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Unified Diff: trunk/src/third_party/JSON/out/lib/perl5/JSON/

Issue 16539003: Revert 205057 "Add to third_party" (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 6 months ago
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Index: trunk/src/third_party/JSON/out/lib/perl5/JSON/
--- trunk/src/third_party/JSON/out/lib/perl5/JSON/ (revision 205060)
+++ trunk/src/third_party/JSON/out/lib/perl5/JSON/ (working copy)
@@ -1,2803 +0,0 @@
-package # This is JSON::backportPP
-# JSON-2.0
-use 5.005;
-use strict;
-use base qw(Exporter);
-use overload ();
-use Carp ();
-use B ();
-#use Devel::Peek;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '2.27202';
-@JSON::PP::EXPORT = qw(encode_json decode_json from_json to_json);
-# instead of hash-access, i tried index-access for speed.
-# but this method is not faster than what i expected. so it will be changed.
-use constant P_ASCII => 0;
-use constant P_LATIN1 => 1;
-use constant P_UTF8 => 2;
-use constant P_INDENT => 3;
-use constant P_CANONICAL => 4;
-use constant P_SPACE_BEFORE => 5;
-use constant P_SPACE_AFTER => 6;
-use constant P_ALLOW_NONREF => 7;
-use constant P_SHRINK => 8;
-use constant P_ALLOW_BLESSED => 9;
-use constant P_CONVERT_BLESSED => 10;
-use constant P_RELAXED => 11;
-use constant P_LOOSE => 12;
-use constant P_ALLOW_BIGNUM => 13;
-use constant P_ALLOW_BAREKEY => 14;
-use constant P_ALLOW_SINGLEQUOTE => 15;
-use constant P_ESCAPE_SLASH => 16;
-use constant P_AS_NONBLESSED => 17;
-use constant P_ALLOW_UNKNOWN => 18;
-use constant OLD_PERL => $] < 5.008 ? 1 : 0;
- my @xs_compati_bit_properties = qw(
- latin1 ascii utf8 indent canonical space_before space_after allow_nonref shrink
- allow_blessed convert_blessed relaxed allow_unknown
- );
- my @pp_bit_properties = qw(
- allow_singlequote allow_bignum loose
- allow_barekey escape_slash as_nonblessed
- );
- # Perl version check, Unicode handling is enable?
- # Helper module sets @JSON::PP::_properties.
- if ($] < 5.008 ) {
- my $helper = $] >= 5.006 ? 'JSON::backportPP::Compat5006' : 'JSON::backportPP::Compat5005';
- eval qq| require $helper |;
- if ($@) { Carp::croak $@; }
- }
- for my $name (@xs_compati_bit_properties, @pp_bit_properties) {
- my $flag_name = 'P_' . uc($name);
- eval qq/
- sub $name {
- my \$enable = defined \$_[1] ? \$_[1] : 1;
- if (\$enable) {
- \$_[0]->{PROPS}->[$flag_name] = 1;
- }
- else {
- \$_[0]->{PROPS}->[$flag_name] = 0;
- }
- \$_[0];
- }
- sub get_$name {
- \$_[0]->{PROPS}->[$flag_name] ? 1 : '';
- }
- /;
- }
-# Functions
-my %encode_allow_method
- = map {($_ => 1)} qw/utf8 pretty allow_nonref latin1 self_encode escape_slash
- allow_blessed convert_blessed indent indent_length allow_bignum
- as_nonblessed
- /;
-my %decode_allow_method
- = map {($_ => 1)} qw/utf8 allow_nonref loose allow_singlequote allow_bignum
- allow_barekey max_size relaxed/;
-my $JSON; # cache
-sub encode_json ($) { # encode
- ($JSON ||= __PACKAGE__->new->utf8)->encode(@_);
-sub decode_json { # decode
- ($JSON ||= __PACKAGE__->new->utf8)->decode(@_);
-# Obsoleted
-sub to_json($) {
- Carp::croak ("JSON::PP::to_json has been renamed to encode_json.");
-sub from_json($) {
- Carp::croak ("JSON::PP::from_json has been renamed to decode_json.");
-# Methods
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = {
- max_depth => 512,
- max_size => 0,
- indent => 0,
- FLAGS => 0,
- fallback => sub { encode_error('Invalid value. JSON can only reference.') },
- indent_length => 3,
- };
- bless $self, $class;
-sub encode {
- return $_[0]->PP_encode_json($_[1]);
-sub decode {
- return $_[0]->PP_decode_json($_[1], 0x00000000);
-sub decode_prefix {
- return $_[0]->PP_decode_json($_[1], 0x00000001);
-# accessor
-# pretty printing
-sub pretty {
- my ($self, $v) = @_;
- my $enable = defined $v ? $v : 1;
- if ($enable) { # indent_length(3) for JSON::XS compatibility
- $self->indent(1)->indent_length(3)->space_before(1)->space_after(1);
- }
- else {
- $self->indent(0)->space_before(0)->space_after(0);
- }
- $self;
-# etc
-sub max_depth {
- my $max = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 0x80000000;
- $_[0]->{max_depth} = $max;
- $_[0];
-sub get_max_depth { $_[0]->{max_depth}; }
-sub max_size {
- my $max = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 0;
- $_[0]->{max_size} = $max;
- $_[0];
-sub get_max_size { $_[0]->{max_size}; }
-sub filter_json_object {
- $_[0]->{cb_object} = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 0;
- $_[0]->{F_HOOK} = ($_[0]->{cb_object} or $_[0]->{cb_sk_object}) ? 1 : 0;
- $_[0];
-sub filter_json_single_key_object {
- if (@_ > 1) {
- $_[0]->{cb_sk_object}->{$_[1]} = $_[2];
- }
- $_[0]->{F_HOOK} = ($_[0]->{cb_object} or $_[0]->{cb_sk_object}) ? 1 : 0;
- $_[0];
-sub indent_length {
- if (!defined $_[1] or $_[1] > 15 or $_[1] < 0) {
- Carp::carp "The acceptable range of indent_length() is 0 to 15.";
- }
- else {
- $_[0]->{indent_length} = $_[1];
- }
- $_[0];
-sub get_indent_length {
- $_[0]->{indent_length};
-sub sort_by {
- $_[0]->{sort_by} = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 1;
- $_[0];
-sub allow_bigint {
- Carp::carp("allow_bigint() is obsoleted. use allow_bignum() insted.");
-### Perl => JSON
-{ # Convert
- my $max_depth;
- my $indent;
- my $ascii;
- my $latin1;
- my $utf8;
- my $space_before;
- my $space_after;
- my $canonical;
- my $allow_blessed;
- my $convert_blessed;
- my $indent_length;
- my $escape_slash;
- my $bignum;
- my $as_nonblessed;
- my $depth;
- my $indent_count;
- my $keysort;
- sub PP_encode_json {
- my $self = shift;
- my $obj = shift;
- $indent_count = 0;
- $depth = 0;
- my $idx = $self->{PROPS};
- ($ascii, $latin1, $utf8, $indent, $canonical, $space_before, $space_after, $allow_blessed,
- $convert_blessed, $escape_slash, $bignum, $as_nonblessed)
- ($max_depth, $indent_length) = @{$self}{qw/max_depth indent_length/};
- $keysort = $canonical ? sub { $a cmp $b } : undef;
- if ($self->{sort_by}) {
- $keysort = ref($self->{sort_by}) eq 'CODE' ? $self->{sort_by}
- : $self->{sort_by} =~ /\D+/ ? $self->{sort_by}
- : sub { $a cmp $b };
- }
- encode_error("hash- or arrayref expected (not a simple scalar, use allow_nonref to allow this)")
- if(!ref $obj and !$idx->[ P_ALLOW_NONREF ]);
- my $str = $self->object_to_json($obj);
- $str .= "\n" if ( $indent ); # JSON::XS 2.26 compatible
- unless ($ascii or $latin1 or $utf8) {
- utf8::upgrade($str);
- }
- if ($idx->[ P_SHRINK ]) {
- utf8::downgrade($str, 1);
- }
- return $str;
- }
- sub object_to_json {
- my ($self, $obj) = @_;
- my $type = ref($obj);
- if($type eq 'HASH'){
- return $self->hash_to_json($obj);
- }
- elsif($type eq 'ARRAY'){
- return $self->array_to_json($obj);
- }
- elsif ($type) { # blessed object?
- if (blessed($obj)) {
- return $self->value_to_json($obj) if ( $obj->isa('JSON::PP::Boolean') );
- if ( $convert_blessed and $obj->can('TO_JSON') ) {
- my $result = $obj->TO_JSON();
- if ( defined $result and ref( $result ) ) {
- if ( refaddr( $obj ) eq refaddr( $result ) ) {
- encode_error( sprintf(
- "%s::TO_JSON method returned same object as was passed instead of a new one",
- ref $obj
- ) );
- }
- }
- return $self->object_to_json( $result );
- }
- return "$obj" if ( $bignum and _is_bignum($obj) );
- return $self->blessed_to_json($obj) if ($allow_blessed and $as_nonblessed); # will be removed.
- encode_error( sprintf("encountered object '%s', but neither allow_blessed "
- . "nor convert_blessed settings are enabled", $obj)
- ) unless ($allow_blessed);
- return 'null';
- }
- else {
- return $self->value_to_json($obj);
- }
- }
- else{
- return $self->value_to_json($obj);
- }
- }
- sub hash_to_json {
- my ($self, $obj) = @_;
- my @res;
- encode_error("json text or perl structure exceeds maximum nesting level (max_depth set too low?)")
- if (++$depth > $max_depth);
- my ($pre, $post) = $indent ? $self->_up_indent() : ('', '');
- my $del = ($space_before ? ' ' : '') . ':' . ($space_after ? ' ' : '');
- for my $k ( _sort( $obj ) ) {
- if ( OLD_PERL ) { utf8::decode($k) } # key for Perl 5.6 / be optimized
- push @res, string_to_json( $self, $k )
- . $del
- . ( $self->object_to_json( $obj->{$k} ) || $self->value_to_json( $obj->{$k} ) );
- }
- --$depth;
- $self->_down_indent() if ($indent);
- return '{' . ( @res ? $pre : '' ) . ( @res ? join( ",$pre", @res ) . $post : '' ) . '}';
- }
- sub array_to_json {
- my ($self, $obj) = @_;
- my @res;
- encode_error("json text or perl structure exceeds maximum nesting level (max_depth set too low?)")
- if (++$depth > $max_depth);
- my ($pre, $post) = $indent ? $self->_up_indent() : ('', '');
- for my $v (@$obj){
- push @res, $self->object_to_json($v) || $self->value_to_json($v);
- }
- --$depth;
- $self->_down_indent() if ($indent);
- return '[' . ( @res ? $pre : '' ) . ( @res ? join( ",$pre", @res ) . $post : '' ) . ']';
- }
- sub value_to_json {
- my ($self, $value) = @_;
- return 'null' if(!defined $value);
- my $b_obj = B::svref_2object(\$value); # for round trip problem
- my $flags = $b_obj->FLAGS;
- return $value # as is
- if $flags & ( B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK ) and !( $flags & B::SVp_POK ); # SvTYPE is IV or NV?
- my $type = ref($value);
- if(!$type){
- return string_to_json($self, $value);
- }
- elsif( blessed($value) and $value->isa('JSON::PP::Boolean') ){
- return $$value == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
- }
- elsif ($type) {
- if ((overload::StrVal($value) =~ /=(\w+)/)[0]) {
- return $self->value_to_json("$value");
- }
- if ($type eq 'SCALAR' and defined $$value) {
- return $$value eq '1' ? 'true'
- : $$value eq '0' ? 'false'
- : $self->{PROPS}->[ P_ALLOW_UNKNOWN ] ? 'null'
- : encode_error("cannot encode reference to scalar");
- }
- if ( $self->{PROPS}->[ P_ALLOW_UNKNOWN ] ) {
- return 'null';
- }
- else {
- if ( $type eq 'SCALAR' or $type eq 'REF' ) {
- encode_error("cannot encode reference to scalar");
- }
- else {
- encode_error("encountered $value, but JSON can only represent references to arrays or hashes");
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- return $self->{fallback}->($value)
- if ($self->{fallback} and ref($self->{fallback}) eq 'CODE');
- return 'null';
- }
- }
- my %esc = (
- "\n" => '\n',
- "\r" => '\r',
- "\t" => '\t',
- "\f" => '\f',
- "\b" => '\b',
- "\"" => '\"',
- "\\" => '\\\\',
- "\'" => '\\\'',
- );
- sub string_to_json {
- my ($self, $arg) = @_;
- $arg =~ s/([\x22\x5c\n\r\t\f\b])/$esc{$1}/g;
- $arg =~ s/\//\\\//g if ($escape_slash);
- $arg =~ s/([\x00-\x08\x0b\x0e-\x1f])/'\\u00' . unpack('H2', $1)/eg;
- if ($ascii) {
- $arg = JSON_PP_encode_ascii($arg);
- }
- if ($latin1) {
- $arg = JSON_PP_encode_latin1($arg);
- }
- if ($utf8) {
- utf8::encode($arg);
- }
- return '"' . $arg . '"';
- }
- sub blessed_to_json {
- my $reftype = reftype($_[1]) || '';
- if ($reftype eq 'HASH') {
- return $_[0]->hash_to_json($_[1]);
- }
- elsif ($reftype eq 'ARRAY') {
- return $_[0]->array_to_json($_[1]);
- }
- else {
- return 'null';
- }
- }
- sub encode_error {
- my $error = shift;
- Carp::croak "$error";
- }
- sub _sort {
- defined $keysort ? (sort $keysort (keys %{$_[0]})) : keys %{$_[0]};
- }
- sub _up_indent {
- my $self = shift;
- my $space = ' ' x $indent_length;
- my ($pre,$post) = ('','');
- $post = "\n" . $space x $indent_count;
- $indent_count++;
- $pre = "\n" . $space x $indent_count;
- return ($pre,$post);
- }
- sub _down_indent { $indent_count--; }
- sub PP_encode_box {
- {
- depth => $depth,
- indent_count => $indent_count,
- };
- }
-} # Convert
-sub _encode_ascii {
- join('',
- map {
- $_ <= 127 ?
- chr($_) :
- $_ <= 65535 ?
- sprintf('\u%04x', $_) : sprintf('\u%x\u%x', _encode_surrogates($_));
- } unpack('U*', $_[0])
- );
-sub _encode_latin1 {
- join('',
- map {
- $_ <= 255 ?
- chr($_) :
- $_ <= 65535 ?
- sprintf('\u%04x', $_) : sprintf('\u%x\u%x', _encode_surrogates($_));
- } unpack('U*', $_[0])
- );
-sub _encode_surrogates { # from perlunicode
- my $uni = $_[0] - 0x10000;
- return ($uni / 0x400 + 0xD800, $uni % 0x400 + 0xDC00);
-sub _is_bignum {
- $_[0]->isa('Math::BigInt') or $_[0]->isa('Math::BigFloat');
-# JSON => Perl
-my $max_intsize;
- my $checkint = 1111;
- for my $d (5..64) {
- $checkint .= 1;
- my $int = eval qq| $checkint |;
- if ($int =~ /[eE]/) {
- $max_intsize = $d - 1;
- last;
- }
- }
-{ # PARSE
- my %escapes = ( # by Jeremy Muhlich <jmuhlich [at]>
- b => "\x8",
- t => "\x9",
- n => "\xA",
- f => "\xC",
- r => "\xD",
- '\\' => '\\',
- '"' => '"',
- '/' => '/',
- );
- my $text; # json data
- my $at; # offset
- my $ch; # 1chracter
- my $len; # text length (changed according to UTF8 or NON UTF8)
- my $depth; # nest counter
- my $encoding; # json text encoding
- my $is_valid_utf8; # temp variable
- my $utf8_len; # utf8 byte length
- my $utf8; # must be utf8
- my $max_depth; # max nest number of objects and arrays
- my $max_size;
- my $relaxed;
- my $cb_object;
- my $cb_sk_object;
- my $F_HOOK;
- my $allow_bigint; # using Math::BigInt
- my $singlequote; # loosely quoting
- my $loose; #
- my $allow_barekey; # bareKey
- # $opt flag
- # 0x00000001 .... decode_prefix
- # 0x10000000 .... incr_parse
- sub PP_decode_json {
- my ($self, $opt); # $opt is an effective flag during this decode_json.
- ($self, $text, $opt) = @_;
- ($at, $ch, $depth) = (0, '', 0);
- if ( !defined $text or ref $text ) {
- decode_error("malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom");
- }
- my $idx = $self->{PROPS};
- ($utf8, $relaxed, $loose, $allow_bigint, $allow_barekey, $singlequote)
- if ( $utf8 ) {
- utf8::downgrade( $text, 1 ) or Carp::croak("Wide character in subroutine entry");
- }
- else {
- utf8::upgrade( $text );
- }
- $len = length $text;
- ($max_depth, $max_size, $cb_object, $cb_sk_object, $F_HOOK)
- = @{$self}{qw/max_depth max_size cb_object cb_sk_object F_HOOK/};
- if ($max_size > 1) {
- use bytes;
- my $bytes = length $text;
- decode_error(
- sprintf("attempted decode of JSON text of %s bytes size, but max_size is set to %s"
- , $bytes, $max_size), 1
- ) if ($bytes > $max_size);
- }
- # Currently no effect
- # should use regexp
- my @octets = unpack('C4', $text);
- $encoding = ( $octets[0] and $octets[1]) ? 'UTF-8'
- : (!$octets[0] and $octets[1]) ? 'UTF-16BE'
- : (!$octets[0] and !$octets[1]) ? 'UTF-32BE'
- : ( $octets[2] ) ? 'UTF-16LE'
- : (!$octets[2] ) ? 'UTF-32LE'
- : 'unknown';
- white(); # remove head white space
- my $valid_start = defined $ch; # Is there a first character for JSON structure?
- my $result = value();
- return undef if ( !$result && ( $opt & 0x10000000 ) ); # for incr_parse
- decode_error("malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom") unless $valid_start;
- if ( !$idx->[ P_ALLOW_NONREF ] and !ref $result ) {
- decode_error(
- 'JSON text must be an object or array (but found number, string, true, false or null,'
- . ' use allow_nonref to allow this)', 1);
- }
- Carp::croak('something wrong.') if $len < $at; # we won't arrive here.
- my $consumed = defined $ch ? $at - 1 : $at; # consumed JSON text length
- white(); # remove tail white space
- if ( $ch ) {
- return ( $result, $consumed ) if ($opt & 0x00000001); # all right if decode_prefix
- decode_error("garbage after JSON object");
- }
- ( $opt & 0x00000001 ) ? ( $result, $consumed ) : $result;
- }
- sub next_chr {
- return $ch = undef if($at >= $len);
- $ch = substr($text, $at++, 1);
- }
- sub value {
- white();
- return if(!defined $ch);
- return object() if($ch eq '{');
- return array() if($ch eq '[');
- return string() if($ch eq '"' or ($singlequote and $ch eq "'"));
- return number() if($ch =~ /[0-9]/ or $ch eq '-');
- return word();
- }
- sub string {
- my ($i, $s, $t, $u);
- my $utf16;
- my $is_utf8;
- ($is_valid_utf8, $utf8_len) = ('', 0);
- $s = ''; # basically UTF8 flag on
- if($ch eq '"' or ($singlequote and $ch eq "'")){
- my $boundChar = $ch;
- OUTER: while( defined(next_chr()) ){
- if($ch eq $boundChar){
- next_chr();
- if ($utf16) {
- decode_error("missing low surrogate character in surrogate pair");
- }
- utf8::decode($s) if($is_utf8);
- return $s;
- }
- elsif($ch eq '\\'){
- next_chr();
- if(exists $escapes{$ch}){
- $s .= $escapes{$ch};
- }
- elsif($ch eq 'u'){ # UNICODE handling
- my $u = '';
- for(1..4){
- $ch = next_chr();
- last OUTER if($ch !~ /[0-9a-fA-F]/);
- $u .= $ch;
- }
- # U+D800 - U+DBFF
- if ($u =~ /^[dD][89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{2}/) { # UTF-16 high surrogate?
- $utf16 = $u;
- }
- # U+DC00 - U+DFFF
- elsif ($u =~ /^[dD][c-fC-F][0-9a-fA-F]{2}/) { # UTF-16 low surrogate?
- unless (defined $utf16) {
- decode_error("missing high surrogate character in surrogate pair");
- }
- $is_utf8 = 1;
- $s .= JSON_PP_decode_surrogates($utf16, $u) || next;
- $utf16 = undef;
- }
- else {
- if (defined $utf16) {
- decode_error("surrogate pair expected");
- }
- if ( ( my $hex = hex( $u ) ) > 127 ) {
- $is_utf8 = 1;
- $s .= JSON_PP_decode_unicode($u) || next;
- }
- else {
- $s .= chr $hex;
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- unless ($loose) {
- $at -= 2;
- decode_error('illegal backslash escape sequence in string');
- }
- $s .= $ch;
- }
- }
- else{
- if ( ord $ch > 127 ) {
- if ( $utf8 ) {
- unless( $ch = is_valid_utf8($ch) ) {
- $at -= 1;
- decode_error("malformed UTF-8 character in JSON string");
- }
- else {
- $at += $utf8_len - 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- utf8::encode( $ch );
- }
- $is_utf8 = 1;
- }
- if (!$loose) {
- if ($ch =~ /[\x00-\x1f\x22\x5c]/) { # '/' ok
- $at--;
- decode_error('invalid character encountered while parsing JSON string');
- }
- }
- $s .= $ch;
- }
- }
- }
- decode_error("unexpected end of string while parsing JSON string");
- }
- sub white {
- while( defined $ch ){
- if($ch le ' '){
- next_chr();
- }
- elsif($ch eq '/'){
- next_chr();
- if(defined $ch and $ch eq '/'){
- 1 while(defined(next_chr()) and $ch ne "\n" and $ch ne "\r");
- }
- elsif(defined $ch and $ch eq '*'){
- next_chr();
- while(1){
- if(defined $ch){
- if($ch eq '*'){
- if(defined(next_chr()) and $ch eq '/'){
- next_chr();
- last;
- }
- }
- else{
- next_chr();
- }
- }
- else{
- decode_error("Unterminated comment");
- }
- }
- next;
- }
- else{
- $at--;
- decode_error("malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom");
- }
- }
- else{
- if ($relaxed and $ch eq '#') { # correctly?
- pos($text) = $at;
- $text =~ /\G([^\n]*(?:\r\n|\r|\n|$))/g;
- $at = pos($text);
- next_chr;
- next;
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- sub array {
- my $a = $_[0] || []; # you can use this code to use another array ref object.
- decode_error('json text or perl structure exceeds maximum nesting level (max_depth set too low?)')
- if (++$depth > $max_depth);
- next_chr();
- white();
- if(defined $ch and $ch eq ']'){
- --$depth;
- next_chr();
- return $a;
- }
- else {
- while(defined($ch)){
- push @$a, value();
- white();
- if (!defined $ch) {
- last;
- }
- if($ch eq ']'){
- --$depth;
- next_chr();
- return $a;
- }
- if($ch ne ','){
- last;
- }
- next_chr();
- white();
- if ($relaxed and $ch eq ']') {
- --$depth;
- next_chr();
- return $a;
- }
- }
- }
- decode_error(", or ] expected while parsing array");
- }
- sub object {
- my $o = $_[0] || {}; # you can use this code to use another hash ref object.
- my $k;
- decode_error('json text or perl structure exceeds maximum nesting level (max_depth set too low?)')
- if (++$depth > $max_depth);
- next_chr();
- white();
- if(defined $ch and $ch eq '}'){
- --$depth;
- next_chr();
- if ($F_HOOK) {
- return _json_object_hook($o);
- }
- return $o;
- }
- else {
- while (defined $ch) {
- $k = ($allow_barekey and $ch ne '"' and $ch ne "'") ? bareKey() : string();
- white();
- if(!defined $ch or $ch ne ':'){
- $at--;
- decode_error("':' expected");
- }
- next_chr();
- $o->{$k} = value();
- white();
- last if (!defined $ch);
- if($ch eq '}'){
- --$depth;
- next_chr();
- if ($F_HOOK) {
- return _json_object_hook($o);
- }
- return $o;
- }
- if($ch ne ','){
- last;
- }
- next_chr();
- white();
- if ($relaxed and $ch eq '}') {
- --$depth;
- next_chr();
- if ($F_HOOK) {
- return _json_object_hook($o);
- }
- return $o;
- }
- }
- }
- $at--;
- decode_error(", or } expected while parsing object/hash");
- }
- sub bareKey { # doesn't strictly follow Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition
- my $key;
- while($ch =~ /[^\x00-\x23\x25-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\x7F]/){
- $key .= $ch;
- next_chr();
- }
- return $key;
- }
- sub word {
- my $word = substr($text,$at-1,4);
- if($word eq 'true'){
- $at += 3;
- next_chr;
- return $JSON::PP::true;
- }
- elsif($word eq 'null'){
- $at += 3;
- next_chr;
- return undef;
- }
- elsif($word eq 'fals'){
- $at += 3;
- if(substr($text,$at,1) eq 'e'){
- $at++;
- next_chr;
- return $JSON::PP::false;
- }
- }
- $at--; # for decode_error report
- decode_error("'null' expected") if ($word =~ /^n/);
- decode_error("'true' expected") if ($word =~ /^t/);
- decode_error("'false' expected") if ($word =~ /^f/);
- decode_error("malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom");
- }
- sub number {
- my $n = '';
- my $v;
- # According to RFC4627, hex or oct digits are invalid.
- if($ch eq '0'){
- my $peek = substr($text,$at,1);
- my $hex = $peek =~ /[xX]/; # 0 or 1
- if($hex){
- decode_error("malformed number (leading zero must not be followed by another digit)");
- ($n) = ( substr($text, $at+1) =~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)/);
- }
- else{ # oct
- ($n) = ( substr($text, $at) =~ /^([0-7]+)/);
- if (defined $n and length $n > 1) {
- decode_error("malformed number (leading zero must not be followed by another digit)");
- }
- }
- if(defined $n and length($n)){
- if (!$hex and length($n) == 1) {
- decode_error("malformed number (leading zero must not be followed by another digit)");
- }
- $at += length($n) + $hex;
- next_chr;
- return $hex ? hex($n) : oct($n);
- }
- }
- if($ch eq '-'){
- $n = '-';
- next_chr;
- if (!defined $ch or $ch !~ /\d/) {
- decode_error("malformed number (no digits after initial minus)");
- }
- }
- while(defined $ch and $ch =~ /\d/){
- $n .= $ch;
- next_chr;
- }
- if(defined $ch and $ch eq '.'){
- $n .= '.';
- next_chr;
- if (!defined $ch or $ch !~ /\d/) {
- decode_error("malformed number (no digits after decimal point)");
- }
- else {
- $n .= $ch;
- }
- while(defined(next_chr) and $ch =~ /\d/){
- $n .= $ch;
- }
- }
- if(defined $ch and ($ch eq 'e' or $ch eq 'E')){
- $n .= $ch;
- next_chr;
- if(defined($ch) and ($ch eq '+' or $ch eq '-')){
- $n .= $ch;
- next_chr;
- if (!defined $ch or $ch =~ /\D/) {
- decode_error("malformed number (no digits after exp sign)");
- }
- $n .= $ch;
- }
- elsif(defined($ch) and $ch =~ /\d/){
- $n .= $ch;
- }
- else {
- decode_error("malformed number (no digits after exp sign)");
- }
- while(defined(next_chr) and $ch =~ /\d/){
- $n .= $ch;
- }
- }
- $v .= $n;
- if ($v !~ /[.eE]/ and length $v > $max_intsize) {
- if ($allow_bigint) { # from Adam Sussman
- require Math::BigInt;
- return Math::BigInt->new($v);
- }
- else {
- return "$v";
- }
- }
- elsif ($allow_bigint) {
- require Math::BigFloat;
- return Math::BigFloat->new($v);
- }
- return 0+$v;
- }
- sub is_valid_utf8 {
- $utf8_len = $_[0] =~ /[\x00-\x7F]/ ? 1
- : $_[0] =~ /[\xC2-\xDF]/ ? 2
- : $_[0] =~ /[\xE0-\xEF]/ ? 3
- : $_[0] =~ /[\xF0-\xF4]/ ? 4
- : 0
- ;
- return unless $utf8_len;
- my $is_valid_utf8 = substr($text, $at - 1, $utf8_len);
- return ( $is_valid_utf8 =~ /^(?:
- [\x00-\x7F]
- |[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]
- |[\xE0][\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]
- |[\xE1-\xEC][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]
- |[\xED][\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]
- |[\xEE-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]
- |[\xF0][\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]
- |[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]
- |[\xF4][\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]
- )$/x ) ? $is_valid_utf8 : '';
- }
- sub decode_error {
- my $error = shift;
- my $no_rep = shift;
- my $str = defined $text ? substr($text, $at) : '';
- my $mess = '';
- my $type = $] >= 5.008 ? 'U*'
- : $] < 5.006 ? 'C*'
- : utf8::is_utf8( $str ) ? 'U*' # 5.6
- : 'C*'
- ;
- for my $c ( unpack( $type, $str ) ) { # emulate pv_uni_display() ?
- $mess .= $c == 0x07 ? '\a'
- : $c == 0x09 ? '\t'
- : $c == 0x0a ? '\n'
- : $c == 0x0d ? '\r'
- : $c == 0x0c ? '\f'
- : $c < 0x20 ? sprintf('\x{%x}', $c)
- : $c == 0x5c ? '\\\\'
- : $c < 0x80 ? chr($c)
- : sprintf('\x{%x}', $c)
- ;
- if ( length $mess >= 20 ) {
- $mess .= '...';
- last;
- }
- }
- unless ( length $mess ) {
- $mess = '(end of string)';
- }
- Carp::croak (
- $no_rep ? "$error" : "$error, at character offset $at (before \"$mess\")"
- );
- }
- sub _json_object_hook {
- my $o = $_[0];
- my @ks = keys %{$o};
- if ( $cb_sk_object and @ks == 1 and exists $cb_sk_object->{ $ks[0] } and ref $cb_sk_object->{ $ks[0] } ) {
- my @val = $cb_sk_object->{ $ks[0] }->( $o->{$ks[0]} );
- if (@val == 1) {
- return $val[0];
- }
- }
- my @val = $cb_object->($o) if ($cb_object);
- if (@val == 0 or @val > 1) {
- return $o;
- }
- else {
- return $val[0];
- }
- }
- sub PP_decode_box {
- {
- text => $text,
- at => $at,
- ch => $ch,
- len => $len,
- depth => $depth,
- encoding => $encoding,
- is_valid_utf8 => $is_valid_utf8,
- };
- }
-} # PARSE
-sub _decode_surrogates { # from perlunicode
- my $uni = 0x10000 + (hex($_[0]) - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (hex($_[1]) - 0xDC00);
- my $un = pack('U*', $uni);
- utf8::encode( $un );
- return $un;
-sub _decode_unicode {
- my $un = pack('U', hex shift);
- utf8::encode( $un );
- return $un;
-# Setup for various Perl versions (the code from JSON::PP58)
- unless ( defined &utf8::is_utf8 ) {
- require Encode;
- *utf8::is_utf8 = *Encode::is_utf8;
- }
- if ( $] >= 5.008 ) {
- *JSON::PP::JSON_PP_encode_ascii = \&_encode_ascii;
- *JSON::PP::JSON_PP_encode_latin1 = \&_encode_latin1;
- *JSON::PP::JSON_PP_decode_surrogates = \&_decode_surrogates;
- *JSON::PP::JSON_PP_decode_unicode = \&_decode_unicode;
- }
- if ($] >= 5.008 and $] < 5.008003) { # join() in 5.8.0 - 5.8.2 is broken.
- package # hide from PAUSE
- require subs;
- subs->import('join');
- eval q|
- sub join {
- return '' if (@_ < 2);
- my $j = shift;
- my $str = shift;
- for (@_) { $str .= $j . $_; }
- return $str;
- }
- |;
- }
- sub JSON::PP::incr_parse {
- local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
- ( $_[0]->{_incr_parser} ||= JSON::PP::IncrParser->new )->incr_parse( @_ );
- }
- sub JSON::PP::incr_skip {
- ( $_[0]->{_incr_parser} ||= JSON::PP::IncrParser->new )->incr_skip;
- }
- sub JSON::PP::incr_reset {
- ( $_[0]->{_incr_parser} ||= JSON::PP::IncrParser->new )->incr_reset;
- }
- eval q{
- sub JSON::PP::incr_text : lvalue {
- $_[0]->{_incr_parser} ||= JSON::PP::IncrParser->new;
- if ( $_[0]->{_incr_parser}->{incr_parsing} ) {
- Carp::croak("incr_text can not be called when the incremental parser already started parsing");
- }
- $_[0]->{_incr_parser}->{incr_text};
- }
- } if ( $] >= 5.006 );
-} # Setup for various Perl versions (the code from JSON::PP58)
-# Utilities
- eval 'require Scalar::Util';
- unless($@){
- *JSON::PP::blessed = \&Scalar::Util::blessed;
- *JSON::PP::reftype = \&Scalar::Util::reftype;
- *JSON::PP::refaddr = \&Scalar::Util::refaddr;
- }
- else{ # This code is from Scalar::Util.
- # warn $@;
- eval 'sub UNIVERSAL::a_sub_not_likely_to_be_here { ref($_[0]) }';
- *JSON::PP::blessed = sub {
- local($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{__WARN__});
- ref($_[0]) ? eval { $_[0]->a_sub_not_likely_to_be_here } : undef;
- };
- my %tmap = qw(
- B::IO IO
- );
- *JSON::PP::reftype = sub {
- my $r = shift;
- return undef unless length(ref($r));
- my $t = ref(B::svref_2object($r));
- return
- exists $tmap{$t} ? $tmap{$t}
- : length(ref($$r)) ? 'REF'
- : 'SCALAR';
- };
- *JSON::PP::refaddr = sub {
- return undef unless length(ref($_[0]));
- my $addr;
- if(defined(my $pkg = blessed($_[0]))) {
- $addr .= bless $_[0], 'Scalar::Util::Fake';
- bless $_[0], $pkg;
- }
- else {
- $addr .= $_[0]
- }
- $addr =~ /0x(\w+)/;
- local $^W;
- #no warnings 'portable';
- hex($1);
- }
- }
-# shamelessly copied and modified from JSON::XS code.
-$JSON::PP::true = do { bless \(my $dummy = 1), "JSON::backportPP::Boolean" };
-$JSON::PP::false = do { bless \(my $dummy = 0), "JSON::backportPP::Boolean" };
-sub is_bool { defined $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "JSON::PP::Boolean"); }
-sub true { $JSON::PP::true }
-sub false { $JSON::PP::false }
-sub null { undef; }
-package JSON::backportPP::Boolean;
-@JSON::backportPP::Boolean::ISA = ('JSON::PP::Boolean');
-use overload (
- "0+" => sub { ${$_[0]} },
- "++" => sub { $_[0] = ${$_[0]} + 1 },
- "--" => sub { $_[0] = ${$_[0]} - 1 },
- fallback => 1,
-package # hide from PAUSE
- JSON::PP::IncrParser;
-use strict;
-use constant INCR_M_WS => 0; # initial whitespace skipping
-use constant INCR_M_STR => 1; # inside string
-use constant INCR_M_BS => 2; # inside backslash
-use constant INCR_M_JSON => 3; # outside anything, count nesting
-use constant INCR_M_C0 => 4;
-use constant INCR_M_C1 => 5;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '1.01';
-my $unpack_format = $] < 5.006 ? 'C*' : 'U*';
-sub new {
- my ( $class ) = @_;
- bless {
- incr_nest => 0,
- incr_text => undef,
- incr_parsing => 0,
- incr_p => 0,
- }, $class;
-sub incr_parse {
- my ( $self, $coder, $text ) = @_;
- $self->{incr_text} = '' unless ( defined $self->{incr_text} );
- if ( defined $text ) {
- if ( utf8::is_utf8( $text ) and !utf8::is_utf8( $self->{incr_text} ) ) {
- utf8::upgrade( $self->{incr_text} ) ;
- utf8::decode( $self->{incr_text} ) ;
- }
- $self->{incr_text} .= $text;
- }
- my $max_size = $coder->get_max_size;
- if ( defined wantarray ) {
- $self->{incr_mode} = INCR_M_WS unless defined $self->{incr_mode};
- if ( wantarray ) {
- my @ret;
- $self->{incr_parsing} = 1;
- do {
- push @ret, $self->_incr_parse( $coder, $self->{incr_text} );
- unless ( !$self->{incr_nest} and $self->{incr_mode} == INCR_M_JSON ) {
- $self->{incr_mode} = INCR_M_WS if $self->{incr_mode} != INCR_M_STR;
- }
- } until ( length $self->{incr_text} >= $self->{incr_p} );
- $self->{incr_parsing} = 0;
- return @ret;
- }
- else { # in scalar context
- $self->{incr_parsing} = 1;
- my $obj = $self->_incr_parse( $coder, $self->{incr_text} );
- $self->{incr_parsing} = 0 if defined $obj; # pointed by Martin J. Evans
- return $obj ? $obj : undef; # $obj is an empty string, parsing was completed.
- }
- }
-sub _incr_parse {
- my ( $self, $coder, $text, $skip ) = @_;
- my $p = $self->{incr_p};
- my $restore = $p;
- my @obj;
- my $len = length $text;
- if ( $self->{incr_mode} == INCR_M_WS ) {
- while ( $len > $p ) {
- my $s = substr( $text, $p, 1 );
- $p++ and next if ( 0x20 >= unpack($unpack_format, $s) );
- $self->{incr_mode} = INCR_M_JSON;
- last;
- }
- }
- while ( $len > $p ) {
- my $s = substr( $text, $p++, 1 );
- if ( $s eq '"' ) {
- if (substr( $text, $p - 2, 1 ) eq '\\' ) {
- next;
- }
- if ( $self->{incr_mode} != INCR_M_STR ) {
- $self->{incr_mode} = INCR_M_STR;
- }
- else {
- $self->{incr_mode} = INCR_M_JSON;
- unless ( $self->{incr_nest} ) {
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $self->{incr_mode} == INCR_M_JSON ) {
- if ( $s eq '[' or $s eq '{' ) {
- if ( ++$self->{incr_nest} > $coder->get_max_depth ) {
- Carp::croak('json text or perl structure exceeds maximum nesting level (max_depth set too low?)');
- }
- }
- elsif ( $s eq ']' or $s eq '}' ) {
- last if ( --$self->{incr_nest} <= 0 );
- }
- elsif ( $s eq '#' ) {
- while ( $len > $p ) {
- last if substr( $text, $p++, 1 ) eq "\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $self->{incr_p} = $p;
- return if ( $self->{incr_mode} == INCR_M_STR and not $self->{incr_nest} );
- return if ( $self->{incr_mode} == INCR_M_JSON and $self->{incr_nest} > 0 );
- return '' unless ( length substr( $self->{incr_text}, 0, $p ) );
- local $Carp::CarpLevel = 2;
- $self->{incr_p} = $restore;
- $self->{incr_c} = $p;
- my ( $obj, $tail ) = $coder->PP_decode_json( substr( $self->{incr_text}, 0, $p ), 0x10000001 );
- $self->{incr_text} = substr( $self->{incr_text}, $p );
- $self->{incr_p} = 0;
- return $obj or '';
-sub incr_text {
- if ( $_[0]->{incr_parsing} ) {
- Carp::croak("incr_text can not be called when the incremental parser already started parsing");
- }
- $_[0]->{incr_text};
-sub incr_skip {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{incr_text} = substr( $self->{incr_text}, $self->{incr_c} );
- $self->{incr_p} = 0;
-sub incr_reset {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{incr_text} = undef;
- $self->{incr_p} = 0;
- $self->{incr_mode} = 0;
- $self->{incr_nest} = 0;
- $self->{incr_parsing} = 0;
-=head1 NAME
-JSON::PP - JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use JSON::PP;
- # exported functions, they croak on error
- # and expect/generate UTF-8
- $utf8_encoded_json_text = encode_json $perl_hash_or_arrayref;
- $perl_hash_or_arrayref = decode_json $utf8_encoded_json_text;
- # OO-interface
- $coder = JSON::PP->new->ascii->pretty->allow_nonref;
- $json_text = $json->encode( $perl_scalar );
- $perl_scalar = $json->decode( $json_text );
- $pretty_printed = $json->pretty->encode( $perl_scalar ); # pretty-printing
- # Note that JSON version 2.0 and above will automatically use
- # JSON::XS or JSON::PP, so you should be able to just:
- use JSON;
-=head1 VERSION
- 2.27200
-L<JSON::XS> 2.27 (~2.30) compatible.
-This module is L<JSON::XS> compatible pure Perl module.
-(Perl 5.8 or later is recommended)
-JSON::XS is the fastest and most proper JSON module on CPAN.
-It is written by Marc Lehmann in C, so must be compiled and
-installed in the used environment.
-JSON::PP is a pure-Perl module and has compatibility to JSON::XS.
-=head2 FEATURES
-=item * correct unicode handling
-This module knows how to handle Unicode (depending on Perl version).
-=item * round-trip integrity
-When you serialise a perl data structure using only data types
-supported by JSON and Perl, the deserialised data structure is
-identical on the Perl level. (e.g. the string "2.0" doesn't suddenly
-become "2" just because it looks like a number). There I<are> minor
-exceptions to this, read the MAPPING section below to learn about
-=item * strict checking of JSON correctness
-There is no guessing, no generating of illegal JSON texts by default,
-and only JSON is accepted as input by default (the latter is a
-security feature). But when some options are set, loose checking
-features are available.
-Some documents are copied and modified from L<JSON::XS/FUNCTIONAL INTERFACE>.
-=head2 encode_json
- $json_text = encode_json $perl_scalar
-Converts the given Perl data structure to a UTF-8 encoded, binary string.
-This function call is functionally identical to:
- $json_text = JSON::PP->new->utf8->encode($perl_scalar)
-=head2 decode_json
- $perl_scalar = decode_json $json_text
-The opposite of C<encode_json>: expects an UTF-8 (binary) string and tries
-to parse that as an UTF-8 encoded JSON text, returning the resulting
-This function call is functionally identical to:
- $perl_scalar = JSON::PP->new->utf8->decode($json_text)
-=head2 JSON::PP::is_bool
- $is_boolean = JSON::PP::is_bool($scalar)
-Returns true if the passed scalar represents either JSON::PP::true or
-JSON::PP::false, two constants that act like C<1> and C<0> respectively
-and are also used to represent JSON C<true> and C<false> in Perl strings.
-=head2 JSON::PP::true
-Returns JSON true value which is blessed object.
-It C<isa> JSON::PP::Boolean object.
-=head2 JSON::PP::false
-Returns JSON false value which is blessed object.
-It C<isa> JSON::PP::Boolean object.
-=head2 JSON::PP::null
-Returns C<undef>.
-See L<MAPPING>, below, for more information on how JSON values are mapped to
-This section supposes that your perl version is 5.8 or later.
-If you know a JSON text from an outer world - a network, a file content, and so on,
-is encoded in UTF-8, you should use C<decode_json> or C<JSON> module object
-with C<utf8> enable. And the decoded result will contain UNICODE characters.
- # from network
- my $json = JSON::PP->new->utf8;
- my $json_text = CGI->new->param( 'json_data' );
- my $perl_scalar = $json->decode( $json_text );
- # from file content
- local $/;
- open( my $fh, '<', '' );
- $json_text = <$fh>;
- $perl_scalar = decode_json( $json_text );
-If an outer data is not encoded in UTF-8, firstly you should C<decode> it.
- use Encode;
- local $/;
- open( my $fh, '<', '' );
- my $encoding = 'cp932';
- my $unicode_json_text = decode( $encoding, <$fh> ); # UNICODE
- # or you can write the below code.
- #
- # open( my $fh, "<:encoding($encoding)", '' );
- # $unicode_json_text = <$fh>;
-In this case, C<$unicode_json_text> is of course UNICODE string.
-So you B<cannot> use C<decode_json> nor C<JSON> module object with C<utf8> enable.
-Instead of them, you use C<JSON> module object with C<utf8> disable.
- $perl_scalar = $json->utf8(0)->decode( $unicode_json_text );
-Or C<encode 'utf8'> and C<decode_json>:
- $perl_scalar = decode_json( encode( 'utf8', $unicode_json_text ) );
- # this way is not efficient.
-And now, you want to convert your C<$perl_scalar> into JSON data and
-send it to an outer world - a network or a file content, and so on.
-Your data usually contains UNICODE strings and you want the converted data to be encoded
-in UTF-8, you should use C<encode_json> or C<JSON> module object with C<utf8> enable.
- print encode_json( $perl_scalar ); # to a network? file? or display?
- # or
- print $json->utf8->encode( $perl_scalar );
-If C<$perl_scalar> does not contain UNICODE but C<$encoding>-encoded strings
-for some reason, then its characters are regarded as B<latin1> for perl
-(because it does not concern with your $encoding).
-You B<cannot> use C<encode_json> nor C<JSON> module object with C<utf8> enable.
-Instead of them, you use C<JSON> module object with C<utf8> disable.
-Note that the resulted text is a UNICODE string but no problem to print it.
- # $perl_scalar contains $encoding encoded string values
- $unicode_json_text = $json->utf8(0)->encode( $perl_scalar );
- # $unicode_json_text consists of characters less than 0x100
- print $unicode_json_text;
-Or C<decode $encoding> all string values and C<encode_json>:
- $perl_scalar->{ foo } = decode( $encoding, $perl_scalar->{ foo } );
- # ... do it to each string values, then encode_json
- $json_text = encode_json( $perl_scalar );
-This method is a proper way but probably not efficient.
-See to L<Encode>, L<perluniintro>.
-=head1 METHODS
-Basically, check to L<JSON> or L<JSON::XS>.
-=head2 new
- $json = JSON::PP->new
-Returns a new JSON::PP object that can be used to de/encode JSON
-All boolean flags described below are by default I<disabled>.
-The mutators for flags all return the JSON object again and thus calls can
-be chained:
- my $json = JSON::PP->new->utf8->space_after->encode({a => [1,2]})
- => {"a": [1, 2]}
-=head2 ascii
- $json = $json->ascii([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_ascii
-If $enable is true (or missing), then the encode method will not generate characters outside
-the code range 0..127. Any Unicode characters outside that range will be escaped using either
-a single \uXXXX or a double \uHHHH\uLLLLL escape sequence, as per RFC4627.
-In Perl 5.005, there is no character having high value (more than 255).
-If $enable is false, then the encode method will not escape Unicode characters unless
-required by the JSON syntax or other flags. This results in a faster and more compact format.
- JSON::PP->new->ascii(1)->encode([chr 0x10401])
- => ["\ud801\udc01"]
-=head2 latin1
- $json = $json->latin1([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_latin1
-If $enable is true (or missing), then the encode method will encode the resulting JSON
-text as latin1 (or iso-8859-1), escaping any characters outside the code range 0..255.
-If $enable is false, then the encode method will not escape Unicode characters
-unless required by the JSON syntax or other flags.
- JSON::XS->new->latin1->encode (["\x{89}\x{abc}"]
- => ["\x{89}\\u0abc"] # (perl syntax, U+abc escaped, U+89 not)
-=head2 utf8
- $json = $json->utf8([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_utf8
-If $enable is true (or missing), then the encode method will encode the JSON result
-into UTF-8, as required by many protocols, while the decode method expects to be handled
-an UTF-8-encoded string. Please note that UTF-8-encoded strings do not contain any
-characters outside the range 0..255, they are thus useful for bytewise/binary I/O.
-(In Perl 5.005, any character outside the range 0..255 does not exist.
-In future versions, enabling this option might enable autodetection of the UTF-16 and UTF-32
-encoding families, as described in RFC4627.
-If $enable is false, then the encode method will return the JSON string as a (non-encoded)
-Unicode string, while decode expects thus a Unicode string. Any decoding or encoding
-(e.g. to UTF-8 or UTF-16) needs to be done yourself, e.g. using the Encode module.
-Example, output UTF-16BE-encoded JSON:
- use Encode;
- $jsontext = encode "UTF-16BE", JSON::PP->new->encode ($object);
-Example, decode UTF-32LE-encoded JSON:
- use Encode;
- $object = JSON::PP->new->decode (decode "UTF-32LE", $jsontext);
-=head2 pretty
- $json = $json->pretty([$enable])
-This enables (or disables) all of the C<indent>, C<space_before> and
-C<space_after> flags in one call to generate the most readable
-(or most compact) form possible.
-Equivalent to:
- $json->indent->space_before->space_after
-=head2 indent
- $json = $json->indent([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_indent
-The default indent space length is three.
-You can use C<indent_length> to change the length.
-=head2 space_before
- $json = $json->space_before([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_space_before
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then the C<encode> method will add an extra
-optional space before the C<:> separating keys from values in JSON objects.
-If C<$enable> is false, then the C<encode> method will not add any extra
-space at those places.
-This setting has no effect when decoding JSON texts.
-Example, space_before enabled, space_after and indent disabled:
- {"key" :"value"}
-=head2 space_after
- $json = $json->space_after([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_space_after
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then the C<encode> method will add an extra
-optional space after the C<:> separating keys from values in JSON objects
-and extra whitespace after the C<,> separating key-value pairs and array
-If C<$enable> is false, then the C<encode> method will not add any extra
-space at those places.
-This setting has no effect when decoding JSON texts.
-Example, space_before and indent disabled, space_after enabled:
- {"key": "value"}
-=head2 relaxed
- $json = $json->relaxed([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_relaxed
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then C<decode> will accept some
-extensions to normal JSON syntax (see below). C<encode> will not be
-affected in anyway. I<Be aware that this option makes you accept invalid
-JSON texts as if they were valid!>. I suggest only to use this option to
-parse application-specific files written by humans (configuration files,
-resource files etc.)
-If C<$enable> is false (the default), then C<decode> will only accept
-valid JSON texts.
-Currently accepted extensions are:
-=over 4
-=item * list items can have an end-comma
-JSON I<separates> array elements and key-value pairs with commas. This
-can be annoying if you write JSON texts manually and want to be able to
-quickly append elements, so this extension accepts comma at the end of
-such items not just between them:
- [
- 1,
- 2, <- this comma not normally allowed
- ]
- {
- "k1": "v1",
- "k2": "v2", <- this comma not normally allowed
- }
-=item * shell-style '#'-comments
-Whenever JSON allows whitespace, shell-style comments are additionally
-allowed. They are terminated by the first carriage-return or line-feed
-character, after which more white-space and comments are allowed.
- [
- 1, # this comment not allowed in JSON
- # neither this one...
- ]
-=head2 canonical
- $json = $json->canonical([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_canonical
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then the C<encode> method will output JSON objects
-by sorting their keys. This is adding a comparatively high overhead.
-If C<$enable> is false, then the C<encode> method will output key-value
-pairs in the order Perl stores them (which will likely change between runs
-of the same script).
-This option is useful if you want the same data structure to be encoded as
-the same JSON text (given the same overall settings). If it is disabled,
-the same hash might be encoded differently even if contains the same data,
-as key-value pairs have no inherent ordering in Perl.
-This setting has no effect when decoding JSON texts.
-If you want your own sorting routine, you can give a code reference
-or a subroutine name to C<sort_by>. See to C<JSON::PP OWN METHODS>.
-=head2 allow_nonref
- $json = $json->allow_nonref([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_allow_nonref
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then the C<encode> method can convert a
-non-reference into its corresponding string, number or null JSON value,
-which is an extension to RFC4627. Likewise, C<decode> will accept those JSON
-values instead of croaking.
-If C<$enable> is false, then the C<encode> method will croak if it isn't
-passed an arrayref or hashref, as JSON texts must either be an object
-or array. Likewise, C<decode> will croak if given something that is not a
-JSON object or array.
- JSON::PP->new->allow_nonref->encode ("Hello, World!")
- => "Hello, World!"
-=head2 allow_unknown
- $json = $json->allow_unknown ([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_allow_unknown
-If $enable is true (or missing), then "encode" will *not* throw an
-exception when it encounters values it cannot represent in JSON (for
-example, filehandles) but instead will encode a JSON "null" value.
-Note that blessed objects are not included here and are handled
-separately by c<allow_nonref>.
-If $enable is false (the default), then "encode" will throw an
-exception when it encounters anything it cannot encode as JSON.
-This option does not affect "decode" in any way, and it is
-recommended to leave it off unless you know your communications
-=head2 allow_blessed
- $json = $json->allow_blessed([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_allow_blessed
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then the C<encode> method will not
-barf when it encounters a blessed reference. Instead, the value of the
-B<convert_blessed> option will decide whether C<null> (C<convert_blessed>
-disabled or no C<TO_JSON> method found) or a representation of the
-object (C<convert_blessed> enabled and C<TO_JSON> method found) is being
-encoded. Has no effect on C<decode>.
-If C<$enable> is false (the default), then C<encode> will throw an
-exception when it encounters a blessed object.
-=head2 convert_blessed
- $json = $json->convert_blessed([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_convert_blessed
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then C<encode>, upon encountering a
-blessed object, will check for the availability of the C<TO_JSON> method
-on the object's class. If found, it will be called in scalar context
-and the resulting scalar will be encoded instead of the object. If no
-C<TO_JSON> method is found, the value of C<allow_blessed> will decide what
-to do.
-The C<TO_JSON> method may safely call die if it wants. If C<TO_JSON>
-returns other blessed objects, those will be handled in the same
-way. C<TO_JSON> must take care of not causing an endless recursion cycle
-(== crash) in this case. The name of C<TO_JSON> was chosen because other
-methods called by the Perl core (== not by the user of the object) are
-usually in upper case letters and to avoid collisions with the C<to_json>
-function or method.
-This setting does not yet influence C<decode> in any way.
-If C<$enable> is false, then the C<allow_blessed> setting will decide what
-to do when a blessed object is found.
-=head2 filter_json_object
- $json = $json->filter_json_object([$coderef])
-When C<$coderef> is specified, it will be called from C<decode> each
-time it decodes a JSON object. The only argument passed to the coderef
-is a reference to the newly-created hash. If the code references returns
-a single scalar (which need not be a reference), this value
-(i.e. a copy of that scalar to avoid aliasing) is inserted into the
-deserialised data structure. If it returns an empty list
-(NOTE: I<not> C<undef>, which is a valid scalar), the original deserialised
-hash will be inserted. This setting can slow down decoding considerably.
-When C<$coderef> is omitted or undefined, any existing callback will
-be removed and C<decode> will not change the deserialised hash in any
-Example, convert all JSON objects into the integer 5:
- my $js = JSON::PP->new->filter_json_object (sub { 5 });
- # returns [5]
- $js->decode ('[{}]'); # the given subroutine takes a hash reference.
- # throw an exception because allow_nonref is not enabled
- # so a lone 5 is not allowed.
- $js->decode ('{"a":1, "b":2}');
-=head2 filter_json_single_key_object
- $json = $json->filter_json_single_key_object($key [=> $coderef])
-Works remotely similar to C<filter_json_object>, but is only called for
-JSON objects having a single key named C<$key>.
-This C<$coderef> is called before the one specified via
-C<filter_json_object>, if any. It gets passed the single value in the JSON
-object. If it returns a single value, it will be inserted into the data
-structure. If it returns nothing (not even C<undef> but the empty list),
-the callback from C<filter_json_object> will be called next, as if no
-single-key callback were specified.
-If C<$coderef> is omitted or undefined, the corresponding callback will be
-disabled. There can only ever be one callback for a given key.
-As this callback gets called less often then the C<filter_json_object>
-one, decoding speed will not usually suffer as much. Therefore, single-key
-objects make excellent targets to serialise Perl objects into, especially
-as single-key JSON objects are as close to the type-tagged value concept
-as JSON gets (it's basically an ID/VALUE tuple). Of course, JSON does not
-support this in any way, so you need to make sure your data never looks
-like a serialised Perl hash.
-Typical names for the single object key are C<__class_whatever__>, or
-C<$__dollars_are_rarely_used__$> or C<}ugly_brace_placement>, or even
-things like C<__class_md5sum(classname)__>, to reduce the risk of clashing
-with real hashes.
-Example, decode JSON objects of the form C<< { "__widget__" => <id> } >>
-into the corresponding C<< $WIDGET{<id>} >> object:
- # return whatever is in $WIDGET{5}:
- ->new
- ->filter_json_single_key_object (__widget__ => sub {
- $WIDGET{ $_[0] }
- })
- ->decode ('{"__widget__": 5')
- # this can be used with a TO_JSON method in some "widget" class
- # for serialisation to json:
- sub WidgetBase::TO_JSON {
- my ($self) = @_;
- unless ($self->{id}) {
- $self->{id} =;
- $WIDGET{$self->{id}} = $self;
- }
- { __widget__ => $self->{id} }
- }
-=head2 shrink
- $json = $json->shrink([$enable])
- $enabled = $json->get_shrink
-In JSON::XS, this flag resizes strings generated by either
-C<encode> or C<decode> to their minimum size possible.
-It will also try to downgrade any strings to octet-form if possible.
-In JSON::PP, it is noop about resizing strings but tries
-C<utf8::downgrade> to the returned string by C<encode>.
-See to L<utf8>.
-=head2 max_depth
- $json = $json->max_depth([$maximum_nesting_depth])
- $max_depth = $json->get_max_depth
-Sets the maximum nesting level (default C<512>) accepted while encoding
-or decoding. If a higher nesting level is detected in JSON text or a Perl
-data structure, then the encoder and decoder will stop and croak at that
-Nesting level is defined by number of hash- or arrayrefs that the encoder
-needs to traverse to reach a given point or the number of C<{> or C<[>
-characters without their matching closing parenthesis crossed to reach a
-given character in a string.
-If no argument is given, the highest possible setting will be used, which
-is rarely useful.
-See L<JSON::XS/SSECURITY CONSIDERATIONS> for more info on why this is useful.
-When a large value (100 or more) was set and it de/encodes a deep nested object/text,
-it may raise a warning 'Deep recursion on subroutine' at the perl runtime phase.
-=head2 max_size
- $json = $json->max_size([$maximum_string_size])
- $max_size = $json->get_max_size
-Set the maximum length a JSON text may have (in bytes) where decoding is
-being attempted. The default is C<0>, meaning no limit. When C<decode>
-is called on a string that is longer then this many bytes, it will not
-attempt to decode the string but throw an exception. This setting has no
-effect on C<encode> (yet).
-If no argument is given, the limit check will be deactivated (same as when
-C<0> is specified).
-See L<JSON::XS/SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS> for more info on why this is useful.
-=head2 encode
- $json_text = $json->encode($perl_scalar)
-Converts the given Perl data structure (a simple scalar or a reference
-to a hash or array) to its JSON representation. Simple scalars will be
-converted into JSON string or number sequences, while references to arrays
-become JSON arrays and references to hashes become JSON objects. Undefined
-Perl values (e.g. C<undef>) become JSON C<null> values.
-References to the integers C<0> and C<1> are converted into C<true> and C<false>.
-=head2 decode
- $perl_scalar = $json->decode($json_text)
-The opposite of C<encode>: expects a JSON text and tries to parse it,
-returning the resulting simple scalar or reference. Croaks on error.
-JSON numbers and strings become simple Perl scalars. JSON arrays become
-Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs. C<true> becomes
-C<1> (C<JSON::true>), C<false> becomes C<0> (C<JSON::false>) and
-C<null> becomes C<undef>.
-=head2 decode_prefix
- ($perl_scalar, $characters) = $json->decode_prefix($json_text)
-This works like the C<decode> method, but instead of raising an exception
-when there is trailing garbage after the first JSON object, it will
-silently stop parsing there and return the number of characters consumed
-so far.
- JSON->new->decode_prefix ("[1] the tail")
- => ([], 3)
-Most of this section are copied and modified from L<JSON::XS/INCREMENTAL PARSING>.
-In some cases, there is the need for incremental parsing of JSON texts.
-This module does allow you to parse a JSON stream incrementally.
-It does so by accumulating text until it has a full JSON object, which
-it then can decode. This process is similar to using C<decode_prefix>
-to see if a full JSON object is available, but is much more efficient
-(and can be implemented with a minimum of method calls).
-This module will only attempt to parse the JSON text once it is sure it
-has enough text to get a decisive result, using a very simple but
-truly incremental parser. This means that it sometimes won't stop as
-early as the full parser, for example, it doesn't detect parenthesis
-mismatches. The only thing it guarantees is that it starts decoding as
-soon as a syntactically valid JSON text has been seen. This means you need
-to set resource limits (e.g. C<max_size>) to ensure the parser will stop
-parsing in the presence if syntax errors.
-The following methods implement this incremental parser.
-=head2 incr_parse
- $json->incr_parse( [$string] ) # void context
- $obj_or_undef = $json->incr_parse( [$string] ) # scalar context
- @obj_or_empty = $json->incr_parse( [$string] ) # list context
-This is the central parsing function. It can both append new text and
-extract objects from the stream accumulated so far (both of these
-functions are optional).
-If C<$string> is given, then this string is appended to the already
-existing JSON fragment stored in the C<$json> object.
-After that, if the function is called in void context, it will simply
-return without doing anything further. This can be used to add more text
-in as many chunks as you want.
-If the method is called in scalar context, then it will try to extract
-exactly I<one> JSON object. If that is successful, it will return this
-object, otherwise it will return C<undef>. If there is a parse error,
-this method will croak just as C<decode> would do (one can then use
-C<incr_skip> to skip the erroneous part). This is the most common way of
-using the method.
-And finally, in list context, it will try to extract as many objects
-from the stream as it can find and return them, or the empty list
-otherwise. For this to work, there must be no separators between the JSON
-objects or arrays, instead they must be concatenated back-to-back. If
-an error occurs, an exception will be raised as in the scalar context
-case. Note that in this case, any previously-parsed JSON texts will be
-Example: Parse some JSON arrays/objects in a given string and return them.
- my @objs = JSON->new->incr_parse ("[5][7][1,2]");
-=head2 incr_text
- $lvalue_string = $json->incr_text
-This method returns the currently stored JSON fragment as an lvalue, that
-is, you can manipulate it. This I<only> works when a preceding call to
-C<incr_parse> in I<scalar context> successfully returned an object. Under
-all other circumstances you must not call this function (I mean it.
-although in simple tests it might actually work, it I<will> fail under
-real world conditions). As a special exception, you can also call this
-method before having parsed anything.
-This function is useful in two cases: a) finding the trailing text after a
-JSON object or b) parsing multiple JSON objects separated by non-JSON text
-(such as commas).
- $json->incr_text =~ s/\s*,\s*//;
-In Perl 5.005, C<lvalue> attribute is not available.
-You must write codes like the below:
- $string = $json->incr_text;
- $string =~ s/\s*,\s*//;
- $json->incr_text( $string );
-=head2 incr_skip
- $json->incr_skip
-This will reset the state of the incremental parser and will remove the
-parsed text from the input buffer. This is useful after C<incr_parse>
-died, in which case the input buffer and incremental parser state is left
-unchanged, to skip the text parsed so far and to reset the parse state.
-=head2 incr_reset
- $json->incr_reset
-This completely resets the incremental parser, that is, after this call,
-it will be as if the parser had never parsed anything.
-This is useful if you want to repeatedly parse JSON objects and want to
-ignore any trailing data, which means you have to reset the parser after
-each successful decode.
-See to L<JSON::XS/INCREMENTAL PARSING> for examples.
-=head2 allow_singlequote
- $json = $json->allow_singlequote([$enable])
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then C<decode> will accept
-JSON strings quoted by single quotations that are invalid JSON
- $json->allow_singlequote->decode({"foo":'bar'});
- $json->allow_singlequote->decode({'foo':"bar"});
- $json->allow_singlequote->decode({'foo':'bar'});
-As same as the C<relaxed> option, this option may be used to parse
-application-specific files written by humans.
-=head2 allow_barekey
- $json = $json->allow_barekey([$enable])
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then C<decode> will accept
-bare keys of JSON object that are invalid JSON format.
-As same as the C<relaxed> option, this option may be used to parse
-application-specific files written by humans.
- $json->allow_barekey->decode('{foo:"bar"}');
-=head2 allow_bignum
- $json = $json->allow_bignum([$enable])
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then C<decode> will convert
-the big integer Perl cannot handle as integer into a L<Math::BigInt>
-object and convert a floating number (any) into a L<Math::BigFloat>.
-On the contrary, C<encode> converts C<Math::BigInt> objects and C<Math::BigFloat>
-objects into JSON numbers with C<allow_blessed> enable.
- $json->allow_nonref->allow_blessed->allow_bignum;
- $bigfloat = $json->decode('2.000000000000000000000000001');
- print $json->encode($bigfloat);
- # => 2.000000000000000000000000001
-See to L<JSON::XS/MAPPING> about the normal conversion of JSON number.
-=head2 loose
- $json = $json->loose([$enable])
-The unescaped [\x00-\x1f\x22\x2f\x5c] strings are invalid in JSON strings
-and the module doesn't allow to C<decode> to these (except for \x2f).
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then C<decode> will accept these
-unescaped strings.
- $json->loose->decode(qq|["abc
- def"]|);
-=head2 escape_slash
- $json = $json->escape_slash([$enable])
-According to JSON Grammar, I<slash> (U+002F) is escaped. But default
-JSON::PP (as same as JSON::XS) encodes strings without escaping slash.
-If C<$enable> is true (or missing), then C<encode> will escape slashes.
-=head2 indent_length
- $json = $json->indent_length($length)
-JSON::XS indent space length is 3 and cannot be changed.
-JSON::PP set the indent space length with the given $length.
-The default is 3. The acceptable range is 0 to 15.
-=head2 sort_by
- $json = $json->sort_by($function_name)
- $json = $json->sort_by($subroutine_ref)
-If $function_name or $subroutine_ref are set, its sort routine are used
-in encoding JSON objects.
- $js = $pc->sort_by(sub { $JSON::PP::a cmp $JSON::PP::b })->encode($obj);
- # is($js, q|{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3,"d":4,"e":5,"f":6,"g":7,"h":8,"i":9}|);
- $js = $pc->sort_by('own_sort')->encode($obj);
- # is($js, q|{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3,"d":4,"e":5,"f":6,"g":7,"h":8,"i":9}|);
- sub JSON::PP::own_sort { $JSON::PP::a cmp $JSON::PP::b }
-As the sorting routine runs in the JSON::PP scope, the given
-subroutine name and the special variables C<$a>, C<$b> will begin
-If $integer is set, then the effect is same as C<canonical> on.
-=head1 INTERNAL
-For developers.
-=item PP_encode_box
- {
- depth => $depth,
- indent_count => $indent_count,
- }
-=item PP_decode_box
- {
- text => $text,
- at => $at,
- ch => $ch,
- len => $len,
- depth => $depth,
- encoding => $encoding,
- is_valid_utf8 => $is_valid_utf8,
- };
-=head1 MAPPING
-This section is copied from JSON::XS and modified to C<JSON::PP>.
-JSON::XS and JSON::PP mapping mechanisms are almost equivalent.
-=head2 JSON -> PERL
-=over 4
-=item object
-A JSON object becomes a reference to a hash in Perl. No ordering of object
-keys is preserved (JSON does not preserver object key ordering itself).
-=item array
-A JSON array becomes a reference to an array in Perl.
-=item string
-A JSON string becomes a string scalar in Perl - Unicode codepoints in JSON
-are represented by the same codepoints in the Perl string, so no manual
-decoding is necessary.
-=item number
-A JSON number becomes either an integer, numeric (floating point) or
-string scalar in perl, depending on its range and any fractional parts. On
-the Perl level, there is no difference between those as Perl handles all
-the conversion details, but an integer may take slightly less memory and
-might represent more values exactly than floating point numbers.
-If the number consists of digits only, C<JSON> will try to represent
-it as an integer value. If that fails, it will try to represent it as
-a numeric (floating point) value if that is possible without loss of
-precision. Otherwise it will preserve the number as a string value (in
-which case you lose roundtripping ability, as the JSON number will be
-re-encoded to a JSON string).
-Numbers containing a fractional or exponential part will always be
-represented as numeric (floating point) values, possibly at a loss of
-precision (in which case you might lose perfect roundtripping ability, but
-the JSON number will still be re-encoded as a JSON number).
-Note that precision is not accuracy - binary floating point values cannot
-represent most decimal fractions exactly, and when converting from and to
-floating point, C<JSON> only guarantees precision up to but not including
-the least significant bit.
-When C<allow_bignum> is enable, the big integers
-and the numeric can be optionally converted into L<Math::BigInt> and
-L<Math::BigFloat> objects.
-=item true, false
-These JSON atoms become C<JSON::PP::true> and C<JSON::PP::false>,
-respectively. They are overloaded to act almost exactly like the numbers
-C<1> and C<0>. You can check whether a scalar is a JSON boolean by using
-the C<JSON::is_bool> function.
- print JSON::PP::true . "\n";
- => true
- print JSON::PP::true + 1;
- => 1
- ok(JSON::true eq '1');
- ok(JSON::true == 1);
-C<JSON> will install these missing overloading features to the backend modules.
-=item null
-A JSON null atom becomes C<undef> in Perl.
-C<JSON::PP::null> returns C<undef>.
-=head2 PERL -> JSON
-The mapping from Perl to JSON is slightly more difficult, as Perl is a
-truly typeless language, so we can only guess which JSON type is meant by
-a Perl value.
-=over 4
-=item hash references
-Perl hash references become JSON objects. As there is no inherent ordering
-in hash keys (or JSON objects), they will usually be encoded in a
-pseudo-random order that can change between runs of the same program but
-stays generally the same within a single run of a program. C<JSON>
-optionally sort the hash keys (determined by the I<canonical> flag), so
-the same data structure will serialise to the same JSON text (given same
-settings and version of JSON::XS), but this incurs a runtime overhead
-and is only rarely useful, e.g. when you want to compare some JSON text
-against another for equality.
-=item array references
-Perl array references become JSON arrays.
-=item other references
-Other unblessed references are generally not allowed and will cause an
-exception to be thrown, except for references to the integers C<0> and
-C<1>, which get turned into C<false> and C<true> atoms in JSON. You can
-also use C<JSON::false> and C<JSON::true> to improve readability.
- to_json [\0,JSON::PP::true] # yields [false,true]
-=item JSON::PP::true, JSON::PP::false, JSON::PP::null
-These special values become JSON true and JSON false values,
-respectively. You can also use C<\1> and C<\0> directly if you want.
-JSON::PP::null returns C<undef>.
-=item blessed objects
-Blessed objects are not directly representable in JSON. See the
-C<allow_blessed> and C<convert_blessed> methods on various options on
-how to deal with this: basically, you can choose between throwing an
-exception, encoding the reference as if it weren't blessed, or provide
-your own serialiser method.
-See to L<convert_blessed>.
-=item simple scalars
-Simple Perl scalars (any scalar that is not a reference) are the most
-difficult objects to encode: JSON::XS and JSON::PP will encode undefined scalars as
-JSON C<null> values, scalars that have last been used in a string context
-before encoding as JSON strings, and anything else as number value:
- # dump as number
- encode_json [2] # yields [2]
- encode_json [-3.0e17] # yields [-3e+17]
- my $value = 5; encode_json [$value] # yields [5]
- # used as string, so dump as string
- print $value;
- encode_json [$value] # yields ["5"]
- # undef becomes null
- encode_json [undef] # yields [null]
-You can force the type to be a string by stringifying it:
- my $x = 3.1; # some variable containing a number
- "$x"; # stringified
- $x .= ""; # another, more awkward way to stringify
- print $x; # perl does it for you, too, quite often
-You can force the type to be a number by numifying it:
- my $x = "3"; # some variable containing a string
- $x += 0; # numify it, ensuring it will be dumped as a number
- $x *= 1; # same thing, the choice is yours.
-You can not currently force the type in other, less obscure, ways.
-Note that numerical precision has the same meaning as under Perl (so
-binary to decimal conversion follows the same rules as in Perl, which
-can differ to other languages). Also, your perl interpreter might expose
-extensions to the floating point numbers of your platform, such as
-infinities or NaN's - these cannot be represented in JSON, and it is an
-error to pass those in.
-=item Big Number
-When C<allow_bignum> is enable,
-C<encode> converts C<Math::BigInt> objects and C<Math::BigFloat>
-objects into JSON numbers.
-If you do not know about Unicode on Perl well,
-=head2 Perl 5.8 and later
-Perl can handle Unicode and the JSON::PP de/encode methods also work properly.
- $json->allow_nonref->encode(chr hex 3042);
- $json->allow_nonref->encode(chr hex 12345);
-Returns C<"\u3042"> and C<"\ud808\udf45"> respectively.
- $json->allow_nonref->decode('"\u3042"');
- $json->allow_nonref->decode('"\ud808\udf45"');
-Returns UTF-8 encoded strings with UTF8 flag, regarded as C<U+3042> and C<U+12345>.
-Note that the versions from Perl 5.8.0 to 5.8.2, Perl built-in C<join> was broken,
-so JSON::PP wraps the C<join> with a subroutine. Thus JSON::PP works slow in the versions.
-=head2 Perl 5.6
-Perl can handle Unicode and the JSON::PP de/encode methods also work.
-=head2 Perl 5.005
-Perl 5.005 is a byte semantics world -- all strings are sequences of bytes.
-That means the unicode handling is not available.
-In encoding,
- $json->allow_nonref->encode(chr hex 3042); # hex 3042 is 12354.
- $json->allow_nonref->encode(chr hex 12345); # hex 12345 is 74565.
-Returns C<B> and C<E>, as C<chr> takes a value more than 255, it treats
-as C<$value % 256>, so the above codes are equivalent to :
- $json->allow_nonref->encode(chr 66);
- $json->allow_nonref->encode(chr 69);
-In decoding,
- $json->decode('"\u00e3\u0081\u0082"');
-The returned is a byte sequence C<0xE3 0x81 0x82> for UTF-8 encoded
-japanese character (C<HIRAGANA LETTER A>).
-And if it is represented in Unicode code point, C<U+3042>.
- $json->decode('"\u3042"');
-We ordinary expect the returned value is a Unicode character C<U+3042>.
-But here is 5.005 world. This is C<0xE3 0x81 0x82>.
- $json->decode('"\ud808\udf45"');
-This is not a character C<U+12345> but bytes - C<0xf0 0x92 0x8d 0x85>.
-=head1 TODO
-=item speed
-=item memory saving
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Most of the document are copied and modified from JSON::XS doc.
-RFC4627 (L<>)
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Makamaka Hannyaharamitu, E<lt>makamaka[at]cpan.orgE<gt>
-Copyright 2007-2012 by Makamaka Hannyaharamitu
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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