1 # ====== Oilpan-only failures from here ====== | 1 # ====== Oilpan-only failures from here ====== |
2 # Most of these actually cause the tests to report success, rather than | 2 # Most of these actually cause the tests to report success, rather than |
3 # failure. Expected outputs will be adjusted for the better once Oilpan | 3 # failure. Expected outputs will be adjusted for the better once Oilpan |
4 # has been well and truly enabled always. | 4 # has been well and truly enabled always. |
5 | 5 |
6 # With Oilpan, the parent pointer in the CSSRule hierarchy is | 6 # With Oilpan, the parent pointer in the CSSRule hierarchy is |
7 # strong. This is the intended behavior. | 7 # strong. This is the intended behavior. |
8 crbug.com/345630 fast/dom/StyleSheet/gc-parent-rule.html [ Failure ] | 8 crbug.com/345630 fast/dom/StyleSheet/gc-parent-rule.html [ Failure ] |
9 crbug.com/345630 fast/dom/StyleSheet/gc-parent-stylesheet.html [ Failure ] | 9 crbug.com/345630 fast/dom/StyleSheet/gc-parent-stylesheet.html [ Failure ] |
10 crbug.com/345655 fast/dom/StyleSheet/detached-parent-rule-without-wrapper.html [
Failure ] | 10 crbug.com/345655 fast/dom/StyleSheet/detached-parent-rule-without-wrapper.html [
Failure ] |
(...skipping 175 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
186 crbug.com/520613 http/tests/cache/freshness-header.html [ Failure Pass ] | 186 crbug.com/520613 http/tests/cache/freshness-header.html [ Failure Pass ] |
187 crbug.com/520614 http/tests/w3c/webperf/submission/Intel/resource-timing/test_re
source_timing_buffer_size_restriction.html [ Failure Pass ] | 187 crbug.com/520614 http/tests/w3c/webperf/submission/Intel/resource-timing/test_re
source_timing_buffer_size_restriction.html [ Failure Pass ] |
188 crbug.com/520619 [ Android Mac Linux XP Win7 ] webexposed/global-interface-listi
ng.html [ Pass Timeout ] | 188 crbug.com/520619 [ Android Mac Linux XP Win7 ] webexposed/global-interface-listi
ng.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
189 crbug.com/520194 http/tests/xmlhttprequest/timeout/xmlhttprequest-timeout-worker
-overridesexpires.html [ Failure Pass ] | 189 crbug.com/520194 http/tests/xmlhttprequest/timeout/xmlhttprequest-timeout-worker
-overridesexpires.html [ Failure Pass ] |
190 crbug.com/520199 [ Mac ] plugins/plugin-initiate-popup-window.html [ Failure Pas
s ] | 190 crbug.com/520199 [ Mac ] plugins/plugin-initiate-popup-window.html [ Failure Pas
s ] |
191 crbug.com/518967 [ Win7 ] http/tests/htmlimports/csp-import-block-but-nonce-nest
ed.html [ Failure Pass Timeout ] | 191 crbug.com/518967 [ Win7 ] http/tests/htmlimports/csp-import-block-but-nonce-nest
ed.html [ Failure Pass Timeout ] |
192 crbug.com/448461 http/tests/loading/simple-subframe.html [ Failure Pass Timeout
] | 192 crbug.com/448461 http/tests/loading/simple-subframe.html [ Failure Pass Timeout
] |
193 crbug.com/339597 http/tests/navigation/back-to-redirect-with-frame.php [ Pass Ti
meout ] | 193 crbug.com/339597 http/tests/navigation/back-to-redirect-with-frame.php [ Pass Ti
meout ] |
194 crbug.com/473718 http/tests/navigation/beacon-cross-origin-redirect.html [ Failu
re Pass ] | 194 crbug.com/473718 http/tests/navigation/beacon-cross-origin-redirect.html [ Failu
re Pass ] |
195 | 195 |
| 196 crbug.com/231612 css3/filters/effect-reference-composite-hw.html [ NeedsRebaseli
ne ] |
| 197 crbug.com/231612 css3/filters/effect-reference-composite.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 198 crbug.com/231612 fast/svg/whitespace-length.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 199 crbug.com/231612 svg/css/parse-length.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 200 crbug.com/231612 svg/custom/disallow-non-lengths-in-attrs.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 201 crbug.com/231612 svg/custom/invalid-length-units.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 202 crbug.com/231612 svg/custom/invalid-lengthlist.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 203 crbug.com/231612 svg/custom/svg-length-rem-crash.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 204 crbug.com/231612 svg/custom/svg-parse-overflow-1.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 205 crbug.com/231612 svg/custom/svg-parse-overflow-2.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 206 crbug.com/231612 svg/custom/svg-parse-overflow-3.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 207 crbug.com/231612 svg/custom/svg-parse-overflow-4.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 208 crbug.com/231612 svg/custom/svg-parse-overflow-5.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 209 crbug.com/231612 svg/hixie/error/001.xml [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 210 crbug.com/231612 svg/parser/whitespace-length-invalid-1.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 211 crbug.com/231612 svg/parser/whitespace-length-invalid-2.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 212 |
196 crbug.com/410974 fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scrollstate-basic.htm
l [ Pass Failure ] | 213 crbug.com/410974 fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scrollstate-basic.htm
l [ Pass Failure ] |
197 crbug.com/410974 fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scrollstate-consume-d
eltas.html [ Pass Failure ] | 214 crbug.com/410974 fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scrollstate-consume-d
eltas.html [ Pass Failure ] |
198 crbug.com/410974 fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scrollstate-consume-d
eltas-throw.html [ Pass Failure ] | 215 crbug.com/410974 fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scrollstate-consume-d
eltas-throw.html [ Pass Failure ] |
199 crbug.com/410974 fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scrollstate-distribut
e-to-scroll-chain-descendant.html [ Pass Failure ] | 216 crbug.com/410974 fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scrollstate-distribut
e-to-scroll-chain-descendant.html [ Pass Failure ] |
200 crbug.com/410974 fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/touch-scroll-customiz
ation.html [ Pass Failure ] | 217 crbug.com/410974 fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/touch-scroll-customiz
ation.html [ Pass Failure ] |
201 | 218 |
202 crbug.com/410974 virtual/threaded/fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scro
llstate-basic.html [ Pass Failure ] | 219 crbug.com/410974 virtual/threaded/fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scro
llstate-basic.html [ Pass Failure ] |
203 crbug.com/410974 virtual/threaded/fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scro
llstate-consume-deltas.html [ Pass Failure ] | 220 crbug.com/410974 virtual/threaded/fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scro
llstate-consume-deltas.html [ Pass Failure ] |
204 crbug.com/410974 virtual/threaded/fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scro
llstate-consume-deltas-throw.html [ Pass Failure ] | 221 crbug.com/410974 virtual/threaded/fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scro
llstate-consume-deltas-throw.html [ Pass Failure ] |
205 crbug.com/410974 virtual/threaded/fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scro
llstate-distribute-to-scroll-chain-descendant.html [ Pass Failure ] | 222 crbug.com/410974 virtual/threaded/fast/scroll-behavior/scroll-customization/scro
llstate-distribute-to-scroll-chain-descendant.html [ Pass Failure ] |
(...skipping 1423 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
1629 crbug.com/516751 svg/custom/pointer-events-image-css-transform.svg [ NeedsRebase
line ] | 1646 crbug.com/516751 svg/custom/pointer-events-image-css-transform.svg [ NeedsRebase
line ] |
1630 crbug.com/516751 svg/custom/pointer-events-image.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] | 1647 crbug.com/516751 svg/custom/pointer-events-image.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
1631 crbug.com/516751 svg/hixie/perf/004.xml [ NeedsRebaseline ] | 1648 crbug.com/516751 svg/hixie/perf/004.xml [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
1632 | 1649 |
1633 crbug.com/579365 [ Mac ] fast/replaced/border-radius-clip.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] | 1650 crbug.com/579365 [ Mac ] fast/replaced/border-radius-clip.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
1634 | 1651 |
1635 crbug.com/573206 http/tests/workers/shared-worker-secure-context.https.html [ Sk
ip ] | 1652 crbug.com/573206 http/tests/workers/shared-worker-secure-context.https.html [ Sk
ip ] |
1636 | 1653 |
1637 crbug.com/579151 editing/deleting/delete-to-select-table.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] | 1654 crbug.com/579151 editing/deleting/delete-to-select-table.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
1638 crbug.com/579151 editing/inserting/insert-div-018.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] | 1655 crbug.com/579151 editing/inserting/insert-div-018.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |