entries specific to a go-to action'],
+'TABLE 8.36': ['SpecificToARemoteGo-ToAction', 'Additional entries specific to a remote go-to action'],
+'TABLE 8.37': ['SpecificToALaunchAction', 'Additional entries specific to a launch action'],
+'TABLE 8.39': ['SpecificToAThreadAction', 'Additional entries specific to a thread action'],
+'TABLE 8.40': ['SpecificToAUriAction', 'Additional entries specific to a URI action'],
+'TABLE 8.41': ['UriDictionary', 'Entry in a URI dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.42': ['SpecificToASoundAction', 'Additional entries specific to a sound action'],
+'TABLE 8.43': ['SpecificToAMovieAction', 'Additional entries specific to a movie action'],
+'TABLE 8.44': ['SpecificToAHideAction', 'Additional entries specific to a hide action'],
+'TABLE 8.46': ['SpecificToNamedActions', 'Additional entries specific to named actions'],
+'TABLE 8.47': ['InteractiveFormDictionary', 'Entries in the interactive form dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.49': ['FieldDictionariesCommon', 'Entries common to all field dictionaries'],
+'TABLE 8.51': ['CommonToAllFieldsContainingVariableText', 'Additional entries common to all fields containing variable text'],
+'TABLE 8.52': ['AppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary', 'Entries in an appearance characteristics dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.54': ['SpecificToACheckboxField', 'Additional entry specific to a checkbox field'],
+'TABLE 8.55': ['SpecificToARadioButtonField', 'Additional entry specific to a radio button field'],
+'TABLE 8.57': ['SpecificToATextField', 'Additional entry specific to a text field'],
+'TABLE 8.59': ['SpecificToAChoiceField', 'Additional entries specific to a choice field'],
+'TABLE 8.60': ['SignatureDictionary', 'Entries in a signature dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.61': ['SpecificToASubmit-FormAction', 'Additional entries specific to a submit-form action'],
+'TABLE 8.63': ['SpecificToAReset-FormAction', 'Additional entries specific to a reset-form action'],
+'TABLE 8.65': ['SpecificToAnImport-DataAction', 'Additional entries specific to an import-data action'],
+'TABLE 8.66': ['SpecificToAJavascriptAction', 'Additional entries specific to a JavaScript action'],
+'TABLE 8.67': ['FdfTrailerDictionary', 'Entry in the FDF trailer dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.68': ['FdfCatalogDictionary', 'Entries in the FDF catalog dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.70': ['EmbeddedFileStreamDictionary', 'Additional entry in an embedded file stream dictionary for an encrypted FDF file'],
+'TABLE 8.71': ['JavascriptDictionary', 'Entries in the JavaScript dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.72': ['FdfFieldDictionary', 'Entries in an FDF field dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.73': ['IconFitDictionary', 'Entries in an icon fit dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.74': ['FdfPageDictionary', 'Entries in an FDF page dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.75': ['FdfTemplateDictionary', 'Entries in an FDF template dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.76': ['FdfNamedPageReferenceDictionary', 'Entries in an FDF named page reference dictionary'],
+'TABLE 8.77': ['ForAnnotationDictionariesInAnFdfFile', 'Additional entry for annotation dictionaries in an FDF file'],
+'TABLE 8.78': ['SpecificToASoundObject', 'Additional entries specific to a sound object'],
+'TABLE 8.79': ['MovieDictionary', 'Entries in a movie dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.2': ['DocumentInformationDictionary', 'Entries in the document information dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.3': ['MetadataStreamDictionary', 'Additional entries in a metadata stream dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.4': ['ForComponentsHavingMetadata', 'Additional entry for components having metadata'],
+'TABLE 9.6': ['Page-PieceDictionary', 'Entries in a page-piece dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.7': ['ApplicationDataDictionary', 'Entries in an application data dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.9': ['StructureTreeRootDictionary', 'Entries in the structure tree root'],
+'TABLE 9.11': ['Marked-ContentReferenceDictionary', 'Entries in a marked-content reference dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.12': ['ObjectReferenceDictionary', 'Entries in an object reference dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.13': ['EntriesForStructureElementAccess', 'Additional dictionary entries for structure element access'],
+'TABLE 9.14': ['AttributeObjectsCommon', 'Entry common to all attribute objects'],
+'TABLE 9.15': ['MarkInformationDictionary', 'Entry in the mark information dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.16': ['ArtifactsDictionary', 'Property list entries for artifacts'],
+'TABLE 9.27': ['StandardStructureTypesCommon', 'Standard layout attributes common to all standard structure types'],
+'TABLE 9.28': ['LayoutAttributesSpecificToBlock-LevelStructureElements', 'Additional standard layout attributes specific to block-level structure elements'],
+'TABLE 9.29': ['LayoutAttributesSpecificToInline-LevelStructureElementsDictionary', 'Standard layout attributes specific to inline-level structure elements'],
+'TABLE 9.30': ['ListAttributeDictionary', 'Standard list attribute'],
+'TABLE 9.31': ['TableAttributesDictionary', 'Standard table attributes'],
+'TABLE 9.32': ['WebCaptureInformationDictionary', 'Entries in the Web Capture information dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.33': ['WebCaptureContentSetsCommon', 'Entries common to all Web Capture content sets'],
+'TABLE 9.35': ['SpecificToAWebCaptureImageSet', 'Additional entries specific to a Web Capture image set'],
+'TABLE 9.36': ['SourceInformationDictionary', 'Entries in a source information dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.37': ['UrlAliasDictionary', 'Entries in a URL alias dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.38': ['WebCaptureCommandDictionary', 'Entries in a Web Capture command dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.40': ['WebCaptureCommandSettingsDictionary', 'Entries in a Web Capture command settings dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.41': ['BoxColorInformationDictionary', 'Entries in a box color information dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.43': ['SpecificToAPrinter’SMarkAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a printer’s mark annotation'],
+'TABLE 9.44': ['SpecificToAPrinter’SMarkFormDictionary', 'Additional entries specific to a printer’s mark form dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.45': ['SeparationDictionary', 'Entries in a separation dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.46': ['Pdf/XOutputIntentDictionary', 'Entries in a PDF/X output intent dictionary'],
+'TABLE 9.47': ['SpecificToATrapNetworkAnnotation', 'Additional entries specific to a trap network annotation'],
+'TABLE 9.48': ['SpecificToATrapNetworkAppearanceStream', 'Additional entries specific to a trap network appearance stream'],
+'TABLE 9.49': ['OpiVersionDictionary', 'Entry in an OPI version dictionary'],
def acceptType(val):
global knownTypes
@@ -79,6 +233,13 @@
def commitRow():
global columnValues
+ global emitedDitionaryName
+ global table
+ global tableToClassName
+ if columnValues == None:
+ return
#print columnValues
lastClosed = columnValues[2].find(')')
@@ -107,13 +268,85 @@
elif s != 'Required':
required = False
- print spec
- print specs
- print required
- print inheritable
- print version
- print columnValues
+ #print spec
+ #print specs
+ #print required
+ #print inheritable
+ #print version
+ #print columnValues
+ columnValues = [columnValues[0].replace(unicode('fi', 'utf8'), 'fi'), columnValues[1].replace(unicode('fi', 'utf8'), 'fi'), columnValues[2].replace(unicode('fi', 'utf8'), 'fi')]
+ if emitedDitionaryName == '':
+ table = table.replace(unicode('fi', 'utf8'), 'fi')
+ #print table
+ emitedDitionaryName = 'foo'
+ e ='[Entries|Entry] in [a-z]* (.* dictionary)', table)
+ a ='Additional [a-z]* in a[n]? (.* dictionary)', table)
+ s ='Additional [a-z]* (.*)', table)
+ c ='[Entries|Entry] common to all (.*)', table)
+ o1 ='Optional parameter[s]? for the (.*)', table)
+ o2 ='Optional parameter[s]? for (.*)', table)
+ t ='.*ntries in [a-z]* (.*)', table)
+ r ='Property list entries for (.*)', table)
+ st ='Standard (.*)', table)
+ if e:
+ emitedDitionaryName =' ', '')
+ #print emitedDitionaryName
+ elif a:
+ emitedDitionaryName =' ', '')
+ #print emitedDitionaryName
+ elif s:
+ emitedDitionaryName =' ', '')
+ #print emitedDitionaryName
+ elif c:
+ emitedDitionaryName =' ', '') + 'Common'
+ #print emitedDitionaryName
+ elif o1:
+ emitedDitionaryName =' ', '') + 'OptionalParameters'
+ #print emitedDitionaryName
+ elif o2:
+ emitedDitionaryName =' ', '') + 'OptionalParameters'
+ #print emitedDitionaryName
+ elif t:
+ emitedDitionaryName =' ', '') + 'Dictionary'
+ #print emitedDitionaryName
+ elif r:
+ emitedDitionaryName =' ', '') + 'Dictionary'
+ #print emitedDitionaryName
+ elif st:
+ emitedDitionaryName =' ', '') + 'Dictionary'
+ #print emitedDitionaryName
+ #else:
+ #print table
+ tableKey ='(TABLE [0-9].[0-9][0-9]?)', table).group(1)
+ #print tableKey
+ #print('\'' + tableKey + '\': [\'' + emitedDitionaryName + '\', \'' + table[len(tableKey) + 1:] + '\'],')
+ emitedDitionaryName = tableToClassName[tableKey][0]
+ comment = tableToClassName[tableKey][1]
+ print(' all.addClass(\'' + emitedDitionaryName + '\', \'Dictionary\', \'' + comment + '\')\\')
+ if required:
+ print(' .required(\'NULL\')\\')
+ else:
+ print(' .optional()\\')
+ print(' .field(\'' + columnValues[0] + '\')\\')
+ print(' .name(\'' + columnValues[0] + '\')\\')
+ print(' .type(\'' + columnValues[1] + '\')\\')
+ print(' .comment(\'' + columnValues[2] + '\')\\')
+ print(' .done().done()\\')
+ columnValues = None
def newRow(first, second, third):
global columnValues
columnValues = [first.rstrip(), second.rstrip(), third.rstrip()]
@@ -154,8 +387,12 @@
def stopTable():
global tableHeaderFound
+ global emitedDitionaryName
tableHeaderFound = False
+ emitedDitionaryName = ''
+ print(' .done()')
+ print
def killTable():
@@ -265,7 +502,7 @@
global lines
for line in sys.stdin:
- print lines
+ #print lines
if '__main__' == __name__: