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Unified Diff: third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h

Issue 1676913002: [mojo] Delete third_party/mojo (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: let's try that again Created 4 years, 10 months ago
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Index: third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h
diff --git a/third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h b/third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8737101cc1c23fe4e30dcd4d348b8019b3b14abc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <string>
-#include "base/callback.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
-#include "base/task_runner.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/message_pipe.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/channel_info_forward.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/process_type.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/scoped_platform_handle.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/embedder/slave_info.h"
-#include "third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system/system_impl_export.h"
-namespace mojo {
-namespace embedder {
-class ProcessDelegate;
-// Wrapper functions around the ones in src/mojo/edk for component builds.
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void PreInitializeParentProcess();
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void PreInitializeChildProcess();
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT ScopedPlatformHandle ChildProcessLaunched(
- base::ProcessHandle child_process);
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void ChildProcessLaunched(
- base::ProcessHandle child_process, ScopedPlatformHandle server_pipe);
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void SetParentPipeHandle(ScopedPlatformHandle pipe);
-// Basic configuration/initialization ------------------------------------------
-// |Init()| sets up the basic Mojo system environment, making the |Mojo...()|
-// functions available and functional. This is never shut down (except in tests
-// -- see test_embedder.h).
-// Allows changing the default max message size. Must be called before Init.
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void SetMaxMessageSize(size_t bytes);
-// Must be called first, or just after setting configuration parameters, to
-// initialize the (global, singleton) system.
-// Basic functions -------------------------------------------------------------
-// The functions in this section are available once |Init()| has been called.
-// Start waiting on the handle asynchronously. On success, |callback| will be
-// called exactly once, when |handle| satisfies a signal in |signals| or it
-// becomes known that it will never do so. |callback| will be executed on an
-// arbitrary thread, so it must not call any Mojo system or embedder functions.
-AsyncWait(MojoHandle handle,
- MojoHandleSignals signals,
- const base::Callback<void(MojoResult)>& callback);
-// Creates a |MojoHandle| that wraps the given |PlatformHandle| (taking
-// ownership of it). This |MojoHandle| can then, e.g., be passed through message
-// pipes. Note: This takes ownership (and thus closes) |platform_handle| even on
-// failure, which is different from what you'd expect from a Mojo API, but it
-// makes for a more convenient embedder API.
-CreatePlatformHandleWrapper(ScopedPlatformHandle platform_handle,
- MojoHandle* platform_handle_wrapper_handle);
-// Retrieves the |PlatformHandle| that was wrapped into a |MojoHandle| (using
-// |CreatePlatformHandleWrapper()| above). Note that the |MojoHandle| must still
-// be closed separately.
-PassWrappedPlatformHandle(MojoHandle platform_handle_wrapper_handle,
- ScopedPlatformHandle* platform_handle);
-// Initialialization/shutdown for interprocess communication (IPC) -------------
-// |InitIPCSupport()| sets up the subsystem for interprocess communication,
-// making the IPC functions (in the following section) available and functional.
-// (This may only be done after |Init()|.)
-// This subsystem may be shut down, using |ShutdownIPCSupportOnIOThread()| or
-// |ShutdownIPCSupport()|. None of the IPC functions may be called while or
-// after either of these is called.
-// Initializes a process of the given type; to be called after |Init()|.
-// - |process_delegate| must be a process delegate of the appropriate type
-// corresponding to |process_type|; its methods will be called on the same
-// thread as Shutdown.
-// - |process_delegate|, and |io_thread_task_runner| should live at least
-// until |ShutdownIPCSupport()|'s callback has been run or
-// |ShutdownIPCSupportOnIOThread()| has completed.
-// - For slave processes (i.e., |process_type| is |ProcessType::SLAVE|),
-// |platform_handle| should be connected to the handle passed to
-// |ConnectToSlave()| (in the master process). For other processes,
-// |platform_handle| is ignored (and should not be valid).
- ProcessType process_type,
- ProcessDelegate* process_delegate,
- scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> io_thread_task_runner,
- ScopedPlatformHandle platform_handle);
-// Shuts down the subsystem initialized by |InitIPCSupport()|. This must be
-// called on the I/O thread (given to |InitIPCSupport()|). This completes
-// synchronously and does not result in a call to the process delegate's
-// |OnShutdownComplete()|.
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void ShutdownIPCSupportOnIOThread();
-// Like |ShutdownIPCSupportOnIOThread()|, but may be called from any thread,
-// signalling shutdown completion via the process delegate's
-// |OnShutdownComplete()|.
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void ShutdownIPCSupport();
-// Interprocess communication (IPC) functions ----------------------------------
-// Called in the master process to connect to a slave process to the IPC system.
-// (This should only be called in a process initialized (using
-// |InitIPCSupport()|) with process type |ProcessType::MASTER|.)
-// This should typically be called *before* the slave process is even created.
-// It requires an OS "pipe" to be established between the master and slave
-// processes, with |platform_handle| being a handle to the end that remains on
-// the master.
-// This will establish a channel and an initial message pipe (to which it
-// returns a handle), an ID string (returned in |*platform_connection_id|) that
-// must be passed to the slave (e.g., on the command line), and a
-// |ChannelInfo*| (in |*channel_info|) which should eventually be given to
-// |DestroyChannel()|/|DestroyChannelOnIOThread()|, but only after
-// |did_connect_to_slave_callback| has been run.
-// |did_connect_to_slave_callback| will be run either using
-// |did_connect_to_slave_runner| (if non-null) or on the I/O thread, once the
-// |ChannelInfo*| is valid.
-// TODO(vtl): The API is a little crazy with respect to the |ChannelInfo*|.
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT ScopedMessagePipeHandle
-ConnectToSlave(SlaveInfo slave_info,
- ScopedPlatformHandle platform_handle,
- const base::Closure& did_connect_to_slave_callback,
- scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> did_connect_to_slave_runner,
- std::string* platform_connection_id,
- ChannelInfo** channel_info);
-// Called in a slave process to connect it to the IPC system. (This should only
-// be called in a process initialized (using |InitIPCSupport()|) with process
-// type |ProcessType::SLAVE|.) This should be called exactly once in each slave
-// process.
-// See |ConnectToSlave()| for details. (Note that if this fails in any way,
-// e.g., if |platform_connection_id| is invalid, this will CHECK-fail and
-// terminate the process.) |channel_info|, |did_connect_to_master_callback|, and
-// |did_connect_to_master_runner| are analagous to in |ConnectToSlave()|.
-// TODO(vtl): The API is a little crazy with respect to the |ChannelInfo*|.
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT ScopedMessagePipeHandle
-ConnectToMaster(const std::string& platform_connection_id,
- const base::Closure& did_connect_to_master_callback,
- scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> did_connect_to_master_runner,
- ChannelInfo** channel_info);
-// A "channel" is a connection on top of an OS "pipe", on top of which Mojo
-// message pipes (etc.) can be multiplexed. It must "live" on some I/O thread.
-// There are two channel creation APIs: |CreateChannelOnIOThread()| creates a
-// channel synchronously and must be called from the I/O thread, while
-// |CreateChannel()| is asynchronous and may be called from any thread.
-// |DestroyChannel()| is used to destroy the channel in either case and may be
-// called from any thread, but completes synchronously when called from the I/O
-// thread.
-// Both creation functions have a |platform_handle| argument, which should be an
-// OS-dependent handle to one side of a suitable bidirectional OS "pipe" (e.g.,
-// a file descriptor to a socket on POSIX, a handle to a named pipe on Windows);
-// this "pipe" should be connected and ready for operation (e.g., to be written
-// to or read from).
-// Both (synchronously) return a handle to the bootstrap message pipe on the
-// channel that was (or is to be) created, or |MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID| on error
-// (but note that this will happen only if, e.g., the handle table is full).
-// This message pipe may be used immediately, but since channel operation
-// actually begins asynchronously, other errors may still occur (e.g., if the
-// other end of the "pipe" is closed) and be reported in the usual way to the
-// returned handle.
-// (E.g., a message written immediately to the returned handle will be queued
-// and the handle immediately closed, before the channel begins operation. In
-// this case, the channel should connect as usual, send the queued message, and
-// report that the handle was closed to the other side. The message sent may
-// have other handles, so there may still be message pipes "on" this channel.)
-// Both also produce a |ChannelInfo*| (a pointer to an opaque object) -- the
-// first synchronously and second asynchronously.
-// The destruction functions are similarly synchronous and asynchronous,
-// respectively, and take the |ChannelInfo*| produced by the creation functions.
-// Creates a channel; must only be called from the I/O thread. |platform_handle|
-// should be a handle to a connected OS "pipe". Eventually (even on failure),
-// the "out" value |*channel_info| should be passed to |DestoryChannel()| to
-// tear down the channel. Returns a handle to the bootstrap message pipe.
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT ScopedMessagePipeHandle
-CreateChannelOnIOThread(ScopedPlatformHandle platform_handle,
- ChannelInfo** channel_info);
-// Creates a channel asynchronously; may be called from any thread.
-// |platform_handle| should be a handle to a connected OS "pipe".
-// |did_create_channel_callback| should be the callback to call with the
-// |ChannelInfo*|, which should eventually be passed to |DestroyChannel()| to
-// tear down the channel; the callback will be called using
-// |did_create_channel_runner| if that is non-null, or otherwise it will be
-// posted to the I/O thread. Returns a handle to the bootstrap message pipe.
-// Note: This should only be used to establish a channel with a process of type
-// |ProcessType::NONE|. This function may be removed in the future.
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT ScopedMessagePipeHandle CreateChannel(
- ScopedPlatformHandle platform_handle,
- const base::Callback<void(ChannelInfo*)>& did_create_channel_callback,
- scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> did_create_channel_runner);
-// Destroys a channel that was created using |ConnectToMaster()|,
-// |ConnectToSlave()|, |CreateChannel()|, or |CreateChannelOnIOThread()|; must
-// be called from the channel's I'O thread. Completes synchronously (and posts
-// no tasks).
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void DestroyChannelOnIOThread(
- ChannelInfo* channel_info);
-// Like |DestroyChannelOnIOThread()|, but asynchronous and may be called from
-// any thread. The callback will be called using |did_destroy_channel_runner|
-// if that is non-null, or otherwise it will be called on the "channel thread".
-// The "channel thread" must remain alive and continue to process tasks until
-// the callback has been executed.
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void DestroyChannel(
- ChannelInfo* channel_info,
- const base::Closure& did_destroy_channel_callback,
- scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> did_destroy_channel_runner);
-// Inform the channel that it will soon be destroyed (doing so is optional).
-// This may be called from any thread, but the caller must ensure that this is
-// called before |DestroyChannel()|.
-MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void WillDestroyChannelSoon(ChannelInfo* channel_info);
-} // namespace embedder
-} // namespace mojo
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