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Unified Diff: infra/recipe_modules/bot_update/resources/

Issue 1651323002: Revert of Adds bot_update to depot_tools. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Update .gitignore for safety Created 4 years, 11 months ago
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Index: infra/recipe_modules/bot_update/resources/
diff --git a/infra/recipe_modules/bot_update/resources/ b/infra/recipe_modules/bot_update/resources/
deleted file mode 100755
index 150fe3f162933cb45b9a26423998a6865bbab8d1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/infra/recipe_modules/bot_update/resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1567 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# TODO(hinoka): Use logging.
-import cStringIO
-import codecs
-import collections
-import copy
-import ctypes
-import json
-import optparse
-import os
-import pprint
-import random
-import re
-import socket
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import threading
-import time
-import urllib2
-import urlparse
-import uuid
-import os.path as path
-# How many bytes at a time to read from pipes.
-BUF_SIZE = 256
-# TODO(luqui): This is a horrible hack to identify build_internal when build
-# is a recipe dependency. bot_update should not be depending on internal,
-# rather the arrow should go the other way (or just be destroyed).
-def check_dir(name, dirs, default=None):
- for d in dirs:
- d = path.abspath(d)
- if path.basename(d) == name and path.isdir(d):
- return d
- return default
-# Define a bunch of directory paths.
-# Relative to the current working directory.
-CURRENT_DIR = path.abspath(os.getcwd())
-BUILDER_DIR = path.dirname(CURRENT_DIR)
-# Relative to this script's filesystem path.
-THIS_DIR = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
-CHROMIUM_SRC_URL = CHROMIUM_GIT_HOST + '/chromium/src.git'
-# Official builds use buildspecs, so this is a special case.
-BUILDSPEC_TYPE = collections.namedtuple('buildspec',
- ('container', 'version'))
-BUILDSPEC_RE = (r'^/chrome-internal/trunk/tools/buildspec/'
- '(build|branches|releases)/(.+)$')
- 'buildspec')
-BRANCH_HEADS_REFSPEC = '+refs/branch-heads/*'
- re.compile(r'Buildspec for.*version (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)'),
- re.compile(r'Create (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) buildspec'),
- re.compile(r'Auto-converted (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) buildspec to git'),
-# Regular expression that matches a single commit footer line.
-COMMIT_FOOTER_ENTRY_RE = re.compile(r'([^:]+):\s+(.+)')
-# Footer metadata keys for regular and gsubtreed mirrored commit positions.
-# Regular expression to parse a commit position
-COMMIT_POSITION_RE = re.compile(r'(.+)@\{#(\d+)\}')
-# Regular expression to parse gclient's revinfo entries.
-REVINFO_RE = re.compile(r'^([^:]+):\s+([^@]+)@(.+)$')
-# Used by 'ResolveSvnRevisionFromGitiles'
- 'webkit': {
- 'svn_url': 'svn://',
- 'branch_map': [
- (r'trunk', r'refs/heads/master'),
- (r'branches/([^/]+)', r'refs/branch-heads/\1'),
- ],
- },
- 'v8': {
- 'svn_url': '',
- 'branch_map': [
- (r'trunk', r'refs/heads/candidates'),
- (r'branches/bleeding_edge', r'refs/heads/master'),
- (r'branches/([^/]+)', r'refs/branch-heads/\1'),
- ],
- },
- 'nacl': {
- 'svn_url': 'svn://',
- 'branch_map': [
- (r'trunk/src/native_client', r'refs/heads/master'),
- ],
- },
-# Key for the 'git-svn' ID metadata commit footer entry.
-GIT_SVN_ID_FOOTER_KEY = 'git-svn-id'
-# e.g., git-svn-id:
-# ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
-GIT_SVN_ID_RE = re.compile(r'((?:\w+)://[^@]+)@(\d+)\s+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)')
-# This is the git mirror of the buildspecs repository. We could rely on the svn
-# checkout, now that the git buildspecs are checked in alongside the svn
-# buildspecs, but we're going to want to pull all the buildspecs from here
-# eventually anyhow, and there's already some logic to pull from git (for the
-# old git_buildspecs.git repo), so just stick with that.
- '')
-# Copied from scripts/recipes/
- '/chrome/trunk/src': {
- 'src/': 'got_revision',
- 'src/native_client/': 'got_nacl_revision',
- 'src/tools/swarm_client/': 'got_swarm_client_revision',
- 'src/tools/swarming_client/': 'got_swarming_client_revision',
- 'src/third_party/WebKit/': 'got_webkit_revision',
- 'src/third_party/webrtc/': 'got_webrtc_revision',
- 'src/v8/': 'got_v8_revision',
- }
-What is the "Bot Update" step?
-This step ensures that the source checkout on the bot (e.g. Chromium's src/ and
-its dependencies) is checked out in a consistent state. This means that all of
-the necessary repositories are checked out, no extra repositories are checked
-out, and no locally modified files are present.
-These actions used to be taken care of by the "gclient revert" and "update"
-steps. However, those steps are known to be buggy and occasionally flaky. This
-step has two main advantages over them:
- * it only operates in Git, so the logic can be clearer and cleaner; and
- * it is a slave-side script, so its behavior can be modified without
- restarting the master.
-Why Git, you ask? Because that is the direction that the Chromium project is
-heading. This step is an integral part of the transition from using the SVN repo
-at chrome/trunk/src to using the Git repo src.git. Please pardon the dust while
-we fully convert everything to Git. This message will get out of your way
-eventually, and the waterfall will be a happier place because of it.
-This step can be activated or deactivated independently on every builder on
-every master. When it is active, the "gclient revert" and "update" steps become
-no-ops. When it is inactive, it prints this message, cleans up after itself, and
-lets everything else continue as though nothing has changed. Eventually, when
-everything is stable enough, this step will replace them entirely.
-Debugging information:
-(master/builder/slave may be unspecified on recipes)
-master: %(master)s
-builder: %(builder)s
-slave: %(slave)s
-forced by recipes: %(recipe)s
-THIS_DIR: %(THIS_DIR)s is:"""
-The bot will perform a Git checkout in this step.
-The "gclient revert" and "update" steps are no-ops.
-This step does nothing. You actually want to look at the "update" step.
-GCLIENT_TEMPLATE = """solutions = %(solutions)s
-cache_dir = r%(cache_dir)s
- # If SVN path matches key, the entire URL is rewritten to the Git url.
- '/chrome/trunk/src':
- '/chrome/trunk/src/tools/cros.DEPS':
- CHROMIUM_GIT_HOST + '/chromium/src/tools/cros.DEPS.git',
- '/chrome-internal/trunk/src-internal':
- CHROME_INTERNAL_GIT_HOST + '/chrome/src-internal.git',
-# How many times to try before giving up.
-# TODO(martiniss) change to be less hard coded.
-GIT_CACHE_PATH = path.join(
- THIS_DIR, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, '')
-# TODO(martiniss) change to be useable on swarming
-CACHE_DIR = path.join(CURRENT_DIR, 'cache_dir')
-# Because we print CACHE_DIR out into a .gclient file, and then later run
-# eval() on it, backslashes need to be escaped, otherwise "E:\b\build" gets
-# parsed as "E:[\x08][\x08]uild".
-if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- CACHE_DIR = CACHE_DIR.replace('\\', '\\\\')
-# TODO(martiniss) Ignoring windows for now, will add support later.
-PATCH_TOOL = '/usr/bin/patch'
-# If there is less than 100GB of disk space on the system, then we do
-# a shallow checkout.
-SHALLOW_CLONE_THRESHOLD = 100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
-class SubprocessFailed(Exception):
- def __init__(self, message, code, output):
- Exception.__init__(self, message)
- self.code = code
- self.output = output
-class PatchFailed(SubprocessFailed):
- pass
-class GclientSyncFailed(SubprocessFailed):
- pass
-class SVNRevisionNotFound(Exception):
- pass
-class InvalidDiff(Exception):
- pass
-class Inactive(Exception):
- """Not really an exception, just used to exit early cleanly."""
- pass
-RETRY = object()
-OK = object()
-FAIL = object()
-class PsPrinter(object):
- def __init__(self, interval=300):
- self.interval = interval
- = sys.platform.startswith('linux2')
- self.thread = None
- @staticmethod
- def print_pstree():
- """Debugging function used to print "ps auxwwf" for stuck processes."""
-['ps', 'auxwwf'])
- def poke(self):
- if
- self.cancel()
- self.thread = threading.Timer(self.interval, self.print_pstree)
- self.thread.start()
- def cancel(self):
- if and self.thread is not None:
- self.thread.cancel()
- self.thread = None
-def call(*args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
- """Interactive subprocess call."""
- kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
- kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT
- kwargs.setdefault('bufsize', BUF_SIZE)
- cwd = kwargs.get('cwd', os.getcwd())
- result_fn = kwargs.pop('result_fn', lambda code, out: RETRY if code else OK)
- stdin_data = kwargs.pop('stdin_data', None)
- tries = kwargs.pop('tries', ATTEMPTS)
- if stdin_data:
- kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE
- out = cStringIO.StringIO()
- new_env = kwargs.get('env', {})
- env = copy.copy(os.environ)
- env.update(new_env)
- kwargs['env'] = env
- attempt = 0
- for attempt in range(1, tries + 1):
- attempt_msg = ' (attempt #%d)' % attempt if attempt else ''
- if new_env:
- print '===Injecting Environment Variables==='
- for k, v in sorted(new_env.items()):
- print '%s: %s' % (k, v)
- print '===Running %s%s===' % (' '.join(args), attempt_msg)
- print 'In directory: %s' % cwd
- start_time = time.time()
- proc = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)
- if stdin_data:
- proc.stdin.write(stdin_data)
- proc.stdin.close()
- psprinter = PsPrinter()
- # This is here because passing 'sys.stdout' into stdout for proc will
- # produce out of order output.
- hanging_cr = False
- while True:
- psprinter.poke()
- buf =
- if not buf:
- break
- if hanging_cr:
- buf = '\r' + buf
- hanging_cr = buf.endswith('\r')
- if hanging_cr:
- buf = buf[:-1]
- buf = buf.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
- sys.stdout.write(buf)
- out.write(buf)
- if hanging_cr:
- sys.stdout.write('\n')
- out.write('\n')
- psprinter.cancel()
- code = proc.wait()
- elapsed_time = ((time.time() - start_time) / 60.0)
- outval = out.getvalue()
- result = result_fn(code, outval)
- if result in (FAIL, RETRY):
- print '===Failed in %.1f mins===' % elapsed_time
- print
- else:
- print '===Succeeded in %.1f mins===' % elapsed_time
- print
- return outval
- if result is FAIL:
- break
- if result is RETRY and attempt < tries:
- sleep_backoff = 4 ** attempt
- sleep_time = random.randint(sleep_backoff, int(sleep_backoff * 1.2))
- print '===backing off, sleeping for %d secs===' % sleep_time
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- raise SubprocessFailed('%s failed with code %d in %s after %d attempts.' %
- (' '.join(args), code, cwd, attempt),
- code, outval)
-def git(*args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
- """Wrapper around call specifically for Git commands."""
- if args and args[0] == 'cache':
- # Rewrite "git cache" calls into "python".
- cmd = (sys.executable, '-u', GIT_CACHE_PATH) + args[1:]
- else:
- git_executable = 'git'
- # On windows, subprocess doesn't fuzzy-match 'git' to 'git.bat', so we
- # have to do it explicitly. This is better than passing shell=True.
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- git_executable += '.bat'
- cmd = (git_executable,) + args
- return call(*cmd, **kwargs)
-def get_gclient_spec(solutions, target_os, target_os_only):
- 'solutions': pprint.pformat(solutions, indent=4),
- 'cache_dir': '"%s"' % CACHE_DIR,
- 'target_os': ('\ntarget_os=%s' % target_os) if target_os else '',
- 'target_os_only': '\ntarget_os_only=%s' % target_os_only
- }
-def maybe_ignore_revision(revision, buildspec):
- """Handle builders that don't care what buildbot tells them to build.
- This is especially the case with branch builders that build from buildspecs
- and/or trigger off multiple repositories, where the --revision passed in has
- nothing to do with the solution being built. Clearing the revision in this
- case causes bot_update to use HEAD rather that trying to checkout an
- inappropriate version of the solution.
- """
- if buildspec and buildspec.container == 'branches':
- return []
- return revision
-def solutions_printer(solutions):
- """Prints gclient solution to stdout."""
- print 'Gclient Solutions'
- print '================='
- for solution in solutions:
- name = solution.get('name')
- url = solution.get('url')
- print '%s (%s)' % (name, url)
- if solution.get('deps_file'):
- print ' Dependencies file is %s' % solution['deps_file']
- if 'managed' in solution:
- print ' Managed mode is %s' % ('ON' if solution['managed'] else 'OFF')
- custom_vars = solution.get('custom_vars')
- if custom_vars:
- print ' Custom Variables:'
- for var_name, var_value in sorted(custom_vars.iteritems()):
- print ' %s = %s' % (var_name, var_value)
- custom_deps = solution.get('custom_deps')
- if 'custom_deps' in solution:
- print ' Custom Dependencies:'
- for deps_name, deps_value in sorted(custom_deps.iteritems()):
- if deps_value:
- print ' %s -> %s' % (deps_name, deps_value)
- else:
- print ' %s: Ignore' % deps_name
- for k, v in solution.iteritems():
- # Print out all the keys we don't know about.
- if k in ['name', 'url', 'deps_file', 'custom_vars', 'custom_deps',
- 'managed']:
- continue
- print ' %s is %s' % (k, v)
- print
-def solutions_to_git(input_solutions):
- """Modifies urls in solutions to point at Git repos.
- returns: (git solution, svn root of first solution) tuple.
- """
- assert input_solutions
- solutions = copy.deepcopy(input_solutions)
- first_solution = True
- buildspec = None
- for solution in solutions:
- original_url = solution['url']
- parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(original_url)
- parsed_path = parsed_url.path
- # Rewrite SVN urls into Git urls.
- buildspec_m = re.match(BUILDSPEC_RE, parsed_path)
- if first_solution and buildspec_m:
- solution['url'] = GIT_BUILDSPEC_PATH
- buildspec = BUILDSPEC_TYPE(
- )
- solution['deps_file'] = path.join(buildspec.container, buildspec.version,
- 'DEPS')
- elif parsed_path in RECOGNIZED_PATHS:
- solution['url'] = RECOGNIZED_PATHS[parsed_path]
- solution['deps_file'] = '.DEPS.git'
- elif parsed_url.scheme == 'https' and 'googlesource' in parsed_url.netloc:
- pass
- else:
- print 'Warning: %s' % ('path %r not recognized' % parsed_path,)
- # Strip out deps containing $$V8_REV$$, etc.
- if 'custom_deps' in solution:
- new_custom_deps = {}
- for deps_name, deps_value in solution['custom_deps'].iteritems():
- if deps_value and '$$' in deps_value:
- print 'Dropping %s:%s from custom deps' % (deps_name, deps_value)
- else:
- new_custom_deps[deps_name] = deps_value
- solution['custom_deps'] = new_custom_deps
- if first_solution:
- root = parsed_path
- first_solution = False
- solution['managed'] = False
- # We don't want gclient to be using a safesync URL. Instead it should
- # using the lkgr/lkcr branch/tags.
- if 'safesync_url' in solution:
- print 'Removing safesync url %s from %s' % (solution['safesync_url'],
- parsed_path)
- del solution['safesync_url']
- return solutions, root, buildspec
-def remove(target):
- """Remove a target by moving it into build.dead."""
- dead_folder = path.join(BUILDER_DIR, 'build.dead')
- if not path.exists(dead_folder):
- os.makedirs(dead_folder)
- os.rename(target, path.join(dead_folder, uuid.uuid4().hex))
-def ensure_no_checkout(dir_names, scm_dirname):
- """Ensure that there is no undesired checkout under build/.
- If there is an incorrect checkout under build/, then
- move build/ to build.dead/
- This function will check each directory in dir_names.
- scm_dirname is expected to be either ['.svn', '.git']
- """
- assert scm_dirname in ['.svn', '.git', '*']
- has_checkout = any(path.exists(path.join(os.getcwd(), dir_name, scm_dirname))
- for dir_name in dir_names)
- if has_checkout or scm_dirname == '*':
- build_dir = os.getcwd()
- prefix = ''
- if scm_dirname != '*':
- prefix = '%s detected in checkout, ' % scm_dirname
- for filename in os.listdir(build_dir):
- deletion_target = path.join(build_dir, filename)
- print '%sdeleting %s...' % (prefix, deletion_target),
- remove(deletion_target)
- print 'done'
-def gclient_configure(solutions, target_os, target_os_only):
- """Should do the same thing as gclient --spec='...'."""
- with'.gclient', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- f.write(get_gclient_spec(solutions, target_os, target_os_only))
-def gclient_sync(with_branch_heads, shallow):
- # We just need to allocate a filename.
- fd, gclient_output_file = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.json')
- os.close(fd)
- gclient_bin = 'gclient.bat' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 'gclient'
- cmd = [gclient_bin, 'sync', '--verbose', '--reset', '--force',
- '--ignore_locks', '--output-json', gclient_output_file,
- '--nohooks', '--noprehooks', '--delete_unversioned_trees']
- if with_branch_heads:
- cmd += ['--with_branch_heads']
- if shallow:
- cmd += ['--shallow']
- try:
- call(*cmd, tries=1)
- except SubprocessFailed as e:
- # Throw a GclientSyncFailed exception so we can catch this independently.
- raise GclientSyncFailed(e.message, e.code, e.output)
- else:
- with open(gclient_output_file) as f:
- return json.load(f)
- finally:
- os.remove(gclient_output_file)
-def gclient_runhooks(gyp_envs):
- gclient_bin = 'gclient.bat' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 'gclient'
- env = dict([env_var.split('=', 1) for env_var in gyp_envs])
- call(gclient_bin, 'runhooks', env=env)
-def gclient_revinfo():
- gclient_bin = 'gclient.bat' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 'gclient'
- return call(gclient_bin, 'revinfo', '-a') or ''
-def create_manifest():
- manifest = {}
- output = gclient_revinfo()
- for line in output.strip().splitlines():
- match = REVINFO_RE.match(line.strip())
- if match:
- manifest[] = {
- 'repository':,
- 'revision':,
- }
- else:
- print "WARNING: Couldn't match revinfo line:\n%s" % line
- return manifest
-def get_commit_message_footer_map(message):
- """Returns: (dict) A dictionary of commit message footer entries.
- """
- footers = {}
- # Extract the lines in the footer block.
- lines = []
- for line in message.strip().splitlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if len(line) == 0:
- del lines[:]
- continue
- lines.append(line)
- # Parse the footer
- for line in lines:
- m = COMMIT_FOOTER_ENTRY_RE.match(line)
- if not m:
- # If any single line isn't valid, the entire footer is invalid.
- footers.clear()
- return footers
- footers[] =
- return footers
-def get_commit_message_footer(message, key):
- """Returns: (str/None) The footer value for 'key', or None if none was found.
- """
- return get_commit_message_footer_map(message).get(key)
-def get_svn_rev(git_hash, dir_name):
- log = git('log', '-1', git_hash, cwd=dir_name)
- git_svn_id = get_commit_message_footer(log, GIT_SVN_ID_FOOTER_KEY)
- if not git_svn_id:
- return None
- m = GIT_SVN_ID_RE.match(git_svn_id)
- if not m:
- return None
- return int(
-def get_git_hash(revision, branch, sln_dir):
- """We want to search for the SVN revision on the git-svn branch.
- Note that git will search backwards from origin/master.
- """
- match = "^%s: [^ ]*@%s " % (GIT_SVN_ID_FOOTER_KEY, revision)
- ref = branch if branch.startswith('refs/') else 'origin/%s' % branch
- cmd = ['log', '-E', '--grep', match, '--format=%H', '--max-count=1', ref]
- result = git(*cmd, cwd=sln_dir).strip()
- if result:
- return result
- raise SVNRevisionNotFound('We can\'t resolve svn r%s into a git hash in %s' %
- (revision, sln_dir))
-def _last_commit_for_file(filename, repo_base):
- cmd = ['log', '--format=%H', '--max-count=1', '--', filename]
- return git(*cmd, cwd=repo_base).strip()
-def need_to_run_deps2git(repo_base, deps_file, deps_git_file):
- """Checks to see if we need to run deps2git.
- Returns True if there was a DEPS change after the last .DEPS.git update
- or if DEPS has local modifications.
- """
- # See if DEPS is dirty
- deps_file_status = git(
- 'status', '--porcelain', deps_file, cwd=repo_base).strip()
- if deps_file_status and deps_file_status.startswith('M '):
- return True
- last_known_deps_ref = _last_commit_for_file(deps_file, repo_base)
- last_known_deps_git_ref = _last_commit_for_file(deps_git_file, repo_base)
- merge_base_ref = git('merge-base', last_known_deps_ref,
- last_known_deps_git_ref, cwd=repo_base).strip()
- # If the merge base of the last DEPS and last .DEPS.git file is not
- # equivilent to the hash of the last DEPS file, that means the DEPS file
- # was committed after the last .DEPS.git file.
- return last_known_deps_ref != merge_base_ref
-def ensure_deps2git(solution, shallow):
- repo_base = path.join(os.getcwd(), solution['name'])
- deps_file = path.join(repo_base, 'DEPS')
- deps_git_file = path.join(repo_base, '.DEPS.git')
- if (not git('ls-files', 'DEPS', cwd=repo_base).strip() or
- not git('ls-files', '.DEPS.git', cwd=repo_base).strip()):
- return
- print 'Checking if %s is newer than %s' % (deps_file, deps_git_file)
- if not need_to_run_deps2git(repo_base, deps_file, deps_git_file):
- return
- print "HEY YOU"
- print "="*80
- print "deps2git is gone now bro :("
- print "="*80
- sys.exit(1)
-def emit_log_lines(name, lines):
- for line in lines.splitlines():
- print '@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@%s@%s@@@' % (name, line)
- print '@@@STEP_LOG_END@%s@@@' % name
-def emit_properties(properties):
- for property_name, property_value in sorted(properties.items()):
- print '@@@SET_BUILD_PROPERTY@%s@"%s"@@@' % (property_name, property_value)
-# Derived from:
-def get_total_disk_space():
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- # Windows is the only platform that doesn't support os.statvfs, so
- # we need to special case this.
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- _, total, free = (ctypes.c_ulonglong(), ctypes.c_ulonglong(), \
- ctypes.c_ulonglong())
- if sys.version_info >= (3,) or isinstance(cwd, unicode):
- fn = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW
- else:
- fn = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExA
- ret = fn(cwd, ctypes.byref(_), ctypes.byref(total), ctypes.byref(free))
- if ret == 0:
- # WinError() will fetch the last error code.
- raise ctypes.WinError()
- return (total.value, free.value)
- else:
- st = os.statvfs(cwd)
- free = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize
- total = st.f_blocks * st.f_frsize
- return (total, free)
-def get_target_revision(folder_name, git_url, revisions):
- normalized_name = folder_name.strip('/')
- if normalized_name in revisions:
- return revisions[normalized_name]
- if git_url in revisions:
- return revisions[git_url]
- return None
-def force_revision(folder_name, revision):
- split_revision = revision.split(':', 1)
- branch = 'master'
- if len(split_revision) == 2:
- # Support for "branch:revision" syntax.
- branch, revision = split_revision
- if revision and revision.upper() != 'HEAD':
- if revision and revision.isdigit() and len(revision) < 40:
- # rev_num is really a svn revision number, convert it into a git hash.
- git_ref = get_git_hash(int(revision), branch, folder_name)
- else:
- # rev_num is actually a git hash or ref, we can just use it.
- git_ref = revision
- git('checkout', '--force', git_ref, cwd=folder_name)
- else:
- ref = branch if branch.startswith('refs/') else 'origin/%s' % branch
- git('checkout', '--force', ref, cwd=folder_name)
-def git_checkout(solutions, revisions, shallow, refs):
- build_dir = os.getcwd()
- # Before we do anything, break all git_cache locks.
- if path.isdir(CACHE_DIR):
- git('cache', 'unlock', '-vv', '--force', '--all', '--cache-dir', CACHE_DIR)
- for item in os.listdir(CACHE_DIR):
- filename = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, item)
- if item.endswith('.lock'):
- raise Exception('%s exists after cache unlock' % filename)
- first_solution = True
- for sln in solutions:
- # This is so we can loop back and try again if we need to wait for the
- # git mirrors to update from SVN.
- done = False
- tries_left = 60
- while not done:
- name = sln['name']
- url = sln['url']
- if url == CHROMIUM_SRC_URL or url + '.git' == CHROMIUM_SRC_URL:
- # Experiments show there's little to be gained from
- # a shallow clone of src.
- shallow = False
- sln_dir = path.join(build_dir, name)
- s = ['--shallow'] if shallow else []
- populate_cmd = (['cache', 'populate', '--ignore_locks', '-v',
- '--cache-dir', CACHE_DIR] + s + [url])
- for ref in refs:
- populate_cmd.extend(['--ref', ref])
- git(*populate_cmd)
- mirror_dir = git(
- 'cache', 'exists', '--quiet', '--cache-dir', CACHE_DIR, url).strip()
- clone_cmd = (
- 'clone', '--no-checkout', '--local', '--shared', mirror_dir, sln_dir)
- try:
- if not path.isdir(sln_dir):
- git(*clone_cmd)
- else:
- git('remote', 'set-url', 'origin', mirror_dir, cwd=sln_dir)
- git('fetch', 'origin', cwd=sln_dir)
- for ref in refs:
- refspec = '%s:%s' % (ref, ref.lstrip('+'))
- git('fetch', 'origin', refspec, cwd=sln_dir)
- revision = get_target_revision(name, url, revisions) or 'HEAD'
- force_revision(sln_dir, revision)
- done = True
- except SubprocessFailed as e:
- # Exited abnormally, theres probably something wrong.
- # Lets wipe the checkout and try again.
- tries_left -= 1
- if tries_left > 0:
- print 'Something failed: %s.' % str(e)
- print 'waiting 5 seconds and trying again...'
- time.sleep(5)
- else:
- raise
- remove(sln_dir)
- except SVNRevisionNotFound:
- tries_left -= 1
- if tries_left > 0:
- # If we don't have the correct revision, wait and try again.
- print 'We can\'t find revision %s.' % revision
- print 'The svn to git replicator is probably falling behind.'
- print 'waiting 5 seconds and trying again...'
- time.sleep(5)
- else:
- raise
- git('clean', '-dff', cwd=sln_dir)
- if first_solution:
- git_ref = git('log', '--format=%H', '--max-count=1',
- cwd=sln_dir).strip()
- first_solution = False
- return git_ref
-def _download(url):
- """Fetch url and return content, with retries for flake."""
- for attempt in xrange(ATTEMPTS):
- try:
- return urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
- except Exception:
- if attempt == ATTEMPTS - 1:
- raise
-def parse_diff(diff):
- """Takes a unified diff and returns a list of diffed files and their diffs.
- The return format is a list of pairs of:
- (<filename>, <diff contents>)
- <diff contents> is inclusive of the diff line.
- """
- result = []
- current_diff = ''
- current_header = None
- for line in diff.splitlines():
- # "diff" is for git style patches, and "Index: " is for SVN style patches.
- if line.startswith('diff') or line.startswith('Index: '):
- if current_header:
- # If we are in a diff portion, then save the diff.
- result.append((current_header, '%s\n' % current_diff))
- git_header_match = re.match(r'diff (?:--git )?(\S+) (\S+)', line)
- svn_header_match = re.match(r'Index: (.*)', line)
- if git_header_match:
- # First, see if its a git style header.
- from_file =
- to_file =
- if from_file != to_file and from_file.startswith('a/'):
- # Sometimes git prepends 'a/' and 'b/' in front of file paths.
- from_file = from_file[2:]
- current_header = from_file
- elif svn_header_match:
- # Otherwise, check if its an SVN style header.
- current_header =
- else:
- # Otherwise... I'm not really sure what to do with this.
- raise InvalidDiff('Can\'t process header: %s\nFull diff:\n%s' %
- (line, diff))
- current_diff = ''
- current_diff += '%s\n' % line
- if current_header:
- # We hit EOF, gotta save the last diff.
- result.append((current_header, current_diff))
- return result
-def get_svn_patch(patch_url):
- """Fetch patch from patch_url, return list of (filename, diff)"""
- svn_exe = 'svn.bat' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 'svn'
- patch_data = call(svn_exe, 'cat', patch_url)
- return parse_diff(patch_data)
-def apply_svn_patch(patch_root, patches, whitelist=None, blacklist=None):
- """Expects a list of (filename, diff), applies it on top of patch_root."""
- if whitelist:
- patches = [(name, diff) for name, diff in patches if name in whitelist]
- elif blacklist:
- patches = [(name, diff) for name, diff in patches if name not in blacklist]
- diffs = [diff for _, diff in patches]
- patch = ''.join(diffs)
- if patch:
- print '===Patching files==='
- for filename, _ in patches:
- print 'Patching %s' % filename
- try:
- call(PATCH_TOOL, '-p0', '--remove-empty-files', '--force', '--forward',
- stdin_data=patch, cwd=patch_root, tries=1)
- for filename, _ in patches:
- full_filename = path.abspath(path.join(patch_root, filename))
- git('add', full_filename, cwd=path.dirname(full_filename))
- except SubprocessFailed as e:
- raise PatchFailed(e.message, e.code, e.output)
-def apply_rietveld_issue(issue, patchset, root, server, _rev_map, _revision,
- email_file, key_file, whitelist=None, blacklist=None):
- apply_issue_bin = ('apply_issue.bat' if sys.platform.startswith('win')
- else 'apply_issue')
- cmd = [apply_issue_bin,
- # The patch will be applied on top of this directory.
- '--root_dir', root,
- # Tell apply_issue how to fetch the patch.
- '--issue', issue,
- '--server', server,
- # Always run, otherwise it would see update.flag
- # and then bail out.
- '--force',
- # Don't run gclient sync when it sees a DEPS change.
- '--ignore_deps',
- # TODO(tandrii): remove after is resolved.
- # Temporary enable verbosity to see if Rietveld requests are actually
- # retried.
- '-v', '-v', # = logging.DEBUG level.
- ]
- # Use an oauth key file if specified.
- if email_file and key_file:
- cmd.extend(['--email-file', email_file, '--private-key-file', key_file])
- else:
- cmd.append('--no-auth')
- if patchset:
- cmd.extend(['--patchset', patchset])
- if whitelist:
- for item in whitelist:
- cmd.extend(['--whitelist', item])
- elif blacklist:
- for item in blacklist:
- cmd.extend(['--blacklist', item])
- # Only try once, since subsequent failures hide the real failure.
- try:
- call(*cmd, tries=1)
- except SubprocessFailed as e:
- raise PatchFailed(e.message, e.code, e.output)
-def apply_gerrit_ref(gerrit_repo, gerrit_ref, root):
- gerrit_repo = gerrit_repo or 'origin'
- assert gerrit_ref
- try:
- base_rev = git('rev-parse', 'HEAD', cwd=root).strip()
- git('retry', 'fetch', gerrit_repo, gerrit_ref, cwd=root, tries=1)
- git('checkout', 'FETCH_HEAD', cwd=root)
- git('reset', '--soft', base_rev, cwd=root)
- except SubprocessFailed as e:
- raise PatchFailed(e.message, e.code, e.output)
-def check_flag(flag_file):
- """Returns True if the flag file is present."""
- return os.path.isfile(flag_file)
-def delete_flag(flag_file):
- """Remove bot update flag."""
- if os.path.isfile(flag_file):
- os.remove(flag_file)
-def emit_flag(flag_file):
- """Deposit a bot update flag on the system to tell gclient not to run."""
- print 'Emitting flag file at %s' % flag_file
- with open(flag_file, 'wb') as f:
- f.write('Success!')
-def get_commit_position_for_git_svn(url, revision):
- """Generates a commit position string for a 'git-svn' URL/revision.
- If the 'git-svn' URL maps to a known project, we will construct a commit
- position branch value by applying substitution on the SVN URL.
- """
- # Identify the base URL so we can strip off trunk/branch name
- project_config = branch = None
- for _, project_config in GIT_SVN_PROJECT_MAP.iteritems():
- if url.startswith(project_config['svn_url']):
- branch = url[len(project_config['svn_url']):]
- break
- if branch:
- # Strip any leading slashes
- branch = branch.lstrip('/')
- # Try and map the branch
- for pattern, repl in project_config.get('branch_map', ()):
- nbranch, subn = re.subn(pattern, repl, branch, count=1)
- if subn:
- print 'INFO: Mapped SVN branch to Git branch [%s] => [%s]' % (
- branch, nbranch)
- branch = nbranch
- break
- else:
- # Use generic 'svn' branch
- print 'INFO: Could not resolve project for SVN URL %r' % (url,)
- branch = 'svn'
- return '%s@{#%s}' % (branch, revision)
-def get_commit_position(git_path, revision='HEAD'):
- """Dumps the 'git' log for a specific revision and parses out the commit
- position.
- If a commit position metadata key is found, its value will be returned.
- Otherwise, we will search for a 'git-svn' metadata entry. If one is found,
- we will compose a commit position from it, using its SVN revision value as
- the revision.
- If the 'git-svn' URL maps to a known project, we will construct a commit
- position branch value by truncating the URL, mapping 'trunk' to
- "refs/heads/master". Otherwise, we will return the generic branch, 'svn'.
- """
- git_log = git('log', '--format=%B', '-n1', revision, cwd=git_path)
- footer_map = get_commit_message_footer_map(git_log)
- # Search for commit position metadata
- value = (footer_map.get(COMMIT_POSITION_FOOTER_KEY) or
- if value:
- return value
- # Compose a commit position from 'git-svn' metadata
- value = footer_map.get(GIT_SVN_ID_FOOTER_KEY)
- if value:
- m = GIT_SVN_ID_RE.match(value)
- if not m:
- raise ValueError("Invalid 'git-svn' value: [%s]" % (value,))
- return get_commit_position_for_git_svn(,
- return None
-def parse_got_revision(gclient_output, got_revision_mapping, use_svn_revs):
- """Translate git gclient revision mapping to build properties.
- If use_svn_revs is True, then translate git hashes in the revision mapping
- to svn revision numbers.
- """
- properties = {}
- solutions_output = {
- # Make sure path always ends with a single slash.
- '%s/' % path.rstrip('/') : solution_output for path, solution_output
- in gclient_output['solutions'].iteritems()
- }
- for dir_name, property_name in got_revision_mapping.iteritems():
- # Make sure dir_name always ends with a single slash.
- dir_name = '%s/' % dir_name.rstrip('/')
- if dir_name not in solutions_output:
- continue
- solution_output = solutions_output[dir_name]
- if solution_output.get('scm') is None:
- # This is an ignored DEPS, so the output got_revision should be 'None'.
- git_revision = revision = commit_position = None
- else:
- # Since we are using .DEPS.git, everything had better be git.
- assert solution_output.get('scm') == 'git'
- git_revision = git('rev-parse', 'HEAD', cwd=dir_name).strip()
- if use_svn_revs:
- revision = get_svn_rev(git_revision, dir_name)
- if not revision:
- revision = git_revision
- else:
- revision = git_revision
- commit_position = get_commit_position(dir_name)
- properties[property_name] = revision
- if revision != git_revision:
- properties['%s_git' % property_name] = git_revision
- if commit_position:
- properties['%s_cp' % property_name] = commit_position
- return properties
-def emit_json(out_file, did_run, gclient_output=None, **kwargs):
- """Write run information into a JSON file."""
- output = {}
- output.update(gclient_output if gclient_output else {})
- output.update({'did_run': did_run})
- output.update(kwargs)
- with open(out_file, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True))
-def ensure_deps_revisions(deps_url_mapping, solutions, revisions):
- """Ensure correct DEPS revisions, ignores solutions."""
- for deps_name, deps_data in sorted(deps_url_mapping.items()):
- if deps_name.strip('/') in solutions:
- # This has already been forced to the correct solution by git_checkout().
- continue
- revision = get_target_revision(deps_name, deps_data.get('url', None),
- revisions)
- if not revision:
- continue
- # TODO(hinoka): Catch SVNRevisionNotFound error maybe?
- git('fetch', 'origin', cwd=deps_name)
- force_revision(deps_name, revision)
-def ensure_checkout(solutions, revisions, first_sln, target_os, target_os_only,
- patch_root, issue, patchset, patch_url, rietveld_server,
- gerrit_repo, gerrit_ref, revision_mapping,
- apply_issue_email_file, apply_issue_key_file, buildspec,
- gyp_env, shallow, runhooks, refs):
- # Get a checkout of each solution, without DEPS or hooks.
- # Calling git directly because there is no way to run Gclient without
- # invoking DEPS.
- print 'Fetching Git checkout'
- git_ref = git_checkout(solutions, revisions, shallow, refs)
- patches = None
- if patch_url:
- patches = get_svn_patch(patch_url)
- already_patched = []
- patch_root = patch_root or ''
- for solution in solutions:
- if (patch_root == solution['name'] or
- solution['name'].startswith(patch_root + '/')):
- relative_root = solution['name'][len(patch_root) + 1:]
- target = '/'.join([relative_root, 'DEPS']).lstrip('/')
- if patches:
- print "HEY YOU"
- print "="*80
- print "You should not be trying to patch in a svn change."
- print "="*80
- sys.exit(1)
- elif issue:
- apply_rietveld_issue(issue, patchset, patch_root, rietveld_server,
- revision_mapping, git_ref, apply_issue_email_file,
- apply_issue_key_file, whitelist=[target])
- already_patched.append(target)
- if not buildspec:
- # Run deps2git if there is a DEPS change after the last .DEPS.git commit.
- for solution in solutions:
- ensure_deps2git(solution, shallow)
- # Ensure our build/ directory is set up with the correct .gclient file.
- gclient_configure(solutions, target_os, target_os_only)
- # Let gclient do the DEPS syncing.
- # The branch-head refspec is a special case because its possible Chrome
- # src, which contains the branch-head refspecs, is DEPSed in.
- gclient_output = gclient_sync(buildspec or BRANCH_HEADS_REFSPEC in refs,
- shallow)
- # Now that gclient_sync has finished, we should revert any .DEPS.git so that
- # presubmit doesn't complain about it being modified.
- if (not buildspec and
- git('ls-files', '.DEPS.git', cwd=first_sln).strip()):
- git('checkout', 'HEAD', '--', '.DEPS.git', cwd=first_sln)
- if buildspec and runhooks:
- # Run gclient runhooks if we're on an official builder.
- # TODO(hinoka): Remove this when the official builders run their own
- # runhooks step.
- gclient_runhooks(gyp_env)
- # Finally, ensure that all DEPS are pinned to the correct revision.
- dir_names = [sln['name'] for sln in solutions]
- ensure_deps_revisions(gclient_output.get('solutions', {}),
- dir_names, revisions)
- # Apply the rest of the patch here (sans DEPS)
- if patches:
- apply_svn_patch(patch_root, patches, blacklist=already_patched)
- elif issue:
- apply_rietveld_issue(issue, patchset, patch_root, rietveld_server,
- revision_mapping, git_ref, apply_issue_email_file,
- apply_issue_key_file, blacklist=already_patched)
- elif gerrit_ref:
- apply_gerrit_ref(gerrit_repo, gerrit_ref, patch_root)
- # Reset the deps_file point in the solutions so that hooks get run properly.
- for sln in solutions:
- sln['deps_file'] = sln.get('deps_file', 'DEPS').replace('.DEPS.git', 'DEPS')
- gclient_configure(solutions, target_os, target_os_only)
- return gclient_output
-def parse_revisions(revisions, root):
- """Turn a list of revision specs into a nice dictionary.
- We will always return a dict with {root: something}. By default if root
- is unspecified, or if revisions is [], then revision will be assigned 'HEAD'
- """
- results = {root.strip('/'): 'HEAD'}
- expanded_revisions = []
- for revision in revisions:
- # Allow rev1,rev2,rev3 format.
- # TODO(hinoka): Delete this when webkit switches to recipes.
- expanded_revisions.extend(revision.split(','))
- for revision in expanded_revisions:
- split_revision = revision.split('@')
- if len(split_revision) == 1:
- # This is just a plain revision, set it as the revision for root.
- results[root] = split_revision[0]
- elif len(split_revision) == 2:
- # This is an alt_root@revision argument.
- current_root, current_rev = split_revision
- # We want to normalize svn/git urls into .git urls.
- parsed_root = urlparse.urlparse(current_root)
- if parsed_root.scheme == 'svn':
- if parsed_root.path in RECOGNIZED_PATHS:
- normalized_root = RECOGNIZED_PATHS[parsed_root.path]
- else:
- print 'WARNING: SVN path %s not recognized, ignoring' % current_root
- continue
- elif parsed_root.scheme in ['http', 'https']:
- normalized_root = 'https://%s/%s' % (parsed_root.netloc,
- parsed_root.path)
- if not normalized_root.endswith('.git'):
- normalized_root = '%s.git' % normalized_root
- elif parsed_root.scheme:
- print 'WARNING: Unrecognized scheme %s, ignoring' % parsed_root.scheme
- continue
- else:
- # This is probably a local path.
- normalized_root = current_root.strip('/')
- results[normalized_root] = current_rev
- else:
- print ('WARNING: %r is not recognized as a valid revision specification,'
- 'skipping' % revision)
- return results
-def parse_args():
- parse = optparse.OptionParser()
- parse.add_option('--issue', help='Issue number to patch from.')
- parse.add_option('--patchset',
- help='Patchset from issue to patch from, if applicable.')
- parse.add_option('--apply_issue_email_file',
- help='--email-file option passthrough for')
- parse.add_option('--apply_issue_key_file',
- help='--private-key-file option passthrough for '
- '')
- parse.add_option('--patch_url', help='Optional URL to SVN patch.')
- parse.add_option('--root', dest='patch_root',
- help='DEPRECATED: Use --patch_root.')
- parse.add_option('--patch_root', help='Directory to patch on top of.')
- parse.add_option('--rietveld_server',
- default='',
- help='Rietveld server.')
- parse.add_option('--gerrit_repo',
- help='Gerrit repository to pull the ref from.')
- parse.add_option('--gerrit_ref', help='Gerrit ref to apply.')
- parse.add_option('--specs', help='Gcilent spec.')
- parse.add_option('--master', help='Master name.')
- parse.add_option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
- help='Bypass check to see if we want to be run. '
- 'Should ONLY be used locally or by smart recipes.')
- parse.add_option('--revision_mapping',
- help='{"path/to/repo/": "property_name"}')
- parse.add_option('--revision_mapping_file',
- help=('Same as revision_mapping, except its a path to a json'
- ' file containing that format.'))
- parse.add_option('--revision', action='append', default=[],
- help='Revision to check out. Can be an SVN revision number, '
- 'git hash, or any form of git ref. Can prepend '
- 'root@<rev> to specify which repository, where root '
- 'is either a filesystem path, git https url, or '
- 'svn url. To specify Tip of Tree, set rev to HEAD.'
- 'To specify a git branch and an SVN rev, <rev> can be '
- 'set to <branch>:<revision>.')
- parse.add_option('--output_manifest', action='store_true',
- help=('Add manifest json to the json output.'))
- parse.add_option('--slave_name', default=socket.getfqdn().split('.')[0],
- help='Hostname of the current machine, '
- 'used for determining whether or not to activate.')
- parse.add_option('--builder_name', help='Name of the builder, '
- 'used for determining whether or not to activate.')
- parse.add_option('--build_dir', default=os.getcwd())
- parse.add_option('--flag_file', default=path.join(os.getcwd(),
- 'update.flag'))
- parse.add_option('--shallow', action='store_true',
- help='Use shallow clones for cache repositories.')
- parse.add_option('--gyp_env', action='append', default=[],
- help='Environment variables to pass into gclient runhooks.')
- parse.add_option('--clobber', action='store_true',
- help='Delete checkout first, always')
- parse.add_option('--bot_update_clobber', action='store_true', dest='clobber',
- help='(synonym for --clobber)')
- parse.add_option('-o', '--output_json',
- help='Output JSON information into a specified file')
- parse.add_option('--no_shallow', action='store_true',
- help='Bypass disk detection and never shallow clone. '
- 'Does not override the --shallow flag')
- parse.add_option('--no_runhooks', action='store_true',
- help='Do not run hooks on official builder.')
- parse.add_option('--refs', action='append',
- help='Also fetch this refspec for the main solution(s). '
- 'Eg. +refs/branch-heads/*')
- parse.add_option('--with_branch_heads', action='store_true',
- help='Always pass --with_branch_heads to gclient. This '
- 'does the same thing as --refs +refs/branch-heads/*')
- options, args = parse.parse_args()
- if not options.refs:
- options.refs = []
- if options.with_branch_heads:
- options.refs.append(BRANCH_HEADS_REFSPEC)
- del options.with_branch_heads
- try:
- if options.revision_mapping_file:
- if options.revision_mapping:
- print ('WARNING: Ignoring --revision_mapping: --revision_mapping_file '
- 'was set at the same time as --revision_mapping?')
- with open(options.revision_mapping_file, 'r') as f:
- options.revision_mapping = json.load(f)
- elif options.revision_mapping:
- options.revision_mapping = json.loads(options.revision_mapping)
- except Exception as e:
- print (
- 'WARNING: Caught execption while parsing revision_mapping*: %s'
- % (str(e),)
- )
- return options, args
-def prepare(options, git_slns, active):
- """Prepares the target folder before we checkout."""
- dir_names = [sln.get('name') for sln in git_slns if 'name' in sln]
- # If we're active now, but the flag file doesn't exist (we weren't active
- # last run) or vice versa, blow away all checkouts.
- if bool(active) != bool(check_flag(options.flag_file)):
- ensure_no_checkout(dir_names, '*')
- if options.output_json:
- # Make sure we tell recipes that we didn't run if the script exits here.
- emit_json(options.output_json, did_run=active)
- if active:
- if options.clobber:
- ensure_no_checkout(dir_names, '*')
- else:
- ensure_no_checkout(dir_names, '.svn')
- emit_flag(options.flag_file)
- else:
- delete_flag(options.flag_file)
- raise Inactive # This is caught in main() and we exit cleanly.
- # Do a shallow checkout if the disk is less than 100GB.
- total_disk_space, free_disk_space = get_total_disk_space()
- total_disk_space_gb = int(total_disk_space / (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
- used_disk_space_gb = int((total_disk_space - free_disk_space)
- / (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
- percent_used = int(used_disk_space_gb * 100 / total_disk_space_gb)
- step_text = '[%dGB/%dGB used (%d%%)]' % (used_disk_space_gb,
- total_disk_space_gb,
- percent_used)
- if not options.output_json:
- print '@@@STEP_TEXT@%s@@@' % step_text
- if not options.shallow:
- options.shallow = (total_disk_space < SHALLOW_CLONE_THRESHOLD
- and not options.no_shallow)
- # The first solution is where the primary DEPS file resides.
- first_sln = dir_names[0]
- # Split all the revision specifications into a nice dict.
- print 'Revisions: %s' % options.revision
- revisions = parse_revisions(options.revision, first_sln)
- print 'Fetching Git checkout at %s@%s' % (first_sln, revisions[first_sln])
- return revisions, step_text
-def checkout(options, git_slns, specs, buildspec, master,
- svn_root, revisions, step_text):
- first_sln = git_slns[0]['name']
- dir_names = [sln.get('name') for sln in git_slns if 'name' in sln]
- try:
- # Outer try is for catching patch failures and exiting gracefully.
- # Inner try is for catching gclient failures and retrying gracefully.
- try:
- checkout_parameters = dict(
- # First, pass in the base of what we want to check out.
- solutions=git_slns,
- revisions=revisions,
- first_sln=first_sln,
- # Also, target os variables for gclient.
- target_os=specs.get('target_os', []),
- target_os_only=specs.get('target_os_only', False),
- # Then, pass in information about how to patch.
- patch_root=options.patch_root,
- issue=options.issue,
- patchset=options.patchset,
- patch_url=options.patch_url,
- rietveld_server=options.rietveld_server,
- gerrit_repo=options.gerrit_repo,
- gerrit_ref=options.gerrit_ref,
- revision_mapping=options.revision_mapping,
- apply_issue_email_file=options.apply_issue_email_file,
- apply_issue_key_file=options.apply_issue_key_file,
- # For official builders.
- buildspec=buildspec,
- gyp_env=options.gyp_env,
- runhooks=not options.no_runhooks,
- # Finally, extra configurations such as shallowness of the clone.
- shallow=options.shallow,
- refs=options.refs)
- gclient_output = ensure_checkout(**checkout_parameters)
- except GclientSyncFailed:
- print 'We failed gclient sync, lets delete the checkout and retry.'
- ensure_no_checkout(dir_names, '*')
- gclient_output = ensure_checkout(**checkout_parameters)
- except PatchFailed as e:
- if options.output_json:
- # Tell recipes information such as root, got_revision, etc.
- emit_json(options.output_json,
- did_run=True,
- root=first_sln,
- log_lines=[('patch error', e.output),],
- patch_apply_return_code=e.code,
- patch_root=options.patch_root,
- patch_failure=True,
- step_text='%s PATCH FAILED' % step_text,
- fixed_revisions=revisions)
- else:
- # If we're not on recipes, tell annotator about our got_revisions.
- emit_log_lines('patch error', e.output)
- print '@@@STEP_TEXT@%s PATCH FAILED@@@' % step_text
- raise
- # Revision is an svn revision, unless it's a git master.
- use_svn_rev = False
- # Take care of got_revisions outputs.
- revision_mapping = dict(GOT_REVISION_MAPPINGS.get(svn_root, {}))
- if options.revision_mapping:
- revision_mapping.update(options.revision_mapping)
- # If the repo is not in the default GOT_REVISION_MAPPINGS and no
- # revision_mapping were specified on the command line then
- # default to setting 'got_revision' based on the first solution.
- if not revision_mapping:
- revision_mapping[first_sln] = 'got_revision'
- got_revisions = parse_got_revision(gclient_output, revision_mapping,
- use_svn_rev)
- if not got_revisions:
- # TODO(hinoka): We should probably bail out here, but in the interest
- # of giving mis-configured bots some time to get fixed use a dummy
- # revision here.
- got_revisions = { 'got_revision': 'BOT_UPDATE_NO_REV_FOUND' }
- #raise Exception('No got_revision(s) found in gclient output')
- if options.output_json:
- manifest = create_manifest() if options.output_manifest else None
- # Tell recipes information such as root, got_revision, etc.
- emit_json(options.output_json,
- did_run=True,
- root=first_sln,
- patch_root=options.patch_root,
- step_text=step_text,
- fixed_revisions=revisions,
- properties=got_revisions,
- manifest=manifest)
- else:
- # If we're not on recipes, tell annotator about our got_revisions.
- emit_properties(got_revisions)
-def print_help_text(force, output_json, active, master, builder, slave):
- """Print helpful messages to tell devs whats going on."""
- if force and output_json:
- recipe_force = 'Forced on by recipes'
- elif active and output_json:
- recipe_force = 'Off by recipes, but forced on by bot update'
- elif not active and output_json:
- recipe_force = 'Forced off by recipes'
- else:
- recipe_force = 'N/A. Was not called by recipes'
- 'master': master or 'Not specified',
- 'builder': builder or 'Not specified',
- 'slave': slave or 'Not specified',
- 'recipe': recipe_force,
- },
-def main():
- # Get inputs.
- options, _ = parse_args()
- builder = options.builder_name
- slave = options.slave_name
- master = options.master
- # Check if this script should activate or not.
- active = True
- # Print a helpful message to tell developers whats going on with this step.
- print_help_text(
- options.force, options.output_json, active, master, builder, slave)
- # Parse, munipulate, and print the gclient solutions.
- specs = {}
- exec(options.specs, specs)
- svn_solutions = specs.get('solutions', [])
- git_slns, svn_root, buildspec = solutions_to_git(svn_solutions)
- options.revision = maybe_ignore_revision(options.revision, buildspec)
- solutions_printer(git_slns)
- try:
- # Dun dun dun, the main part of bot_update.
- revisions, step_text = prepare(options, git_slns, active)
- checkout(options, git_slns, specs, buildspec, master, svn_root, revisions,
- step_text)
- except Inactive:
- # Not active, should count as passing.
- pass
- except PatchFailed as e:
- emit_flag(options.flag_file)
- # Return a specific non-zero exit code for patch failure (because it is
- # a failure), but make it different than other failures to distinguish
- # between infra failures (independent from patch author), and patch
- # failures (that patch author can fix). However, PatchFailure due to
- # download patch failure is still an infra problem.
- if e.code == 3:
- # Patch download problem.
- return 87
- # Genuine patch problem.
- return 88
- except Exception:
- # Unexpected failure.
- emit_flag(options.flag_file)
- raise
- else:
- emit_flag(options.flag_file)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main())
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