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Unified Diff: lib/src/runner/configuration.dart

Issue 1649663003: Add basic support for a configuration file. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 11 months ago
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Index: lib/src/runner/configuration.dart
diff --git a/lib/src/runner/configuration.dart b/lib/src/runner/configuration.dart
index b9e849455c89491e990830b485336dfb343dd385..28f42788636b964fc87e35d648c96ab29b377b56 100644
--- a/lib/src/runner/configuration.dart
+++ b/lib/src/runner/configuration.dart
@@ -3,165 +3,99 @@
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
-import 'dart:math' as math;
-import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import '../frontend/timeout.dart';
import '../backend/metadata.dart';
import '../backend/test_platform.dart';
-import '../utils.dart';
import '../util/io.dart';
-/// The default number of test suites to run at once.
-/// This defaults to half the available processors, since presumably some of
-/// them will be used for the OS and other processes.
-final _defaultConcurrency = math.max(1, Platform.numberOfProcessors ~/ 2);
+import 'configuration/args.dart' as args;
+import 'configuration/load.dart';
+import 'configuration/values.dart';
/// A class that encapsulates the command-line configuration of the test runner.
class Configuration {
- /// The parser used to parse the command-line arguments.
- static final ArgParser _parser = (() {
- var parser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
- var allPlatforms = TestPlatform.all.toList();
- if (!Platform.isMacOS) allPlatforms.remove(TestPlatform.safari);
- if (!Platform.isWindows) allPlatforms.remove(TestPlatform.internetExplorer);
- parser.addFlag("help", abbr: "h", negatable: false,
- help: "Shows this usage information.");
- parser.addFlag("version", negatable: false,
- help: "Shows the package's version.");
- parser.addOption("package-root", hide: true);
- parser.addSeparator("======== Selecting Tests");
- parser.addOption("name",
- abbr: 'n',
- help: 'A substring of the name of the test to run.\n'
- 'Regular expression syntax is supported.');
- parser.addOption("plain-name",
- abbr: 'N',
- help: 'A plain-text substring of the name of the test to run.');
- // TODO(nweiz): Support the full platform-selector syntax for choosing which
- // tags to run. In the shorter term, disallow non-"identifier" tags.
- parser.addOption("tags",
- abbr: 't',
- help: 'Run only tests with all of the specified tags.',
- allowMultiple: true);
- parser.addOption("tag", hide: true, allowMultiple: true);
- parser.addOption("exclude-tags",
- abbr: 'x',
- help: "Don't run tests with any of the specified tags.",
- allowMultiple: true);
- parser.addOption("exclude-tag", hide: true, allowMultiple: true);
- parser.addSeparator("======== Running Tests");
- parser.addOption("platform",
- abbr: 'p',
- help: 'The platform(s) on which to run the tests.',
- allowed: => platform.identifier).toList(),
- defaultsTo: 'vm',
- allowMultiple: true);
- parser.addOption("concurrency",
- abbr: 'j',
- help: 'The number of concurrent test suites run.\n'
- '(defaults to $_defaultConcurrency)',
- valueHelp: 'threads');
- parser.addOption("pub-serve",
- help: 'The port of a pub serve instance serving "test/".',
- valueHelp: 'port');
- // Note: although we list the 30s default timeout as though it were a
- // default value for this argument, it's actually encoded in the [Invoker]'s
- // call to [Timeout.apply].
- parser.addOption("timeout",
- help: 'The default test timeout. For example: 15s, 2x, none\n'
- '(defaults to 30s)');
- parser.addFlag("pause-after-load",
- help: 'Pauses for debugging before any tests execute.\n'
- 'Implies --concurrency=1 and --timeout=none.\n'
- 'Currently only supported for browser tests.',
- negatable: false);
- parser.addSeparator("======== Output");
- parser.addOption("reporter",
- abbr: 'r',
- help: 'The runner used to print test results.',
- allowed: ['compact', 'expanded', 'json'],
- defaultsTo: Platform.isWindows ? 'expanded' : 'compact',
- allowedHelp: {
- 'compact': 'A single line, updated continuously.',
- 'expanded': 'A separate line for each update.',
- 'json': 'A machine-readable format (see'
- });
- parser.addFlag("verbose-trace", negatable: false,
- help: 'Whether to emit stack traces with core library frames.');
- parser.addFlag("js-trace", negatable: false,
- help: 'Whether to emit raw JavaScript stack traces for browser tests.');
- parser.addFlag("color", defaultsTo: null,
- help: 'Whether to use terminal colors.\n(auto-detected by default)');
- return parser;
- })();
/// The usage string for the command-line arguments.
- static String get usage => _parser.usage;
+ static String get usage => args.usage;
/// Whether `--help` was passed.
- final bool help;
+ bool get help => _help ?? false;
+ final bool _help;
/// Whether `--version` was passed.
- final bool version;
+ bool get version => _version ?? false;
+ final bool _version;
/// Whether stack traces should be presented as-is or folded to remove
/// irrelevant packages.
- final bool verboseTrace;
+ bool get verboseTrace => _verboseTrace ?? false;
+ final bool _verboseTrace;
/// Whether JavaScript stack traces should be left as-is or converted to
/// Dart-like traces.
- final bool jsTrace;
+ bool get jsTrace => _jsTrace ?? false;
+ final bool _jsTrace;
/// Whether to pause for debugging after loading each test suite.
- final bool pauseAfterLoad;
+ bool get pauseAfterLoad => _pauseAfterLoad ?? false;
+ final bool _pauseAfterLoad;
/// The package root for resolving "package:" URLs.
- final String packageRoot;
+ String get packageRoot => _packageRoot ?? p.join(p.current, 'packages');
+ final String _packageRoot;
/// The name of the reporter to use to display results.
- final String reporter;
+ String get reporter => _reporter ?? defaultReporter;
+ final String _reporter;
/// The URL for the `pub serve` instance from which to load tests, or `null`
/// if tests should be loaded from the filesystem.
final Uri pubServeUrl;
/// The default test timeout.
+ ///
+ /// When [merge]d, this combines with the other configuration's timeout using
+ /// [Timeout.merge].
final Timeout timeout;
/// Whether to use command-line color escapes.
- final bool color;
+ bool get color => _color ?? canUseSpecialChars;
+ final bool _color;
/// How many tests to run concurrently.
- final int concurrency;
+ int get concurrency =>
+ pauseAfterLoad ? 1 : (_concurrency ?? defaultConcurrency);
+ final int _concurrency;
- /// The from which to load tests.
- final List<String> paths;
+ /// The paths from which to load tests.
+ List<String> get paths => _paths ?? ["test"];
+ final List<String> _paths;
/// Whether the load paths were passed explicitly or the default was used.
- final bool explicitPaths;
+ bool get explicitPaths => _paths != null;
/// The pattern to match against test names to decide which to run, or `null`
/// if all tests should be run.
final Pattern pattern;
/// The set of platforms on which to run tests.
- final List<TestPlatform> platforms;
+ List<TestPlatform> get platforms => _platforms ?? [TestPlatform.vm];
+ final List<TestPlatform> _platforms;
- /// Restricts the set of tests to a set of tags
+ /// Restricts the set of tests to a set of tags.
+ ///
+ /// If this is empty, it applies no restrictions.
+ ///
+ /// When [merge]d, this is unioned with the other configuration's tags.
final Set<String> tags;
- /// Does not run tests with tags from this set
+ /// Does not run tests with tags from this set.
+ ///
+ /// If this is empty, it applies no restrictions.
+ ///
+ /// When [merge]d, this is unioned with the other configuration's excluded
+ /// tags.
final Set<String> excludeTags;
/// The global test metadata derived from this configuration.
@@ -171,100 +105,70 @@ class Configuration {
/// Parses the configuration from [args].
/// Throws a [FormatException] if [args] are invalid.
- factory Configuration.parse(List<String> args) {
- var options = _parser.parse(args);
- var pattern;
- if (options['name'] != null) {
- if (options["plain-name"] != null) {
- throw new FormatException(
- "--name and --plain-name may not both be passed.");
- }
+ factory Configuration.parse(List<String> arguments) => args.parse(arguments);
- pattern = _wrapFormatException(
- options, 'name', (value) => new RegExp(value));
- } else if (options['plain-name'] != null) {
- pattern = options['plain-name'];
- }
- var tags = new Set();
- tags.addAll(options['tags'] ?? []);
- tags.addAll(options['tag'] ?? []);
- var excludeTags = new Set();
- excludeTags.addAll(options['exclude-tags'] ?? []);
- excludeTags.addAll(options['exclude-tag'] ?? []);
- var tagIntersection = tags.intersection(excludeTags);
- if (tagIntersection.isNotEmpty) {
- throw new FormatException(
- 'The ${pluralize('tag', tagIntersection.length)} '
- '${toSentence(tagIntersection)} '
- '${pluralize('was', tagIntersection.length, plural: 'were')} '
- 'both included and excluded.');
- }
- return new Configuration(
- help: options['help'],
- version: options['version'],
- verboseTrace: options['verbose-trace'],
- jsTrace: options['js-trace'],
- pauseAfterLoad: options['pause-after-load'],
- color: options['color'],
- packageRoot: options['package-root'],
- reporter: options['reporter'],
- pubServePort: _wrapFormatException(options, 'pub-serve', int.parse),
- concurrency: _wrapFormatException(options, 'concurrency', int.parse,
- orElse: () => _defaultConcurrency),
- timeout: _wrapFormatException(options, 'timeout',
- (value) => new Timeout.parse(value),
- orElse: () => new Timeout.factor(1)),
- pattern: pattern,
- platforms: options['platform'].map(TestPlatform.find),
- paths: ? null :,
- tags: tags,
- excludeTags: excludeTags);
- }
- /// Runs [parse] on the value of the option [name], and wraps any
- /// [FormatException] it throws with additional information.
- static _wrapFormatException(ArgResults options, String name, parse(value),
- {orElse()}) {
- var value = options[name];
- if (value == null) return orElse == null ? null : orElse();
- try {
- return parse(value);
- } on FormatException catch (error) {
- throw new FormatException('Couldn\'t parse --$name "${options[name]}": '
- '${error.message}');
- }
- }
- Configuration({ false, this.version: false,
- this.verboseTrace: false, this.jsTrace: false,
- bool pauseAfterLoad: false, bool color, String packageRoot,
- String reporter, int pubServePort, int concurrency, Timeout timeout,
- this.pattern, Iterable<TestPlatform> platforms,
- Iterable<String> paths, Set<String> tags, Set<String> excludeTags})
- : pauseAfterLoad = pauseAfterLoad,
- color = color == null ? canUseSpecialChars : color,
- packageRoot = packageRoot == null
- ? p.join(p.current, 'packages')
- : packageRoot,
- reporter = reporter == null ? 'compact' : reporter,
+ /// Loads the configuration from [path].
+ ///
+ /// Throws an [IOException] if [path] does not exist or cannot be read. Throws
+ /// a [FormatException] if its contents are invalid.
+ factory Configuration.load(String path) => load(path);
+ Configuration({bool help, bool version, bool verboseTrace, bool jsTrace,
+ bool pauseAfterLoad, bool color, String packageRoot, String reporter,
+ int pubServePort, int concurrency, Timeout timeout, this.pattern,
+ Iterable<TestPlatform> platforms, Iterable<String> paths,
+ Iterable<String> tags, Iterable<String> excludeTags})
+ : _help = help,
+ _version = version,
+ _verboseTrace = verboseTrace,
+ _jsTrace = jsTrace,
+ _pauseAfterLoad = pauseAfterLoad,
+ _color = color,
+ _packageRoot = packageRoot,
+ _reporter = reporter,
pubServeUrl = pubServePort == null
? null
: Uri.parse("http://localhost:$pubServePort"),
- concurrency = pauseAfterLoad
- ? 1
- : (concurrency == null ? _defaultConcurrency : concurrency),
- timeout = pauseAfterLoad
+ _concurrency = concurrency,
+ timeout = (pauseAfterLoad ?? false)
? Timeout.none
: (timeout == null ? new Timeout.factor(1) : timeout),
- platforms = platforms == null ? [TestPlatform.vm] : platforms.toList(),
- paths = paths == null ? ["test"] : paths.toList(),
- explicitPaths = paths != null,
- this.tags = tags,
- this.excludeTags = excludeTags;
+ _platforms = _list(platforms),
+ _paths = _list(paths),
+ tags = tags?.toSet() ?? new Set(),
+ excludeTags = excludeTags?.toSet() ?? new Set();
+ /// Returns a [input] as a list or `null`.
+ ///
+ /// If [input] is `null` or empty, this returns `null`. Otherwise, it returns
+ /// `input.toList()`.
+ static List _list(Iterable input) {
+ if (input == null) return null;
+ input = input.toList();
+ if (input.isEmpty) return null;
+ return input;
+ }
+ /// Merges this with [other].
+ ///
+ /// For most fields, if both configurations have values set, [other]'s value
+ /// takes precedence. However, certain fields are merged together instead.
+ /// This is indicated in those fields' documentation.
+ Configuration merge(Configuration other) => new Configuration(
+ help: other._help ?? _help,
+ version: other._version ?? _version,
+ verboseTrace: other._verboseTrace ?? _verboseTrace,
+ jsTrace: other._jsTrace ?? _jsTrace,
+ pauseAfterLoad: other._pauseAfterLoad ?? _pauseAfterLoad,
+ color: other._color ?? _color,
+ packageRoot: other._packageRoot ?? _packageRoot,
+ reporter: other._reporter ?? _reporter,
+ pubServePort: (other.pubServeUrl ?? pubServeUrl)?.port,
+ concurrency: other._concurrency ?? _concurrency,
+ timeout: timeout.merge(other.timeout),
+ pattern: other.pattern ?? pattern,
+ platforms: other._platforms ?? _platforms,
+ paths: other._paths ?? _paths,
+ tags: other.tags.union(tags),
+ excludeTags: other.excludeTags.union(excludeTags));

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