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Unified Diff: third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/

Issue 1676913002: [mojo] Delete third_party/mojo (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: let's try that again Created 4 years, 10 months ago
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Index: third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/
diff --git a/third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/ b/third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/
deleted file mode 100644
index 31a1ac54daa48dcd1aa6089a7e9508ead18a936e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/ipc_support.h"
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/run_loop.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
-#include "base/test/test_io_thread.h"
-#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/macros.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/master_process_delegate.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/platform_channel_pair.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/simple_platform_support.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/slave_process_delegate.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/channel_manager.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/connection_identifier.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/dispatcher.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/message_pipe.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/message_pipe_dispatcher.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/process_identifier.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/test_utils.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/waiter.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/test/multiprocess_test_helper.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/test/test_utils.h"
-namespace mojo {
-namespace system {
-namespace {
-const char kConnectionIdFlag[] = "test-connection-id";
-// Tests writing a message (containing just data) to |write_mp| and then reading
-// it from |read_mp| (it should be the next message, i.e., there should be no
-// other messages already enqueued in that direction).
-void TestWriteReadMessage(scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> write_mp,
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> read_mp) {
- // Set up waiting on the read end first (to avoid racing).
- Waiter waiter;
- waiter.Init();
- read_mp->AddAwakable(&waiter, MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_READABLE, 0, nullptr));
- // Write a message with just 'x' through the write end.
- write_mp->WriteMessage(UserPointer<const void>("x"), 1, nullptr,
- // Wait for it to arrive.
- EXPECT_EQ(MOJO_RESULT_OK, waiter.Wait(test::ActionDeadline(), nullptr));
- read_mp->RemoveAwakable(&waiter, nullptr);
- // Read the message from the read end.
- char buffer[10] = {};
- uint32_t buffer_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(buffer));
- read_mp->ReadMessage(UserPointer<void>(buffer),
- MakeUserPointer(&buffer_size), 0, nullptr,
- EXPECT_EQ(1u, buffer_size);
- EXPECT_EQ('x', buffer[0]);
-// Writes a message pipe dispatcher (in a message) to |write_mp| and reads it
-// from |read_mp| (it should be the next message, i.e., there should be no other
-// other messages already enqueued in that direction).
-scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> SendMessagePipeDispatcher(
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> write_mp,
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> read_mp,
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> mp_to_send) {
- CHECK_NE(mp_to_send, write_mp);
- CHECK_NE(mp_to_send, read_mp);
- // Set up waiting on the read end first (to avoid racing).
- Waiter waiter;
- waiter.Init();
- read_mp->AddAwakable(&waiter, MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_READABLE, 0, nullptr),
- // Write a message with just |mp_to_send| through the write end.
- DispatcherTransport transport(
- test::DispatcherTryStartTransport(mp_to_send.get()));
- CHECK(transport.is_valid());
- std::vector<DispatcherTransport> transports;
- transports.push_back(transport);
- CHECK_EQ(write_mp->WriteMessage(NullUserPointer(), 0, &transports,
- transport.End();
- // Wait for it to arrive.
- CHECK_EQ(waiter.Wait(test::ActionDeadline(), nullptr), MOJO_RESULT_OK);
- read_mp->RemoveAwakable(&waiter, nullptr);
- // Read the message from the read end.
- DispatcherVector dispatchers;
- uint32_t num_dispatchers = 10;
- read_mp->ReadMessage(NullUserPointer(), NullUserPointer(), &dispatchers,
- &num_dispatchers, MOJO_READ_MESSAGE_FLAG_NONE),
- CHECK_EQ(dispatchers.size(), 1u);
- CHECK_EQ(num_dispatchers, 1u);
- CHECK_EQ(dispatchers[0]->GetType(), Dispatcher::Type::MESSAGE_PIPE);
- return scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher>(
- static_cast<MessagePipeDispatcher*>(dispatchers[0].get()));
-class TestMasterProcessDelegate : public embedder::MasterProcessDelegate {
- public:
- TestMasterProcessDelegate() : slave_disconnected_(false) {}
- ~TestMasterProcessDelegate() override {}
- // Warning: There's only one slave disconnect event (which resets
- // automatically).
- void TryWaitForOnSlaveDisconnect() {
- if (!slave_disconnected_)
- run_loop_.Run();
- }
- private:
- // |embedder::MasterProcessDelegate| methods:
- void OnShutdownComplete() override { NOTREACHED(); }
- void OnSlaveDisconnect(embedder::SlaveInfo /*slave_info*/) override {
- slave_disconnected_ = true;
- if (run_loop_.running())
- run_loop_.Quit();
- }
- bool slave_disconnected_;
- base::RunLoop run_loop_;
- MOJO_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestMasterProcessDelegate);
-class TestSlaveProcessDelegate : public embedder::SlaveProcessDelegate {
- public:
- TestSlaveProcessDelegate() {}
- ~TestSlaveProcessDelegate() override {}
- private:
- // |embedder::SlaveProcessDelegate| methods:
- void OnShutdownComplete() override { NOTREACHED(); }
- void OnMasterDisconnect() override { NOTREACHED(); }
- MOJO_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestSlaveProcessDelegate);
-// Represents the master's side of its connection to a slave.
-class TestSlaveConnection {
- public:
- TestSlaveConnection(base::TestIOThread* test_io_thread,
- IPCSupport* master_ipc_support)
- : test_io_thread_(test_io_thread),
- master_ipc_support_(master_ipc_support),
- connection_id_(master_ipc_support_->GenerateConnectionIdentifier()),
- slave_id_(kInvalidProcessIdentifier),
- event_(true, false) {}
- ~TestSlaveConnection() {}
- // After this is called, |ShutdownChannelToSlave()| must be called (possibly
- // after |WaitForChannelToSlave()|) before destruction.
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> ConnectToSlave() {
- embedder::PlatformChannelPair channel_pair;
- // Note: |ChannelId|s and |ProcessIdentifier|s are interchangeable.
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> mp =
- master_ipc_support_->ConnectToSlave(
- connection_id_, nullptr, channel_pair.PassServerHandle(),
- base::Bind(&base::WaitableEvent::Signal, base::Unretained(&event_)),
- nullptr, &slave_id_);
- EXPECT_NE(slave_id_, kInvalidProcessIdentifier);
- EXPECT_NE(slave_id_, kMasterProcessIdentifier);
- slave_platform_handle_ = channel_pair.PassClientHandle();
- return mp;
- }
- void WaitForChannelToSlave() {
- EXPECT_TRUE(event_.TimedWait(TestTimeouts::action_timeout()));
- }
- void ShutdownChannelToSlave() {
- // Since |event_| is manual-reset, calling this multiple times is OK.
- WaitForChannelToSlave();
- test_io_thread_->PostTaskAndWait(
- base::Bind(&ChannelManager::ShutdownChannelOnIOThread,
- base::Unretained(master_ipc_support_->channel_manager()),
- slave_id_));
- }
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandle PassSlavePlatformHandle() {
- return std::move(slave_platform_handle_);
- }
- const ConnectionIdentifier& connection_id() const { return connection_id_; }
- private:
- base::TestIOThread* const test_io_thread_;
- IPCSupport* const master_ipc_support_;
- const ConnectionIdentifier connection_id_;
- // The master's message pipe dispatcher.
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> message_pipe_;
- ProcessIdentifier slave_id_;
- base::WaitableEvent event_;
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandle slave_platform_handle_;
-// Encapsulates the state of a slave. (Note, however, that we share a
-// |PlatformSupport| and an I/O thread.)
-class TestSlave {
- public:
- // Note: Before destruction, |ShutdownIPCSupport()| must be called.
- TestSlave(embedder::PlatformSupport* platform_support,
- base::TestIOThread* test_io_thread,
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandle platform_handle)
- : test_io_thread_(test_io_thread),
- slave_ipc_support_(platform_support,
- embedder::ProcessType::SLAVE,
- &slave_process_delegate_,
- test_io_thread->task_runner(),
- std::move(platform_handle)),
- event_(true, false) {}
- ~TestSlave() {}
- // After this is called, |ShutdownChannelToMaster()| must be called (possibly
- // after |WaitForChannelToMaster()|) before destruction.
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> ConnectToMaster(
- const ConnectionIdentifier& connection_id) {
- ProcessIdentifier master_id = kInvalidProcessIdentifier;
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> mp =
- slave_ipc_support_.ConnectToMaster(
- connection_id,
- base::Bind(&base::WaitableEvent::Signal, base::Unretained(&event_)),
- nullptr, &master_id);
- EXPECT_EQ(kMasterProcessIdentifier, master_id);
- return mp;
- }
- void WaitForChannelToMaster() {
- EXPECT_TRUE(event_.TimedWait(TestTimeouts::action_timeout()));
- }
- void ShutdownChannelToMaster() {
- // Since |event_| is manual-reset, calling this multiple times is OK.
- WaitForChannelToMaster();
- test_io_thread_->PostTaskAndWait(
- base::Bind(&ChannelManager::ShutdownChannelOnIOThread,
- base::Unretained(slave_ipc_support_.channel_manager()),
- kMasterProcessIdentifier));
- }
- // No other methods may be called after this.
- void ShutdownIPCSupport() {
- test_io_thread_->PostTaskAndWait(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&IPCSupport::ShutdownOnIOThread,
- base::Unretained(&slave_ipc_support_)));
- }
- private:
- base::TestIOThread* const test_io_thread_;
- TestSlaveProcessDelegate slave_process_delegate_;
- IPCSupport slave_ipc_support_;
- base::WaitableEvent event_;
-// Encapsulates both the master and slave sides for each slave.
-class TestSlaveSetup {
- public:
- TestSlaveSetup(embedder::SimplePlatformSupport* platform_support,
- base::TestIOThread* test_io_thread,
- TestMasterProcessDelegate* master_process_delegate,
- IPCSupport* master_ipc_support)
- : platform_support_(platform_support),
- test_io_thread_(test_io_thread),
- master_process_delegate_(master_process_delegate),
- master_ipc_support_(master_ipc_support) {}
- ~TestSlaveSetup() {
- CHECK(!slave_connection_);
- CHECK(!slave_);
- }
- void Init() {
- // Set up the master side entirely before the slave side, since this
- // simulates what's likely to happen "in reality" more closely.
- slave_connection_.reset(
- new TestSlaveConnection(test_io_thread_, master_ipc_support_));
- master_mp_ = slave_connection_->ConnectToSlave();
- slave_.reset(new TestSlave(platform_support_, test_io_thread_,
- slave_connection_->PassSlavePlatformHandle()));
- slave_mp_ = slave_->ConnectToMaster(slave_connection_->connection_id());
- }
- void TestConnection() {
- TestWriteReadMessage(master_mp_, slave_mp_);
- TestWriteReadMessage(slave_mp_, master_mp_);
- }
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> PassMasterMessagePipe() {
- return std::move(master_mp_);
- }
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> PassSlaveMessagePipe() {
- return std::move(slave_mp_);
- }
- void Shutdown() {
- if (master_mp_) {
- master_mp_->Close();
- master_mp_ = nullptr;
- }
- if (slave_mp_) {
- slave_mp_->Close();
- slave_mp_ = nullptr;
- }
- slave_->ShutdownChannelToMaster();
- slave_->ShutdownIPCSupport();
- master_process_delegate_->TryWaitForOnSlaveDisconnect();
- slave_connection_->ShutdownChannelToSlave();
- slave_.reset();
- slave_connection_.reset();
- }
- TestSlaveConnection* slave_connection() { return slave_connection_.get(); }
- // Note: To close the master message pipe, use |PassMasterMessagePipe()|.
- MessagePipeDispatcher* master_mp() { return master_mp_.get(); }
- TestSlave* slave() { return slave_.get(); }
- // Note: To close the slave message pipe, use |PassSlaveMessagePipe()|.
- MessagePipeDispatcher* slave_mp() { return slave_mp_.get(); }
- private:
- embedder::SimplePlatformSupport* const platform_support_;
- base::TestIOThread* const test_io_thread_;
- TestMasterProcessDelegate* const master_process_delegate_;
- IPCSupport* const master_ipc_support_;
- scoped_ptr<TestSlaveConnection> slave_connection_;
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> master_mp_;
- scoped_ptr<TestSlave> slave_;
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> slave_mp_;
-class IPCSupportTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- // Note: Run master process delegate methods on the I/O thread.
- IPCSupportTest()
- : test_io_thread_(base::TestIOThread::kAutoStart),
- master_ipc_support_(&platform_support_,
- embedder::ProcessType::MASTER,
- &master_process_delegate_,
- test_io_thread_.task_runner(),
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandle()) {}
- ~IPCSupportTest() override {}
- scoped_ptr<TestSlaveSetup> SetupSlave() {
- scoped_ptr<TestSlaveSetup> s(
- new TestSlaveSetup(&platform_support_, &test_io_thread_,
- &master_process_delegate_, &master_ipc_support_));
- s->Init();
- return s;
- }
- void ShutdownMasterIPCSupport() {
- test_io_thread_.PostTaskAndWait(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&IPCSupport::ShutdownOnIOThread,
- base::Unretained(&master_ipc_support_)));
- }
- embedder::SimplePlatformSupport& platform_support() {
- return platform_support_;
- }
- base::TestIOThread& test_io_thread() { return test_io_thread_; }
- TestMasterProcessDelegate& master_process_delegate() {
- return master_process_delegate_;
- }
- IPCSupport& master_ipc_support() { return master_ipc_support_; }
- private:
- base::MessageLoop message_loop_;
- embedder::SimplePlatformSupport platform_support_;
- base::TestIOThread test_io_thread_;
- // All tests require a master.
- TestMasterProcessDelegate master_process_delegate_;
- IPCSupport master_ipc_support_;
-using MessagePipeDispatcherPair =
- std::pair<scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher>,
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher>>;
-MessagePipeDispatcherPair CreateMessagePipe() {
- MessagePipeDispatcherPair rv;
- rv.first = MessagePipeDispatcher::Create(
- MessagePipeDispatcher::kDefaultCreateOptions);
- rv.second = MessagePipeDispatcher::Create(
- MessagePipeDispatcher::kDefaultCreateOptions);
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipe> mp(MessagePipe::CreateLocalLocal());
- rv.first->Init(mp, 0);
- rv.second->Init(mp, 1);
- return rv;
-TEST_F(IPCSupportTest, MasterSlave) {
- scoped_ptr<TestSlaveSetup> s(SetupSlave());
- s->TestConnection();
- // Don't need the message pipe anymore.
- s->PassMasterMessagePipe()->Close();
- s->PassSlaveMessagePipe()->Close();
- // A message was sent through the message pipe, |Channel|s must have been
- // established on both sides. The events have thus almost certainly been
- // signalled, but we'll wait just to be sure.
- s->slave_connection()->WaitForChannelToSlave();
- s->slave()->WaitForChannelToMaster();
- s->Shutdown();
- ShutdownMasterIPCSupport();
-// Simulates a master and two slaves. Initially, there are just message pipes
-// from the master to the slaves. This tests the master creating a message pipe
-// and sending an end to each slave, which should result in a direct connection
-// between the two slaves (TODO(vtl): this part doesn't happen yet).
-// TODO(vtl): There are various other similar scenarios we'll need to test, so
-// we'll need to factor out some of the code.
-// TODO(vtl): In this scenario, we can't test the intermediary (the master)
-// going away.
-TEST_F(IPCSupportTest, ConnectTwoSlaves) {
- scoped_ptr<TestSlaveSetup> s1(SetupSlave());
- scoped_ptr<TestSlaveSetup> s2(SetupSlave());
- s1->TestConnection();
- s2->TestConnection();
- // Make a message pipe (logically "in" the master) and send one end to each
- // slave.
- MessagePipeDispatcherPair send_mp = CreateMessagePipe();
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> slave1_received_mp =
- SendMessagePipeDispatcher(s1->master_mp(), s1->slave_mp(), send_mp.first);
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> slave2_received_mp =
- SendMessagePipeDispatcher(s2->master_mp(), s2->slave_mp(),
- send_mp.second);
- // These should be connected.
- TestWriteReadMessage(slave1_received_mp, slave2_received_mp);
- TestWriteReadMessage(slave2_received_mp, slave1_received_mp);
- s1->PassMasterMessagePipe()->Close();
- s2->PassMasterMessagePipe()->Close();
- s1->PassSlaveMessagePipe()->Close();
- s2->PassSlaveMessagePipe()->Close();
- // They should still be connected.
- TestWriteReadMessage(slave1_received_mp, slave2_received_mp);
- TestWriteReadMessage(slave2_received_mp, slave1_received_mp);
- slave1_received_mp->Close();
- slave2_received_mp->Close();
- s1->Shutdown();
- s2->Shutdown();
- ShutdownMasterIPCSupport();
-// Like |ConnectTwoSlaves|, but does it twice, to test reusing a connection.
-TEST_F(IPCSupportTest, ConnectTwoSlavesTwice) {
- scoped_ptr<TestSlaveSetup> s1(SetupSlave());
- scoped_ptr<TestSlaveSetup> s2(SetupSlave());
- s1->TestConnection();
- s2->TestConnection();
- MessagePipeDispatcherPair send_mp1 = CreateMessagePipe();
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> slave1_received_mp1 =
- SendMessagePipeDispatcher(s1->master_mp(), s1->slave_mp(),
- send_mp1.first);
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> slave2_received_mp1 =
- SendMessagePipeDispatcher(s2->master_mp(), s2->slave_mp(),
- send_mp1.second);
- MessagePipeDispatcherPair send_mp2 = CreateMessagePipe();
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> slave1_received_mp2 =
- SendMessagePipeDispatcher(s1->master_mp(), s1->slave_mp(),
- send_mp2.first);
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> slave2_received_mp2 =
- SendMessagePipeDispatcher(s2->master_mp(), s2->slave_mp(),
- send_mp2.second);
- s1->PassMasterMessagePipe()->Close();
- s2->PassMasterMessagePipe()->Close();
- s1->PassSlaveMessagePipe()->Close();
- s2->PassSlaveMessagePipe()->Close();
- TestWriteReadMessage(slave1_received_mp1, slave2_received_mp1);
- TestWriteReadMessage(slave2_received_mp1, slave1_received_mp1);
- TestWriteReadMessage(slave1_received_mp2, slave2_received_mp2);
- TestWriteReadMessage(slave2_received_mp2, slave1_received_mp2);
- slave1_received_mp1->Close();
- slave2_received_mp1->Close();
- TestWriteReadMessage(slave1_received_mp2, slave2_received_mp2);
- TestWriteReadMessage(slave2_received_mp2, slave1_received_mp2);
- slave1_received_mp2->Close();
- slave2_received_mp2->Close();
- s1->Shutdown();
- s2->Shutdown();
- ShutdownMasterIPCSupport();
-// Creates a message pipe in the slave, which sends both ends (in separate
-// messages) to the master.
-TEST_F(IPCSupportTest, SlavePassBackToMaster) {
- scoped_ptr<TestSlaveSetup> s(SetupSlave());
- s->TestConnection();
- // Make a message pipe (logically "in" the slave) and send both ends
- // (separately) to the master.
- MessagePipeDispatcherPair send_mp = CreateMessagePipe();
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> received_mp1 =
- SendMessagePipeDispatcher(s->slave_mp(), s->master_mp(), send_mp.first);
- TestWriteReadMessage(received_mp1, send_mp.second);
- TestWriteReadMessage(send_mp.second, received_mp1);
- scoped_refptr<MessagePipeDispatcher> received_mp2 =
- SendMessagePipeDispatcher(s->slave_mp(), s->master_mp(), send_mp.second);
- s->PassMasterMessagePipe()->Close();
- s->PassSlaveMessagePipe()->Close();
- TestWriteReadMessage(received_mp1, received_mp2);
- TestWriteReadMessage(received_mp2, received_mp1);
- s->Shutdown();
- // These should still be connected.
- // TODO(vtl): This is not yet implemented, thus will fail here!
- // TestWriteReadMessage(received_mp1, received_mp2);
- // TestWriteReadMessage(received_mp2, received_mp1);
- received_mp1->Close();
- received_mp2->Close();
- ShutdownMasterIPCSupport();
-} // namespace
-// Note: This test isn't in an anonymous namespace, since it needs to be
-// friended by |IPCSupport|.
-TEST_F(IPCSupportTest, MasterSlaveInternal) {
- ConnectionIdentifier connection_id =
- master_ipc_support().GenerateConnectionIdentifier();
- embedder::PlatformChannelPair channel_pair;
- ProcessIdentifier slave_id = kInvalidProcessIdentifier;
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandle master_second_platform_handle =
- master_ipc_support().ConnectToSlaveInternal(
- connection_id, nullptr, channel_pair.PassServerHandle(), &slave_id);
- ASSERT_TRUE(master_second_platform_handle.is_valid());
- EXPECT_NE(slave_id, kInvalidProcessIdentifier);
- EXPECT_NE(slave_id, kMasterProcessIdentifier);
- TestSlaveProcessDelegate slave_process_delegate;
- // Note: Run process delegate methods on the I/O thread.
- IPCSupport slave_ipc_support(
- &platform_support(), embedder::ProcessType::SLAVE,
- &slave_process_delegate, test_io_thread().task_runner(),
- channel_pair.PassClientHandle());
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandle slave_second_platform_handle =
- slave_ipc_support.ConnectToMasterInternal(connection_id);
- ASSERT_TRUE(slave_second_platform_handle.is_valid());
- // Write an 'x' through the master's end.
- size_t n = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(mojo::test::BlockingWrite(master_second_platform_handle.get(),
- "x", 1, &n));
- EXPECT_EQ(1u, n);
- // Read it from the slave's end.
- char c = '\0';
- n = 0;
- mojo::test::BlockingRead(slave_second_platform_handle.get(), &c, 1, &n));
- EXPECT_EQ(1u, n);
- EXPECT_EQ('x', c);
- test_io_thread().PostTaskAndWait(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&IPCSupport::ShutdownOnIOThread,
- base::Unretained(&slave_ipc_support)));
- master_process_delegate().TryWaitForOnSlaveDisconnect();
- ShutdownMasterIPCSupport();
-// This is a true multiprocess version of IPCSupportTest.MasterSlaveInternal.
-// Note: This test isn't in an anonymous namespace, since it needs to be
-// friended by |IPCSupport|.
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
-// Android multi-process tests are not executing the new process. This is flaky.
-// TODO(vtl): I'm guessing this is true of this test too?
-#define MAYBE_MultiprocessMasterSlaveInternal \
- DISABLED_MultiprocessMasterSlaveInternal
-#define MAYBE_MultiprocessMasterSlaveInternal MultiprocessMasterSlaveInternal
-#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
-TEST_F(IPCSupportTest, MAYBE_MultiprocessMasterSlaveInternal) {
- ConnectionIdentifier connection_id =
- master_ipc_support().GenerateConnectionIdentifier();
- mojo::test::MultiprocessTestHelper multiprocess_test_helper;
- ProcessIdentifier slave_id = kInvalidProcessIdentifier;
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandle second_platform_handle =
- master_ipc_support().ConnectToSlaveInternal(
- connection_id, nullptr,
- std::move(multiprocess_test_helper.server_platform_handle),
- &slave_id);
- ASSERT_TRUE(second_platform_handle.is_valid());
- EXPECT_NE(slave_id, kInvalidProcessIdentifier);
- EXPECT_NE(slave_id, kMasterProcessIdentifier);
- multiprocess_test_helper.StartChildWithExtraSwitch(
- "MultiprocessMasterSlaveInternal", kConnectionIdFlag,
- connection_id.ToString());
- // We write a '?'. The slave should write a '!' in response.
- size_t n = 0;
- mojo::test::BlockingWrite(second_platform_handle.get(), "?", 1, &n));
- EXPECT_EQ(1u, n);
- char c = '\0';
- n = 0;
- mojo::test::BlockingRead(second_platform_handle.get(), &c, 1, &n));
- EXPECT_EQ(1u, n);
- EXPECT_EQ('!', c);
- master_process_delegate().TryWaitForOnSlaveDisconnect();
- EXPECT_TRUE(multiprocess_test_helper.WaitForChildTestShutdown());
- ShutdownMasterIPCSupport();
-MOJO_MULTIPROCESS_TEST_CHILD_TEST(MultiprocessMasterSlaveInternal) {
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandle client_platform_handle =
- std::move(mojo::test::MultiprocessTestHelper::client_platform_handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(client_platform_handle.is_valid());
- embedder::SimplePlatformSupport platform_support;
- base::MessageLoop message_loop;
- base::TestIOThread test_io_thread(base::TestIOThread::kAutoStart);
- TestSlaveProcessDelegate slave_process_delegate;
- // Note: Run process delegate methods on the I/O thread.
- IPCSupport ipc_support(&platform_support, embedder::ProcessType::SLAVE,
- &slave_process_delegate, test_io_thread.task_runner(),
- std::move(client_platform_handle));
- const base::CommandLine& command_line =
- *base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
- ASSERT_TRUE(command_line.HasSwitch(kConnectionIdFlag));
- bool ok = false;
- ConnectionIdentifier connection_id = ConnectionIdentifier::FromString(
- command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(kConnectionIdFlag), &ok);
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandle second_platform_handle =
- ipc_support.ConnectToMasterInternal(connection_id);
- ASSERT_TRUE(second_platform_handle.is_valid());
- // The master should write a '?'. We'll write a '!' in response.
- char c = '\0';
- size_t n = 0;
- mojo::test::BlockingRead(second_platform_handle.get(), &c, 1, &n));
- EXPECT_EQ(1u, n);
- EXPECT_EQ('?', c);
- n = 0;
- mojo::test::BlockingWrite(second_platform_handle.get(), "!", 1, &n));
- EXPECT_EQ(1u, n);
- test_io_thread.PostTaskAndWait(FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&IPCSupport::ShutdownOnIOThread,
- base::Unretained(&ipc_support)));
-// TODO(vtl): Also test the case of the master "dying" before the slave. (The
-// slave should get OnMasterDisconnect(), which we currently don't test.)
-} // namespace system
-} // namespace mojo
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