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Unified Diff: src/heap-symbols.h

Issue 1658773003: [esnext] implement Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors() proposal (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: fix rebase + re-enable test Created 4 years, 10 months ago
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Index: src/heap-symbols.h
diff --git a/src/heap-symbols.h b/src/heap-symbols.h
index 5c77accc69b95ad3fb4e1522f7b3df1a14fc8381..62e56e2085c5a98b4af1c9d11fef98fa54dc1314 100644
--- a/src/heap-symbols.h
+++ b/src/heap-symbols.h
@@ -5,130 +5,131 @@
#ifndef V8_HEAP_SYMBOLS_H_
#define V8_HEAP_SYMBOLS_H_
- V(anonymous_string, "anonymous") \
- V(apply_string, "apply") \
- V(assign_string, "assign") \
- V(arguments_string, "arguments") \
- V(Arguments_string, "Arguments") \
- V(Array_string, "Array") \
- V(bind_string, "bind") \
- V(bool16x8_string, "bool16x8") \
- V(Bool16x8_string, "Bool16x8") \
- V(bool32x4_string, "bool32x4") \
- V(Bool32x4_string, "Bool32x4") \
- V(bool8x16_string, "bool8x16") \
- V(Bool8x16_string, "Bool8x16") \
- V(boolean_string, "boolean") \
- V(Boolean_string, "Boolean") \
- V(bound__string, "bound ") \
- V(byte_length_string, "byteLength") \
- V(byte_offset_string, "byteOffset") \
- V(call_string, "call") \
- V(callee_string, "callee") \
- V(caller_string, "caller") \
- V(cell_value_string, "%cell_value") \
- V(char_at_string, "CharAt") \
- V(closure_string, "(closure)") \
- V(compare_ic_string, "==") \
- V(configurable_string, "configurable") \
- V(constructor_string, "constructor") \
- V(construct_string, "construct") \
- V(create_string, "create") \
- V(Date_string, "Date") \
- V(default_string, "default") \
- V(defineProperty_string, "defineProperty") \
- V(deleteProperty_string, "deleteProperty") \
- V(display_name_string, "displayName") \
- V(done_string, "done") \
- V(dot_result_string, ".result") \
- V(dot_string, ".") \
- V(entries_string, "entries") \
- V(enumerable_string, "enumerable") \
- V(enumerate_string, "enumerate") \
- V(Error_string, "Error") \
- V(eval_string, "eval") \
- V(false_string, "false") \
- V(float32x4_string, "float32x4") \
- V(Float32x4_string, "Float32x4") \
- V(for_api_string, "for_api") \
- V(for_string, "for") \
- V(function_string, "function") \
- V(Function_string, "Function") \
- V(Generator_string, "Generator") \
- V(getOwnPropertyDescriptor_string, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor") \
- V(getPrototypeOf_string, "getPrototypeOf") \
- V(get_string, "get") \
- V(global_string, "global") \
- V(has_string, "has") \
- V(illegal_access_string, "illegal access") \
- V(illegal_argument_string, "illegal argument") \
- V(index_string, "index") \
- V(infinity_string, "Infinity") \
- V(input_string, "input") \
- V(int16x8_string, "int16x8") \
- V(Int16x8_string, "Int16x8") \
- V(int32x4_string, "int32x4") \
- V(Int32x4_string, "Int32x4") \
- V(int8x16_string, "int8x16") \
- V(Int8x16_string, "Int8x16") \
- V(isExtensible_string, "isExtensible") \
- V(isView_string, "isView") \
- V(KeyedLoadMonomorphic_string, "KeyedLoadMonomorphic") \
- V(KeyedStoreMonomorphic_string, "KeyedStoreMonomorphic") \
- V(last_index_string, "lastIndex") \
- V(length_string, "length") \
- V(Map_string, "Map") \
- V(minus_infinity_string, "-Infinity") \
- V(minus_zero_string, "-0") \
- V(name_string, "name") \
- V(nan_string, "NaN") \
- V(next_string, "next") \
- V(null_string, "null") \
- V(null_to_string, "[object Null]") \
- V(number_string, "number") \
- V(Number_string, "Number") \
- V(object_string, "object") \
- V(Object_string, "Object") \
- V(ownKeys_string, "ownKeys") \
- V(preventExtensions_string, "preventExtensions") \
- V(private_api_string, "private_api") \
- V(Promise_string, "Promise") \
- V(proto_string, "__proto__") \
- V(prototype_string, "prototype") \
- V(Proxy_string, "Proxy") \
- V(query_colon_string, "(?:)") \
- V(RegExp_string, "RegExp") \
- V(setPrototypeOf_string, "setPrototypeOf") \
- V(set_string, "set") \
- V(Set_string, "Set") \
- V(source_mapping_url_string, "source_mapping_url") \
- V(source_string, "source") \
- V(source_url_string, "source_url") \
- V(stack_string, "stack") \
- V(strict_compare_ic_string, "===") \
- V(string_string, "string") \
- V(String_string, "String") \
- V(symbol_string, "symbol") \
- V(Symbol_string, "Symbol") \
- V(this_string, "this") \
- V(throw_string, "throw") \
- V(toJSON_string, "toJSON") \
- V(toString_string, "toString") \
- V(true_string, "true") \
- V(uint16x8_string, "uint16x8") \
- V(Uint16x8_string, "Uint16x8") \
- V(uint32x4_string, "uint32x4") \
- V(Uint32x4_string, "Uint32x4") \
- V(uint8x16_string, "uint8x16") \
- V(Uint8x16_string, "Uint8x16") \
- V(undefined_string, "undefined") \
- V(undefined_to_string, "[object Undefined]") \
- V(valueOf_string, "valueOf") \
- V(values_string, "values") \
- V(value_string, "value") \
- V(WeakMap_string, "WeakMap") \
- V(WeakSet_string, "WeakSet") \
+ V(anonymous_string, "anonymous") \
+ V(apply_string, "apply") \
+ V(assign_string, "assign") \
+ V(arguments_string, "arguments") \
+ V(Arguments_string, "Arguments") \
+ V(Array_string, "Array") \
+ V(bind_string, "bind") \
+ V(bool16x8_string, "bool16x8") \
+ V(Bool16x8_string, "Bool16x8") \
+ V(bool32x4_string, "bool32x4") \
+ V(Bool32x4_string, "Bool32x4") \
+ V(bool8x16_string, "bool8x16") \
+ V(Bool8x16_string, "Bool8x16") \
+ V(boolean_string, "boolean") \
+ V(Boolean_string, "Boolean") \
+ V(bound__string, "bound ") \
+ V(byte_length_string, "byteLength") \
+ V(byte_offset_string, "byteOffset") \
+ V(call_string, "call") \
+ V(callee_string, "callee") \
+ V(caller_string, "caller") \
+ V(cell_value_string, "%cell_value") \
+ V(char_at_string, "CharAt") \
+ V(closure_string, "(closure)") \
+ V(compare_ic_string, "==") \
+ V(configurable_string, "configurable") \
+ V(constructor_string, "constructor") \
+ V(construct_string, "construct") \
+ V(create_string, "create") \
+ V(Date_string, "Date") \
+ V(default_string, "default") \
+ V(defineProperty_string, "defineProperty") \
+ V(deleteProperty_string, "deleteProperty") \
+ V(display_name_string, "displayName") \
+ V(done_string, "done") \
+ V(dot_result_string, ".result") \
+ V(dot_string, ".") \
+ V(entries_string, "entries") \
+ V(enumerable_string, "enumerable") \
+ V(enumerate_string, "enumerate") \
+ V(Error_string, "Error") \
+ V(eval_string, "eval") \
+ V(false_string, "false") \
+ V(float32x4_string, "float32x4") \
+ V(Float32x4_string, "Float32x4") \
+ V(for_api_string, "for_api") \
+ V(for_string, "for") \
+ V(function_string, "function") \
+ V(Function_string, "Function") \
+ V(Generator_string, "Generator") \
+ V(getOwnPropertyDescriptor_string, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor") \
+ V(getOwnPropertyDescriptors_string, "getOwnPropertyDescriptors") \
+ V(getPrototypeOf_string, "getPrototypeOf") \
+ V(get_string, "get") \
+ V(global_string, "global") \
+ V(has_string, "has") \
+ V(illegal_access_string, "illegal access") \
+ V(illegal_argument_string, "illegal argument") \
+ V(index_string, "index") \
+ V(infinity_string, "Infinity") \
+ V(input_string, "input") \
+ V(int16x8_string, "int16x8") \
+ V(Int16x8_string, "Int16x8") \
+ V(int32x4_string, "int32x4") \
+ V(Int32x4_string, "Int32x4") \
+ V(int8x16_string, "int8x16") \
+ V(Int8x16_string, "Int8x16") \
+ V(isExtensible_string, "isExtensible") \
+ V(isView_string, "isView") \
+ V(KeyedLoadMonomorphic_string, "KeyedLoadMonomorphic") \
+ V(KeyedStoreMonomorphic_string, "KeyedStoreMonomorphic") \
+ V(last_index_string, "lastIndex") \
+ V(length_string, "length") \
+ V(Map_string, "Map") \
+ V(minus_infinity_string, "-Infinity") \
+ V(minus_zero_string, "-0") \
+ V(name_string, "name") \
+ V(nan_string, "NaN") \
+ V(next_string, "next") \
+ V(null_string, "null") \
+ V(null_to_string, "[object Null]") \
+ V(number_string, "number") \
+ V(Number_string, "Number") \
+ V(object_string, "object") \
+ V(Object_string, "Object") \
+ V(ownKeys_string, "ownKeys") \
+ V(preventExtensions_string, "preventExtensions") \
+ V(private_api_string, "private_api") \
+ V(Promise_string, "Promise") \
+ V(proto_string, "__proto__") \
+ V(prototype_string, "prototype") \
+ V(Proxy_string, "Proxy") \
+ V(query_colon_string, "(?:)") \
+ V(RegExp_string, "RegExp") \
+ V(setPrototypeOf_string, "setPrototypeOf") \
+ V(set_string, "set") \
+ V(Set_string, "Set") \
+ V(source_mapping_url_string, "source_mapping_url") \
+ V(source_string, "source") \
+ V(source_url_string, "source_url") \
+ V(stack_string, "stack") \
+ V(strict_compare_ic_string, "===") \
+ V(string_string, "string") \
+ V(String_string, "String") \
+ V(symbol_string, "symbol") \
+ V(Symbol_string, "Symbol") \
+ V(this_string, "this") \
+ V(throw_string, "throw") \
+ V(toJSON_string, "toJSON") \
+ V(toString_string, "toString") \
+ V(true_string, "true") \
+ V(uint16x8_string, "uint16x8") \
+ V(Uint16x8_string, "Uint16x8") \
+ V(uint32x4_string, "uint32x4") \
+ V(Uint32x4_string, "Uint32x4") \
+ V(uint8x16_string, "uint8x16") \
+ V(Uint8x16_string, "Uint8x16") \
+ V(undefined_string, "undefined") \
+ V(undefined_to_string, "[object Undefined]") \
+ V(valueOf_string, "valueOf") \
+ V(values_string, "values") \
+ V(value_string, "value") \
+ V(WeakMap_string, "WeakMap") \
+ V(WeakSet_string, "WeakSet") \
V(writable_string, "writable")

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