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Unified Diff: src/

Issue 1617503003: [Atomics] code stubs for atomic operations (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: merge master + reduce kSlotIndexBits Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index be780bf92802a8f4828eac591f4af1d2d020f74b..d054916db0a700e330ea3aac6abf859d0ec4226a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -5145,6 +5145,143 @@ void Builtins::Generate_StackCheck(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+namespace {
+void ValidateSharedTypedArray(compiler::CodeStubAssembler* a,
+ compiler::Node* tagged, compiler::Node* context) {
+ using namespace compiler;
+ CodeStubAssembler::Label is_smi(a), not_smi(a), is_typed_array(a),
+ not_typed_array(a), is_shared(a), not_shared(a), is_float_or_clamped(a),
+ not_float_or_clamped(a), invalid(a);
+ // Fail if it is not a heap object.
+ a->Branch(a->WordIsSmi(tagged), &is_smi, &not_smi);
+ a->Bind(&is_smi);
+ a->Goto(&invalid);
+ // Fail if the array's instance type is not JSTypedArray.
+ a->Bind(&not_smi);
+ a->Branch(a->WordEqual(a->LoadInstanceType(tagged),
+ a->Int32Constant(JS_TYPED_ARRAY_TYPE)),
+ &is_typed_array, &not_typed_array);
+ a->Bind(&not_typed_array);
+ a->Goto(&invalid);
+ // Fail if the array's JSArrayBuffer is not shared.
+ a->Bind(&is_typed_array);
+ Node* is_buffer_shared =
+ a->BitFieldDecode<JSArrayBuffer::IsShared>(a->LoadObjectField(
+ a->LoadObjectField(tagged, JSTypedArray::kBufferOffset),
+ JSArrayBuffer::kBitFieldOffset));
+ a->Branch(is_buffer_shared, &is_shared, &not_shared);
+ a->Bind(&not_shared);
+ a->Goto(&invalid);
+ // Fail if the array's element type is float32, float64 or clamped.
+ a->Bind(&is_shared);
+ Node* elements_instance_type = a->LoadInstanceType(
+ a->LoadObjectField(tagged, JSObject::kElementsOffset));
+ a->Branch(a->Int32LessThan(elements_instance_type,
+ a->Int32Constant(FIXED_FLOAT32_ARRAY_TYPE)),
+ &not_float_or_clamped, &is_float_or_clamped);
+ a->Bind(&is_float_or_clamped);
+ a->Goto(&invalid);
+ a->Bind(&invalid);
+ a->CallRuntime(Runtime::kThrowNotIntegerSharedTypedArrayError, context,
+ tagged);
+ a->Return(a->UndefinedConstant());
+ a->Bind(&not_float_or_clamped);
+compiler::Node* ConvertTaggedAtomicIndexToWord32(compiler::CodeStubAssembler* a,
+ compiler::Node* tagged,
+ compiler::Node* context) {
+ using namespace compiler;
+ CodeStubAssembler::Variable var_result(a, MachineRepresentation::kWord32);
+ Callable to_number = CodeFactory::ToNumber(a->isolate());
+ Node* number_index = a->CallStub(to_number, context, tagged);
+ CodeStubAssembler::Label done(a, &var_result);
+ CodeStubAssembler::Label if_numberissmi(a), if_numberisnotsmi(a);
+ a->Branch(a->WordIsSmi(number_index), &if_numberissmi, &if_numberisnotsmi);
+ a->Bind(&if_numberissmi);
+ {
+ var_result.Bind(a->SmiToWord32(number_index));
+ a->Goto(&done);
+ }
+ a->Bind(&if_numberisnotsmi);
+ {
+ Node* number_index_value = a->LoadHeapNumberValue(number_index);
+ Node* access_index = a->TruncateFloat64ToInt32(number_index_value);
+ Node* test_index = a->ChangeInt32ToFloat64(access_index);
+ CodeStubAssembler::Label if_indexesareequal(a), if_indexesarenotequal(a);
+ a->Branch(a->Float64Equal(number_index_value, test_index),
+ &if_indexesareequal, &if_indexesarenotequal);
+ a->Bind(&if_indexesareequal);
+ {
+ var_result.Bind(access_index);
+ a->Goto(&done);
+ }
+ a->Bind(&if_indexesarenotequal);
+ a->Return(
+ a->CallRuntime(Runtime::kThrowInvalidAtomicAccessIndexError, context));
+ }
+ a->Bind(&done);
+ return var_result.value();
+void ValidateAtomicIndex(compiler::CodeStubAssembler* a,
+ compiler::Node* index_word,
+ compiler::Node* array_length_word,
+ compiler::Node* context) {
+ using namespace compiler;
+ // Check if the index is in bounds. If not, throw RangeError.
+ CodeStubAssembler::Label if_inbounds(a), if_notinbounds(a);
+ a->Branch(
+ a->WordOr(a->Int32LessThan(index_word, a->Int32Constant(0)),
+ a->Int32GreaterThanOrEqual(index_word, array_length_word)),
+ &if_notinbounds, &if_inbounds);
+ a->Bind(&if_notinbounds);
+ a->Return(
+ a->CallRuntime(Runtime::kThrowInvalidAtomicAccessIndexError, context));
+ a->Bind(&if_inbounds);
+} // anonymous namespace
+void Builtins::Generate_AtomicsLoadCheck(compiler::CodeStubAssembler* a) {
+ using namespace compiler;
+ Isolate* isolate = a->isolate();
+ Node* array = a->Parameter(1);
+ Node* index = a->Parameter(2);
+ Node* context = a->Parameter(3 + 2);
+ ValidateSharedTypedArray(a, array, context);
+ Node* index_word = ConvertTaggedAtomicIndexToWord32(a, index, context);
+ Node* array_length_word = a->TruncateTaggedToWord32(
+ context, a->LoadObjectField(array, JSTypedArray::kLengthOffset));
+ ValidateAtomicIndex(a, index_word, array_length_word, context);
+ Callable atomics_load = CodeFactory::AtomicsLoad(isolate);
+ Node* target = a->HeapConstant(atomics_load.code());
+ a->Return(a->CallStub(atomics_load.descriptor(), target, context, array,
+ index_word));
#define DEFINE_BUILTIN_ACCESSOR_C(name, ignore) \
Handle<Code> Builtins::name() { \
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