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Unified Diff: test/mjsunit/harmony/array-concat.js

Issue 1667453002: Remove flags for ES2015 features shipped in M48 (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Mark failing ignition/arm64 test as flaky Created 4 years, 11 months ago
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Index: test/mjsunit/harmony/array-concat.js
diff --git a/test/mjsunit/harmony/array-concat.js b/test/mjsunit/harmony/array-concat.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cabdf2df0817824015b480c7c2bbebe7bbd79110..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/mjsunit/harmony/array-concat.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,874 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Flags: --harmony-concat-spreadable --harmony-proxies --harmony-reflect
-(function testArrayConcatArity() {
- "use strict";
- assertEquals(1, Array.prototype.concat.length);
-(function testArrayConcatNoPrototype() {
- "use strict";
- assertEquals(void 0, Array.prototype.concat.prototype);
-(function testArrayConcatDescriptor() {
- "use strict";
- var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Array.prototype, 'concat');
- assertEquals(false, desc.enumerable);
-(function testConcatArrayLike() {
- "use strict";
- var obj = {
- "length": 6,
- "1": "A",
- "3": "B",
- "5": "C"
- };
- obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- var obj2 = { length: 3, "0": "0", "1": "1", "2": "2" };
- var arr = ["X", "Y", "Z"];
- assertEquals([void 0, "A", void 0, "B", void 0, "C",
- { "length": 3, "0": "0", "1": "1", "2": "2" },
- "X", "Y", "Z"],, obj2, arr));
-(function testConcatArrayLikeStringLength() {
- "use strict";
- var obj = {
- "length": "6",
- "1": "A",
- "3": "B",
- "5": "C"
- };
- obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- var obj2 = { length: 3, "0": "0", "1": "1", "2": "2" };
- var arr = ["X", "Y", "Z"];
- assertEquals([void 0, "A", void 0, "B", void 0, "C",
- { "length": 3, "0": "0", "1": "1", "2": "2" },
- "X", "Y", "Z"],, obj2, arr));
-(function testConcatArrayLikeNegativeLength() {
- "use strict";
- var obj = {
- "length": -6,
- "1": "A",
- "3": "B",
- "5": "C"
- };
- obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertEquals([], [].concat(obj));
- obj.length = -6.7;
- assertEquals([], [].concat(obj));
- obj.length = "-6";
- assertEquals([], [].concat(obj));
-(function testConcatArrayLikeToLengthThrows() {
- "use strict";
- var obj = {
- "length": {valueOf: null, toString: null},
- "1": "A",
- "3": "B",
- "5": "C"
- };
- obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- var obj2 = { length: 3, "0": "0", "1": "1", "2": "2" };
- var arr = ["X", "Y", "Z"];
- assertThrows(function() {
-, obj2, arr);
- }, TypeError);
-(function testConcatArrayLikePrimitiveNonNumberLength() {
- "use strict";
- var obj = {
- "1": "A",
- "3": "B",
- "5": "C"
- };
- obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- obj.length = {toString: function() { return "SIX"; }, valueOf: null };
- assertEquals([], [].concat(obj));
- obj.length = {toString: null, valueOf: function() { return "SIX"; } };
- assertEquals([], [].concat(obj));
-(function testConcatArrayLikeLengthToStringThrows() {
- "use strict";
- function MyError() {}
- var obj = {
- "length": { toString: function() {
- throw new MyError();
- }, valueOf: null
- },
- "1": "A",
- "3": "B",
- "5": "C"
- };
- obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertThrows(function() {
- [].concat(obj);
- }, MyError);
-(function testConcatArrayLikeLengthValueOfThrows() {
- "use strict";
- function MyError() {}
- var obj = {
- "length": { valueOf: function() {
- throw new MyError();
- }, toString: null
- },
- "1": "A",
- "3": "B",
- "5": "C"
-obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
-assertThrows(function() {
- [].concat(obj);
-}, MyError);
-(function testConcatHoleyArray() {
- "use strict";
- var arr = [];
- arr[4] = "Item 4";
- arr[8] = "Item 8";
- var arr2 = [".", "!", "?"];
- assertEquals([void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, "Item 4", void 0, void 0,
- void 0, "Item 8", ".", "!", "?"], arr.concat(arr2));
-(function testIsConcatSpreadableGetterThrows() {
- "use strict";
- function MyError() {}
- var obj = {};
- Object.defineProperty(obj, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, {
- get: function() { throw new MyError(); }
- });
- assertThrows(function() {
- [].concat(obj);
- }, MyError);
- assertThrows(function() {
-, 1, 2, 3);
- }, MyError);
-(function testConcatLengthThrows() {
- "use strict";
- function MyError() {}
- var obj = {};
- obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- Object.defineProperty(obj, "length", {
- get: function() { throw new MyError(); }
- });
- assertThrows(function() {
- [].concat(obj);
- }, MyError);
- assertThrows(function() {
-, 1, 2, 3);
- }, MyError);
-(function testConcatArraySubclass() {
- "use strict";
- // If @@isConcatSpreadable is not used, the value of IsArray(O)
- // is used to determine the spreadable property.
- class A extends Array {}
- var obj = [].concat(new A(1, 2, 3), new A(4, 5, 6), new A(7, 8, 9));
- assertEquals(9, obj.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i) {
- assertEquals(i + 1, obj[i]);
- }
- // TODO(caitp): when concat is called on instances of classes which extend
- // Array, they should:
- //
- // - return an instance of the class, rather than an Array instance (if from
- // same Realm)
- // - always treat such classes as concat-spreadable
-(function testConcatArraySubclassOptOut() {
- "use strict";
- class A extends Array {
- get [Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]() { return false; }
- }
- var obj = [].concat(new A(1, 2, 3), new A(4, 5, 6), new A(7, 8, 9));
- assertEquals(3, obj.length);
- assertEquals(3, obj[0].length);
- assertEquals(3, obj[1].length);
- assertEquals(3, obj[2].length);
-(function testConcatNonArray() {
- "use strict";
- class NonArray {
- constructor() { Array.apply(this, arguments); }
- };
- var obj = new NonArray(1,2,3);
- var result =, 4, 5, 6);
- assertEquals(Array, result.constructor);
- assertEquals([obj,4,5,6], result);
- assertFalse(result instanceof NonArray);
-function testConcatTypedArray(type, elems, modulo) {
- "use strict";
- var items = new Array(elems);
- var ta_by_len = new type(elems);
- for (var i = 0; i < elems; ++i) {
- ta_by_len[i] = items[i] = modulo === false ? i : elems % modulo;
- }
- var ta = new type(items);
- assertEquals([ta, ta], [].concat(ta, ta));
- ta[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertEquals(items, [].concat(ta));
- assertEquals([ta_by_len, ta_by_len], [].concat(ta_by_len, ta_by_len));
- ta_by_len[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertEquals(items, [].concat(ta_by_len));
- // TypedArray with fake `length`.
- ta = new type(1);
- var defValue = ta[0];
- var expected = new Array(4000);
- expected[0] = defValue;
- Object.defineProperty(ta, "length", { value: 4000 });
- ta[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertEquals(expected, [].concat(ta));
-(function testConcatSmallTypedArray() {
- var max = [Math.pow(2, 8), Math.pow(2, 16), Math.pow(2, 32), false, false];
- [
- Uint8Array,
- Uint16Array,
- Uint32Array,
- Float32Array,
- Float64Array
- ].forEach(function(ctor, i) {
- testConcatTypedArray(ctor, 1, max[i]);
- });
-(function testConcatLargeTypedArray() {
- var max = [Math.pow(2, 8), Math.pow(2, 16), Math.pow(2, 32), false, false];
- [
- Uint8Array,
- Uint16Array,
- Uint32Array,
- Float32Array,
- Float64Array
- ].forEach(function(ctor, i) {
- testConcatTypedArray(ctor, 4000, max[i]);
- });
-(function testConcatStrictArguments() {
- var args = (function(a, b, c) { "use strict"; return arguments; })(1,2,3);
- args[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertEquals([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], [].concat(args, args));
- Object.defineProperty(args, "length", { value: 6 });
- assertEquals([1, 2, 3, void 0, void 0, void 0], [].concat(args));
-(function testConcatSloppyArguments() {
- var args = (function(a, b, c) { return arguments; })(1,2,3);
- args[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertEquals([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], [].concat(args, args));
- Object.defineProperty(args, "length", { value: 6 });
- assertEquals([1, 2, 3, void 0, void 0, void 0], [].concat(args));
-(function testConcatSloppyArgumentsWithDupes() {
- var args = (function(a, a, a) { return arguments; })(1,2,3);
- args[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertEquals([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], [].concat(args, args));
- Object.defineProperty(args, "length", { value: 6 });
- assertEquals([1, 2, 3, void 0, void 0, void 0], [].concat(args));
-(function testConcatSloppyArgumentsThrows() {
- function MyError() {}
- var args = (function(a) { return arguments; })(1,2,3);
- Object.defineProperty(args, 0, {
- get: function() { throw new MyError(); }
- });
- args[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertThrows(function() {
- return [].concat(args, args);
- }, MyError);
-(function testConcatHoleySloppyArguments() {
- var args = (function(a) { return arguments; })(1,2,3);
- delete args[1];
- args[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertEquals([1, void 0, 3, 1, void 0, 3], [].concat(args, args));
-(function testConcatSpreadableStringWrapper() {
- "use strict";
- var str1 = new String("yuck\uD83D\uDCA9")
- // String wrapper objects are not concat-spreadable by default
- assertEquals([str1], [].concat(str1));
- // String wrapper objects may be individually concat-spreadable
- str1[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertEquals(["y", "u", "c", "k", "\uD83D", "\uDCA9"],
- [].concat(str1));
- String.prototype[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- // String wrapper objects may be concat-spreadable
- assertEquals(["y", "u", "c", "k", "\uD83D", "\uDCA9"],
- [].concat(new String("yuck\uD83D\uDCA9")));
- // String values are never concat-spreadable
- assertEquals(["yuck\uD83D\uDCA9"], [].concat("yuck\uD83D\uDCA9"));
- delete String.prototype[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable];
-(function testConcatSpreadableBooleanWrapper() {
- "use strict";
- var bool = new Boolean(true)
- // Boolean wrapper objects are not concat-spreadable by default
- assertEquals([bool], [].concat(bool));
- // Boolean wrapper objects may be individually concat-spreadable
- bool[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- bool.length = 3;
- bool[0] = 1, bool[1] = 2, bool[2] = 3;
- assertEquals([1, 2, 3], [].concat(bool));
- Boolean.prototype[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- // Boolean wrapper objects may be concat-spreadable
- assertEquals([], [].concat(new Boolean(true)));
- Boolean.prototype[0] = 1;
- Boolean.prototype[1] = 2;
- Boolean.prototype[2] = 3;
- Boolean.prototype.length = 3;
- assertEquals([1,2,3], [].concat(new Boolean(true)));
- // Boolean values are never concat-spreadable
- assertEquals([true], [].concat(true));
- delete Boolean.prototype[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable];
- delete Boolean.prototype[0];
- delete Boolean.prototype[1];
- delete Boolean.prototype[2];
- delete Boolean.prototype.length;
-(function testConcatSpreadableNumberWrapper() {
- "use strict";
- var num = new Number(true)
- // Number wrapper objects are not concat-spreadable by default
- assertEquals([num], [].concat(num));
- // Number wrapper objects may be individually concat-spreadable
- num[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- num.length = 3;
- num[0] = 1, num[1] = 2, num[2] = 3;
- assertEquals([1, 2, 3], [].concat(num));
- Number.prototype[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- // Number wrapper objects may be concat-spreadable
- assertEquals([], [].concat(new Number(123)));
- Number.prototype[0] = 1;
- Number.prototype[1] = 2;
- Number.prototype[2] = 3;
- Number.prototype.length = 3;
- assertEquals([1,2,3], [].concat(new Number(123)));
- // Number values are never concat-spreadable
- assertEquals([true], [].concat(true));
- delete Number.prototype[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable];
- delete Number.prototype[0];
- delete Number.prototype[1];
- delete Number.prototype[2];
- delete Number.prototype.length;
-(function testConcatSpreadableFunction() {
- "use strict";
- var fn = function(a, b, c) {}
- // Functions are not concat-spreadable by default
- assertEquals([fn], [].concat(fn));
- // Functions may be individually concat-spreadable
- fn[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- fn[0] = 1, fn[1] = 2, fn[2] = 3;
- assertEquals([1, 2, 3], [].concat(fn));
- Function.prototype[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- // Functions may be concat-spreadable
- assertEquals([void 0, void 0, void 0], [].concat(function(a,b,c) {}));
- Function.prototype[0] = 1;
- Function.prototype[1] = 2;
- Function.prototype[2] = 3;
- assertEquals([1,2,3], [].concat(function(a, b, c) {}));
- delete Function.prototype[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable];
- delete Function.prototype[0];
- delete Function.prototype[1];
- delete Function.prototype[2];
-(function testConcatSpreadableRegExp() {
- "use strict";
- var re = /abc/;
- // RegExps are not concat-spreadable by default
- assertEquals([re], [].concat(re));
- // RegExps may be individually concat-spreadable
- re[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- re[0] = 1, re[1] = 2, re[2] = 3, re.length = 3;
- assertEquals([1, 2, 3], [].concat(re));
- // RegExps may be concat-spreadable
- RegExp.prototype[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- RegExp.prototype.length = 3;
- assertEquals([void 0, void 0, void 0], [].concat(/abc/));
- RegExp.prototype[0] = 1;
- RegExp.prototype[1] = 2;
- RegExp.prototype[2] = 3;
- assertEquals([1,2,3], [].concat(/abc/));
- delete RegExp.prototype[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable];
- delete RegExp.prototype[0];
- delete RegExp.prototype[1];
- delete RegExp.prototype[2];
- delete RegExp.prototype.length;
-(function testArrayConcatSpreadableSparseObject() {
- "use strict";
- var obj = { length: 5 };
- obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
- assertEquals([void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0], [].concat(obj));
- obj.length = 4000;
- assertEquals(new Array(4000), [].concat(obj));
-// ES5 tests
-(function testArrayConcatES5() {
- "use strict";
- var poses;
- var pos;
- poses = [140, 4000000000];
- while (pos = poses.shift()) {
- var a = new Array(pos);
- var array_proto = [];
- a.__proto__ = array_proto;
- assertEquals(pos, a.length);
- a.push('foo');
- assertEquals(pos + 1, a.length);
- var b = ['bar'];
- var c = a.concat(b);
- assertEquals(pos + 2, c.length);
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(c[pos - 1]));
- assertEquals("foo", c[pos]);
- assertEquals("bar", c[pos + 1]);
- // Can we fool the system by putting a number in a string?
- var onetwofour = "124";
- a[onetwofour] = 'doo';
- assertEquals(a[124], 'doo');
- c = a.concat(b);
- assertEquals(c[124], 'doo');
- // If we put a number in the prototype, then the spec says it should be
- // copied on concat.
- array_proto["123"] = 'baz';
- assertEquals(a[123], 'baz');
- c = a.concat(b);
- assertEquals(pos + 2, c.length);
- assertEquals("baz", c[123]);
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(c[pos - 1]));
- assertEquals("foo", c[pos]);
- assertEquals("bar", c[pos + 1]);
- // When we take the number off the prototype it disappears from a, but
- // the concat put it in c itself.
- array_proto["123"] = undefined;
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(a[123]));
- assertEquals("baz", c[123]);
- // If the element of prototype is shadowed, the element on the instance
- // should be copied, but not the one on the prototype.
- array_proto[123] = 'baz';
- a[123] = 'xyz';
- assertEquals('xyz', a[123]);
- c = a.concat(b);
- assertEquals('xyz', c[123]);
- // Non-numeric properties on the prototype or the array shouldn't get
- // copied.
- = 'joe';
- a.ben = 'jerry';
- assertEquals(a["moe"], 'joe');
- assertEquals(a["ben"], 'jerry');
- c = a.concat(b);
- // ben was not copied
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(c.ben));
- // When we take moe off the prototype it disappears from all arrays.
- = undefined;
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(;
- // Negative indices don't get concated.
- a[-1] = 'minus1';
- assertEquals("minus1", a[-1]);
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(a[0xffffffff]));
- c = a.concat(b);
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(c[-1]));
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(c[0xffffffff]));
- assertEquals(c.length, a.length + 1);
- }
- poses = [140, 4000000000];
- while (pos = poses.shift()) {
- var a = new Array(pos);
- assertEquals(pos, a.length);
- a.push('foo');
- assertEquals(pos + 1, a.length);
- var b = ['bar'];
- var c = a.concat(b);
- assertEquals(pos + 2, c.length);
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(c[pos - 1]));
- assertEquals("foo", c[pos]);
- assertEquals("bar", c[pos + 1]);
- // Can we fool the system by putting a number in a string?
- var onetwofour = "124";
- a[onetwofour] = 'doo';
- assertEquals(a[124], 'doo');
- c = a.concat(b);
- assertEquals(c[124], 'doo');
- // If we put a number in the prototype, then the spec says it should be
- // copied on concat.
- Array.prototype["123"] = 'baz';
- assertEquals(a[123], 'baz');
- c = a.concat(b);
- assertEquals(pos + 2, c.length);
- assertEquals("baz", c[123]);
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(c[pos - 1]));
- assertEquals("foo", c[pos]);
- assertEquals("bar", c[pos + 1]);
- // When we take the number off the prototype it disappears from a, but
- // the concat put it in c itself.
- Array.prototype["123"] = undefined;
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(a[123]));
- assertEquals("baz", c[123]);
- // If the element of prototype is shadowed, the element on the instance
- // should be copied, but not the one on the prototype.
- Array.prototype[123] = 'baz';
- a[123] = 'xyz';
- assertEquals('xyz', a[123]);
- c = a.concat(b);
- assertEquals('xyz', c[123]);
- // Non-numeric properties on the prototype or the array shouldn't get
- // copied.
- = 'joe';
- a.ben = 'jerry';
- assertEquals(a["moe"], 'joe');
- assertEquals(a["ben"], 'jerry');
- c = a.concat(b);
- // ben was not copied
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(c.ben));
- // moe was not copied, but we can see it through the prototype
- assertEquals("joe",;
- // When we take moe off the prototype it disappears from all arrays.
- = undefined;
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(;
- // Negative indices don't get concated.
- a[-1] = 'minus1';
- assertEquals("minus1", a[-1]);
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(a[0xffffffff]));
- c = a.concat(b);
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(c[-1]));
- assertEquals("undefined", typeof(c[0xffffffff]));
- assertEquals(c.length, a.length + 1);
- }
- a = [];
- c = a.concat('Hello');
- assertEquals(1, c.length);
- assertEquals("Hello", c[0]);
- assertEquals("Hello", c.toString());
- // Check that concat preserves holes.
- var holey = [void 0,'a',,'c'].concat(['d',,'f',[0,,2],void 0])
- assertEquals(9, holey.length); // hole in embedded array is ignored
- for (var i = 0; i < holey.length; i++) {
- if (i == 2 || i == 5) {
- assertFalse(i in holey);
- } else {
- assertTrue(i in holey);
- }
- }
- // Polluted prototype from prior tests.
- delete Array.prototype[123];
- // Check that concat reads getters in the correct order.
- var arr1 = [,2];
- var arr2 = [1,3];
- var r1 = [].concat(arr1, arr2); // [,2,1,3]
- assertEquals([,2,1,3], r1);
- // Make first array change length of second array.
- Object.defineProperty(arr1, 0, {get: function() {
- arr2.push("X");
- return undefined;
- }, configurable: true})
- var r2 = [].concat(arr1, arr2); // [undefined,2,1,3,"X"]
- assertEquals([undefined,2,1,3,"X"], r2);
- // Make first array change length of second array massively.
- arr2.length = 2;
- Object.defineProperty(arr1, 0, {get: function() {
- arr2[500000] = "X";
- return undefined;
- }, configurable: true})
- var r3 = [].concat(arr1, arr2); // [undefined,2,1,3,"X"]
- var expected = [undefined,2,1,3];
- expected[500000 + 2] = "X";
- assertEquals(expected, r3);
- var arr3 = [];
- var trace = [];
- var expectedTrace = []
- function mkGetter(i) { return function() { trace.push(i); }; }
- arr3.length = 10000;
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- Object.defineProperty(arr3, i * i, {get: mkGetter(i)});
- expectedTrace[i] = i;
- expectedTrace[100 + i] = i;
- }
- var r4 = [0].concat(arr3, arr3);
- assertEquals(1 + arr3.length * 2, r4.length);
- assertEquals(expectedTrace, trace);
- // Clean up.
- delete Array.prototype[123];
- delete Array.prototype["123"];
- delete Array.prototype["moe"];
-// Tests with proxies
-// Note: concat does not currently support species so there is no difference
-// between [].concat(foo) and Array.prototype.concat.apply(foo).
-var log = [];
-var logger = {};
-var handler = new Proxy({}, logger);
-logger.get = function(t, trap, r) {
- return function(...args) {
- log.push([trap, ...args]);
- return Reflect[trap](...args);
- }
-(function testUnspreadableNonArrayLikeProxy() {
- var target = {0: "a", 1: "b"};
- var obj = new Proxy(target, handler);
- log.length = 0;
- assertEquals([obj], [].concat(obj));
- assertEquals(1, log.length);
- for (var i in log) assertSame(target, log[i][1]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, obj], log[0]);
- log.length = 0;
- assertEquals([obj], Array.prototype.concat.apply(obj));
- assertEquals(1, log.length);
- for (var i in log) assertSame(target, log[i][1]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, obj], log[0]);
-(function testSpreadableNonArrayLikeProxy() {
- var target = {0: "a", 1: "b", [Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]: "truish"};
- var obj = new Proxy(target, handler);
- log.length = 0;
- assertEquals([], [].concat(obj));
- assertEquals(2, log.length);
- for (var i in log) assertSame(target, log[i][1]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, obj], log[0]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "length", obj], log[1]);
- log.length = 0;
- assertEquals([], Array.prototype.concat.apply(obj));
- assertEquals(2, log.length);
- for (var i in log) assertSame(target, log[i][1]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, obj], log[0]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "length", obj], log[1]);
- target.length = 3;
- log.length = 0;
- assertEquals(["a", "b", undefined], [].concat(obj));
- assertEquals(7, log.length);
- for (var i in log) assertSame(target, log[i][1]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, obj], log[0]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "length", obj], log[1]);
- assertEquals(["has", target, "0"], log[2]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "0", obj], log[3]);
- assertEquals(["has", target, "1"], log[4]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "1", obj], log[5]);
- assertEquals(["has", target, "2"], log[6]);
- log.length = 0;
- assertEquals(["a", "b", undefined], Array.prototype.concat.apply(obj));
- assertEquals(7, log.length);
- for (var i in log) assertSame(target, log[i][1]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, obj], log[0]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "length", obj], log[1]);
- assertEquals(["has", target, "0"], log[2]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "0", obj], log[3]);
- assertEquals(["has", target, "1"], log[4]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "1", obj], log[5]);
- assertEquals(["has", target, "2"], log[6]);
-(function testUnspreadableArrayLikeProxy() {
- var target = ["a", "b"];
- target[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = "";
- var obj = new Proxy(target, handler);
- log.length = 0;
- assertEquals([obj], [].concat(obj));
- assertEquals(1, log.length);
- for (var i in log) assertSame(target, log[i][1]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, obj], log[0]);
- log.length = 0;
- assertEquals([obj], Array.prototype.concat.apply(obj));
- assertEquals(1, log.length);
- for (var i in log) assertSame(target, log[i][1]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, obj], log[0]);
-(function testSpreadableArrayLikeProxy() {
- var target = ["a", "b"];
- target[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = undefined;
- var obj = new Proxy(target, handler);
- log.length = 0;
- assertEquals(["a", "b"], [].concat(obj));
- assertEquals(6, log.length);
- for (var i in log) assertSame(target, log[i][1]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, obj], log[0]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "length", obj], log[1]);
- assertEquals(["has", target, "0"], log[2]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "0", obj], log[3]);
- assertEquals(["has", target, "1"], log[4]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "1", obj], log[5]);
- log.length = 0;
- assertEquals(["a", "b"], Array.prototype.concat.apply(obj));
- assertEquals(6, log.length);
- for (var i in log) assertSame(target, log[i][1]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, obj], log[0]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "length", obj], log[1]);
- assertEquals(["has", target, "0"], log[2]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "0", obj], log[3]);
- assertEquals(["has", target, "1"], log[4]);
- assertEquals(["get", target, "1", obj], log[5]);
-(function testSpreadableArrayLikeProxyWithNontrivialLength() {
- var getTrap = function(t, key) {
- if (key === "length") return {[Symbol.toPrimitive]() {return 3}};
- if (key === "2") return "baz";
- if (key === "3") return "bar";
- };
- var target = [];
- var obj = new Proxy(target, {get: getTrap, has: () => true});
- assertEquals([undefined, undefined, "baz"], [].concat(obj));
- assertEquals([undefined, undefined, "baz"], Array.prototype.concat.apply(obj))
-(function testSpreadableArrayLikeProxyWithBogusLength() {
- var getTrap = function(t, key) {
- if (key === "length") return Symbol();
- if (key === "2") return "baz";
- if (key === "3") return "bar";
- };
- var target = [];
- var obj = new Proxy(target, {get: getTrap, has: () => true});
- assertThrows(() => [].concat(obj), TypeError);
- assertThrows(() => Array.prototype.concat.apply(obj), TypeError);
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