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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/paint/PaintLayer.h

Issue 1636563003: Put rare PaintLayer fields into PaintLayerRareData (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 11 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/paint/PaintLayer.h
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/paint/PaintLayer.h b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/paint/PaintLayer.h
index 073009e9d4aa0b1c2290f624a524def54f5fec5c..dd5f4f5142708bd1199a8da0aaab94d59007832c 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/paint/PaintLayer.h
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/paint/PaintLayer.h
@@ -90,6 +90,49 @@ private:
TemporaryChange<CompositingQueryMode> m_disabler;
+struct PaintLayerRareData {
+ PaintLayerRareData();
+ ~PaintLayerRareData();
+ // Our current relative position offset.
+ LayoutSize offsetForInFlowPosition;
+ OwnPtr<TransformationMatrix> transform;
+ // Pointer to the enclosing Layer that caused us to be paginated. It is 0 if we are not paginated.
+ //
+ // See LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread and
+ //
+ // for more information about the multicol implementation. It's important to understand the
+ // difference between flow thread coordinates and visual coordinates when working with multicol
+ // in Layer, since Layer is one of the few places where we have to worry about the
+ // visual ones. Internally we try to use flow-thread coordinates whenever possible.
+ PaintLayer* enclosingPaginationLayer;
+ // These compositing reasons are updated whenever style changes, not while updating compositing layers.
+ // They should not be used to infer the compositing state of this layer.
+ CompositingReasons potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle;
+ // Once computed, indicates all that a layer needs to become composited using the CompositingReasons enum bitfield.
+ CompositingReasons compositingReasons;
+ // If the layer paints into its own backings, this keeps track of the backings.
+ // It's nullptr if the layer is not composited or paints into grouped backing.
+ OwnPtr<CompositedLayerMapping> compositedLayerMapping;
+ // If the layer paints into grouped backing (i.e. squashed), this points to the
+ // grouped CompositedLayerMapping. It's null if the layer is not composited or
+ // paints into its own backing.
+ CompositedLayerMapping* groupedMapping;
+ IntRect blockSelectionGapsBounds;
+ OwnPtr<PaintLayerReflectionInfo> reflectionInfo;
+ // The accumulated subpixel offset of a composited layer's composited bounds compared to absolute coordinates.
+ LayoutSize subpixelAccumulation;
// PaintLayer is an old object that handles lots of unrelated operations.
// We want it to die at some point and be replaced by more focused objects,
@@ -161,11 +204,11 @@ class CORE_EXPORT PaintLayer : public DisplayItemClient {
PaintLayer(LayoutBoxModelObject*, PaintLayerType);
- ~PaintLayer();
+ ~PaintLayer() override;
// DisplayItemClient methods
String debugName() const final;
- IntRect visualRect() const override;
+ IntRect visualRect() const final;
LayoutBoxModelObject* layoutObject() const { return m_layoutObject; }
LayoutBox* layoutBox() const { return m_layoutObject && m_layoutObject->isBox() ? toLayoutBox(m_layoutObject) : 0; }
@@ -190,13 +233,13 @@ public:
// FIXME: Many people call this function while it has out-of-date information.
bool isSelfPaintingLayer() const { return m_isSelfPaintingLayer; }
- void setLayerType(PaintLayerType layerType) { m_layerType = layerType; }
+ void setLayerType(PaintLayerType layerType) { m_layerType = layerType; ASSERT(static_cast<PaintLayerType>(m_layerType) == layerType); }
bool isTransparent() const { return layoutObject()->isTransparent() || layoutObject()->style()->hasBlendMode() || layoutObject()->hasMask(); }
bool isReflection() const { return layoutObject()->isReplica(); }
- PaintLayerReflectionInfo* reflectionInfo() { return m_reflectionInfo.get(); }
- const PaintLayerReflectionInfo* reflectionInfo() const { return m_reflectionInfo.get(); }
+ PaintLayerReflectionInfo* reflectionInfo() { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->reflectionInfo.get() : nullptr; }
+ const PaintLayerReflectionInfo* reflectionInfo() const { return const_cast<PaintLayer*>(this)->reflectionInfo(); }
const PaintLayer* root() const
@@ -225,12 +268,12 @@ public:
void updateLayerPositionsAfterLayout();
void updateLayerPositionsAfterOverflowScroll(const DoubleSize& scrollDelta);
- PaintLayer* enclosingPaginationLayer() const { return m_enclosingPaginationLayer; }
+ PaintLayer* enclosingPaginationLayer() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->enclosingPaginationLayer : nullptr; }
void updateTransformationMatrix();
PaintLayer* renderingContextRoot();
- const LayoutSize& offsetForInFlowPosition() const { return m_offsetForInFlowPosition; }
+ LayoutSize offsetForInFlowPosition() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->offsetForInFlowPosition : LayoutSize(); }
void addBlockSelectionGapsBounds(const LayoutRect&);
void clearBlockSelectionGapsBounds();
@@ -341,9 +384,7 @@ public:
bool hasTransformRelatedProperty() const { return layoutObject()->hasTransformRelatedProperty(); }
// Note that this transform has the transform-origin baked in.
- TransformationMatrix* transform() const { return m_transform.get(); }
- void setTransform(PassOwnPtr<TransformationMatrix> transform) { m_transform = transform; }
- void clearTransform() { m_transform.clear(); }
+ TransformationMatrix* transform() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->transform.get() : nullptr; }
// currentTransform computes a transform which takes accelerated animations into account. The
// resulting transform has transform-origin baked in. If the layer does not have a transform,
@@ -357,7 +398,7 @@ public:
TransformationMatrix perspectiveTransform() const;
FloatPoint perspectiveOrigin() const;
bool preserves3D() const { return layoutObject()->style()->transformStyle3D() == TransformStyle3DPreserve3D; }
- bool has3DTransform() const { return m_transform && !m_transform->isAffine(); }
+ bool has3DTransform() const { return m_rareData && m_rareData->transform && !m_rareData->transform->isAffine(); }
// FIXME: reflections should force transform-style to be flat in the style:
bool shouldPreserve3D() const { return !layoutObject()->hasReflection() && layoutObject()->style()->transformStyle3D() == TransformStyle3DPreserve3D; }
@@ -384,10 +425,10 @@ public:
// (and not just to do bookkeeping related to the mapping like, say, allocating or deallocating a mapping),
// then you may have incorrect logic. Use compositingState() instead.
// FIXME: This is identical to null checking compositedLayerMapping(), why not just call that?
- bool hasCompositedLayerMapping() const { return m_compositedLayerMapping.get(); }
+ bool hasCompositedLayerMapping() const { return m_rareData && m_rareData->compositedLayerMapping; }
void ensureCompositedLayerMapping();
void clearCompositedLayerMapping(bool layerBeingDestroyed = false);
- CompositedLayerMapping* groupedMapping() const { return m_groupedMapping; }
+ CompositedLayerMapping* groupedMapping() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->groupedMapping : nullptr; }
enum SetGroupMappingOptions {
@@ -466,31 +507,44 @@ public:
bool scrollsOverflow() const;
- CompositingReasons potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle() const { return m_potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle; }
- void setPotentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle(CompositingReasons reasons) { ASSERT(reasons == (reasons & CompositingReasonComboAllStyleDeterminedReasons)); m_potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle = reasons; }
+ CompositingReasons potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle : CompositingReasonNone; }
+ void setPotentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle(CompositingReasons reasons)
+ {
+ ASSERT(reasons == (reasons & CompositingReasonComboAllStyleDeterminedReasons));
+ if (m_rareData || reasons != CompositingReasonNone)
+ ensureRareData().potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle = reasons;
+ }
- bool hasStyleDeterminedDirectCompositingReasons() const { return m_potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle & CompositingReasonComboAllDirectStyleDeterminedReasons; }
+ bool hasStyleDeterminedDirectCompositingReasons() const { return potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle() & CompositingReasonComboAllDirectStyleDeterminedReasons; }
class AncestorDependentCompositingInputs {
- : opacityAncestor(0)
- , transformAncestor(0)
- , filterAncestor(0)
- , clippingContainer(0)
- , ancestorScrollingLayer(0)
- , nearestFixedPositionLayer(0)
- , scrollParent(0)
- , clipParent(0)
- , hasAncestorWithClipPath(false)
+ : clippingContainer(nullptr)
{ }
IntRect clippedAbsoluteBoundingBox;
+ const LayoutObject* clippingContainer;
+ };
+ class RareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs {
+ public:
+ RareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs()
+ : opacityAncestor(nullptr)
+ , transformAncestor(nullptr)
+ , filterAncestor(nullptr)
+ , ancestorScrollingLayer(nullptr)
+ , nearestFixedPositionLayer(nullptr)
+ , scrollParent(nullptr)
+ , clipParent(nullptr)
+ { }
+ bool isDefault() const { return !opacityAncestor && !transformAncestor && !filterAncestor && !ancestorScrollingLayer && !nearestFixedPositionLayer && !scrollParent && !clipParent; }
const PaintLayer* opacityAncestor;
const PaintLayer* transformAncestor;
const PaintLayer* filterAncestor;
- const LayoutObject* clippingContainer;
const PaintLayer* ancestorScrollingLayer;
const PaintLayer* nearestFixedPositionLayer;
@@ -508,20 +562,6 @@ public:
// needs to know about clip parents in order to circumvent its normal
// clipping logic.
const PaintLayer* clipParent;
- unsigned hasAncestorWithClipPath : 1;
- };
- class DescendantDependentCompositingInputs {
- public:
- DescendantDependentCompositingInputs()
- : hasDescendantWithClipPath(false)
- , hasNonIsolatedDescendantWithBlendMode(false)
- { }
- unsigned hasDescendantWithClipPath : 1;
- unsigned hasNonIsolatedDescendantWithBlendMode : 1;
void setNeedsCompositingInputsUpdate();
@@ -534,30 +574,27 @@ public:
return m_needsDescendantDependentCompositingInputsUpdate;
- void updateAncestorDependentCompositingInputs(const AncestorDependentCompositingInputs&);
- void updateDescendantDependentCompositingInputs(const DescendantDependentCompositingInputs&);
+ void updateAncestorDependentCompositingInputs(const AncestorDependentCompositingInputs&, const RareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs&, bool hasAncestorWithClipPath);
+ void updateDescendantDependentCompositingInputs(bool hasDescendantWithClipPath, bool hasNonIsolatedDescendantWithBlendMode);
void didUpdateCompositingInputs();
- const AncestorDependentCompositingInputs& ancestorDependentCompositingInputs() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_ancestorDependentCompositingInputs; }
- const DescendantDependentCompositingInputs& descendantDependentCompositingInputs() const { ASSERT(!m_needsDescendantDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_descendantDependentCompositingInputs; }
- IntRect clippedAbsoluteBoundingBox() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().clippedAbsoluteBoundingBox; }
- const PaintLayer* opacityAncestor() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().opacityAncestor; }
- const PaintLayer* transformAncestor() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().transformAncestor; }
- const PaintLayer* filterAncestor() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().filterAncestor; }
- const LayoutObject* clippingContainer() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().clippingContainer; }
- const PaintLayer* ancestorScrollingLayer() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().ancestorScrollingLayer; }
- const PaintLayer* nearestFixedPositionLayer() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().nearestFixedPositionLayer; }
- PaintLayer* scrollParent() const { return const_cast<PaintLayer*>(ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().scrollParent); }
- PaintLayer* clipParent() const { return const_cast<PaintLayer*>(ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().clipParent); }
- bool hasAncestorWithClipPath() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().hasAncestorWithClipPath; }
- bool hasDescendantWithClipPath() const { return descendantDependentCompositingInputs().hasDescendantWithClipPath; }
+ IntRect clippedAbsoluteBoundingBox() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_ancestorDependentCompositingInputs.clippedAbsoluteBoundingBox; }
+ const PaintLayer* opacityAncestor() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs ? m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs->opacityAncestor : nullptr; }
+ const PaintLayer* transformAncestor() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs ? m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs->transformAncestor : nullptr; }
+ const PaintLayer* filterAncestor() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs ? m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs->filterAncestor : nullptr; }
+ const LayoutObject* clippingContainer() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_ancestorDependentCompositingInputs.clippingContainer; }
+ const PaintLayer* ancestorScrollingLayer() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs ? m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs->ancestorScrollingLayer : nullptr; }
+ const PaintLayer* nearestFixedPositionLayer() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs ? m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs->nearestFixedPositionLayer : nullptr; }
+ const PaintLayer* scrollParent() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs ? m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs->scrollParent : nullptr; }
+ const PaintLayer* clipParent() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs ? m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs->clipParent : nullptr; }
+ bool hasAncestorWithClipPath() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_hasAncestorWithClipPath; }
+ bool hasDescendantWithClipPath() const { ASSERT(!m_needsDescendantDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_hasDescendantWithClipPath; }
bool hasNonIsolatedDescendantWithBlendMode() const;
bool lostGroupedMapping() const { ASSERT(isAllowedToQueryCompositingState()); return m_lostGroupedMapping; }
void setLostGroupedMapping(bool b) { m_lostGroupedMapping = b; }
- CompositingReasons compositingReasons() const { ASSERT(isAllowedToQueryCompositingState()); return m_compositingReasons; }
+ CompositingReasons compositingReasons() const { ASSERT(isAllowedToQueryCompositingState()); return m_rareData ? m_rareData->compositingReasons : CompositingReasonNone; }
void setCompositingReasons(CompositingReasons, CompositingReasons mask = CompositingReasonAll);
bool hasCompositingDescendant() const { ASSERT(isAllowedToQueryCompositingState()); return m_hasCompositingDescendant; }
@@ -713,7 +750,14 @@ private:
void markCompositingContainerChainForNeedsRepaint();
- PaintLayerType m_layerType;
+ PaintLayerRareData& ensureRareData()
+ {
+ if (!m_rareData)
+ m_rareData = adoptPtr(new PaintLayerRareData);
+ return *m_rareData;
+ }
+ unsigned m_layerType : 2; // PaintLayerType
// Self-painting layer is an optimization where we avoid the heavy Layer painting
// machinery for a Layer allocated only to handle the overflow clip case.
@@ -770,6 +814,11 @@ private:
unsigned m_needsPaintPhaseDescendantOutlines : 1;
unsigned m_needsPaintPhaseFloat : 1;
+ // These bitfields are part of ancestor/descendant dependent compositing inputs.
+ unsigned m_hasDescendantWithClipPath : 1;
+ unsigned m_hasNonIsolatedDescendantWithBlendMode : 1;
+ unsigned m_hasAncestorWithClipPath : 1;
LayoutBoxModelObject* m_layoutObject;
PaintLayer* m_parent;
@@ -778,9 +827,6 @@ private:
PaintLayer* m_first;
PaintLayer* m_last;
- // Our current relative position offset.
- LayoutSize m_offsetForInFlowPosition;
// Our (x,y) coordinates are in our parent layer's coordinate space.
LayoutPoint m_location;
@@ -794,44 +840,19 @@ private:
LayoutUnit m_staticInlinePosition;
LayoutUnit m_staticBlockPosition;
- OwnPtr<TransformationMatrix> m_transform;
- // Pointer to the enclosing Layer that caused us to be paginated. It is 0 if we are not paginated.
- //
- // See LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread and
- //
- // for more information about the multicol implementation. It's important to understand the
- // difference between flow thread coordinates and visual coordinates when working with multicol
- // in Layer, since Layer is one of the few places where we have to worry about the
- // visual ones. Internally we try to use flow-thread coordinates whenever possible.
- PaintLayer* m_enclosingPaginationLayer;
- // These compositing reasons are updated whenever style changes, not while updating compositing layers.
- // They should not be used to infer the compositing state of this layer.
- CompositingReasons m_potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle;
- // Once computed, indicates all that a layer needs to become composited using the CompositingReasons enum bitfield.
- CompositingReasons m_compositingReasons;
- DescendantDependentCompositingInputs m_descendantDependentCompositingInputs;
AncestorDependentCompositingInputs m_ancestorDependentCompositingInputs;
+ OwnPtr<RareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs> m_rareAncestorDependentCompositingInputs;
- IntRect m_blockSelectionGapsBounds;
- OwnPtr<CompositedLayerMapping> m_compositedLayerMapping;
OwnPtrWillBePersistent<PaintLayerScrollableArea> m_scrollableArea;
- CompositedLayerMapping* m_groupedMapping;
PaintLayerClipper m_clipper; // FIXME: Lazily allocate?
OwnPtr<PaintLayerStackingNode> m_stackingNode;
- OwnPtr<PaintLayerReflectionInfo> m_reflectionInfo;
- LayoutSize m_subpixelAccumulation; // The accumulated subpixel offset of a composited layer's composited bounds compared to absolute coordinates.
IntSize m_previousScrollOffsetAccumulationForPainting;
RefPtr<ClipRects> m_previousPaintingClipRects;
LayoutRect m_previousPaintDirtyRect;
+ OwnPtr<PaintLayerRareData> m_rareData;
} // namespace blink

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