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Side by Side Diff: third_party/mojo/mojom_bindings_generator_explicit.gypi

Issue 1676913002: [mojo] Delete third_party/mojo (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: let's try that again Created 4 years, 10 months ago
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1 # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 {
6 'includes': [
7 'mojom_bindings_generator_variables.gypi',
8 ],
9 'variables': {
10 'variables': {
11 'mojom_variant%': 'none',
12 },
13 'mojom_variant%': '<(mojom_variant)',
14 'mojom_base_output_dir':
15 '<!(python <(DEPTH)/build/ <(DEPTH))',
16 'mojom_generated_outputs': [
17 '<!@(python <(DEPTH)/mojo/public/tools/bindings/ --ba sedir <(mojom_base_output_dir) --variant <(mojom_variant) <@(mojom_files))',
18 ],
19 'mojom_include_path%': '<(DEPTH)',
20 'mojom_extra_generator_args%': [],
21 'require_interface_bindings%': 1,
22 'conditions': [
23 ['mojom_variant=="none"', {
24 'mojom_output_languages%': 'c++,javascript,java',
25 }, {
26 'mojom_output_languages%': 'c++',
27 }],
28 ],
29 },
30 # Given mojom files as inputs, generate sources. These sources will be
31 # exported to another target (via dependent_settings) to be compiled. This
32 # keeps code generation separate from compilation, allowing the same sources
33 # to be compiled with multiple toolchains - target, NaCl, etc.
34 'actions': [
35 {
36 'variables': {
37 'java_out_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/java_mojo/<(_target_name)/src',
38 'stamp_filename': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/java_mojo/<(_target_name)/<(_target_na me).stamp',
39 },
40 'action_name': '<(_target_name)_mojom_bindings_stamp',
41 # The java output directory is deleted to ensure that the java library
42 # doesn't try to compile stale files.
43 'action': [
44 'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/',
45 '<(java_out_dir)',
46 '<(stamp_filename)',
47 ],
48 'inputs': [
49 '<@(mojom_files)',
50 '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/mojo/public/tools/bindings/ ',
51 '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/mojo/public/tools/bindings/java_templates.zi p',
52 '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/mojo/public/tools/bindings/' ,
53 ],
54 'outputs': [ '<(stamp_filename)' ],
55 },
56 {
57 'action_name': '<(_target_name)_mojom_bindings_generator',
58 'variables': {
59 'java_out_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/java_mojo/<(_target_name)/src',
60 'stamp_filename': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/java_mojo/<(_target_name)/<(_target_na me).stamp',
61 'mojom_import_args%': [
62 '-I<(DEPTH)',
63 '-I<(DEPTH)/mojo/services',
64 '-I<(mojom_include_path)',
65 ],
66 },
67 'inputs': [
68 '<@(mojom_bindings_generator_sources)',
69 '<@(mojom_files)',
70 '<(stamp_filename)',
71 ],
72 'outputs': [
73 '<@(mojom_generated_outputs)',
74 ],
75 'action': [
76 'python', '<@(mojom_bindings_generator)',
77 '--use_bundled_pylibs', 'generate',
78 '<@(mojom_files)',
79 '-d', '<(DEPTH)',
80 '<@(mojom_import_args)',
82 '--java_output_directory=<(java_out_dir)',
83 '--variant', '<(mojom_variant)',
84 '-g', '<(mojom_output_languages)',
85 '<@(mojom_extra_generator_args)',
86 '--bytecode_path',
87 '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/mojo/public/tools/bindings',
88 ],
89 'message': 'Generating Mojo bindings from <@(mojom_files)',
90 }
91 ],
92 'conditions': [
93 ['require_interface_bindings==1', {
94 'dependencies': [
95 '<(DEPTH)/base/base.gyp:base',
96 '<(DEPTH)/mojo/public/tools/bindings/bindings.gyp:precompile_mojom_bindi ngs_generator_templates',
97 '<(DEPTH)/third_party/mojo/mojo_public.gyp:mojo_interface_bindings_gener ation',
98 ],
99 }],
100 ],
101 # Prevent the generated sources from being injected into the "all" target by
102 # preventing the code generator from being directly depended on by the "all"
103 # target.
104 'suppress_wildcard': '1',
105 'hard_dependency': '1',
106 'direct_dependent_settings': {
107 # A target directly depending on this action will compile the generated
108 # sources.
109 'sources': [
110 '<@(mojom_generated_outputs)',
111 ],
112 # Include paths needed to compile the generated sources into a library.
113 'include_dirs': [
114 '<(DEPTH)',
116 ],
117 # Make sure the generated header files are available for any static library
118 # that depends on a static library that depends on this generator.
119 'hard_dependency': 1,
120 'direct_dependent_settings': {
121 # Include paths needed to find the generated header files and their
122 # transitive dependancies when using the library.
123 'include_dirs': [
124 '<(DEPTH)',
126 ],
127 'variables': {
128 'generated_src_dirs': [
129 '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/java_mojo/<(_target_name)/src',
130 ],
131 'additional_input_paths': [
132 '<@(mojom_bindings_generator_sources)',
133 '<@(mojom_files)',
134 ],
135 'mojom_generated_sources': [ '<@(mojom_generated_outputs)' ],
136 },
137 }
138 },
139 }
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